MCrPNEl GAZCTTC -TIMES. Thursday. December II IMS lone Organizations Hold Yule Meetings ION The Home Economics .vice chairman. Mr. Lee Falmer; Dub of Willow Grange inrl Friday, December 17, at the home of Mr. Lee Palmer with Mr. Marlon Palmer assUting. A drlidiHi steak potluck dtnnrr mii served la 15 member. Ms K. C, lleliker Installed the following officer for VA: chairman. Jdr. Marian Palmer; V ft. bs Peace on Earth, Gcxd Will Toward Men. 1 Anderson's Builder Supply secretary; Mr. Arthur DaUell; land treasurer. Mr. IW-rl Aker. Mr. Itershal Townsend. retir ing chairman, presented lovely Sift lo each of her officers and nlon sponges to each member. The club planned a Watch Partv U New Year Ee at the Cranee HnH There will t-e a potluck supper at 6 0t prru, fo. lowed by same and rant. Any- one interested U Invited to Join In the evening' fun. A drawing ai made on tick rts sold on a pillow and lunch rkuh. Mr. Harvey Ring received the beautiful pillow and Mr. M. y Cotter won the lovely lum-h rloth. Member drew name for sec ret for the coming year, and an exchange of sifts was enkned. Mr, James Lindsay and Mr. M. II Cotter will be hostesses for the next meeting on Friday. January 21. lone Rainbow Assembly No. 89 entertained their parents at a Christmas party following the regular meeting on Monday evening. A Christmas program was peeented under the direc tion of Mrs. Omar Kietmann. ad visory board member. Chcrllyn Smouse, worthy advisor, was accompanist on the piano for several Christmas songs sung by the group and for her mother. Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. who played two selections on her vi olin. The girls also gave sever al readings and a short dramat ic sketch with a religious theme. Santa Claus appeared at the end of the program and pre sented each girl with a gift. ach parent was also given a Ittle ceramic Santa mug filled with candy. Refreshments were served In the dining room, which was MtX milt ilfPF I) IZf tl gaily decorated in the Christmas motif. Mr. Berl Akers and Mr. Kenneth Smu poured punch and coffee. The social commit tee for the evening was Torea Tucker, Bonnie Akers, Linda N it-hot, and Bonnie Morgan as sisted by Mr. Roy V. L! nos trum, tioard member. installation ceivmonlea (or lone Lodge No. IS Af I AM were held at the Masonic Hall last Wednesday evening. Charles O'Connor was Install ed as worshipful master. Serv ing with him will tte Lewis llalvorm-n as senior warden Berl Akers. Junior warden; Leo Crabtrce. secretary, and Roy W Lindstom. treasurer. Other an pointlve officer for the term are Rev. Walter B. Crow ell. chaplain; James Harnett, senior deacon: llene Rictmann. Junior deacon; Walter Jacob, marshal; Herbert 1-kstrom. Jr. senior steward; Herbert Eks trom. Sr, Junior steward; nad Omar Kietmann, tylcr. Oscar Peterson was Installing officer for the ceremony and was assisted by Paul Pettyjohn. Sr.. as marshal and John lYoud foot as chaplain. The newly in stalled maslor presented a past masters pin to Walter Jacobs, Junior past master, In apprecia lion far his year's work. Families Enjoy Annual Union Christmas Party A very successful Christmas pageant was presented by all the church school classes at the United Church of Christ on Sun dav evening. Following the pro gram a large group of parents and young people went caroling around town. Those attending the program and the group of carolers were served cookies, chocolate, and coffee In the social rooms by Mrs. Marlon Palmer. Mrs. Earl McCabe, Mrs. James Lindsay, and Mrs. David Kietmann. Thev decorated the tables with can- dies and greens. Mrs. James Bar nett decorated the sanctuary for the Christmas service. Chairmen for the program were Mrs. Robert Rictmann. Mrs. Bill Kietmann. Mrs. Leland McKin ney, and Mrs. David Rictmann. Mrs. F. T. Martin was organist. T VIRGINIA KELSO K1NZUA The annual Christ mas party sponsored by luteal I'nion ;-! A F of I, was held Friday evening at the Klnrua school, K L. Adam was chair man. asUtc! by the Women Auxiliary vt the Union. The evening started with bis- kelball games between lh Duke and King with the Kink's winning bv a score of 2.1 to 2. The second game was between Fathers and Sons with the Son winning .H) to 29. Thirty-eight bova participated from grade lour through eight. The twys were coached by Milt Boring. Santa Claus. better known as, Ray Coily, greeted all the youngster In the first grade room and treats were handed out to 173 youngster. Coffee and cookies were served to the adults and this was in charge of Mrs. O. L. Adam. Business visitor to Condon Monday afternoon were Becky chroeder and Miaron Kelso. Mr. and Mrs. HaroKl William son of Prlnevtlle spent Sunday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Alet Campbell and Andrea and attended the Christmas program at trie church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heldlage and daughter left Monday for Hood River whore they will spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Sitton and Debbl of Spokane arrived here Sunday to spend a few davs with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sitton and daughters. Troy Carey, who Is stationed In the Virgin Islands with the U. S. Navy, arrived home Thurs dav to spend the Christmas hoi idays with his family. Mr. and Airs. Jlggs Bowman nd daughter Cindy and Mrs Derral Bird were business visit ors to Heppner Wednesday. Mrs. John Meadows and Mr. Need extra cash? Sell unused! items around your place with a Gazette-Times classified ad. JLurlng this beautiful time of the year, we tend you and yours glad Christmas greetings and wish you all the blessings of the season. GONTY'S ED and ELEANOR attiix&ra Pendlcton-Heppner Freight Line DAILY OVERNIGHT SEBVICE MONDAY THBU FRIDAY TERMINALS I Heppner Bill Farra. Ph. 676-9448 Lexington George Herman's wmc station rn, 989-9593 one Rietmann's Hard war, Ph. 422-7211 Connecting With SITES FBEIGHTLXNE AND CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT WAYS. HERMISTON. ALSO GARRETT FREIGHTLINES, PENDLETON. OVERNIGHT Serric From SEATTLE. Wash. Via Con solidated Frelghrways Only. DANCE To Live Music Friday, Saturday Nights Wagon Wheel HEPPNER Phone 676-8997 Jlggs Bowman went to Pvndle. tort last Monday night to meet Mr. Meadows who had been In Tulsa. Oklahoma, to visit his father who was aerlotuly ill. Mr. Meadow had flown hi plane to Oklahoma and enroute home was grounded and hod l leave hi plane at Raw tin. Wyoming and continued home by train. The Camp 3 Women card club had it regular meeting last Wednesday at the Camp & Community Hall with Helen iToieii a nwMe. uigh was won by Carol NorrU. low bv iAum rerrei. ami floating ty Marie Hulett and Linda Warn er. Other puving were Jean MeitliH-k. lU-tty Murdotk. Namy nawK. Marie icnoton. Juilv Nor rls. Barbara Mortlmore, and Joannie Howrll. Rustv Medlock and sons John and Mike were business and shopping visitor to Heppner itaturuay. Home from school for the hol iday are Warren Mtad, Becky Schroeder. Sharon Mabe. Vlckl wnwn, and Joan Browning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mortl more and family were In IVrt land Saturday for business. shopping, and medical care for ' Mr. Mortlmore. The Klnrua Womens rlub had Ita annual CluUtma party and gift esrhange Thurtav aftrr tuNn at the kitchen, riecret pals were revealed and new ones drawn for The lematn.l.r of the after nmm was x-nt play ing game for traveling piUe. The ftoutdedeck card club was entertained Wednesday evening with Mr Vonnle Browning at hoMrta High was wtn l.y Marge Akher. low. and fhtating by Vir ginia Krlo and the kd tloating tv Klna Wecm Oth er playing were VI bilnkard. Rita Bowman, Rita Conlee, 111- n Wright. Virginia wiioo. Kalhrvn riaca. MarJ Borlnf. and Uly May N'Utad. 0 .if &. TJT Ct ristmns Ma oil Iht Joyi of aaoson be you ft in grtot obvnJoncef GRAY'S SADDLERY NICK and JOHN and Families 3jr JAe tr usM "Zf trimmed, ornamtntt 7 are flimmering, SanJa'i I ice ni teUhti jor off A IVJf bftt of Christmas. flS ' Vt art happy to know an J J ' Jr i to urvt you. r7 rA- MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT and TITLE COMPANY iaiwniaimi)iiiaiHirauwimawaMiwiiwnwnmiiiiiira , 1 : - m- A- a a Jrt.jr " j7fK OLD-FASHIONED iLst c- -A A ! Vft II. LB J wcw ( i r nm.m w i -- z- i -y '.',2.-i m - m-ir m a. "v mm " v Times change, but the good old-fashioned spirit of Christmas goes on forerer. and so do our hearty, wish for your happiness, and our earnest thanks for your friendly good will. goob mill toroarb mea Murrays Rexall Drug The -A.t this joyful season, may there come to every heart a glad renewal of the warming spirit of peace and good will. May we all be richly blessed, as we rcdedicate ourselves to the glorious message of the first Christmas. HELEN and WES SHERMAN Rod and Meg ARNOLD RAYMOND BILL SHERMAN REGGIE PASCAL BILL STOCKARO JIM SHERMAN