Fair Board to Meet fibular monthly meeting of the Morrow county lair board will be held in the 4 II Dorm I- lory b u 1 1 d I n t. fairgrounds. Ilrppnor. Mntav. January IT beiMnnln at :M Dm. All in innint tiersons are Invited to attend. ' J U Vii L , TO WSTAU Inside ir Outside 1 36 ftst c SVft ft, ill MtMtf i Milt M rW"S U.a, J. ... ' rsastir ' yTwiNOOW?' - 1 Vgy I I y , -.C TEXMO POLE FRAME STRUCTURES Low Cost Farm and Commercial Buildings Ideal and Practical For Barns, Milk Parlors, Machine Sheds, Loafing Sheds, Hay Storage Sheds FOH FREE ESTIMATES AND INQUIRIES WRITE OR PHONE HAROLD STINCHFIELD BOX 266. CONDON. ORE. , PHONE 3S4-5453 TEXMO FRANCHISED DEALER FOR I GILLIAM. MORROW AND GET IN ON IfefeBuiGkSpeGiali Mwuifeotunr' fuogMtad retail prle far SptcW V 2-dr. Mud. Prlc Include Ftdwal fcclw Tm mt iuMte "J"1 f ; IMrfwSlIng iww exportation ,it, kcmotIm. olhw option! wulpmwt, itatf i M additionatfc Compare Special's looks and performance with anything else in this price range. There. You really can afford to own a Bulck. In fact, you can't afford not to. See your BuIcK dealer now while he's in the mood to give you the very best deal In town. Hurry, Fair Book Change Deadline March 1 A deadline of March 1. 0(6, has -rn set to receive chances In the Morww County Frlr and liodeo premium bok, accurdinjj to Mm. Lrnna Smith. fair secre tary. All open cUu superintend ents are aVed to mall chants i. ih vrt-iarv. B 4'4, Ilepp- ner or csll t7 SH3 not later z Mich i- tm". nor rr rail liTfl 143 not later both open class agriculture and home economic superintend ent. After the necessary premium ivrwtt rhim'ii have been recelv- .w ik.v uiil he oresented to the fair committee i approval. -vcm r hooeful that all ires- rnt superintendents will contln-, servers. It Include the wc pi- ue to serve In Uf but If It uthx' impossible to do so. please con-, with. September. 15HI. and con tact the secretary as soon as 'eluding with Aucust. liHO. Siltlle?- Mrs. Smith said. I It I. interesting compare :ii M.-triv. euuntv rxten- December. r4. rainfall with slon atrent In 411 and livestock, that of IVccmber. VM. Ou IV has sJ-ra date of Tuesday. Jan- cember. UVA. records ar ln ury 1. 7:3t pm. to meet w tn i n .rirutturl fair supenn- i..n...ni m make necessary changes In the premium book. The meeting will be held In the 411 dormitory at tne tair grounds. Stitchettcs Elect Linda Cooper was elected l9t4 63 agriculture weather year president of the Lazy Stitchettcs are available from the County 411 club Thursday. January 6. 1 Extension office. Other officers chosen are Teresa J Wrleht. vice president; Susan; wheat Protslo Content Shows Mclbv. secretary: and Mart-la jacreas During Pout Tsar Youn'e. game and song leader. I results of the 19ti5 Wheat yew members are D l n n ie ; protein Survey of Morrow coun Wrleht. Mary Anne O'Ponnell. j V orowces hav been mlmeo- Cindy llarsln. Sherrl Massey, KTaed for distribution to those Theresa Moore and Dee Ann ; arsons cooiHTating in the sur rettyjohn. The members talked j vcv about selections oi maieriais. Refreshments were served. Kathv Sweeney. Reporter MHBBBBBBBssssssflssjBBsaBBjEssjBjjasji I I UMATILLA COUNTIES THE HUN FOR THE See your local authorized Buick dealer Rainfall Reports Show Comparisons During Past Year By EUGENE WINTERS This week the Morrow Coun ty Kstenston office mailed - -' v.....- iir .?,""',r.,,.,!f ara ....... it .... . . diiti.i. Aliuir r iif retard of rainfall durtnit the i;v4 65 agriculture weather year. The record was complied from the monthly rainfall reports sent In from l-lKhtmtle. Ilepp- ner. Johnson trevk. tsutier Creek. Lexington and lone oh- iieie. oui u v..y .... u-i to v-s imm- w m i....v month. In 1S4 all recorders kHmv.H more than 3 25 Inches wr.h lour observers of report ing having less than four Inch es. The others had between four and five inches. Copies of the Weather Observ- Rainfall Rftvtfl for tht pteln lor lino was nigner than the two previous years of tnt, 8Urvey. This iniTease in M.trmw rountv is attributed to ih ilrouehtv crowing sea son. The 92 samples In Morrow county In 19t3 averaged 9.7 per cent. Samples for 1963 averaged 6.8 and 1964 averaged 8.7 per I cent protein. I The respective protein per centages averages for 1963, 1964 and 1963 by variety are: BURT 6.1. 8.5 and 9 6; OMAR 6.2. 8.9 ' and 9.7; GOLDEN 6.4. 8.7 and 9.2: GAINES 7.2. 8.6 and 9.3. 1 Copies of the 1965 Wheat Tro- tein Survey in Morrow county mav be picked up at the Coun ty Extension office. Supplemental Fertilizer Progiam Needed for Good Allalla Crop Alfalfa growera should evalu ate their fertilized program within the next few weeks. The supplemental nutrient needs oi alfalfa In Morrow county can be limited for the most part to sulfur, phosphorous and boron. Some form of sulfur should be applied each year. The nor mal yearly requirement will vary with yield, but will be on the order of 20 to 40 pounds ele mental sulfur or Its equivalent in gypsum. Gypsum Is normal ly preferred because of more rapid response and convenience in application. Phosphorous needs for aualfa can be determined by trial, by soil tests, or by folior analysis. Soil testing information Is avail able at the County Extension office. Phosphorous, sulfur and boron may be applied in the fall or early spring. Results are usual ly better when the spring ap plication is made as early as possible. Single Super Phosphate Is one phosphorous fertilizer which BUXCKS J. Wronglcrs Start Year With Good Turnout The new year's activities of the Mxcrow County Wranglers Marled with the meeting on January 4 at the club house, with 25 members tmMnt. Com mittees were appointed to out line plans for the year. Including refreshments and entertainment lor the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi llalvor en came from lne to hhow pic tures of the local water kkler. and proved very entertaining to all present. Mr. and Mrs. rat O'Rrlen were the n-freshment comndttee, and served dtliclous homemade doughnut and coffinv 1966 Diversion Programs Signup To Start Soon Signup for the 1966 programs for wheat and feed grains will start on January 31. 1966. Pavld MrLeod. manager of the Agri cultural Stabilization and Con servation Sen-Ice office, an nounced today. The signup deadline will be April 15. 1906. For the long-term Cropland Adlustment Proeram (CAP. the signup will also begin on Jan uary 31. 1966; the signup aeaa line for CAP will be announced later. Producers who file Inten tions under CAP but do not en ter Into final agreements will have 15 days to file applications to take part In one or more of the annual commodity programs after applicants withdraw or after the county committee no tifies them that no agreement will be available. The manager explained that, for 1966, a flexible schedule of signups has been adopted throughout the country', with each ASC state committee de termining the most appropriate period for the activity. In mot states, the signup period Is uni form In all counties. In general, both the commod ity programs and CAP call for diversion of crop acreage Into an approved conserving use. By meeting provisions of the pro grams, farmers become eligible includes gypsum. Normal application of phos phorous varies from 40 to 80 pounds P205 per acre (2(K to 400 pounds single super phos phate per acre). Everybody benefits When TArr" tomethinf ipeeial about a boy $ firtt pay check . . when it's earned at home. And whether It's a new iilica sand plant In Elizabeth, Indiana ... a lumber mill in Trout Creek, Montana ... or a carpet man ufacturer in Anadarko, Oklahoma . . . ths whole nation benefit when new Industry kings payrolls to rural America. Thanks to America's rural electrics cooperatives aiul other consumer-owned electric iystema new industry is develop ing in the countryside. This buainem growth checks the economic erosion that threaten our rural communities. It provides home town Job for home-town people. , This increased purchasing power in rural ; America also means more jobs in manufac turing, transportation and service trades all across the country. And everybody bent-fit. Red Cross Class To Start Monday Find sewdon of the Red (Yom MatuUrd flrt aid course will be Monday night. January 17. at 7:30 In the old ritv library at the cttv hall with Ken Methvln a Inttrucior. Two hours of Instruction will lie given and those attending will decide on a regular night and meeting time for the bal ance of the rvure. which Mill cover 10 hours two hours to a It I pointed out that the course Is Important for all pub lic officials, as well as for suih activities a the ski patrol, and m m 1 1 . . even lor niemocrs oi a lanwy. Reports to Navy Rill Weathcrford. son of W. W. Weatherford. reported to San Piego. Calif.. Monday for basic training In the navy. Ills father took him to Portland Sunday for his departure to the train ing center from there. Bill grad- i...4 from ll.-nnni-r Hlch sehool with the class of 19b4. attended- Eastern Oregon College tor one ..... Ul.i ll.ulnllln fill. lege In the fall term of the cur rent school year. for various benefits In the form of payments and also for loans under the com moony pro grams. , , , iinu-ever. McLeod reminded farmers that participation In the various diversion program , is not automatic filing an appli cation which shows the opera tors program intentions is me first necessary step In qualify ing for program benefits. All of the signups are con ducted at the ASC county of-fl.-e. JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stanfisld. Oreaon Old-Fashloned Hickory Smoked Wednesdays. Curing r Slauahtsrtna Dots - Mondays. Fridays Cutting and Wrapping Locker Bei ana rota Will pick up tw b f oi more free et chary Phons 449-3623 Jim Tolan Day or Night Rural Electrics 1 1 I " V 3 ! - vl J Columbia Basin Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, HCrrHCM GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday. January 1. Glen Dover Killed Dy California Auto Glen Rover of Santa Barbara, Calif., native rrMdent of Ilepp ner, was fatally Injured when hit by an auttiuuliite lit Palm prln.:, Calif, leccmier 31. ac cording to word from a nejhew, Phillip H er of John Pay. Rum In ilerpnej May 27. 15CG. he was the son of W. ti. and KHa Jane (Mitchell lloyer He had resided In California fr the past 25 years. Ill ashes were sent fur li.lerment to the Ilepp tier Masonic ivinelery. He Is survived by his ulster. Mrs. Kthel Hart let t of Santa liarbnra; two nephews. iKmahl and Phillip lU.yer. John Pay, and one niece. Mrs. Harry Mody of lU-lmont. Calif. Tim Moors, nanagsr of ths lleppner yard of Tum A-Lum l.umlter Company, left tnlay (Thursday! for IHirtland to at tend the annual meeting of Tum-A Lum managers In the Sheraton hotel, lie plans to re turn Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Wink le and son Jim plan to go to Wlcser. Idaho, this week-end to compliment Mrs. Van Winkle's grandfather. Hill Huston, on his 90th birthday, which will be Sunday. They expect to be back Monday. For Fast And Dependable Freight- Service With Daily Overnight Service From Portland, Including Saturdays SHIP E ASTERN WREGON REIGHT Served By Flaft's Truck Service CALL GENE ORWICK 989-8420 ANYTIME Generate New Industry All over America today, officials and members of rural electric systems ing hard with local busiiw-imen and clvla leaders to help develop new Industry In our rural communities. They are providing the leadership and management know-how that has coma from nearly 30 years of success fully working together to help Uicmsolves and their neighbor ... of setting the Job done because it nwls to be done. When the rural electrics started, few of the nation's farm and rural communities had electricity. Existing utilities could sea no profit in stringing a milo of power Un to serve two or three, customer. BO the people created their own organizations, ana with ths help of lturnl Electrification AdmlnisUation loans, served Uiemselves. Today, with rural power needs doubling every seven years. ItEA loans continue to help these rural electric serve tho growing needs of their communities. And everybody America's consumer-owned rural electrics are made up of nearly 20,000,000 cilfaens, participating actively In thoir churches, schools, fraternal organizations and their local, state and national government Ther know tho whole nation benefits when rural America prospers. Electric Co-op and Morrow Counties Golden Agors to Meet tfeomd ineellnf of I he month of the Golden Age dub will Im held Tuesday evening. January 1H. In the l. lMopal parUh hall, at 7:10 pin. All senior iltliens are Invited, and refreshments will he Mrvcd. Lconnig Has Attack Hon l-eonnlg was rrorted to 1-e showing gmd progress at Pioneer Memorial hiita Wel nemlay after suffering a heart atta k at hl h"e cany Sunday. Ills wife reported that he rob- bly will be confined to the hos pital for another week, after which he will remain at home until fully recovered. COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rswtndlng .tNDUSTHIAL COMMMAIj I lillU AN!) IIOMK iPrndlefon 27-T7l F,