RCrfNCI GAZETTE-TIMES. TburedoY. December IX IKS heppneii GAZETTE-TIMES THE morrow coontts KCwsrxrcB The Krppnrr Gazette established March 30. The Hrrr"" Times established November IS. l&TT. Consolidated February 15, 1912. Chaff nd Chatter Wes Sherman NIWSMMt ruiuiHin ASSOCIATION WES LET A. SHERMAN Editor and Publisher NATIONAL lOITOilAl HELEN C 5HEEMAN Associate Publisher Office Hours: 8 am. to 6 p ro, Monday through Friday; 9 until noon Saturday. Subscription Rates: U50 Year. Single Copy 10 Cents. PublUhwl tvrry Thursday and Entered at the rest Office at Heppner. Oregon, aa Second Class Matter. GUEST EDITORIAL Christmas Speaks of Giving By The BEV. DON McCAHTY Pastor. Church of the Nasarene, Heppner The beautiful lights that shine so bright and colorful, the green tree all decorated and trimmed, the gifts In the store windows tell us the news. It's Christmas again In Heppner. Christmas shoppers are busy picking out that special gift for that special someone, the gift that best shows the expres sion of one's love to another. The cash registers ringing, the children all singing and awaiting that big day. to see what will be under the tree for them. Folks running to the post office to mall the Christmas cards to friends and loved ones. The buying and giving of gifts lets us know lfs Christmas again. Well, maybe Christmas has become too commercialized. Maybe all this buying and giving and sending of cards, and treats for the children has gotten out of hand. But still down through the years Christmas has always spoken of giving. We read about the wise men who traveled from afar to see the Christ child. They presented unto Him gifts; gold and frankincense and myrrh." Christmas speaks of giving. Christmas began with a gift The greatest gift ever given throughout the course of human history. Christmas began with the gift of God's son. Jesus Christ "When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His son ... to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." (Gal. 4:4, 5) God's gift to the world was the expression of His great love "For God so loved the world that he gave His only be gotten son. that whosoever believeth in Him should not per ish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) What a great and wonderful gift was the Babe of Bethle hem, the most beautifully wrapped Christmas gift ever given. Here in the manger was God Himself wrapped In human flesh. (John 1:1) God's gift was not for only a few, but for all of mankind. The announcement of the angels, to the shepherds, gives the universal scope of this great gift Tear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy. which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day In the city of David a Savior, which Is Christ the Lord." The value of a gift is determined by its usefulness to the re cipient and its adaptability to his needs. God's gift Is adapt able to every condition and circumstance. God's gift His son, can and does meet every need the Bible says of Him, "He satlsfleth the longing soul and fill eth the hungry souL" This Is the testimony of millions who have accepted God's gift and have found He meets the deep needs of the human heart Truly Christmas speaks of giving. Christmas tells us of giving gifts to friends and loved ones, and those in need who are less fortunate than we are. Christmas remains God's greatest gift given on that first Christmas morn. Christmas speaks of giving. God gave His son for you. What have you given Him? There Is only one gift that God is asking of you. He Is not asking for gold, frankincense, or myrrh. His request of you Is, "My son give me thine heart" Make this Christmas the best you have ever had, accept God's gift of His son and give Him your heart God bless you, and Merry Christmas! IT DOKSNT take a lot of words to iv -Merry Christmas" and mean It. and as we rxprrM this once again It la done wtm the greatest of sincerity. We only re gret that It Un t within our pow er to adequately convey our feelings to the many very fine persona whose loyalty and sup port to the Gazette-Times make alt the long hours worthwhile. If we started to Hat them It would more than fiil this page. so we trust that all will under stand that our best wishes come from the hearts of the publish ers and the small Gazette-Times staff. ONE OF the truly fine Rifts to the community at this Christ mas time is the donation of the new ambulanop by Mrs. Aman da Duval!. The fact that the gift comes lust prior to Christmas l really only coincidental, but is nonetheless fitting. Mrs. Duvall was very reluc tant to make any public an nouncement of the new ambu lance, and It was only after hospital and county officials urged her to release the news that she was prevailed upon to do It. With all deference to her feel ings on the matter, we must extend this word of apprecia tion to one whose many kind acts for the community, county and her church have done so much good. There will be many who will have need of the ambulance In the future or whose loved ones use it that will have occasion to bless her for this gift the paper, and whenever ing happened that was of IN ALL fairness to the post of fice, we'll eat just a bit of crow this week. Folks at Hard- man didn't get their papers on time last week. They were a couple of days late, but it for anvtht Importance newswlse concern ing lone. Charlie was always readily approachable with i frank and straightforward an iwer. After four terms and previous service as a councilman. Char lie figure it u someone else's turn. He's probably right. We want to take this method of thanking him for the good work he has done a "Mr. lone. SOME INTERESTING bit came out when Roger Thompson, public information represent tlve for Pacific Gas TranmU don Ox, spoke at the Lions club last week. Someone asked what happen ed when they get a leak in the pipe and how the leak la lo cated. Chet Bond, who Is In charge of the pipeline In this area, re sponded by saying they had a leak in the pipe recently In Mor row county. In this Instance, although It was lust a tiny leak, they spotted It by airplane. Simple. The line in this place was undor a wheat field. They lust flew straight over the course of the line and came to a spot where no wheat was growing In a spare about 50 feet In diameter. The gas had killed the grain. To repair such a leak, they cut the pressure in the pipe way down and have a process of welding It that prevents fire or explosion. How they do this is a little technical for us. In the case of a major leak at any place along the 4) mile line, they shut down the pressure, but this doesn't put Ihrlr California user out of sen tot for the simple rrn that the pl Itself hat 34 bil lion feet of gas Inventory In It It'a kind of Interesting to think, a one drives aor the line on the tximb rsnee road, or on the Willow Creek high way or at lone that the gas un derneath Is headed for Califor nia f.tf domestic and Industrial consumption and that It will be several days before 'It arrives. It takes tls davs fr the fas to go from the Alberta Urdu to lis California markrt. Examiner Coming A drivers license rsamlncr will be on duly In Heppner Tuesday. Jsr.uary 4. VM'A. at the Court House between the hours of 9 M a m. and 3:.) P m.. ac cording to an announcement re- reived from the department of Motor Vehicles of twegon. d re K wUhaHour 55 ..ami Yra liV Wa filtnJia vtryjoyoui nd chttifut Chrtttmai St ion. The Heppner ROLLER RINK WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS WEEK-END SKATING ITWDAT AND SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31 and JANUARY 1. 7 la 10 F.M-. and SUNDAY. JANUARY 2. 2 to S P.M. 1) COMMUNITY ( BILLBOARD Coming Events HFJTNF.lt HIGH BASKETBALL Tuesday, Wednesday, Decern her it. 29 Christmas Tournament at Condon fomlort lllh'h gym, double headers, first game, 6 30 d m. Support the Mustangs! RAIN HOW HANCK By Uuth AsxemMv, Order Of R.ilnluw for Clils Monday. Deer ml 27. 9 00 n m. I(M)K Hall. Hennner Music by Dartrll Five of IVndleton. NEW YEARS' DANCH Heppner Fair Pavilion Friday. Dec. 31, 10:00 pm. t. 2 00 am. Music by the Henchmen of Heppner Admission. $150. WE WISH EACH AND EVERY ONE A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insuranco Agency P. a Bex 247 PH. 17 KIS Beppoec THE HUDSONS s7 r I rather sheepish editor that came toting the Hardman bundle to Postmaster Jim Driscoll Satur day morning. Jim. who has been very good natured about this whole mat- rer or zip codes, said with a grin, "Are you going to publish j mat. too 7 Yes. we are, Jim. Postmaster Driscoll has real ly been working to check out mail delays around here. he's trying to ferret out cific instances if Mr. Z1d lauit. In the meantime, we have had quite a reaction from the editorial, coming; from Individ- uals. businesses and other edi tors. If trouble continues after the holiday rush is over, we might elaborate on some of these, but we know our local postmaster is doing his best to check out complaints and run them down. WE'RE SORRY to see that Char lie O Connor has resigned his position as mayor of lone. He has always been a good contact r 5 1 f 1 p--feaaifeB f. ? to ' i ft tmt leacefuf as a countryside wrapped In snowy white, the quiet contentment of Christmas spreads across the land. We greet you with the wish that great joy may be yours at this happy, holy time. And with sincere thanks, we extend to you our great appreciation for your favors and friendly good will. Gard Men's W araner s men s Marj and LeRoy -THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE" was. VI ir A - '1 I nt because of zip codes! We a ijearf w i , 1 ' ' - I I '-. found the Hardman bundle slip-I W "y,v - ." . y.; . j V'0t7 ped down out of sight behind1 w' Cy-'--'-' " ,i'' t S - H j some of our equipment Friday " if m' ! r7'-jj' j" - XlV' after the rest of the papers had IJf7: ,v "V ZZ. .'' ' ' -I " ' PlTS- 4 gone out on time Thursday. Af- m '""f;'Jh.j- -V . -Ti, ZZZz x , . y . VyuA Vp f ter challenging the postal de- . j t'lJ-ty- vC-l - - s TSlt' V V.1- ''"It r partment on zip codes in the V . v i , x " 'S ! VV J "v issue two weeks aco. it was a iL Tj' v , J -l W y Vlv in SDe- 1 yTjl I t JMV . "K. I ft'Ai !: n. ... : mms r. c?- r- - ,M.-.,. - r n mm e - r-" r- r 1 : li7S7,aii'-..r -z&tt, - F't'i . s.-r V ; . --, r ' s I r4 --e 1 m i - I ii iiii ii i ii i i l i- i m m .... t i ' g I II I II I II llll III! fill IIII II I t. ,..' at w,r i4 ifhmirtrTinnriirhrM ITfT ear 7 ra With all the tranquility of a snow-covered land scape, the spirit of Christmas comes to bless and brighten every heart and home. It is our wish that you may enjoy thrice fold this Yule all the wonderful things that go into making the Christmas season such a special time: the joyful hours, , the happy memories, the cheerful gatherings with family and friends. iETOW S