Rodeo Board Honors Jack Lockcs Monday At Farewell Dinner An ftWfll lsllut In Mr. ami Mrs, Jark lkp, who mtt irftvlntr I hi WM-k lu make Ihrlr lim nrir CrrthMin, a illiim-r toa hrl.J In Ihrlr tumor MilV fvriilritf at tin raiuh limno Mr. arxl Mr. Jerry Ivuj;ticrly wai rwrntly trannfrrrril to Kip (rfi'hmn Itrawti nf r'lmt National Hank afirr arrvlnjf lit llrppm-r bunk for the at H munilia. McihImt of the Morrow Ciun ! ly Itwlco Hoard and Ihilr wlvi- tMire Invito lo the lxunliTty home for iMMluck ilinnr The evriilriK was hlj;hilichtttl with .rM-nlotlon of a mono eraminiut ili-.k ix n m-1 lo bxk In appreciation tf ItU work a rTelary if the rodeo board, and a ladlr leather wallet lo Mm. Unke for her able mUI ancf to the nerretary. Making the in-M-rilatlon mm Tad Mil ler. irrldent of the board. He- tilarlnir 1 k as aerretary will ! John Venard. ThoM cnjoylrii; lb artlvltie of the evening. In-alde the hm rnl eurkin, were Mr. and Mr. Charley Daly, Mr. and Mr. Itay monil Kreruh, Mr. and Mr. Tad Mtlltv. Mr. and Mr. Hob Sir, call. Mr. and Mr. Hoicc Fulle. Ion. Mr. and Mr. We .Sher man, Mr. and Mr. Archie Mun ker. Mr. and Mrs. Ihm Creen up, Mr. and Mr. Venard. and the hohl. Mr. and Mr. !out;h rrtv. Mr. and Mr. Ixko and fam ily are moving thin week lo their new borne at 2121 N. K. 1 1 t h Avenue, 1'ortland, and have extended their nutnt ulili e to their many friend whom they leave here, and Invite friend t(l them at their new location. Surprise Gathering Honors Mrs. Rauch Mr. Til lie fiaurh wa plea. antlv nurprited on her birthday Sunday when several of her family and friends gathered In her honor at the home of her non-ln law and daughter, Mr. and M. Al Ketsrh. A delightful buffet luncheon. 'r r j i in i ii i i . hi j ii I X . i V I i . . , a " A I ' II i -'-ii r ' 1 1 1 " I J. r f X I I I I. 1 ' W W lit: f f - I led i . 'v., , r" t , I MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM MAHON (Naomi Jan Har.ln) William Mahon Wedsi"ff,u- 'nd carr'"i uquet iNaomi Jean narsin In LaGrande Service Tlie Hanetuay of the First ChrUtlan rhurrh In Ia Crande chry arnriernum. Harold Harnln, brother of the bride, served a bent man. Ush er were Bobby Mahon. cousin of the croom, of Klgln. and Dar- ! . . I II.... . . M . 1 una ih ...nin.7 t,.r th. """. oromer oi me of Miss .Naomi Jean llarsln omplete with birthday cake, j dauKbter of Mr. and Mr. Ivan .tor . h'r dauchter' Wfddlnc wa served I Iri i the eveninit by arln ,lf ljt Can. to WlH Hrln chie an emerald Mr, retsrh. Thane present : to ,flm Mahon. son of Mrs. Allre Wn two pler silk suit with enjoy the surprlM for Mrs. Itauch were Mr. and Mrs. Ar ehle Munker and nephew. Harry and I'rale Munker. Ada I'lper. Mr. and Mr. John Keen an and rhthlren Susan, Robin, Tommy and Klmberlv, and the host. Mr. and Mr. Fetscti. The evening wa ent visit Inn and with the taking of pictures. MOR Theatre UMATILLA PIL 923-9921 How The West Was Won Di-bble Reynold John Wayne James Stewart Henry Fonda MATINEE Sunday 2:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Thurs., Frl., Sat.. Mon. PRICE Children 50c Student 75c Adults $1.00 Mct'abe it Hetipner. ori Novem er SO. The Hey. Al Honchee, pastor of the lleppner Christian fhunh. tN-rformed the marriage ceremony. Wedding music was plaved by Msrllvn Arrhlhalil. who also ar rompanled the soloist, Jeffery Kdwards. Colorful flowers of the M-nson decorated the altar. Jefferv Fl- wards served os randlellchter tK-iore the ceremony. F-scorted by her father, Ivan llarsln. the trldc was lovely In a white wedding gown of Chan tillv roscoint lace over tulle and satin.-The sown featured a scalloped neckline etched In lr ridisci-nt sequins, a basque bod Ice, long tared sleeves which came to ctal ixlnt over the wrist, and a bouffant floor Jcnrth skirt made of rows of ruffled lace in front, with an apron effect of lace for the back detail. The shoulder lenuth veil was held by a water lily shaped crown of seed pearls and cry, tal teardrops. A white orchid centered her bouquet of white carnations and white chrysan themum. Attending the bride as maid of honor was her cousin. Miss Shelly Kae Hacfer of Union. She was Rowned In a tangerine all over embroidered floor-length LADES If HE DRIVES make It liltlt easier with in Auto Key Protector. Click - Igni tion key is separated from other keys. Click -It's back again. Wonderful when he has lo leave the key with the car. Sound pro tection against burglary ... and handsome piece of Jewelry KEY PROTECTORS j la i variety of designs - from $250 Jf Ktv Protectors with Ctnulne tltvar Dollar 00 "Somthing from tha Jeweler's, is always aomethin? speciaL" oren STAMM Store Hours 9 A.M. te 6 P.M. PR. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST, HEPPNER matching hat and black acces sories, with which she wore a bronze colored chrysanthemum I corsaRe. Mrs. MeCabe. mother of the Room, was attired In a belRe Knit suit, with brown accessor ies, and her corsaRe wa of yel low cnrysaniricmums. The guests assembled to Rreet trie bridal party at a reception Immediately following in the social hall of the church. Mrs. Wilma Edwards and Mrs. Thelma Hacfer. aunts of the bride, served the white, four- tiered wedding cake embellish ed with yellow and oranRe ros- e and topped with a miniature nrlde and Rroom. Mrs. Don Eu banks of lone, sister of the Rroom. and Mrs. Wavne llarsln of lleppner, aunt of the bride, poured. Linda Chenault was In charpe or ine guest book: and sisters-in-law of the bride. Sue and Judl llarsln. presided at the Rut table. For their honeymoon to var ious points of Interest In south ern OreRon, the new Mrs. Ma hon wore for traveling a two piece lavender knit suit with black accessories, and the orchid mm her bridal bouquet. The bride attended the La Grande hlch school and the Rroom attended the lleppner nign school He is presently em ployed for the Boise Cascade Plywood Co. In ElRln. The young cuupie live in La tjrande at umi First St. Many friends and relatives attended from La Grande and Island City. Those attending irom i no neppner area were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne llarsln, Cindy and Kerry. Mrs. Alice MeCabe and Allen, Mrs. Don Eubanks of lone, and the Rev. and Mrs. Al uoscnee. Amorvcr the service men home for the Christmas holidavs was icooerr w Nichols, now station ed at Ft. Benning, Ga.. In Offi- cor's Candidate school. He had previously spent three vears in ucrmany. wnile here, he visit ed his brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Molla- han, and his brother, Raymond jNicnois. ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thorpe are now llv- mg in Banning, Calif. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat j&v J jf 01 Charge V i Heppner pt jnt I ij Ionev Cfgyjjft f 9 Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULES Hops Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Ph. S67-6651 Hermlstotu Oregon On Hermiston-McNarr Highway Public Installation Set for New Rainbow Officers on Sunday MIm Jan II per. riaurhtrr of Mr. and Mr Jim llai'er, will M Instaiii-d new wttfthy advls r of Ituth A-inMv No V, Or dor of KairitxfW for ;irU. at liublic lnktUtlon irrernonlr on .Sunday artrrnoon. January 1. Ttt" ffX-tifjf Is rhrdu!rd for 2 00 pm. In the lli-M.rn-v Manonic nan. Tin aM-rnbly extend a so rial Invitation to all Mawn, t astern Star member, their famine and friend to attend tne afternoon ceremony. A complete slate of new of- flit-ra and advl-y Iniard mem ber will also take oath of of fice for the coming term. Among recent honors accord rd Jan. the Incoming advisor. was tier arlection a quren of the annual CitrUtmaa Kail on hHfmhcr 27 In the KXJF hall .Selertion of the queen and ourt I by M-cret ballot of memlier at the meeting prior to I tie ounce and kept M-crrt by the advisory txard and moth er advisor until the crown is laced on the queen at Inter mission of the dance. Lent year queen wa MU Jean Mewert rrlrws-sse with Queen Jan were Janl Baker and Shirley rwln. The court was present- lovely corsages by their mother advisor, Mr. Tom HuRhe. f 1 HtnntU CAI CTTt -TIMES. Tbendoy. Jfirr 11 1K4 First National Bank of Orefon In Portland. The future bridegroom I a former University of Oregon stu dent, pre writ I y attrnding ptwl-1 land State Collece where he U a senior In pre law. He I a member of Kappa Klitma frater nity. N. date has been set for the wedding MISS JUDITH HAMILTON Judith Hamilton Engagement Told Mrs, Betty Hamilton announc es the engagement of her dau ghter. Judith Kay, to James Stu art Johnson, son of Mr. and Mr. D. C. Johnson of Portland. Mist Hamilton, a 19C3 gradu- te of lleppner High school, at tended 1'ortland State College nd Western Business Universi ty. She is now employed by the Come and Bring Your Friends To The Holly Rebckah Lodge Public Card Party SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30 P.M. Lexington Rebekah Hall Proceeds To U. N. Pilgrimage Fund e BRIDGE PINOCHLE e REFRESHMENTS LOTS OF PRIZES EVERYONE WELCOME!! 1 i r C3 1 3 5 A 1 1 mm I mm S mm m m m m m im-mf mm m mmr m m mm m m r u w r r: m m N ALLEY'S Mayonnaise PICT RIPE P eaches 2-i!.,9(5 SUNSHINE 2 LB. Krispy Crackers MJB COFFEE -S Lb 75e 51.49 223 10 OZ. INSTANT $1.39 PORTER 12 OZ. I HUNT'S. 8 02. I NINE LIVES Egg , Noodles 35c Tomato Sauce 9--$l Cat Food 4 for 55c DUNDEE 303 Tomatoes 6 For $1 DUNDEE 2a Tomatoes U f, l UlitmitA V4amtaaiSUtCiJ iLPlijOXWJ SWANSON TV DINNERS CHICKEN BEEF TURKEY SHRIMP For mm 10 Lb. No. 1 PMes 3f YELLOW -5$ 03 OREGON CHIEF SMOKED PI01CS SMOKED 1 LB. BAG Clerks 2 For PINK Grapefruit 10 F.r 69$ Neck Bo nes Lb. 10$ For Seasoning or with Dressing Smoky Canyon CHIPPED BEEF, HAM, NIPPY BEEF, TURKEY or CORNED BEEF 3Vz Ox. Pkg. For PRICES GOOD JANUARY 14 and 15 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET 7 CREEN STAMPS - 1 .!