RCrrNEI CAirTTE TIMES. ThuredaT. rbnarT Freshmen Crush Condon, 51-19 ltniknr Hleh frehmen got h.k on ihe winnine track Jan uarv by romping to an eaay M19 basketball victory over the Condon fxosh. Led bv the 13 point first half effort of Calvin Ashbeck. the rooks took an early lead and were never headed.- Heppner commanded at the first rest, 13 4, and the second quarter wat Just as lopsided, as the Mustang rosh went Into the dressing room with 21-7 half-time lead. Ashbeck was the only man cm either squad to break Into double figure, as he popied In 17 and did his usual fine board Job. The other two of the Ashbeck triplets also figured in the scoring, as Alvtn totaled 8 and Mel v in 6. CONDON FROSH H An derson 5, Johnson 4. Gilliam 6, T. Bums, J. Burns. Tomblon, I'psald. Weimar. Mercer. Hus ton. Barnett 2. Pavne 2. HEPPNF.R FROSH (511 O' Donnell 4. Mealy. Kindle 4. A. Ashbeck R. Kemp 6. M. Ashbeck 6. C. Ashbeck 17. Evans. Petty John 6. Smith. Dickson. Bloods worth. . HOSPITAL NEWS Patients wno were aamiuea 10 Pioneer Memorial hospital dur-j Ins the past week, and are still receiving medical care, are the) following: Nellie Mahon. Hepp-j rter; Kenneth Howard. Heppner- notiu I wforH Raker! Leta Leu- ' ,., - uTi.w neuer. neppnrr uu wiiui ....... oson. lone. . - , . Thnu u hA were ldmiura ior , -- Aim January u iu iir u .. a-s- medical care and wT ater dls. of CouW Dam missed, were the lnK;.'' jwash. where Mr. Rhodes Is his ter Perry. Fossil; . tory Instructor and athletic Heppner; John Nielson. Hepp-h , Junior Hij,n school, per; Martha Lane. Heppner. n. baby joins a brother Steven Schel Kinzua. Louis Bradley who Is two years Mr. and Mrs. James bhaw oi . , Condon axe parents of a 6 lb.. . w,vland Hyatt 7t oz. dauchter. born Tiay; I January 28. She has been named Jackie Sue, and Joins five oth cr children in ine iamuy. McMurdo Attends Heart Symposium Dr. A. D. McMurdo was among the physicians who attended the Orpimn Academy of General Practice Symposium on myocar dial infarction (heart attacks) held Friday, January 23. at the Sheraton Motor Inn In Portland. Dr. and Mrs. McMurdo trav eled to Portland by train from the Hin'ile station. They attend ed the noon banquet together. Among the out standing speakers on the symposium were John A. Spttell of the Mayo Clinic. Earl K. Shlrey of the Cleveland Clinic, J. Scott But terworth, clinical professor of medicine of New York Univer sity medical school. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motors Power Tool Hydraulic J cedes Alemlte Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendletoa Phone 276-5862 IMfy 4 hw.dllnVch9 0rm.port.tloo (Stwgw. .ccuswiM, othw opUol tqulpmit, Mate lxM ... .1oo.l. Your Bulek dealer It selling a lot of '66 LeSabres. And bt wants to sell even more. So what better way than to give you the best deal In townr Bring your car to him. While he's adding up the tre mendous amount of money he'll give you for It, take a spin around town in the mighty LeSabre. You can afford it Price It no handicap during the tuned car tradin' derby. Come on In now. Home Extension Unit Organized For Kinzua Area IT VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA A home entcrwlon unit ai orcanlrcd here last Thursday with Bunny Dyer, h.imo l n 1 1 o n a cent. In charge. Chairman (or the unit I Mr. Itnald Con1. nJ were tarv Is Mrs. Doyal llubbcll. The project study lor enru arv Is "Short Cut to Hot Meals' with Wanlta Hubbcll and Joy Brock In charge. The next meeting will be eb ruarv 10 at 1M Pm. in the churvh annex. New Club Outran Chosen New officers for the coming iMf nf th Kinzua Women club were elected last Thursday at the kitchen. ew prcsiueni i Vonnie Browning; vice prcaiuem U Lucille Reavis; secretary Is Kdith Lynch, and treasurer Is Virginia Kelso. Mrs. Kathryn Flack was appointed baraar chairman, and Mrs. Margie Ball is In charge of Polly Anna's. Marcie Ball Is in charge of quilt tickets and cards are In the rharce o( Emalee Long. t.ms are in cnarKv n Kelso. Hostess for the afternoon was Lolselle Dahill. Busjnoss visitors to Condon Monday were Klva Davis and .auoMe Bailey, . 01,1. air. ana .sirs. lmui received word of the birth of a 1 i l.l... 'Ha r hnrn tirinuMiii, win - v. 1 ? d daughter Theresa spent the k"Pr Portland visiting week-end in Portland visiting relatives. In The Dalles Saturday on business were Paul Oyler nd Howard Rice. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMerrit on Sunday were Mrs. Mary Madison of Wood tawn. Wn. She Is Mr. DeMerrit's sister. Also visiting there were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ordway of Spray. The Friendship club was en tertained last Wednesday eve ning at the Camp 5 community hall with Judy Nonris as host ess. High was won by Sue Mat tison. low by Mavis Oyler and floating by Pat McMinn and Jean Medlock. Others playing were Rita Conlee, Doris Stub blefield. Dinah Jackson. Naomi Rice. Rosie Graham. Betty Mur dock and Carol Norrls. J re Fran If FpitpI went tO Portland Wednesday for busi naa and hrrninf and to Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Nel son. Mrs. Earl Norm ana airs. Konnofh Nnrris went to BitTES Junction Friday to meet Mrs. Pinharrl Mnrtimore who Was coming home for the week-end. Mr. Mortimore took ner oacK 10 Biggs Sunday. The Camp 5 community card party was held Saturday night witn live taoies in piay. mg hv Rnsfv Medlock and Carol Norris, low by Don Mc- Conneil and Jean jweaiocK, floating by O. L. Adams and Betty Murdock. The door prize was won by Rusty Medlock. Coffee and sandwiches were served by the hostesses, Jean Medlock and Carol Norris. BE A WINNER e3!&0 BUY A WINNER See your local authorized Buick dealer Cub Awards Earned By Local Troop 661 Given at Pack Meet Cub SfWit award! were pro sentcd to several young mvut en at the January Cub Scut Pack meeting of Troop No. 1 laM Thurdv evening at the grade school cafeteria. Regional Director Don Wlke of tvndlcton called the mH-t-Ing to crtlrr, using the Cub Scout candle lighting wtno. nTbKp 1. under the direction rr il.n mother. Mrs. Alice Mc- Cabe. entertatnisl with a klt entitled The Sinking ot ine Bismarck." Mrs. David McLeod s ivvm 1 f.illiiuist with a kit. which was a Ualn npresenting the grades or cias-cs 01 me Cubs. Marlon Green awarded Bob. cat pins to the following boys: Jerry Gentry. Raymond Curnutt. Bobbv Todd. Tracv Wilson. How- ard Green. Douglas Krelger, Clay lU-nson and Billy Adams. Wolf pins were awaroeu 10 n.vi.i m.iswI rvuclAa Krelcer. Clay Benson. Billy Adams, Dirk Dunlav and Bobby loua. Keith Totld was Issued his Bar pin and a silver arrow badge. Bov Scout leader Moose Stephens Introductnl Rob Ab rams. Sctut second class, who Invited anv Cubs who became 11 years old during February to . i ...( iha j-iiii mietlne't at the American Legion hall and to Join. Additional den mothers are also needed to take care of the in.nmiino number nf cubs. Any one interested Is asked to Con tact Mrs. McLeod. Refreshments were enjoyed at the close of the meeting, served bv Mrs. Robert Todd. Mrs. McCate and Mrs. McLeod. Justice Court Jan. 3 Dee Jones. Cecil. drunk on a public highway. fined $50; Charles E. tune, in sufficient binders, fined $15; Alex L'lrich. driving under the influence of liquor, fined $.100. Jan. 7 William Henrv Pad berg, failure to yield right of way. fined $13; warn vmr Weatherford. no operator' li cense, fined $5; Archie Thelman Estab. lone, obstructed rear vis ion, fined $10. Jan. 10 George Van Schoiack. Condon, expired operator's li cense, fined $5. Jan. 11 Gary Lee McQulnn. Spray. Insufficient binders, fined $1Jan. 13 Robert Patrick Con way, expired operator's license, fined $3. Jan. IS William James Do herty. Lexington, parking on highway, fined 15. Jan. 19 Freddie Richard Pap Ineau. Lexington, overheight log load, fined $13. Jan. 25 Virgil Edwin Hath away. Bend, no operators li cense, fined $5; Leonard Wil liam Schultz, overheight log load, fined $15; Donald Wilson McCarty. no operator's license. fined $5. Jan. 27 Lynn Koyce jones, Pilot Rock, overheight log load, fined $15. Jan. 28 Victor Carroll Fussel man. Spray, overheight load, fined $15. . , rh 1 Tonard Willi am Schultz. 7200 lb. group axle ov erload, fined $150. Municipal Court Jan. 16 Eugene Najar, dis obeyed stop sign, fined $10. Jan. 23 Monte Lee Crum, lone, disobeyed stop sign, fined $10. Dennis Children Helped to Safely By Portland Girl If D ULTRA JONES LKXINirPON According to an article In the Sunday IVrt land twcRonian, Mr. W lennm, a former txMngtonlte, credit her baby sitter. Diane Gerrard. for savin the lives of their two children on Friday nlKht. Diane told the pollee heard a muffled explosion which I h.ni. 'hi mU-hl te a tuilte caustvl by the two Kt". Clifford. . ami Cl)de, 1H month. iaing She went to l iliioru s netuiHMii and touml the ib.r Janmusl shut. Forvlr.ij the door -M-n. Diane saw flames coining from the clMt and the room filbnl with smoke. Clifford, however, was Uep In his mother s room She awakened Clifford, leading him outside and carrying Clyde. The neighbor were then askel to call the fire department. Extensive damage was done to the bedroom by fire and smoke. anJ water damaue to the rest of the home. Mrs, lvnnis I the former Frieda Breeding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. G deeding of Lexington Newt OHarra Is a patient In Pendleton Community hospital. He had recently been released from the hospital, wai taken ill aeatn unextiectinlly and rush ed to the hospital in IVndle ton. It Is hoped that he will be able to return home again very soon. Mrs. Florence McMillan spent several davs this week In Ar llngton at the home of her dau ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Irvln. . . Women's Fellowship of ine Christian Church met at the Knm nf Mrt llarlev Saecr last Tuesday afternoon. Plans were made for a Father ion banquet with the date being set tor March 12 at the churcn. u is planned that a committee will . Iilf ih nurtlnv hnme In llepp- ner at least once a month, and perhaps more often, starting in February. The next meeting is scheduled for the home of Mrs. Carl Marquardt when table dec orations will be made for the banquet which Is hoped can be served In the St. Patrick's Day motif. Refr eshments were served. The Amacita Club met at the home of Mrs. Al Fetsch for Its regular meeting last week. Those winning prizes were Mrs. Bob Davidson, hlKh: Mrs. Ed Baker, second high; Mrs. Eldon Padberg. traveling, and Mrs. Gene Cole. low. Others playing Mrs. Rov Martin. Mrs. C. r rarmirhapl. Mrs. Georce Her mann. Mrs. Wm. J. VanWlnwle and the hostess. Mrs. tetscn. Lexington Grange HEC Has Busv Schedule The HEC of Lexington Grange 726 m-t at the nome oi tti Martha VanSchoiack in Hepp ner last Thursday afternoon Plana u.rrf made for the LOX Ington Oil Co-op dinner which i in ho Ffhruarv 8 at the Lex ington Grange hall. Committees were appointed witn Mrs. nor man Nelson chairman of the planning and cooking commit tee; Mrs. Charles C. Jones, chair man nf t ho urvln? committee Mrs. Nora Turner, chairman of the cleanup committee. Also it ua announced that the Soil Conservation meeting would be February 1 at the urange nan and a committee of Mrs. Wil bur Steagall, Mrs. Ola Ruggles and Mrs. flora Turner was ap pointed to serve at this meet Inir The next HEC meeting will be held at the home oi Mrs. Knrman Nelson. It will be a kitchen shower for the dining room and kitchen or the orange hall. Needed articles include large kettles, pitchers, spatulas, bake pans and various other ar ticles. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Ola Ruggles and Mrs. Nora Turner of HeDDncr. Mrs. Florence McMillan. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall, Mrs. Charles c jones of Lexington and Mrs. Norman Nelson and Mrs, Ella Burgoyne and Carl Smouse of lone. Kenneth Jones of Portland and Jim Foster of Scappoose vis ited with Kenneth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palm er and son Mike and Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea of lone were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dal las Rea of Condon on Sunday. Mrs. Cleo VanWlnkle was a guest of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanWlnkle on Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Christophers o n and Mrs. C. C. Jones motored to Hinkle on Tuesday taking Con nie Chrlstopherson to a train there, where she left for con tinued schooling at the univer sity in Provo, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocom were called to Wasco on Saturday by the death of Mr. Yocom's moth er. Funeral services were held Tuesday of last week. Mrs. George steagaii is ai home after a stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital. PILOT ROCK ELECTRIC Electrical Contracting Licensed and Bonded Industrial and House Wiring Commercial Electric Heating FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLY PRICED Ph. 443-6011 Party Honors Area Residents r MARTHA NATTESOK MONUMKNT iVveral eo In the area were honored at the January birthday nrtv held Fil day evening. January 2H, at the home of Mr. and Mrm. W. A. Moran. Hun present were Mr. and Mrs. Kho Uleakman of John Day; Mr. and NU. Jim Ttppett. Mr. and Mm Hob Certaoti, Mr. and Mrs. L. I Vinson. Mrs. Kay Harris, Mrs. Helen Holme and Mrs. lleorge Nlikle. all of Kim hcrly. llioe attending from Monument were Mr. and Mrs. Uob Holmes. Mrs. Darlcne Hoy. er. Mrs. Kdna Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mungravc. Mr. and Mrs. Mead Glim an. Mr. and Mr. Jack Sweck. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cavcnder, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Moran. Mrs. Martha Matte ion. 1-eslie Avery. Jerry lloyer and Tony Moran. A sootel eve ning of cards and refreahments was enjoyed by all thoe at tending. Bill Chance returned home from Odetl. Ore., last Wednca dav. where he had vUlted hU brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Steele for a week. Clearnlce Holmes and son Steve left last Thutvlay for Bol.se, Idaho, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Uleakman of John Day were here Friday to attend the birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mr. W. A. Moran. They also visited with her brother and slstertn-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave. on the old home ranch before returning to their home Satur day. Carl Cox and son Bobby are building a machine shop on their ranch. Stanley Boyer drove to Arling ton Friday evening for a load of freight. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gienger had a car accident Friday in the basin. Mrs. Gienger was taken to John Day for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McKln non and two daughters of Hepp ner spent the week-end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hin ton. Mr. and Mrs. Arlot Fleming had as guests over the week end their daughter. Jerry, and her husband, also their son. Tommy and his bride of La Grande. Mrs. Billie Jean Hunt and Jes sie Scott were hostesses for a baby shower Friday evening at the Scott home In honor of Mrs. Janice Herrlg. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thrope of Davvllle visited Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd lllnton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown took heir son. Mark, and Mark Murray to Eugene Friday for Duck Preview (hlh school vis itation on the University of Oregon campus. They returned Saturday night. On the trip they stopped at Corvallis to visit the Browns' son, Chris, a student at Oerj-on State University. Others who went to Eugene for the Preview Included Margaret Green, Brenda Young and Joan Stockard. jp For Your Valentine WE HAVE A FINE ASSORT jr? ment of Heart-shaped "'&,,w j pP? BOXES AND SAMPLERS ! SM-s Mur rays Recall Drug 217 N. Main Heppner h. 676-9610 Rochhound Comer r RUIY MILLER Al ih luitlni'ta meetlnf of the Morrow County Uem and tun.,.) bauiii i.tt linuarv '22. . - f - - - J ' !n,'l.l,rd LVI Gonly m..lnll bill Gentry as field trip chair man and Rachel Harnett to head ogrammlng. Member appointed l Hn a fair booth were Cliff Wacner and Avery Talor. Tho appointed to plan for the iddewalk baiaar were Johanne Talor and Alice Mc Cabe. president Gouty read a letter from State tieologlM llollla M. Dole thanking the club tr its donation of an opal filled thun der egg from 0a! Butte to the dloplay rate In th state rap! tol. He commended Walt F-der on his workmanship In rutting and Hdlhlng the 'egg" So far. only two opal filled thunder cges have been donated. With the pawing of Senate Joint Resolution 1H on Man-It 29. VMV, the 'thunderegg- be came the official slate rock. Harold M Dunn of the Spring field K-x-k and Gem club in Lane county Is credited with bringing the desire for a state rock before the senate and the public. A ote was taken by the rock clubs In Oregon and tho thunder egg won. Thundercgg. as one word, was adopted bv Ihe Oregon leg Ulalnr fur the nam of the state rock and. therefore, Is Ihe correct spelling when referring to the state rock; however. In describing the ceoiocy and mln erealogv of thunder eggs, the two-word spelling has priroity. Mrs. Harnett gave a report on thunder eggs, which are rock atructures formed In welded tuffs and rhyolites. of spherical or tlli itsoldal fthauc. containing cores of chalcedony or quarts or opal. The orlcln of the name "thun der ecu" has been credited to the Warm Surinjrs Indians. George Miller Rave a short talk on the difficulties of polish ing garnets, Dinnstones ior jan- mrv. The door prize, won by Pat Cwntrv wai an emblem of the American Federation of Miner-1 aloglcal Societies. Ruby Miller displayed some ; rocks found near Malheur Lake in Harney county. They were i Identified as poflbly being ool ite. Kach member was Invited to take one fur his own collec tion. Refreshments were served by, the Bill Gentrys. 1 JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING StanlieldL. Oregon Old-Pashloned Hickory Smoked Wednesday. Curing r Slaughtering Days- Mondar. rridays Cutting and Wrapping Locker BeeJ and roiK Will pick up two b 1 or more free of charge Phone 449-362) Jim Tolan Day or Night Earl Morgan Telli More of Rainmaker Fail Morgan of lone recalls the man who came to Mormw eminty many years ,n attempt to ni-ae tain, he said In a 4iorie call t the Garette lime. The mans name was Hat field. Morean said, and he fame In VMfl to Interest farm er In obtaining more precip itation. From here he went in to Sherman county and they agreed to elve him "al If he could get all Indie of rain by a certain date In June. Morgan, then W, and hi brother were building a fence and woklng In harvest In Sherman county thai year. When they went to work on the day It was to rain, the brother ai.ked If Farl had a coat with him. Morgan re plied that since there wa no Indication of rain he was tak Ing no coat. Alxtut an hour after they started working .heavy rain fall came. The year brought a good crop and a big baret. "It didn't rain aU Inches Morgan said, but he added that as he rememter It the Sherman county ranchers paid him the .". although eat ern Gilliam county ami M row county got a heavier rain. Morgan aald that he be lleve the atory Is recorded In the Sherman county Observer. He told his recollection In re mvonse to a request by 1 A. Moore of llcrmlaton for infor mation to pass on to a re neiircher at the University of Oregon. MONUMENT i ti Cy .t t and twu oils. l " - - - tK.i.i- mnA ir,,)i.rt ami Mr. iwimii - - iw., Mttknn eatn. nu num. ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne J. Matteson pad family Thursday evening to help them celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary. HEPPNER GRILL SUNDAY BUFFET 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hot Entrees For Sunday, Feb. 6: Roast Beef and CraTT M ashed Potatoes Chicken and Dumplings ALL TOO CAN EAT Adult SUS Children (under 12) 7Sc