f I 2 , Jl J Classified Rates 4c Pr word- minimum TSc par InMrtloa. Caidj o( Thank J 1 .10 Claa.UUd DUplof 0e pf loch. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Noon Wodnoadar To avoid Mlltn. cash U ! auMtod tor email ad whon brought to tho olllco. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD OK THANKS Wo wUh to eipre our an prTlatln fr the many acta of hlnlni'M during our receni ne rravement. Tlee eirelon of avmpathy will always be re membered. Tin Family of lelbert ItoMfwnn 4Np CARD OK THANKS Word cnnnnt adequately rx pr-i our deep appreciation for the kind and vmpatliHlr- ana. card. fMd and floral offerings that came to ui during our re cent bereavement. Our thankt, alau, t t the donation to the heart fund and churrh memor ial fund. Then helpful and Comforting expreaMona of yni pa thy will always Ik remem bered. Mrs. Lee Salt-tie- and Family 4Hu CARD OK THANKS We wUh to take this means to publicly cxpreaa our appre ciation to Mi'tr and Rod Murray, to Lynn Pearson and the staff of Munrays Drug store, for the capable autwtarice which they gave us at our More during the past week. The klndneane and consideration of our friends and neltchbors at this purtlcular time are deeply appreciated. Mary Ellen and Jim Myers 48c CARD OK THANKS I wish to thank my friends for their thoughts and visits during my recent Illness. I wish to ex tend a special thanks to Dr. Wolff, the I'loneer Memorial hospital staff. Its fine nurses and all the wonderful personnel who made my recovery possible. Lllwynne reck 4HC CARD OK THANKS I would like to extend my thanks for all the thoughtful remembrances of cards, flowers, gifts and visits from my friends and relatives while I was pa tient at Iloneer Memorial hos pital. Your kindness Is much ap preciated. Mrs, Esther Bergstrom 4Hp Notices ST. PATRICK'S Altar Society card party Monday, January 31. at 8 p.m. In the parish hall. Come and loin us lor bridge and pinochle. 48c 3 Lost and Found LOST OR STRAY ED -from Newt O'liarra pasture, one cow with black whitcface calf with raf ter triangle brand on left hip Ken Battv. rh. 676 9721. 48c SPECIALIST Hospital Equipment Rental FOR HOME NURSING CARE Associated Rentals 586-6016 KENNEWICK, WASHINGTON 44-48c 5 Work Wanted BACK HOE and dump truck work wanted, by hour, or by contract. Bob Pierce, ph. 676 9467. Box 446, Heppner. 46tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET Tusodcrr Sola January 25. 1966 Sheep 11; Cattle 365; Consign ors 22; Buyers 18. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls, heavy 19 50 to 21.20 Young Standard ,t Cows 16.50 to 18.40 Commercial , ,.tn Cows 14.50 to 15.50 Utility Cows 13.00 to 14.50 Canner & Cutter Cows 1100 to 13.00 Shells 9 00 to 11.00 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Sieers 800 Pds 600- 24.00 to 26.20 Steers 400-500 PUs 25.50 to 29.30 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 80. Hermliiton DOM WINK. Mgr. Ets. J67-J111 5 Work Wanted YVOItK WANTKt-Will do ww Inif, Iroiilnr. baby kitting In itiv hmne, rimiiti IVlvrtt. III. tiU tWl 4,, WANTF.D Ironing and family M'wlnp done rt-aannably, Will alwi 1i baby ulttUiif. I'll, i7 tU'JM, 4H4!K- 7 For Rent FOIt ItKNT Small furnUhed apart merit, clean, newly palntt'd. Water. electricity, irnthnvr wr Ire furnUhed. I'h. tiVli !7wi, 4Hu FOIt RENT Ttiree bedroom house In lleppner, stoves fur nished Available February 1. fall 4X1 7575. 4He Ft)lt RENT Two one -bedroom funlhed apartments, utilities ln'luded, lose In. nice nclh iMirhood. 'h. 670 IM'.M. 4 4!c FOR ItKNT Oil SALK 5 ted room house. l' baths. Itent to apply on down payment, or Jl.ixxi with lltN-ral terms. Available now. Contact llerm Iston 507-57:i or lleppner C7C- 1772. 4otfc FOIt ItKNT Two bedroom un furnished apartment. Call Pick Meador. 670 9192 after 6:00 p.m. 37tfe FOU ItKNT Furnished apart- 27tfc ment. Ph. G76 H4. 8 Services COMPLETE your high school education at home In sparo time. Small monthly pay ments. Diploma awarded. Write American School for free booklet that explains how. P. O. Box 12X7, Pendle ton. Oregon. 47-57c OUR SPECIALTIES Body and fender work, repairing, remod eling, painting, and radiator repair. Top prices for copper, aluminum. Iron, used radiat ors and batteries. Cegllas Shop and Wrecking Yard. Ph. 676-5505. 37lfc SAND AND GRAVEL HAULING. Contact Hams Truck Une, lone, ph. 422-7277. 41-tfc 10 Farm and Garden Registered Angus 4th ANNUAL SPRING SALE 70 head. 35 Big Bulls. 35 Females Bred and Open Benton County Fairgrounds Wednesday, Feb. 16 Noon Parade Halter Cattle and Sale Order 10:30 A.M. Columbia Basin Angus Breeders Assoc. John Ryan, Pres., Pasco George Heldlebaugh, S.T. 2632 W. Bruneau. Kennewick SI Williams Sales Mgmt. Box N. Walla Walla. 525-4914 49-50C HEREFORD RANGE BULLS 25 Head Coming 2's Big Service-age Bulls, 1400 1500 lbs. now! Good heavy bone, good feet that will carry them to your cows In ruggedest going. Bergevin Hereford Ranch On Hwy. 410. 8 ml. West walla waua. wasn. Rt. 2. Ph. 525-5929 48-49C 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT Steers 360-350 Pds 27.00 to 30.00 Yearling Heifers 600- 700 Pds 19.00 to 22.00 Heifers 400-500 Pds 23.00 to 25.30 Heifers 250-350 Pds 24.00 to 26.10 Light Hoi stein Steers 400-500 Pds 19.00 to 21.70 Old Stock Cows, Springers 165.00 Old Stock Cows, calves at side 155.00 to 163.00 Baby Calves, Dairy 10.00 to 15.00 COMMENT: Run was light, prices $1 to $1.50 higher on all classes. Sell now while cattle are now In great demand. - Phone 667-6656 EVERETT SNYDER. Br. 667-3961 '10 Farm and Garden HAY FOR SALK m Iho llhea mnih. Contact Jim Went. I'll tiH'JHIIH. 4H W NOW YOUH JOHN DEERE DEALER Highland Marhln rrv lomimnv. Conduit. Oregon, phone 34 W32. OS tic 13 Misc. For Salo HOLTS Just received a blj shipment. We are expanding our stMk of Iron and bolt. S-e us for your needs. lWk-t Equipment Co. Ph. G76!Utl. 4-4!c IX)OK AT THIS! Lynden larjre irrade A fresh cut ud fryers only 41c lb. Get 'em at iJel'a Market. LexInKton, spedallNts In better buys. 4Hc FOIt SALK Bed frame, adjust able for double or single size, with rollers. Call iiH'J W 48-4'Jc FOU SIX WAYS to make your February RM-ry bill smalb-r read our display ad on page x. section 1, of this paper. IM-I'a Market, Lexington. 48c FOU SALK Two ptxwl anow tires. 7.rOxl4. tread good. $10 each. We Sherman. Gazette- limes. I'h. 76 WZiH. 44tfc 14 Automotive USED CARS AND TRUCKS 19o5 Mercury Parklane 4-Dr Hardtop 1964 Mercury Montclalr 4-Door 9CA Falcon Station Wagon 4 Dr. 19G2 Ford Sedan Custom 6 cyl. 4-Dr. 19G2 Ford Station Wagon 19G0 Chevrolet Sedan 1960 Chevrolet I m p a 1 a 4-Dr, Bel Air Station Wagon 1960 Falcon Station Wagon 1960 Falcon 4-Dr. Sedan 1952 Ford 1-Ton Truck With Bulk Bed And Stock Racks $595 1962 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyL 4- speed 1959 Ford Ranchero 1959 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyl. 4- speed 1956 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyl. 4- speed 1951 Ford Pickup V-8 3-speed 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 6, 4-speed 1947 Ford 6, 3-speed HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. "Fords and Friends Are Our Business" Heppner Ph. 676-9152 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any colon) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON. OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pjn. FOR SALE Aristocrat 'Little Loafer' 12 ft. camping trailer. Ph. 676-9910. 48tfc A SPECIAL $150,000 Stock Reduc tion Sale on travel trailers, pickup campers. Over 160 new and used. Freddie's Trading Post, Kennewick, Wn. 45-4SC 14 Automotive This Week's SPECIAL We Traded In On 1966 Buick 1 1 Head Reqistcred IllMlf f i If" ANllllX IIIWX HIlUUJ WMJ To Calve in Next 30 Days WILL SELL ONE OR ALL Used Cars 19G3 Rambler Classic, excep- tlonally clean 1957 Buick 1957 Pontlac 4 dr Fullpower Used 4-Wheel Drives 19C4 Jeep pickup, like new. 19C2 Jeep, low mileage with 2- ui v winch 1900 Jeep pickup. . , .... .... ciean. -i-wneei onve i.n nirknn nthA tiHth -t'v r r' -. " - excellent stock racks. used station wagons. Pickups and Trucks 1957 Ford M ton pickup. V-8 moi, auto transmission: In good condition. 1950 Ford Mi ton rolekuD. very clean, with new paint joo. 1950 Diamond T 6-wheeler, 10.000 x 20 rubber, excellent to move farm tractors 1942 International racks with stock uMt puiKoea 1941 Chevrolet truck, bulkbed and eleetrie hoist ana eieciric noisi Rebuilt CMC V-8 motor for sale SPECIAL Number of good fishing and I hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIKE DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac-Buick-Willys-GMC Rambler Phone 675-9116 ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 1964 Volkswagen, $1400 1962 Corvalr 2 door 102 HP 4 speed ...$1300 1959 4 door sedan ....$850 ....$850 1958 Bel Air Sport Coupe Commercials 1962 GMC 4 wheel drive ....$2100 1960 Chevrolet ton pickup ...$1200 1959 GMC 4 wheel drive pickup ..$1300 1959 Int. 4 wheel drive pickup with winch $1250 WANTED Mechanic. CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 15 Rcol Estote FOR SALE or ItKNT Two bed- rMrn hous in lone; llvlnn dining room corn t. in a lion, kitchen. Phone iZi 71J3. 37tfc Public Notices NOTICE TO CBEDrrOltS NOTICE IS HhltrlSY GIVEN that the undersigned has been U "t t n sb f Oregon for Momw County, State of Oregon. las administrator of the estato cf CiUST ADOLF JOHNS).N, de ceaM-d. and has Qualified. All tt-rsons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proter vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, lleppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publish led this 13th day of January, lOMi. CHARLES O'CONNOR, Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law lleppner. Oregon 46-49C NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, State of Ore- Kn- " administrator of the es- iiaie oi lakl, in. lva.io, ac ceased, and has Qualified. AH persons having claims against the estate of said de present same with proper vouch crs auiy viTiiiea 10 me unaer I..! . k. - . t ..m !,. Bi(Mt-u mi Hit- ujjilx- ui niiun and Balfe, lleppner, Oregon. within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publish ed this 13th day of January, 19C6, DONALD K. EVANS, Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner. Oregon 46-49c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Ore trnn a aHmlntctrAtnp rf t h A a tate of Lee B. Scrivner. deceased. n that . .J)eBOn. h,5 noni3i uic deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch- ers auiy veruiea to xne unaer signed at the office of Winter and Balfe. Heppner. Oregon, wthln six months from the date hereof. Dated and first puDiisn- ed this 27th day of January, 1966. WILLIAM M. SCRIVNER Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, as executor of the estate of George W. Elder, deceased. and that all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner, Oregon. within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publish ed this 27th day of January, 1966 MAURICE J. ELDER Executor WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 48-51c NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Notice Is hereby given, pur-1 suant to ORS 294.401, a meeting of the Budget Committee of Morrow County School District No. R-l of Morrow County, State of Oregon, will be held at the school district office, Lexington, Oregon, on the 8th day of Feb ruary, 1966. at 7:30 p.m. o'clock for the purpose of receiving the budget message and budget document of said District for the year 1966-67. Any person may discuss proposed programs with the Budget Committee at that time. David R. Potter Budget Officer Morrow County School District No. R-l 48c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as execu tor of the estate of Helen A. Cohn. deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge there of has fixed Monday, the 21st day of February. 1966. at the hour of 10 o'clock, as the time, in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Harold A. Cohn, Executor of the Estate of Helen A. Cohn, Deceased Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys Heppner, Oregon 43-51c HEFFNEI GAZETTE-TIMES. BEQUEST rOR BIDS ON CASOUNE. DIESEL OH, AND MOTOR OIL Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will b received by the Morrow County Court, at tho County Clerk's office In llepp ner. orepon. lor approximately 40,u gallons of firt structure traoIlne and approximately 40.- WK) gallons of dleorl tyre furl oil. and approximately 50 bar rels of moiir oil. to be delivered at either lleppner. lone, or iioardman. at a mUlmum ffice per rallon, for the period be ginning January 26, 19 to Jan uary Z". ion. All bids submitted must be on standard company contract forms or contain complete infor mation relative to the bid. Seal ed bids will be opened at the February term of the County Court, on Wednesday, the 2nd day of February. 19, at 11:00 o'cloc k A M. Any bid received after 11:00 A.M. of above date BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let Us Modernize lour Kitcnen Free Estimates Ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henrv (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-T776 Pendleton City Council Heppner City Counci l,2jTlBuT1T Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the council. Ph. 676-9618 Electricians Pendleton Electric Co. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Real dential wiring, Electric heat. Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendle ton. Oregon- Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Williams Furnsces Complete In stallation Carpeting Linoleum Oil Burner ReXrigeraUon Serrica Domestic and Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 678-9418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Insurance Turner Von Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Eternal Marker Co. Solid Bronze CEMETERY MARKERS J errySweeney SWEENEY MORTUARY Heppner Ph. 676 9600 Thursday. January tf. 1X4 will nt be comlilered The Morrow County Court re serves the right to reject any or all bids received, or to accept those bids most favorably to Morrow County. SADIE PARRISH CountyClrrk NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. Tho lleppner Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors has called tho an nual meeting of the District for Tuesday, February 1. V.A at 7:30 p m. In tho Lexington Grange hall. The Board will present an an nual report and audit. Two auperevlsom will bo elected to fill the vacancies cre ated by completion of term of office of Raymond French and Ken Turner. Tot tho Board of tho Koppcsor Soil and Water Coasorartloa District Con W la tors, Socrotary 47-Sc Mortuary Sweeney MorKiary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician k Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C. M. Wagner, M.D. Physician & Surgeon 233 N. Gale St. Off. 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5:30 Mbrw Tues, Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30. Thursday Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Gr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200