Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 23, 1965, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    Couples Attend National
Wheat Growers Meeting
IONE-Mr. and Mr. Robert
Jipacn ami Mr, and Mm, Milton
Morgan returned on Sunday
from the lcih innual convrn
lion of the National Association
of Wheat (.rower, whlrti waa
In-lil al the Cornhuskcra Hotel
at Lincoln. Nebraska, from De
lumber 14 through 17, They
made the trip lv train In a at"
(ial rar with 22 other Oregon
hcat growers. Jcpsen l first
wi .J.". " "I. "I?"." 'Hiker. Mr.. Kathrvn Yarn!!.
M n.nunlk.lMh..i . w-a. rwr.Min, pub. maw
Whr.irwnrni.alon. t'"n,,i M."V 1,,n
Mr. and Mr.. John Swanson
aya at
the home nf hi parent.. Mr.
and Mra. fiarland Swanson.
Jo HauilW, Jr., who 1 with
the Job Coria at Kllrnrr, N. J.,
flew home on Monday to spend
the holidays with hi. family
Mr. and Mra. Joe Hauslcr, .Sc.
Gary Morgan U here to spend
Carlsons Host Club
Trie second meeting of th
Gooseberry Livestock club wa
held December 3 at the Louis
Carlton home. We lave our
feed report, on our animal, for
Heppncr, Oregon, Thursday, December 23, 1965 Sec. 2-4 pages
Morrison, governor
gave the addrru
,0" : : : ,m "r IWtland arrived In l.n
Homing SnJi 'VJS ,0 '!" -l'd.y.
I to
JhS !
1 J-i
wore sproading
tho news fo frionds
noar and far, thai
wo wijh fhero oil -tho
' very brightest,
chepflosf and
rioppleif holiday
season evorl
Merry Chrisfmajl
Anson Horning, national irrl
dent of the Whrat Growers, al
so addressed the group.
Other outstanding speakers at
the convention Included Leon
arl G. Wolf, roorclinator for nn.
cration Nlnoa for I.atln Amcri
ra. which work a for Food for
Peace, wtm tluik nn Mu fillu
Million llunirv Kld"! n,.r,-,..i the holld.ya with hla parent.
Newsome. master of the Nation. Mr. and Mr.. Milton Morean. lie
al Grange; 1'at tJreathouse, vice, arrompanled home by Rog
resident of the United Auto " iwnruii, a classmate at ure
Workera, and Graham Pureed. M'"n Technical Institute at
of Texas, chairman of the U. a Klamath Mil, who left for his
lloue of UetirrM-ntatlvea Wheat home In Lwkton, Idaho, on
SutKrnmlttee. Monday.
Of Interr.t to neonle In thu Mr. and Mra. Harold Sherc-r
locale waa the election of Allen h"'1 JudV f-nt the w--k end at
Tm or The Dalle, a paat pre.- iwmnona wnn uieir aauk'nier
llent of the Orecon Wheat on-ln law. Mr, and Mra.
Crower. leaRue, a. reldent of Wayne Tierce and family,
the national aanotiatlon. Member, of St. William'. Cath
A full ached ule t event. wa ,JC church attended the An
planned for the ladle, at the nu' Ph fhrutma. farty at
convention. Tliry were Invited to P1- ' church In lleppner
tea and a tour of the Kovernor'. on humlay. A potluck dinner
manxlon with Mra. Ktorrtaon. ih w enjoyed at noon followed
governor', wife, aa luwtea. for ' v" "om nania ciaua ana
the occanlon. They aluo toured a rnov',f tut all.
the atate capital, which la con- Kcbckah LaAc held Ita an
nual ChrUtmaa party at the
home t,t Mr.. Omar Rletmann
laht Thursday evening. A all
ver offirlnK waa taken for the
Odd Fellow. Home In I'ortland.
Santa Visits Legion Party
ulilercd the mm outttandinff
capital In the United State. A
mol Interesting trip through
the Cooeh'a Mill, where Ti Ait-
hfcnt ty)ea of macaroni and
.pajjhettl are made, waa on the Alter game were played a mon
Agenda plu a trip through the ley tree and birthday cake were
museum at the University of
hebraoka and through the Shel-
ton Art Gallery. The president'.
presented to Mra. Arvllla Swan
wn In honor of her 81M birth-
nay. a nohoht dessert waa
retTPtlon wa. held In the new nerved and all members recelv-
a mult!-
r)ur4r w minx tnirvnm. Wii)i;xrm0nMji;iiH
'ershlng Auditorium.
purpose colUeum. .
Twenty eight iieople from
Oregon attended Ihe convention.
Mr. Marlon Talmer wa hont-
en fr a lovely Chrl.tma cof-
fcT party at her country home
on Monday afternoon. Guest
reM-nt to enjoy the party were:
Mrs. ;irrv Tulll. Mr. Clell
Uea, Mr. Dick Sherer. Mr. I'aul
ettyjohn. Sr.. Mr. Harold
Wright. Mr. Klmcr Palmer. Mrs.
Kenneth Tolmer, Mr. Karl Mc-
alH. and Mr. Lee Palmer and
Mr. Omar Kictmann enter.
alned the Bingo Club at a
hrlstma party at her home on
Monday afternoon. The Novem
ber and Dtwnihfr committees
lolnel together to hoxteH the
meeting. They wm? Mrs. E .C
TSVsX. f 41 A
Jolly old
St. Nick,
we waul
'bring yon
n bag-full
of brtt
tl$ht$ for
a happy,
hearty holiday $ea$on. May the glftt of
good health and good cheer be yours,
ed a little rreche. Mrs. Adon
Hamlvtt rcelved the door prize.
Robert Drake spent from Sat
urday to Monday at Portland
and Kugene. In Kugene he wa
a guest of hi ulster, Mr. Ray
Turner and family.
Mrs. A. H. Marick and son Ed
were Portland visitors on Friday
and Saturday. Kd was consult
ing a physician regarding his
left arm. which wa Injured re
cently In a car accident.
Mr. adn Mr. Paul Pettyjohn.
Jr.. nd family have moved to
Ihe Rletmann house in the coun
try recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. William Spohn.
Mr. and Mrs. James Marvin
and family have moved from
the Rod Murray place at the
edge of town to the house be
longing to Mrs. Franklin Lind-
strum near the school.
Mr. W. C. Crawford returned
from the hospital in The Dalles
on Tuesday, whore she spent
about four days.
Carl Linn arrived in lone on
Monday to visit relatives. He is
employed at Nome. Alaska with
the Alaskan State Road Depart
ment. After flying from Nome
to Anchorage, he made the rest
of the trip to Oregon in his car.
Clarence Emert of Santa Rosa.
Calif., arrived last Tuesday for
a visit with his mother, Mrs.
Macy Emert, and other relatives.
He was accompanied by his sis
ter. Mrs. Kenneth Dunham of
Camas Valley, Oregon, who re
turned home by bus on Friday.
Mr. Emort left on Sunday and
Doloris Emort went home with
him for a visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crawford
left on Monday for Yakima.
where they will spend Christmas
with her daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Hervel Pettyjohn.
MONUMENT The American
Legion Pot and Auxiliary held
a family Christmas party last
Thunday evening at the Leg
ion Mali. Mcmoer. and guests
met fur a potluck dinner, and
Santa Clau. waa present for
treats and exchange of Kins.
There were about HO present.
and everyone had a good Ume.
William Chance made a busi
ness trip to Lexington last
F. Roblson of Spray wa here
visiting with friends Saturday
The den mothers cf the Cub
.Vouts drove to Long Creek last
Thursday evening with the boya
to help get Cub Scout, started
there, meeting with Jessie Scott,
den mother, and her helper.
Janet Lewi and iMary Lippcrt.
Charlie Roach is her from
Pendleton hleplnx with the tag
ging or arieep.
Mra. Janet, Lewia and Mrs,
Ann Buxton and son Chuck y
orove to John Day last Tur.
Gene Hunt spent Wednesday
nigm at me nome or hi. broth
er. Kill. Hunt and family, then
continued on to John Dav on
Atr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnvm
spent last Saturday In Prlnevllle
shopping and visiting their dau
ghter, JUdy. and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Ansll Martin and two sons.
Mrs. Francis Noland. Mrs. Le.
Koy Buxton and son drove to
ITlnevllle last Thursday for bus
Ineas and Christmas shopping.
roll call. Phil Carlson demon
atrated how to lead a steer, and
then ha showed u. how murh
ha fed hla animal Wa then
Judged three cowa Ovar next
meetlnaT Is at Art Warren', on
January 9.
Mary McKllgott, newt reporter
i.l;' .., fAJ
, ' V JSk.
l.Q&Sd! M&j' h will wfwyu
A. L. (Jerry) DAGGETT
Shell Distributor
The Gazette-Time, appreciate.
getting new. copy early.
' . -. if i
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1 A f
iK- hi t."i m y i. ii I rv n
iw nn f w MUX J
Wc will be closed December 24
n this
marry toon.
wa or. plaatad to
graet end thank
oil our loyal
r,V. cuttomart.
fc . a . , . .
firs, few Xmwk&, SW'll
" -:'." - . - ,...., , . , , .
ua ....... . ,' ' ' :. '"- "vf
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m mmm-
r " , v -si. N i, s xs 'tis t y .- T
-i a-v n, I,..,, i , ..... ..LJI , , ; ' j
It'fl that Joyout and gladsomt timt of year when we open our hearts and
hornet to on and all, sharing our blessings large and small. May youts
U th tkh delight that comes with partaking of the spirit of Christmas
AND THE BARNETT FAMILY Jim, Dolorla, Rick, D-Ann
AND Eldon Madden C !
lt the Yuletide, we especially rejoice In the opportunity
to turn from the routine of everyday business and in real
sincerity convey our appreciation to our many valued
friends. Your favors and good will have made "everyday
business" a very special pleasure for us. To all, our wishes
for a happy, hearty holiday rich in good old-fashioned joys.
7)) f?ll
Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties