Year's Activities; Name New Officers A ir tif art I vli ! for lh Morrow County Cimm-IK-a wa irvlcwr-d ty eoinmlttr) inir rnrn at the annual Ifctrmtirr lulnr merlin of lh oritanl ration, and offWvra for tha coin In rar wrra arlrcted. Th annual mrr-llng wa rail ed lo wdrr lv Mm. IUlh Bram rt , al yrar'a reaidmt, at lunhn nwrtlnii at th ICrpp tirr (rill. A nominating commltlr nrr rntrd tto follmin alai df n-w officer: Mr. U'avH Wll Mnw.rt, .reldcnt; Mra Waller Wrltfht. flrat vie orrld-nt; aw ond lev rrldrnt In lx rhoa en: Mra. l-arry l.lntUay, third le president, and Mra. Mar)- Wurdrn. iMK-rrtary tri-aaurrr. Befora Mra. Wilkinson wa jirrwhU-d lite iravrl aa new r-llrnt. Mra. Itrantrr ere Ml hrr atro iallon la mrrnoer f lh cioH-rBtlon which ah had rrrt-lve-d durln the paat yrar. and Tial thanka la of flrcr and llio who had tv rd aa chairmen of commlttr-. Aa chairman of tha 4 II com mlttr. Mra. Bernard Ixihrrty rcjHirtcd lhat a memorial fund had tx-rn elabllhcd with the 4 II Council aa a tribute lo John Crave, and a donation wa voted o lha fund. The al of twef certificate U promoted by the rlub, with aixvial promotion during the prethrUtma season. They are on sal throughout the yrar at Ihe lirat National Bank and are redeemable at any at ore throuKhout the nation. Mra. Wllklnnon appointed the following committee chairmen for the coming year: Mra. Ray mond French, budget; Mra. iHi herty. 4 H: Mra. Larry Lindsay, father of the year; Mra. Shirley Kuifjr. beef In the achool; Mra. Gerald KwaKgart. beef for Fath ers lav; Mra. Worden. beef crrtlflcatea. and Mra. Walter Wright, beef iiromotlon. ROI-L TICKETS Tor aale In alngle and double roll. Uae for drawing, admlaatona to evrnU. Uazrtte-Tlmc, lletp pner. I'h. 67tl UZfti. 37-Uc MOR Theatre UMATILLA PH. 022-W2I It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World SH-ncer Tracy Milton lU-rle Plus short subject MATINEE Sunday 2:30 p m. 7:00 p.m. Thur.. Frl.. Sat., Mon. PRICE Children IK Student 75c Adult $1.(10 Coiiiim tvn(s FRIDAY. January 7 aikatbalL Happaer va. Eater pftM. Mappnar High gym. 1ATUHDAY. lanuarv Ordar af Eaatara Star Social Cluh. M atonic MalL ItlO PJH. Training ftettlon for 4 H Of ft. rata and La1r. Calhom nlh Hall. lilD DJTL Joint Installation. W 1 1 1 w a lOOr. Sana Sourl lUbekab lodae. lOOF MalL I pan. Dinner at fliM P-m. MONDAY. lanuarr 10 Chamber f Commerce, Wogoa Wheel, noon. Methar'a Club art tha hem of Mr. Malvla Dtaaa. P-m. TUESDAY, lanuarr II aktbalL Happnar rt. too. Nappnar High ym. . fTA Chill and Noodle Feed. SiJO p.m. lo 7:00 paM high acnooi multlDurDoao rooau Happaer Hon Eaienaloa Unit 0:3O a.m ifort Turner none, wrnmcsDAY. lanuarr IX Happner Elemantarr FTA. S:00 pro, lementarr nuitipuxpoa roocii. THURSDAY. laauarr 13 Seroptlmtat Club. Keppoer CrtIL noon luncnaoa. miDAT. lanuarr 14 Basketball. Heppaer Modra. at Madras High ecnoob Neill Families Hold Reunion in Hermiston Mr nH Mrs Itov Nelll Were a monk' -TH reUtlvea who met at Ihe Civic Recreation tenter in Ili.rmUtiin December .11 for B blR family reunion. Originally .nnc(i or tne w. i. firm hf.mM In lliTiTiUton the laree Kalhetlnj! moved to the larger meet I nit place. Til NeilU atu enloved other holiday family Katherlnga. welcoming the famlllea of their rhlldren. Mr. and Mr. BUI Scott ind family and Mr. and Mr, "larence Baker and children to heir home on Thursday even nc lefore ChrlMmaa, and then tratelitl ! Salem on 1 1 UBV to !M-nU ChriMma wim ineir win In low and ilauKhter. Mr. and Mr. KJdon Klnton- They alao vlalted another non ln law and dauchter, Mr. and Mr. el Knlxhten In Kcnncwlck. Wn, during the holiday. Garden Club to Meet At Lundell Home An Interesting program la planned for the January meet In'; of the lone Garden club. Tuesday afternoon. January 11. at the home of Mr. Mary Lun dell In lone. Theme of the program wlU be "Oriental Garden," with a gueHt ieaker, who will also nhow tutored allde related to the topic. The afternoon program will tart at 2:00 p.m. . MOIETY i ii Of Rcbekoh and I00F Officers Set Saturday Officer til San Rjr lu-hrk. ah Indie and WIUiav lodge. ()OF. will be Inktalled at an annual Hnt InitalUiion cere mony Saturday evening, Jan uary 8. In the lleppnrr lOK hall. Memera vt the two organl lationa will meet at 6 .V) for m fwluck dinner, with inatalla tlon lo follow, Mr. LMtTY Ofk ha been thoaen lo aerve aa noble rrarul t.f the JUUkiil. f.rf lh turn Ing year, and Leon Ball will aerve a aecond term aa noble rrand of the (Md Fellow. Mr. Florence McMillan and a Man of cfflcvr of Holly Krbckah lodge In Lexington will aid In the Itebekah Inatallatlon. with Cornet t (Veen a Installing of fleer for the Willow lodge. Fashions For her birthday... her anniversary... or just because she's yours, gladden her heart with a beautiful stone ring. Add to her wardrobe, of today's fashion rings. It in si evailabl with all typet of itonn -Something from th Jawelar. I alwerf something special.'' JEWELERS Store Hourst 8 A. M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNEH r i iui s sf Htl'tpKI STAMPS MIS3 SHARON KAY HAMS Parents Announce Couple's Betrothal Mr. and Mr. Darold Ham are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Sharon Kay, to Jay Ball, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Len Ball of Ilcppner. Sharon wa a graduate of lleppner High achool In 19C5. and I presently enrolled at the Portland Beauty Academy. Ball wa also graduated from llenmer lllirh school with the clana of l'.H5. and plana to en ter aervlce In the navy. No wedding date ha been ael. Altar Society Sets Card Party, Coffee Flan for a public card party and for coffee hour were made at the regular meeting of St. Patrick Altar Society Tuesday evening. January 4, In the parbh hall with Mra. Handy Lott pre aiding. The card party will be Jan uary 31 In the parlbh hall with pinochle and bridge In play. The colfee hour will honor In coming and outgoing officer at the February meeting. An ex change student Lar Johanson, of Sweden will also be contac ted to show slide and give a talk aoout hi native land. The Holy Name breakfast Mill be served Sunday by Mr. Joe Balfe. Mrs. John I rivctt, Mr. John Mollahan and Mrs. Jerry Sweeney. At the January men-ting each member brought a "white etc phant" to be used for prizes for games which were played fol lowing the meeting. Tne door prize was won oy Mrs. Elsie Mollahan. Refresh ments wore served by Mrs. Lott and Mr. Wilbur Warden. The society express' thanks to aM those who donated pedn ettlas at Christmas time. Ruhls Entertain Holiday Visitors Tt,. rtirUtm And New V m.' l, nM i f 4 Arl nn or. casion for relatives and friends to meet at the country homp of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. ftuhl. Here during their school vacation were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ruhl and daughter Dana, of Klam ath Fall, who were also guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clint McCJuarrle. Dick Is head football conch at Henley High school in Klamath Falls. The Ruhls were hosts on New Years for dinner and an after noon of enjoying the televised football games. Together for the day were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Haves and Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Ruhl and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ruhl and Dana, Mr. and Mrs. McQuarrie. Mrs. Gene Gray and Florence, mother and sister of Mrs. L. E. Ruhl, and the hosts. Mrs. Stratton Given Farewell Surprise Mrs. Theta Stratton, who left January 2 for Eugene, had a doubly enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. (Pete) McMurtry on December 30. She was a dinner guest of the McMurtrys along with Bob Lowe. After the dinner, women of the Degree of Honor came for a farewell surprise party. She was given a gift In the nature of a money tree and enjoyed visiting with her friends. Thir teen were present Mrs. i Stratton has accepted a position as a cook at a Univer sity of Oregon sorority house. Sargent in Hospital In brief note arrompanylntf aut-scrlptlon renewal lo the Ca-reite-Ttmea Mr. Tom tFJIal Sargent wrote that her huaband la now rt the Veteran' Hospit al, Portland. He will undergo an operation there, the said. Tom I In room 401 on the 4th floor. The Sargent, formerly of lleppner where ahe operated Flla'a Grill, now live In Lincoln City. January 10-14 (Subject to Change! Monday Spaghetti caaaerole, carrot attcka, rherae slice, pear, milk, bread and butter. TueadayIrlih tew, celery atlrka, white, cake, peach halve, milk, bread and butter. Wednesday Wiener and hoi bun, green bean, rherry crUp, milk. Thurnlay White bean and ham. hot roll and butter, cab bage aalad. apricot, milk. Irlday Tuna and noodle. vrgetaMe salad, prune cake, bread and butter, mtlk. HE MEN ELEMENTARY LUNCH MENU January 10 14 MONDAY Spagh e 1 1 1 and meat ball, vegetable salad, cheriM stick, fruit, bread and butter and milk. TUKSDAY Sloppy Joe with homemade bun, green bean, fruit and milk. WKD.NlSiDAY Chill trant. carrot and celery sticks, corn bread with whipped honey and butter, fruit and rnilk.. THURSDAY I'otatoe with beef gravy, ieas, pickled beru, fruit, bread and butter and milk. FRIDAY Tomato aoup, tuna sandwiches, lettuce wedge. Mrawberry short cake and milk. rrthelena enji a p.rr.TTy)f"VllOilUf4ltf plana trip lo i aiiiornia over wi holiday In company with hi on. Scott McMurdo of Portland. The two Joined other relative In the south and attended Ihe lloae Bowl game In I'aaadena. During hi week atay he vtalt d two brother in California and with a dentUt aon. Dr. Ber nard McMurdo In Burllngame. He arrived back home early Wednesday evening. Mr. Marcal Jane la making aatufactory retovrry at horn following aurgery and disml al fmm St. Anthony hospital, l-endieton. on t-w-orrr.ber 2 Al though treatment require daily trip to the hoapltal for X ray therapy for three more weeka, ahe la convalescing atlsf actor lly and ha exprewed apprecU lion to her many friend for their klndnee. Cecelia Annette Jone. daugh ter of Mr. and Mr. D. If. Jone. f.rmetly at lleppner and now of Kendrlck. Idaho, I on the Unlvenlty of Oregon honor roll for fall Icrm with grade poH .t,.r.i above 350. tha univer sity new bureau announce. A total of 4C9 student made Ihe honor roll and X) had aver . j on all A rrailea. Ann wa valedictorian of her llepp rwr High acnooi ciaa u WANTED Clean Cotton Rags, 10c Lb. Gaicttc-Timcs INCOME TAX SERVICE For Appointment PHONE 676-9475 or 676-9912 HELEN O'DONNELL C-con, iTlT I TnaRsb cocktail NABISCO H JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stanf laid. Oregon Old-Fashioned Hickory Smoked Wednesday. Curing Slaughtering Day Monday. Friday Cutting and Wrapping Locker Beei and Pork Will pick up two beef or mora fx oK charg Phone 449-3623 Jim Tolan Day or Night N ALLEY'S IS OZ. CHILI COM CARNE HORMEL VIENNA SAUSAGE 3 890 4 890 COOKIES 3 - $1 PRIDE OR FAMOUS COOKIES SUNKIST Oranges 2 LB 250 LB. WHITE Grapefruit 8 lb. 59 FANCY RED DEuaous ft I tv--"1" ' " "": """" """ H'lJ i ii i in 1111 " " Lj - gjg ORE-IDA 9 OZ CRINKLE CUTS or TATER TOTS USDA Good and Choice BLADE CUT I ARM CUT OREGON CHIEF PRICES GOOD JANUARY 7 and 8 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meot) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET GREEN STAM PS