KCrrittR CAItTTT-TIMtS. Thursday. Tbroarf iL H '"" J. -iSi tTrammn iirrrraivii rtiw at. GAZETTE-TIMES Bppfkt. Ore fTtM The Hrppiwr Gatettt ettablUhed March issj. Th Heppner 1912. NATIONAL NtWS'AMt r bfjjriig.'.!iMiia NtWSMMt fUHIIHIII ASSOCIATION WTSLET A. SHERMAN Editor and rubUshr BCIXN C SHE1MAN Associate rublUhte Offic Hourt: 8 am. to 6 pjn, Monday through Friday; 9 .nt until lunn CatuMav. Subscription Rates: J450 Yea. Single Cory 10 Cents. Published Every Thursday and Entered at the l"oat UHice at iicppner, uitKuu, ai Decona juauer. Tired American Speaks Out (From Luverne, Minn., Rock County Herald, via Burns Times-Herald) I am a tired American. I'm tired of being called the URly American. I'm tired of having the world panhandler! use my country as a whipping boy 365 days a year. 1 am a tired American weary of having American em bassies and Information centers stoned, burned and sacked by mobs operating under orders from dictators who preach peace and breed conflict I am a tired American weary of being lectured by Gen eral de Gaulle (who never won a battle) who poses as a sec ond Jehovah In righteousness and wisdom. I am a tired American weary of Nasser and all the other blood sucking leeches who bleed Uncle Sam white and who kick him on the shins and yank his beard if the flow falters. I am a tired American weary of the beatniks who say they should have the right to determine what laws of the land they are willing to obey. t , .. I am a tired American fed up with the mobs of scabby faced, long haired youths and short-haired girls who claim they represent the "new wave" of America and who sneer at the old fashioned virtues of honesty, integrity and morality on which America grew to greatness. I am a tired American weary unto death of having my tax dollars go to dictators who play both ends against the middle with threats of what will happen if we cut the gold en stream of dollars. I am a tired American who Is tired of supporting families who haven't shown any other source of income other than government relief checks for three generations. I am a tired American who is getting madder by the min ute at the filth peddlers who have launched Americans in an obscenity race who try to foist on us the belief that filth Is an integral part of culture in the arts, the movies, the lit erature, the stage. I am a tired American weary of the bearded bums who tramp the picket lines and the sit-ins who prefer Chinese communism to capitalism who see no evil in Castro, but sneer at President Johnson as a threat to peace. . I am a tired American who has lost all patience with that civil rights group, which Is showing propaganda motives on college campuses from coast to coast Movies denouncing the United States. Movies made in Communist China. I am a tired American who is angered by the self-righteous critics of America, at home and abroad, who set im possible yardsticks for the United States but never apply the same standards to the Ftench. the British, the Russians, the Chinese. I am a tired American sickened by the alackjawed bigots who wrap themselves In bedsheets In the dead of night and roam the countryside looking for Innocent victims. I am a tired American who dislikes clergymen who have made a career out of integration causes, yet send their own children to private schools. I am a tired American who resents those who try to ped dle the belief in schools and colleges that capitalism is a dirty word and that free enterprise and private initiative are only synonyms for greed. They say they hate capitalism, but they are always right at the head of the line demanding their share of the American way of life. I am a tired American real tired of those who are trying to sell mc the belief that America is not the greatest nation dedicated to the policy of trying to help the "have nots" achieve some of the good things which our system of free en terprise brought about I am an American who gets a lump in his throat when he hears the "Star Spangled Banner" and who holds back tears when he hears the chilling high notes of the brass trum pets when Old Glory reaches the top of the flag pole. I am a tired American who thanks a merciful Lord that he was so lucky as to be born an American citizen a nation under God, with truly mercy and Justice for all. Chaff nd Chatter Wes Sherman WHF.N PON BRISTOW sent In a copy of the national ivi co niaifailne. Minted In lilt noia, March, ifol ttu. he tentjtlon condition, although thev ua currying la ao wm re searching In an article. "When the Mon ,u ctntiiwv, - th macazln Plc tured reproductions of Iicppner sticfivskin scrip wnicn wa primeu OV in v.rr-.... hUl.irv 1 1 1 i v v a -------- " . x a m - ft , . ana lUa VV DUiinmnirn v .... .... . L i w . i the cty during the drprmlon " lm l the local timet r.t fiontv nut us on the trail when he acruralrly told us it was In circulation In lleppner in ivu w Kim have the old KhMt.kln nlatea In our rouses tton. handed down through the various owners or me oaten Times, Aft. Fd'a clue. It wasn't ha In nl.-lr tin th atorv In the 1933 ana Umi u-l met, nrn vaw tor and Spencer Crawford were pubiuners. At nearlv as we can deter mine. IVan T. Goodman flrtt nmuwisl th sctId at a Lions club meting "to aid In earn ing on local retail punnets. This was reported In the Feb ruarv 2. 1933. Issue of the Ca rctte-Times. Dunlins th atorv. "He stated that the community was facing a serious question In the nana- Una nf warrant of both the ritv and school districts. Teach pr rtarttrularlv. were not able to get cash on their warrants and this was working nartisnip on them ana making u impos cikIa m rind th mom'v to meot their actual and pressing needs; this In turn, is iorcing tnem to go elsewhere and put up their warrants in exchange for the merchandise they are compelled to have, it nas. as a matter 01 fact, become Impossible to a larin. extent for the local mer chant to finance the situation." The idea took hold, and Ma or Gay M. Anderson appoint ed a committee composed ot Goodman as chairman. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Josephine Klihniwv Jrwt J. Nva. S. E. Not- son. Earl Eskelson and Spencer Crawford to form plans to be presented at a mass meeting. The 50 at the ensuing mass mxtinir voted almost unani mously for a $5000 issue of the scrip to be secured by warrants of school districts, city and county and redeemable the fol lowing year. Denominations of 5c, 25c. jOc. $1. $5, and $10 were tentatively decided upon. Th nlan adonted Dermitted the holders of warrants to dis pose of them not to exceed J per month, taking a live per cent discount The scrip given them was received by business houses at face value as mon ey. It was Issued March 1. 1934, and the March 2 paper report ed that it was creating a sen sation around the state. Much of it disappeared at once, going into hands of collectors. , A March 16 headline in the paper said. "Business Smiles at Scrip Results. 'Sheepskin' Fame Goes Like Magic, Easing Taut Coun- Local Trade Aiaea, TO THE EDITOR. . . Dear Editor: For years, in fact ever since the Library-Museum was do nated by Mrs. Amanda Duvall, I've meant to say a few words of thanks and gratitude for the generous gifts to our communi ty. It is such a fine beautiful building for all of us to be proud of, and a privilege to be able to take our friends and relatives from out of town there to enjoy many of the important objects and items relating to our country's past history. To me it's much to be thankful for, that so many things can be pre served for future generations to enjoy. With the old county sheds and junk yard removed, the grounds have really made a radical change for the better ment of the town. Since I look that way every day of my life, I have a chance to enjoy it more than most people in town. And I should have spoken up much sooner to give Vic Grosh ens, Wayne Harsin and Bob Dobbs a lot of commendation and praise for their loyal and hard efforts to keep the park in such a splendid condition. In the summer time it is a joy to hear the many happy voices of children at play in their part of the play ground. Again, my thanks to Mrs. Du vall for being such a generous person to our Morrow county. And mv sincere thanks to all concerned. Mrs. Lois Winchester Service Held Friday For Minnie Evans Funeral services were held Friday, February 18, for Mrs. Frank (Minnie) Evans in Red lands, Calif., according to word received by friends here. Mrs. Evans was a former res ident of Lexington and Hepp-ner. l0nanpp in iui j i ao you Know wnere a mtui to Date to Help Teachers, May b a fishing outfit cheap? Ho rivl Rpnpfit " I Those elected to administer the plan were Goodman, L. E. RisHp chas. Thompson. D. A. Wilson. Spencer Crawford L. L. Gilliam, secretary. By January 11. 1934, the oa- itorial. Heppner had been with out a in 1932. First National was to of open a branch here in a iewi 4re Pracfriont Franklin D Roosevelt had taken office about week the time the scrip was issued, and by the first of 1934, half of the scrip had been redeemed. Gonty said that there was very little in evidence by the end of 1934. Probably quite a few old timers have the 6crip in their possession as of now. Some people confuse the Lucky Bucks which were prim ed on leather in 1961 and 1962 with the Sheepskin Bucks, but ih Luckv Burkt were only a nu'rvhanUUing promotion and were not brought on by depret too, r an avaricious reception by collector. li'T niT u a l(vt n tee Publl cation, 'The Coup rat I ve Weather Observer" lua Py weather observers In communl ti.-a ai-nuui th nation and In cluilet biographical sketches of tho who have been In the volunteer weather service for many years. Thr I a nti- wrltaHin ahout iMinaril I. (Illljinl on tiar 10t of the publication. Thlt delights ut, of course, because he It to faithful In giving ut in week ly weather record for publica tion and we have a special af fection for him. We don't have room to get the sketch in this little 8 page tiarx-r thlt wevk. but will re print It next week. He is in his 33rd year as a tk-nathA nKkrv'r at nH lA.a atJt V congratulations to him again. IT SEEMS the trout are getting bilker every day at a certain place south of Heppner where a few people have been tith ing through the Ice the past winter, and here la a story to substantiate the fact. This Is no tall fish story. A rvrtaln euv from lleonner decided he'd go fishing one day last week. His partner, who had other business In the area, drop- oed him off at his favorite llsh- Ing spot, and said he'd return for him In a couple hours. So our fisherman cut a hole In the ice. baited his hook and drop- oed It in the water. In lust a few minutes down went the hnhbor. He reeled in. but no fish, and the bait gone. Cn h Hwldxl "If ho likri the taste of my eggs, I'll give him some more. IIa nut nn mnr bait and DTO- -MHri a rwfnr But this time our fisherman decided he need ed a chaw of tobacco. Placing the rod and reel very careluiiy on his fish sack within easy reach, hook and bobber in the water, he leisurely sat oacx on his haunches to cut a chaw from his favorite plug of chew ing tobacco. Before he ever got the tobacco into his mouth, down went the bobber out of ieht He made a wild grab lor the rod. but it wasn't there. He could see the rod heading for the open hole, and grabbed aoaln hut tnA late. Bobber, line. rod and reel disappeared down the hole, ine iisnermans ursi reaction was. "This Just can't happen to me!" whan hl nartnpr returned. the dejected fisherman was sit ting beside a fire near the road, no fish and no gear. The partner said. "How's the fishing?" "Well, it's a long story," was the fisherman's reply. Inf-Mnntallv nn the street one day last week Owen Leath ers was heard to inquire, "bay, do you know wnere a man can Justice Goodwin Seeks Reelection Jutlr Alfred T. Goodwin filed In Salem Monday for re election to the Otrson Suifrnve Court. A vetrrtn ol eleven years' combined judicial mvyIc, Jut Ue (ioodwin moed up to the Supreme Court In March. VM'A after nerving at a circuit Jude In KMgrn. He wat appointed to hit ptewnt oiit!on by Governor Mark O. Hatfield and was elect, ed to a tlx year term In the general elections of IJktX During hit lerm on the Su prrme Court. JuMle Goodwin has been the author of more than 2V opinion, several ol uhl.-h have been reprinted In the textbooks uted In the lead inir law schools of the country In addition to his work on the court, he has served on the l on stltutlonal RevUlon Commission and It presently chairman c the iolnt committee of the Ba Proa and Broadcasters, which workt for the Improvement relations between the courts and the news media. Unusual Water Rite Set Below McNory th ator and It fit the scales W H.in't know who corned the scales Put It Deicneu more coins than a one-armed bandit at Lai Vreat after someone hit the Jackpot. Th rolna filUnt two Urge sled paper tackt. and there It a llhoral anrlnkllnir nf the old pennlet In the bunch, as well as dimes ana prooaoiy oincrt. ItaitoubtiMllv the Murray fam ilv will have an Interesting time checking for rare pennlet before they are reaay to turn them In. HALF-DOLLARS may be scarce Kn thora will ha no short a pe and of pennies In circulation In this area now. . All the vears Mee and Kod zette-Times showed great cause Murray have been In the drug for rejoicing in a front page ed- store business here they have Heppner naa Deen wuu- iu . y -- bank since their closing the scales that stands In front their store, weighing custo- few mers at a penny per. But Eureka! Someone tnis discovered a key about COMMUNITY BILLBOARD Coming Events BASKETBALL Friday. February 25. Burns at Heppner Saturday. February 26. Grant Union at Heppner Dance following game. High School multipurpose room. Jayvees. 6:30 p.m.. Varsity 8:00 p.m. Support the Mustangs! SKI FAIR Arbuckle Mountain Sunday. Feb. 27 Ski races for all ages p.m. at 2 JAYCEE BASKETBALL Professional glrla' team, the Redheads, versus local players March 6, 8 p.m.. High School Gym. SOPHOMORE WEEK-END Cake Auction, Friday night's game Car wash, Saturday, Fulle- ton's, 10 to 2 Dance after Saturday night game, High School. SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency P. O. Box 847 PH. 67S-962S Beppoet I'Uhernien. tun!, plitiUli rt, and U!li Ut the Columbia River and banks dnwnatrrain from McNary I'am are warned if unotoiat Mm ami falU le tween Sunday writing. Kvhru ary 27. and Ftldty rvenlng. XUrth 4 Tit V. 5 Army Crpt f Vn-gtne-rt vaIII conduct nrirv4iv Mmrr Mklng slu.lua which will at aboul eight hourt dur Ing four days of the five day petlod. Beginning about 6 pm. each night during the tt period, the water It eM'evled to ri ami fall at much at 11 et In the McNary downstream l. 10 feet at Paterton. 7 tvrt at Ar lington, and at much a 5 Iff' downstream to John Pay Dam McNary Ketervolr. tUke Wal lulai, can be enxHi.! to flue tuate about 3 feet during the pcriodt, and Increa In current velocity acconlingly. River UM-rt are cautioned to M, rtirnrly . arrf ul In paiklng aulomobllet r.ulprncnt. and In wa.llng or iH.ating dutlng Ihrte llioea. The flusluallona downtream fnin The l-ll gteater. Ihe Cm1' anm.uiuTd and all pold piecauilont ami safety niraut should b ob arrve.1 thttHJuhoot lh area. Hold Joint Meeting Three 4 II clubt. Buv Beavert. Buttona and Rowi and Hard Working Bcea, met at Kaihy Crum'a home February 5. For roll call we named hinds f ma trrlals. Mrs. Ruth McCab show ed Ut how to ut different thread with material". She showed how to -hange a med le on a tewing machine. Last month w went to an officer't training school at Heppner. Karen Crowell. reporter DANCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 LEGION HALL SPRAY, ORE. To Music Of The Westcrnecrs Admission SMS Jr Feeto Dan cinq From IOiOO F.M. CVtXTONC WCLCOMCI GOOD NEWS IN COSMETICS For A Limited Time EAU De Toilette SPRAY MIST $2.00 The Fragrance Paris is Wearing Now Jolie Madame By Balmain Now We Have The New LUNAR LOOK From Rexall As Advertised In VOGUE and SEVENTEEN. Cosmetics for Lovcllnets that axe light years ahead of their time Powder Eye Shadow Lipstick Nail Enamel Murrays Rexall Drug Heppner Ph. 676-9610 fJOTlOE The County Court has issued an order that all dogs in Morrow county must be licensed. UNTIL MARCH 1, the fees will be: $1-Males $1 -Spayed Females $2-Females AFTER MARCH 1, the fees will be: $2-Males $2-Spayed Females $4-Females Unlicensed dogs will be subject to im poundment. Licenses are obtainable at County Clerk's office. Fee for impounded dogs is $1 a day for 5 days. AFTER FIVE DAYS, UNCLAIMED DOGS WILL BE DESTROYED. C. J. D. Bauman Sheriff mmw em u w . u nrnr??i May & Main Streets, Heppner Thi la th Mprrnrv Park Lane-evervthina vou've ever wanted in the way disc brakes and a speed control for pre-setting desired lop speed. You'll of performance, power and styling, including optional power discover the finest riae tnis siae 01 me uncom uomineniaii