Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 23, 1965, Page 3, Image 3

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ntttntt CAXtTTC TlMtl
DtMaUwt li. I Hi r-4 .
Meeting Postponed
Chance of inwllii dl fur
the ( KH Mortal club has lHen
nniumvil Because cf the wit'
fiM with Nrw Year's tay. ir.rm
Ufa are akri to rtierl on the
second Saturday afternoon, Jan
uary H, at 1:30 pin. at the Ma
Mrilo hull
tliimmi tar nil
fill th mir uiih y.
U rtrio their mrt.
A capacity congregation of
friend ami relatives witnessed
the l-u( if j 1 tluuM wedding l
th (laughters of Mr and Mm
Maurice Groves of Heppner at
All Saints r plsfopal thutrh
Friday r-vriitng. Nuvemtrr
at T.isi pin.
Father Chandler Jarkn t.f
111 IlltUloll tl' tlMe
rrfrmony which united In mar
riage MM Mania Call nanus
anil Iavl'l panlcl Gerge. of
Mrs. K. jm-stie Ceurgo of llepn
ner and W. O. George of WalU
WalU. Wn. and Ml A nit a
.juIm Grows ami larvl K.
iii.-u i.r Mn Itavmuhd Ni'l-
mn of IHwtland and Kemp I'Uk
of ll-'n.
Vow were spoken tefor an
altar l.eautifully decorated wnn
arrangements of chrysanlhe
niumi ! roca. An apricot anl
rllov decor was carried out In
tail standards holding apricot
chrysanthemums and yellow
rMM. surrounded ty greenery.
nd flanked lV tapr. Ait
satin tx-w bows, centered wnn
matching hrysartthemums,
marked the center t.rtdal til".
The brides, Riven In msrrlaKe
by their father. Mr. Groves.
ur idi-ntlral nwnt of while
starched Chantilly lace en train.
with Dlr ahoulder length veil.
Their bououeta wrre of trailing
white gardenias and carnations,
centered with white orchids.
Matron of honor tor Mama
was her aimer. Mr. irim
Musgravo of Albany. Ilrr brides
maid waa Mls JMalne ( line of
llcppucr and her nephew.
Matthew Hand, served as ring-
Matron of honor fr Anita was
her sister. Mrs. Oliver levln of
H-r.imiT Mm Kuril Mciuray
ait.-ndi-.l ai bridesmaid, and the
bride nephew. Jay Pevln.
CASE FURNITURE Tie matrona of honor wore
VU. rlc.t sailn with Illusion veils.
ABMir. It ETA. MART and carried rosebud txuqueis in
...... .... ..iii4 shades of apricot and yellow.
W sxtsnd out moat alncoro good wtabas to oil at
this Christmas ssason and thank voryooo lor tho
patronaao wt hart rtcslrrd.
Couples Exchange Marriage Vows In Double Ceremonies November 26
J.V" d
112 'Nw
in lastingly lovely Gorham Silverplate
whsn you purchtto I Servlcs for fight In
coniltllng of:
light 4, 5 or 4 pleta pUc-lllng
1 Sugar Spoon 1 Tblepon
1 gutter Serving Knife 1 Tsbla Fork
Amwlng, but trus thii gUmoroui chafing dish, or ol
Corham'i mot popular delgm regularly old tor J85.00
If youri st no rxlrs coit when you purchase your lervlca
of Corham Sterling In any of nineteen famoui Corham dt
ilgni at regular prices!
rrictl are for a 34 piece twice for tight consisting of
eight four piece plice-scttlngs (luncheon site), sugar
spoon, butter serving knife (Mil. table or serving spoon
tnd table H serving fork
"Something from th Jawslar.
U always aomothlng apoclaL"
Storo Hourgi 9 A. M. To 6 F. U.
PH. 676-9200
Sun w
stam ps
4 II
: K 1 Hi
Blue McMjntaln Community col-U-K.
Mrs. pick Is completlnic hrr
sw.nd term at Kaatrrn (trriton
f'ollei; In L ;rande. eljre
)oinifiir her husband In Tortland
where he attends fortland State
All four young people w
graduates of lleopner II I ( h
Com In from a flltanre i-r
the weddln Mr. nd Mr
Nelnnn. liiana anil Cary I'lrk of
llartland. Iannis Dirk and VVll
liam Jakm of Jai-kson, Calif..
ii. tin I'ltrwta Matlhrw
fill . miu , i . - -
and ln of Corvallis, Mrs. Mus-
rive or AIDany. sir. ana
tawrenr Stoddard of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. W O. Oorx
of Walla WalU.
The weddtn party was enter
talnH at a buffrt dinner prior
to the rehearsal Wednesday
evening;. November 21. at the
lleppner Grill. Hosta for the
evening; were Mr. and Mrs.
Crave and Mrs. fclaine $.
Kit Georj?e was host la a
barrsrlor party for U. tw
erooma Thursdsy evenln. No
vemtrr 25. when 30 relatives,
frtenda and schMlmates father
ed to visit and rrmlnlsre. The
froup enjoyed a midnight spa-ft-hrttl
art ri n-ei -f rt Farirsj
' L4 e JU S4 Kd "
ail. SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH was the Betting for th Impresslv ceremonies which lJf
liAM2et. cS rSali; anS Dtd Daniel Ceora. (Ml) and MU. Anita Louis. Croj. nd Jarj
10 Dick (right). In a douhl wedding. T '
The brld-smalds appeared in I chosen wedding colors of aprl
mi,-hlnt a-mnlre enwns of Yc!
low satin with Illusion veils,
low saim iin iiiusiuii :, . " ... , .
and carried rosebud ouquets first piece of weddlriK cake
like thooe of the matron attend
tv,- iinv fii.u.r plrl two.vear-
old Lynn Dc Devin. wore a yel
low empire cown with yellow
lowers entwined in ner nair.
and carried a small basket of
yellow flowers.
Ort'an music was played by
Mrs. Cerald Jonasson.
LichtinT candles before the
ceremony were Jcnery Turner
and Tim Loyd.
Serving as best man for Mr.
Ceorjte was his brother. Chris
topher S. Georpe of La Grande,
and best man for Mr. Dick was
his brother. Gary Dick or l"ort-land.
Ushers were Marcia's brother.
Marshall Rands of Corvallis,
and Kenneth WrlKht or Hepp
ner. For her daughters' wedding,
Mrs. Croves was gowned in a
Lodcn green brocade and wool
Jacket dress with matching
Rreen and sold accessories. Mrs.
c;eorce chose a white wool and
metallic gold gown, with Rold
accessories. Mrs. Nelson of Port
land appeared In beige and tur
quoise brocade Jacket dress with
turquoise accessories. Corsages
of the three mothers wree of or
chids. The couples Rrcetcd their
mnnv friend st a wedding re
ception in the parish hall, with
decorations carrying out the
- i
W A.
wish for you a
Christmas glowing with
joy and fond friendships.
n4 VsfllmaV
After the couples naa cut ine
ed the guest book.
Assisting about the rooms was
Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter. Jr.
Many former and present
schoolmates who were home for
the Thanksgiving holiday were
present to greet the newlyweds.
For her wedding trip the new
Mrs. George chaneed to a beige
two piece wool suit uimmea in
moss green, witn maicning
u.-aa nit and served bv Mrs. liar
Ian Flint of Beavcrton ana Mrs.
Archie Ball of Pendleton.
trvlrllnrj at th DUflCh bOW'l
were Mrs. Christopher S. George
,.i i a r!rn1o and Miss Terrvl
ureenup oj in-w"-i. . - - r
j V... ,. utarvhaii Ka nrt ' o t e e n accessories. Mrs. Dick
of Corvallis. ' i chose for traveling a white wool
Attending the gift table were suit with navy accessories.
Misses Nancy Cleveland. Leora After the short wedding trip.
Van Winkle. Jean Siewert ana .vir. ana mrs. ww;r
Virginia Moore, jlng in an partment in , iena;
Miss Linda Van Winnie pass- jum. m-ie w
Caroleri raise their
voicei in lone, and
. ....
. wc raue ours in taankj to
S K' i . !! nf vnti. our
V. V customers, for your j1k'
j - y .9 js ' ,
I ' ll. -AT-JK T-F I T i 4v If li 1
ni :
;n iitTt,
Bud and Marvel Hebert
Miss unai van nmw yaM-twu. ..v.v
U f
if f I j: 4
fiv iL;i His Fit
'ISM. vimiii AbV"
& the joy, light
and love ol this Christmas
season, radiate their
blessings upon all, we sincerely
wish our good friends in
the community a holiday
filled with life's
most treasured gifts.