Htrtntn gazette-times. Thursday. Jnr it ik Bfflfi r 3 uinJis W See Us For All Types of Insurance Protection Costs Little auto theft fire health and accident personal and business bonds liability TURNER, VAN MARTER and BRYANT Ph. S76 86S2 INSURANCE Heppner This Month Featuring TUflfl-A-LUfN UlRflBER CO. JUST ARMVEDI MNE SELECTION Or VALENTINES PACKAGED ASSORTMENTS. SINGLE CARDS. PERSONALIZED VALENTINES. POP-UPS. DEC ORATIVE ITEMS Closeout On Larger Children's Clothing We plan to stock only email slses PRICED AS MARKED AT COST! SIZES IX TO IB DmMi. Shirt. Blouses, Jumpers, Leotard VAN'S VARIETY Heppner WUbur and Mart Van Biokland Ph. 678-8417 J f trim ' ' j h it ull to D 1. 1 r 3- 1 J THIS IS the 47th anniversary of the Heppner yard of Tum-A-Lum Lumber Com pan T. which al though remodeled and modernized through the ytari, hat don business continuously In this mom location, serving the area with oil kinds of building materials, lumber, paint, building hardware, tools, roofing, celling tile, paneling, plywood. coaL Presto-logs and many other needs for the home, farm, or business. h am: SHE: "Of course you can get the mater- 1 c) ials to put in our new sink- ti r v. ! lo I ou ixnow Pettyjohn's Carry A Complete Line of PLUMBING?" PIPE rTTTINCS PA UCETS TRAPS REPAIR PARTS SOIL PIPE PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builder's Supply PR. 878-8 157 Beppner CD TT7 1 SIMI C10S3 QrXL i ' 1 -' X 1 1.. 1 rft w?;.'- iT- ft I " 1 l-i! 1-.- ; v, I? ZU WELCOME, NRA COWBOYS I Wagon Wheel Cafe You'll Enjoy Our SEA FOODS STEAKS STEAK SANDWICHES FAN FRIED CHICKEN Banquet Room Facilities FEATURING FINE FOODS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK FRED and CECILE OTT 216 N. Main Heppner TIM MOORE, standing beside some of the displays In the Tum-A-Lum salesroom, has boon man ager of the Heppner yard for the past seven years, coming here after managing a Tum-A-Lum yard In Portland. Both ho and his wife. Laura, are originally from Pendleton. Mrs. Moore Is a secretary for Mahonoy and Abraxas, attorneys. Their children are Clnny. student and cheerlead er at Eastern Oregon College; Marguerite. Junior in Heppner High; Theresa, a seventh grader and Bobby, in the fourth grade. Moore stresses prompt, friendly and courteous service to the many Tum-A-Lum customers. New 1965 I Ton Ford Truck DUAL WHEELS, FULLY EQUIPPED CARIBBEAN TURQUOISE COLOR SPECIAL PRICE NOW ONLY 1995 HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. 124 N. Main Heppner Ph. 676-9152 ; I l... We Sell and Install Williams Oil Furnaces , Floor Coverings Refrigeration Domestic and Commercial Plus Complete Repair Service And Equipment Rentals M&R FLOOR COVERING AND HEATING CO. MATT PH. 178 Mil RAY Regardless of How Much or Little You Own Where You Are Going or What You Are Doing We Can Provide The Protection You Need. See Us For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES AGENCY (CHARLES AND HELEN RUGGLES) P. O. Box 247 148 W. Willow SU Heppner Ph. 676-9625 Popular Annual After Christmas Oneida Stainless Sale! 6 Pc. Place Setting Cantata Driftwood Lasting Rose Frost Fire Tempo Chateau Paul Revere Textura Shasta Was Now 795 - 548 540-398 "Something from the Jew. f) eles is Always Something SpociaL" JEWELERS 177 If. Mala Heppnof IMVEWTORY SALE SKIRTS DRESSES GRAFF BLOUSES LADIES' AND GIRLS' JACKETS ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS All One-Third Off MiLADIES and H Green Stamps Ph. 676-5561 MANAGER TIM MOORE and Ken Evans inspect a sheet of pre-flnlshed birch paneling carried by the Tum-A-Lum yard. This is just one of many fine types of building materials avail able for attractive and modern building and remodeling Jobs. KEN EVANS, Heppner High graduate in 1965, has been employed by Tum-A-Lum since Oc tober when Fred Harnden was called to serv ice. Ken stands beside paint mixers which make it possible for the firm to supply in terior and exterior paints in 1500 colors and enables accurate matching of colors. The firm handles top quality Boysen Paints and Olym pic Stains. Come To Central Market For The Most Complete Food Service FRUIT VEGETABLES MEAT And S and H Green Stamps, Too! PH. 676-9614 GROCERIES PH. 676 9288 MEATS MARKET " 2 f ,V,..' r 5-1 1 H h - , - t : 1 My 4 i Midi Specials At Your Rexall CUT-THE COST-OF-LIVING SALE REG. SALE BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY S8c 43c Ml 31 ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH 89c 2 for 90c BUTTERED ASPIRIN 98c 2 for 99c REXALL RUBBING ALCOHOL 79c 2 for 80c ASPIRIN 69c 3 for S1X0 (100-s) TOOTHBRUSH 49c 2 for 50c MURRAY'S REXALL DRUG Ph. 676-9610 ROD AND MEG MURRAY Heppner J 4 ' BILL FRENCH is still active at the Tum-A-Lum yard In Heppner after being with the company here for more than 40 years, witnessing many changes in the area during that time. Bill came to Oregon from Canada after going there from his native England. He was employed in run ning a planer for Tum-A-Lum before the planing mill was discontinued here years ago. Bill is shown at the tool center at Tum-A-Lum. WINTER CLEARANC SUITS SKIRTS BLOUSES DRESSES SWEATERS STRETCH PANTS 1 lA fo Vz OFF! $5 00 & $250 Racks of Dresses ELMA'S APPAREL Ph. 676-9426 Heppner