Officers Chosen to Head lone Television Co-op V CATHERINE UNDSTROM (N K Annual roeetln 4 the lone Television Co op wa held M.h1v evening at the I'dun Hall. Iuv W. Llndaimm was re elected president an Wal lace Matthew ami (iarland Kwansoii were elected aaraln to the board f director. Hold over officer era Hill Kletmann. pres idents Mr. Vcster Mania, seore tary treasurer; ami K W. llrla tow and ItimalJ UUhup, direc tor. Those winning Irrr television service In a draw Inn were: Mra. Howard Ciowell, si months; Harvey Kin, four month; ami Mr. Law la Halvorsen. two months. Thirteen pic were al i pkrn iitiv for door tirlu-a. A U'l of randy donated hy Hrla tow wa won by Mra, "cte Can non. The aenlor data unW the directum of their advtiKir. Kill Johnson, were selected by the co op tu serve the refreshments follow-In the meeting. WUlowa Installs Officer. Nina Candidal Ciran Dgr More than !S0 peron en )oyed thff potluck dinner at WlUims Granite Hall on Sunday, Janu ary 16- Open Installation waa hrld for five officer not installed earlier. Nathan Thorpe. Morrow county deputy, acted aa Install In officer; Mra. Lewis Halvor sen. marshal, and Mr. and Mra. Berl Akera aa L.A.S. and A-S. The charter waa drapcl In memory of George Elder. Further business Included the esempllfleatlon of the 3rd and 4th degrees to two candidate from Greenfield Grange, two from Lexington, two from Ithca Creek, and three from Willows Grange. Mra. Lewi Halvorsen acted aa maater and Mr. Mar lon Palmer and Lee Palmer act ed aa asalstant ateward. Oovea Construction Co. was given a contract to flnUh the main hall at the Grange. It la hoped the work will b complet ed In about 30 day. A highlight of the evening waa the presentation of a white Bible to Mra. W. C Crawford for serving -IT year aa chap lain, and a pin to Mra. llalvor aen for 10 yeara of service at secretary. Pomona Grange will be held on Saturday. January 29, at Rhea Creek Grange. This will be an all day meeting. The next meeting of WUlowa Grange will be Sunday. Febru ary 2a with a potluck dinner at noon. lone PTA meeting waa held t the cafctorlum laat Wednes day evening with the president. Mra. Robert Davidson, presiding. At the bualneaa meeting It waa decided to try to finance the purchaae of a whirlpool vlbro bath of atalnleaa ateel to be u.vd for athletic Injuries, mus cular problems, and crippling dlaeaaea of school children a well aa adult In the commu nity. Refreshments were aerved by Mra. Davidson, Mra. George Griffith, and Mra. Ernest Chris topherson, Jr. Mra, Paul Pettyjohn. Sr., pre aided at the annual meeting of the lone Dance club at a meet ing at the Legion Hall on Sun day evening .Tod Palmateer waa elected president and Mrs. Pete Cannon waa re-elected secretary-treasurer. Garland Swan aon, Ralph Richard. Ray Boyco, and Mra. Roy W. Llndstrom were elected for the executive committee. The next dance will be Saturday, February 5, at 9:00 p.m. Jerry and Geneva Nickels of Poiico will again offer dance Instruction to teenagers, begin ners, and advanced groups. Ten tative date to begin these less oris was the first Saturday night In April to continue for nix weeks. ltter McElllgott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McElllgott, was rushed to the hospital In Pen dleton on Sunday night, where an emergency appendectomy was performed. He is progress Ing will at this writing. Mrs. Earl McCabo has return ed home from Pioneer Memorial hospital, where she spent a few Altai PcnsnsBzsA Wedding and Guest Books, Match Books Monogrammcd Playing Cards THE GAZETTE-TIMES data umt-r observation, Hkl enthusiast n the lone an are -n..)iiig going. In Ar but I Ml each Saturday on tlie bu. Ih. yd iiui roint-s from Condon through lone, Lealng tun. and Hciincr. There are still a few teat left and any one wishing In ride to the moun tain may pay a dollar and meet Hut Ima at llia-l'a ('! m l luuii M .Ifl M rn TltruM tliinlna a... f.. - .... pipifMnK r w twelve lesson, twelve trios and ine wnoie nay o skiing may do for a t.i) ft. Tim Tullla of lone Is nun .f lh tat InalMii-t. r who Is donating his lime to neip youngsters learn to akl. Italnhow AsM-mbly No. 81 had initiation r-rfiiiintaa in -TSica. day evening at the Maxonlc Hall ir iH-i.nie wirnti. iheriiyn ou. wortnv adviNor preii el. Serial committee Mary Nlfh ols, Susan Undstrom, and Cher llyn served refrehm-nt follow ing the meeting. "Oregon for the Curious" by lUlph Friedman was reviewed ty Mra. Flmer Griffith at the Topic Club meeting on Friday ftrfnoori at the hme of Mr. Itov W. Llndstrom. She trxk the memltera on an Imaginary trip of historical point of Interest In Oregon. During the meeting Mrs. Gene Rletmann and Mr. Undhtrum were aptolntcd to have charge of the Oregon shelf, whlth the Topic Club has plan ned for the public Library. Four teen member answered roll call with a hUtorlt-al fart about Oregon. Mrs. John lroudfoot was aiMtlstlng hostes. Mt-tntwr and friend of the lone United Church of Christ are reminded that the annual meeting and a planned potlurk rilnnw will lu helit at the chunh ao1al rotms following the morning worship service. Sunday. January 23. Baby ait Icra will be urnvlded fir small children and older children will he entertained with movies dur ing the business meeting. Franklin Llndstom returned to his ranch home near lone on Friday after having been hos pitalized in Hcrmlston for ma jor surgery. A lart rrowd enloved the donkey basketball game at the lone gymnasium on Thursday evening, when the lone Town team played the Echo town team. The event was spoasored hv th I .ions Club. Mr. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Victor Rletmann drove to Pen dleton on Friday afternoon to take their sister. Mra. Eaper Hansen, to the bus. She left for her home In Portland after vis iting relatives here and In Ba ker. Mrs. George Portschv and son Brent, and Miss Sue Townsend. all of Portland were guests of their parents. Mr. and Mra. Her shal Townsend recently. Brent stayed here with his grandpar ent for a visit. Mrs. Edith Nlchoson returned home on Thursday from a four day May In Pioneer Memorial hospital. . , St. William's Altar Society met at the church on Wednes day evening with Mrs. Delbert Emert as hoMtess. Following the business meeting secret pals were revealed and new names drawn for the coming year. Monday morning Mrs. Lake Beckner had the misfortune to slip and fall on the Ice Just out side her back door, causing the leg bone between the knee and ankle to be badly cracked. She was taken to a physician in Hcppner, where the entire leg was placed In a cast. Mrs. Sam Byrne la caring for her during the day and Mrs. Leo Crabtree Is with her at night Mrs. MHton Morgan was hon ored on her birthday Saturday afternoon at a coffee party at the home of Mrs. Roy W. Llnd strom. Guests who came to con gratulate her were Mrs. Ray mond Lundell. Mrs. James Bar nett. Mrs. Marlon Palmer, Mrs Carry Tullis. Mrs. W. C. Craw ford. Mrs. Lee Palmer, and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Sr. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knlghten of Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Imel of Bend, and Complete ANNIVERSARIES, COFFEE TIME. WELCOME, OTHERS FOR ANY OCCASION Busy Schedule Ahead for Club, Officers Elected IT DELHI A JONES LEXINGTON Pa at Noble Grand s club met at the home of Mrs. Ar hie Munkera last Wednesday fsr It first meeting of VMA. The meeting waa pre sided over by the chairman, Mra. Al Fctwh and waa a very busy one with much planning for the coming three month. In February there will be a no hostess Pa-d Grand luncheon. and on April 6 the group Is planning to entertain a neigh boring PNG Club. Flection of officers waa held with the following taking of fice: Mrs. C C. Jones, chairman; Mrs. Orla Padberg. vice-chair- man; Mrs. Al Frtach, secretary and treasurer. An exchange ol rifts was enjoyed to disclose Secret Sister names, and namea were drawn again for the com ing year. lu-frruhment were aerved to Mrs. Oris padberg. Mrs. Alonzo Henderson. Mrs. C. C Jones. Mr. Florence McMillan. Mrs. Al Fctsch and the hostess. The next meeting Is the first Wed nesday In March at the home of Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mr. Ed Hunt It-ft Wednesday for Modesto. Calif., where she wa called by the untimely death of a sister In a car accident. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vlall are the proud parents of a daugh ter lorn at Ptoru-er Memorial al In llriiiinrr The vounir lady has been named Lesll Lor- rlne. Newt O'Harra is again at hia home after a lenethv stay In Pioneer Memorial hospital. E. K. Peck left Sunday for Pendleton where he will spend some time at the home of his mother. Mrs. Emma Peck, and Mrs. Etta Mlnet while recup erating from a recent heart at tack. Mrs. Carl Marquardt returned last week irom spending a week with her mother at Mitch ell. They were also in Prlnevtlle where Mr. Messenger. Mrs. Mar- ou unit's father is a patient In Pioneer Memorial hospital in that city suffering from injur ies received In a recent car ac cident. Mr. and Mrs. BUI B. Mamuardt also visited recently with Mr. Messenger. Three Links Club met at the home of Mrs. Bertha Hunt last Thursday afternoon with the chairman Mrs. Joe Yocom pre siding, runs were compieiea far the card nartv scheduled for January IS at the Rebekah hall. Proceeds went to the United Na tions Pilgrimage. Plans were al so made for a card party Jan uary 29. proceeds to go to the Eye Bank of Oregon Odd Fel- Mra. J. E. Hams of Hardman. Mr. Knighton and Mrs. Imel are cousins of Mrs. Chapel. Another recent guest at the chapel home was Glen Walker of Pen dleton. Women's Fellowship met at the United Church of Christ last Thumrinv afternoon. Mrs. Rob ert Rletmann and Mrs. Lindsay Klncald were hostesses, ronow lng the business meeting sheets were torn Into bandages for lep rosy patients. They will be sent to Church World Service In Van couver, who will send them on to India. It was decided to change the meeting date of the organization from the second Thursday to the fourth Wednes day of each month at 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bergs trom and family of Portland were week-end guests of rela tives here. They visited Mrs. Bergstrom's mother, Mrs. Carl BcrRstrom, who Is confined to the hospital In Hcppner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor spent from Thursday to Sun day in Portland. Mrs. O'Connor attended the meetings of the mid-winter educational confer ence of the Oregon-Washington Postmasters at the Hilton Ho tel. Their daughters Lee, from the U. of O. and Terrle, at St. Helen's Hall, Joined them In Portland for the week-end. Line of APCIDCJG ffor New Grange Hall Talked at Meeting y MART LEE MAR LOW flO A '! DM A N PI a m fif a nrw grange hall were dirued Sat - urday night at the meeting ot the grange which started at 6:X with potluck auppcr. Host were Mr. Glen Carpenter and Mr. and Ma. Ieonard Bedord. A spe cial meeting will be railed la ter to decide what will be done about the new hall. Carla Mfkert. a new member. u.aa tilt0kti1 In tho fourth de gree. She come here from Star- buck. Wash. The rrange will sponsor the Heart Fund drive, whhh will he conducted by the Junior Grange members. A new flag I to be purchased for the Junior Grange. The grange voted to get lia bility Insurance for the grange hall. Mrs. Bed or d wa presented with a past Home Economics Club chairman pin by Nathan Thorpe, master. Announcement was made that Tomona Grange would be held at the Rhea Creek Grange hall Saturday, January Ti. During the lecturer's hour a bingo game waa played, with several small prize. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ballweg of Fort Worth. Texas, are the par ents of a 6 lb., S oz. son, born January 16. Grandparent are lou- ami Itchekahs. headuuart- ers In Good Samaritan hotital In Portland. A lancy worn com mittee was appointed to get more things for the fall bazaar. Refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. Charli-a Colley. Mrs. A. F. Maleske. Mrs. Frank Robinson. Mra Jrw Vnrrtm. Mr. Alonzo 1 1 tea n f i a n i Mrs. Florence McMillan. Mrs.' Otis I'adberc. Mrs. Al Fetstn n n1 trio rioatiHia Mra. Hunt. Mrs. Florence McMillan spent several days this week at the nt hf-r aon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ir vln. and family in Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetsch spent the week end in Salem visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Jones attended the White Eagle Grange meeting in Umatilla county on Monday nlghL Mr. Jones Is the Grange Insurance Agent for this Grange. The eve ning started with a potluck din- . J , a. S. ner and was ronowea wnn me meeting and lecturers' program, a school or instruction. . . . thanks to the eager-to-p!ease quiet ness, quality, performance and features of our '66 Fords! Thanks to our eager beaver service and eager-beaver deals! Ford's quietness rivals that of $20,000 imports. Performance choices from a Big Saving Six up to a blistering 425-hp V-8! Way-ahead features for '66 include the new Magic Doorgate on wagons that opens out for people, down for loads. See it I .Mr. and Mr. W. (J. Seehafer of lujartiman, ami mr. ii T. Ballweg of Fori Worth, lrw baby Join a brother, Ihoartlman, and Mr. and Mr O lw ... . t 4- ... O" Eric. Mr. Glen Carpenter wa host es for the Home Economic Club of Greenfield Grange Wed nesday of last week at her home. Lunch was served at 12:30. Mrs. Rollln Bishop waa a gursL Committee for the year were appointed aa follow a: acrapbook, Mrs. Florence Root; member ship. Mr. Bernard Donovan and Mr. W. G. Seehafer; benevo lence, Mrs. Frank Marlow; kitchen buying, Mr. Arthur Al len and Mr. Walter Hayes; publicity. Mrs. Mar low. The club voted to assist with the auction sale that la to be hM In Anrll for th Durooae of raising funds for the new city park. The aale win oe sponsored by the Boaraman oar aen uud. The next card party will be at the home of Mr. Arthur Al len January 21 at 8 p.m.. with Mr. Florence Locker aa co-host-ess. Committee for the February 4 party will be Mr. Guy Fergus on and Mr. John Phillip. It will alo be at the Allen home. HcmtesM-s for the next meet ing. February 9. will be Mr. Walter llaye and Mr. Frank Marlow. Mr. Roy Partlow was hostess for the Boardman Tllllcum Club at h. r hnm Mnndav nleht of lat week. The Sweetheart din ner to be held next monin at tho horn tit Mra. II M Walker was discused, and plans were made for the annual arthritis breakfast to be at the nome or Mm. Tno Billinea in March. More will be announced about ihMU later The nominating committee annotated for officers for the two year period June 1906-68 is as follows: Mrs. Ronald Black, Mrs. Roy Partlow and Mrs. Dew- ey West The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ralph Skoubo January 24. The Mothers Club of Board man Grade school met Thurs day of last week at the school at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Ron Daniels and Mrs. Bob Slcard as hostess- es. A report was made on the Christmas doll and boy"! toy, with 530 taken in. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Allen and YOUR EAGER BEAVER NORTHWEST FORD DEALERS- SEE YOUR EAGER BEAVER NORTHWEST FORD DEALERS VLtttntn CAZETTE-TTMES. TaarsAtT. JasnMarf tO. lMt J children Biacle. Btuart and Mrphanie, of Walla Walla wer Friday visitor at the home of Alien parenta. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Alien. Mr. LaVern Partlw and an tev went to !- Grande Sun day to visit at the home of net u.n In liai an. I rfaurhtef. Mr and M. In Krt-a. and her aon and daughter in law, Mr. and Mr, jonnny raniow, Mr. and Mr. Lro lott went to Richland. Wash, Sunday to visit at the home of their aon In law and daughter. Mr. and Mr. Howard Bundy. Mr. and Mr. LVwey West. Jr.. visited In Arlington Sunday at the home of Mr. West par ents. Mr. and Mr. Sam Beeka. Mr. and Mr. Carroll Donovan and children Jerry, Jack and Carol Ann spent the week end In The Dalle vUltlng Mrs Don ovan brother in-law and aia terr, Mr. and Mr. Dale Rusm-H and Mr. and Mr. John llutson. and other relative. Mr. and Mr. Mat Drweese of Grandvlew. Wash., vUlted one day last week at the home of Mr. Deweese'i sister. Mr. Flor ence Root. Mr. Frank Marlow spent the weekend in Walla Walla. Wash., visiting her aunta, Mr. Ericst Zerba. and Mrs. A. C Knudson. Menus for Riverside High school and Boardman Crade school for the week of January 21 2H are a follow: Monday hash. roll, breaded tomatoes, vegetaole sticks and cookies; Tuesday hamburgers with let tuce and onions, carrots and fruit; Wednesday creamed chicken on mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuit and fruit; Thursday apaghettl with meat sauce. French bread, green sal al and Jello; F'rt day macaroni and cheese, peanut butter sand wiches, tuna fish sandwiches, beets and orange. Bread, but ter and milk are served with all meals. Mrs. Dick Killed In Car Accident A tlrhnn call Wednesday from Dennis Dick In Jackson. Calif., to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. u. neper or ix- Inirtnn Informed them of the accidental death of his wife, Carol. In a car accident near Jackson that day. Particulars of the accident are noi yei Known. nrnt that Dick was driving the car but escaped serious In- Jury. The young coupie waa married only last law. Srviroa for Mr. Dick were set for Friday afternoon, Janu ary 21. at 2 p.m. at me rirw Methodist church In Jacksoa CIFOPCCC CDrPI A I I Now-a specially priced big Ford, OUuULOO OrLulML; specially equipped. Limited time! Ray Williamson Promoted to Bums Raymond Williamson, dbtrlrt ranger of the Blue Mountain U. JL Foreat District at Prairie City since Aurt, l'-. has been selected f ftl! vacancy a Burn district ranger at Burn and will assume hi new duties before the first ot March, the supervisor of the Malheur Nat tonal Forest In John Day an nounce. Williamson served In the lleppner ranger district from llfio until VA ami waa assis tant district ranker here from pjtW until VMA, Mrs. William son and their four son will move to Burn from Prairie City later In the spring. The family will live In the hum ranger's home located In lllne. Losses All Profits Protected Your investment in val uable livestock and your potential profit can be fully insured! Call ua. rOl ALL NEEDS Turner, Van Martcr and Bryant Ins. Beppistc fh. 67S-96Sa m Safe acnaM-WuSiitilw. Onfaa. Nwttwi M4n u4 Alnsi. Inl It anaSn INS n. M M Heppner Auto Sales, Inc Heppner, Oregon