ntrtnt cazcttc -times. Thursday. Dwwbn it. mi BoarJman Council Adopts Resolution r MART LIE MARLOW BOARDMAN The citv coun rll adopted a revolution Tuc1v nicnt of last uwk lot th fin I My estimate for the John W krltch. Inc. Construction Com pany for (he municipal utilities. which Include water dlttrlbu Hon aystcm. at recta and the rail road ovrrpaas at met urea, known as schedules r. Q and R of tha contract, at completed and rec ommended that payment of SK3.9G3.48 be made. A proposal of rezonlnjr real dent la I lota 1. 2. 4. 5 and 6 In block 2. north Boardman, and lota 4 and 5 In block 1 was turn ed over to the City Planning Commlxslon, which was to meet December 9. Lota were drawn by nine dt izcnt who had purchased a piece of land nine yeara afro wnicn waa rejected by the Corps of Engineers, for that part of the land which waa left. They win he reimbursed for the re malnder by the Corpa. Following the council meet' Inir the Urban Renewal Acency sold residential lota to Pearl I loan and Bcttz Zelmer. and to Leonard Bcdord. Applications for commercial lots 1 and 2 in block 1 In south Boardman. which Is south of highway SON. were tabled until the next reg ular council meeting January 4. ponding a solution of divid ing the lots by Kay Gronqulst and Jake AJexanlan who both have expressed a dsclre for the lots. Mike Preslcr of Cranta Paaa Ulted. laM week at the home of his half brother and sUter In law. Mr. and Mrs. net Ma lrna. lie haa jut returned from Met am. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dono van spent the week end In Sa l-m visiting at the home of Mrs. Donovan's brother and aUtcr In- law. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn. VWitom at the home of Mrs. William Ullv last Friday were Mrs .Walter Wegner. Mr. Dean Forth. Mr. John Venable and Mrs. Acnes Kelson of Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen of Granger. Wash, were Sun day visitors at the home of Al len's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-, thur Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts went to La Grande to apend the week end at the home of their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Houston. Cafeteria menus for Riverside High school and Boardman Grade school for the week of December 20-23 are as follows: Monday hamburger, lettuce and onions, corn and pudding; Tuesday beans with ham. veg etable sticks, brown bread and butter sandwiches and cherry crunch; Wednesday turkey and dressing, potatoes and gra vy, rolls and butter, green sal ad, olives, cranberry sauce and dessert; Thursday meat and gravy over biscuits, mixed veg etables, graham crackers and bananas. Bread, butter and milk are served with all meals. School will be dismissed De cember 23 at 3 p.m. and will reconvene January 3. Kinzua Youth Start 4-H Clubs, Officers Chosen T VIRGINIA EELSO KINZUA Four II clubs are being organized In Kinrua and one of them is the Hashing Needles Knitting club with VI Stinkard a leader. There are seven memhors In this club and officers were elected as follows: president, Sara Bowman; vice. president. Debra Mathlas; secre tary. Linda lUce and news re' porter. Dard Asher. They are working on sweaters. suppers and pot holders. The Nimble Thimble Sewing club was organized with Mrs, Marl Boring as leader. Officers for this club are Sara Bowman, president: vice president Kice; secretary. Mary i Connell; news reporter, Schroeder. They have members In their group a their first meeting they patterns for their project and talked about 4 11 work My Neighbors 11 "Oh ao aot your new CfcrUtmaa tlaP Health Officer Gives Safety Tips 52 for Holiday Time With the holiday season proaching. Dr. Richard 11 wT gl)OQ85BgOQjg FIRST METHODIST CHURCH fvev. Mtlvlit Dixon, Ph. 670 0224 Sunday School classes for all atre. 9 43 am. Wnrhlp Service, II 00 a.m. M Y F., Sunday, T:0O p m. I holr Rehearsal, Tuesday, 7:30 p m HtWe Study, Thursday, 8.00 p m. WSCH, 1st Wednesday, 7:30 P m. Annual Party Wdnsday The Mothers Club of Board man Grade school met Thurs day afternoon of last week at the school house with Mrs. Car- 1 hnnman sa 4 9 wm Dnmat WHoht hnttoKH M"- William Lilly was taken Pupils of the first grade sang,0, ft- Anthony's hospital in Pen- "Santas HelDers." Tn On ' 'J House Top." and "Jingle Bells." The second graders sang "Morn ing Star." 'Christmas Boasts" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Final plans were discussed for the Christmas tree and pro gram for December 22 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Roy Fart low and Mrs. Zee Billings discussed costumes with the mothers. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Donovan were appointed as the tree decorating committee. Word has been received here of the death of Cliff Gronquist, about 45. in Cloquet, Minn., on December 8. Death was caused by a heart attack. He was a brother of Ray Gronquist. Pen dleton, a former resident here, and was also a resident here about 18 years ago. Ray Gron quist left Pendleton Thursday for Cloquet to attend the fun eral. Mr. Gronquist is also sur vived by two children. Scouts Donate Bottle Proceeds To Gift Fund By LaVELLE PARTLOW John Meadows left last Mon- cox. State Health Of flew. Ore dav to fly to Tulsa, Oklahoma, gon State Board of Health urges to visit his father who is very jcooperat Ion of everyone In mak ill- Ing safety a part of their ob Mrs. R. C. Lynch and Mrs. nce, Rav Barnes were In The Dalles I "Chrlstmas is a happy and last Tuesday for a day of shop-1 Joyous occasion for all. Special ping. (precautions should be taken to Mr and Mr J.w Rrnn-nin help keep It that way." he said, and Linda went to Arlington on nd then offered some sugges- Saturday of last week to meet "oris ior lamuy ana nome saie Mrs. Browning's mother. Mrs. 'j Mae Watson of La Grande. On 1. Be sure toys and presents hunday Mrs. Watson and Mrs. given to children are not cap Browning went to Portland able of causing fire, explosion w here they visited w 1th Mr. and or electrical shock, do not have Mrs. Charles Robertson and did sharp edges, or do not contain some shopping. They returned poisonous materials such as to Kinzua Tuesday evening and lead paint men on venesuay evening Mr. 2. Be ur tov u-hb-h nn..ri oy electricity have the UL tun and Mrs. Browning took Mrs, Watson on to her home In La Grande. Mrs. James Walker, Mrs. Les ter Halvorsen and Mrs. L L. Perry of Fossil were business visitors to Pendleton Sunday. The Ruggles Insurance Bowl ing Team split with Steiwers Insurance Team Wednesday I night at the Condon Bowling Aiiey. Ann Asner nad nign score of 444. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schroe dcrwritcr's Laboratories. Inc.) label on them. 3. Select a Christmas tree which has been treated with a fire-resistant coating, if availa ble. Keep water around the base of any live tree at all times while in the home. 4. Use only UL approved elec tric lights and decorate with flreproofod or nonflamma b I e materials. 5. Keep the decorated tree In Service Held Tuesday For Padbcrg Baby Gravelde service for Jeffrey Lee Padberg. Infant son of Mr and Mr. Lee Padberg of Kenne wick. Wn., were held at the I-ex Ington cemetery Tuesday. De ccmher 14. at 1200 pm. Rev. Al ruschee of the Lexington Christ Ian church officiated and ar rangementa were under the dlr ectlon of Sweeney Mortuary. iieppner. The Infant son was born De cember 6 In the Pendleton Com munitv hospital and succumbed December 12 at Kadlec Metho dist hospital In Richland, Wn. Besides his parents, survivors include his paternal grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs, Elden Pad berir of Lexington, and mater nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Brubacher of Boise, iua no. Mr. and Mrs, lamaa Hlldr. brand and daughter left Wed. nesdav for the east where thev will visit relatives over the Christmas and New Year's hoi- Mays. Thev will be cues! nf her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F.I mcc R. Ewlng. and of hi moth. er. Mrs. O. L Hilderbraml all of PrlnevlIIe. Louisiana. Hilder- Drana is on a two-weeks vaca tion irom his work with the U.S. rorest orv!ce. CHUJtCff Or TTtC NAZARCNS Rev. Don McCarty Ph. rM-!tt Sunday School, 10 00 a m. Worship Service. 11:00 am, t.Yenlnjf Service, 7:00 pm. IIOFK AND VALBT LUTHERAN Rev. Kenneth J. Robinson Ph. 676 KMO VALBY! Worship 9:00 am. Sunday School. 10 JO am. HOPE: Sunday School. 9 AS mm. Worship, 11:00 am. Kventng Sen ice. 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting. Wed. 7:30 pm. ASSEMBLY Or COD CHURCH Rev. Rillle Alsup. ph. 670 5581 hunday School, ?:4. am. Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Fvenlng Service. 7:00 p m. Mid -week Service, Tuea, 7:00 pm. ST. FA TRICE'S and ST. WILLIAMS CATHOLIC Father Raymond it. Beard Ph. 676 W63 ST, PATRICK'S Iieppner) Sun- aay Masses, 7:30 nd 11:00 a.m. ST. WILLIAMS (lone); Sunday Masses, 9:13 a.m. Confessions, St Patrick'! Sat 7 8 p.m. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL Sunday rVrvIc, 10 00 a m. Church School. 10.00 a m. Women's Guild, 1st Wednaa day. ioni onited mrxca or CHRIST Rev, Walter CrowelL pastor Ph. 4ZJ 7M0 Church Slnwi rtaura, for youth and adult. 9:43 am. Morning Worship, 11:00 IA SEVENTH DAT ADVENTlif Kid. Elwood Boyd. Ph. 676 9683 Sabbath School. 9 30 a.m. Church Worship, 11:00 am. Oulrt Hour radio broadcast. KGO, Sundays, 3 p rn. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Laxlagtoa Al Bow-tiee. minister. 676 9209 Worship ScrvU-e. 9:00 a m. Bible Sh.l. 10.00 a m. Family night service. Sun day, 7:M pm. at Iieppner Chris tian Church. Choir Practice. Thurs., 7:00 pm, at llcpnner Christian Women a FvUowahlD. third Tuesday. RUBBER STAMPS made to order. jaw &!AAlt'l.Mi PADS In black, red or green. For busl nesa or personal use. Orders filled promptly at the Gazette Tlmca office. Elmer Messenger has been 111 the past week at his home. Here during the week-end were his sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Urin Messenger of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Tru man Messenger of Mitchell; his sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sharp and son Tom of Vancouver, .Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammell and dau ghter Barbara of The Dalles, Mrs. Ron Willett of Corvallis, and Mrs. Marie Cogill of Port land; grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Jones of Hermiston. Also his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ros coe Messenger of Hood River. Mrs. Hammell remained at the Messenger home this week. Jack Jordan! of La Grande, of the Gideons International, spoke at the morning service at Boardman Community church, and told or the work of the Gideons. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Renas of Hermiston accompa nied him here. irJUGON The Irirgon Boy Scout Troop jSo. 667 held a bev erase bottle collection on Sat urday, December 11. netting $32 Irom their endeavor. The pro ceeds will be donated to the Ir rigon Lions Club to be used for Christmas guts. Scouts participating were Dal las Senn. Wayne Buchanan Leon Wilson, Bobby Ryan, Rob ert Adams, James Cooper, Jim McGinnis, Darrel Pummel, Den nis Lamb. Assisting the boys bv furnish ing transportation were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Mrs. Rich ard Ryan and Perry Pummel Other boys volunteering were Gary Hiegel of Irrigon and Matt Thompson of Pendleton. The Irrigon Grange has an nounced their no-host dinner and gift exchange for Sunday, December 19. at 1:00 p.m. in the old school building. Mrs. Jay Berry of Portland Is visiting at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. Myrtle Markham. They were joined Sunday afternoon by another sister. Miss Snow McCoy of Hermiston. The A. C. Houghton Christmas program will be presented Tues day evening. December 21, at the A. C Houghton Cafetorium at 7:30 p.m. The A. C. Houghton Bobcats. coached by Dean Swenson. de feated Arlington grade school der went to Portland Friday to ,h. lcst area of the room. spend the week end shopping. ana awav irom registers. heat- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wham and piJWS anu 0,ner neai The Dalles Saturday. Also In I"'" -trf? U5hta whe"- The Dalles that day were Mr. 7,' l' i" ' "v r. L. .' WUM evcn Paul Oyler and Mr. ? r" J,i.. "uL. k .T s. i ivui iiui .(it"vi nit- rivttj- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Happaar Al Boachee. minister, Ph. 676-9J0!! Sunday School. 10:00 am. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Christian Youth Fellowship. Iieppner and Lexington outh, Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Family night services. Sun- av. 7:30 p.m. tholr Practice, Thurs 7:00 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER-DAT SAINTS American Legion Hall Glen T. Mecham. Br. President Priesthood meeting. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a m. Sacrament Service. 11:30 a m. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat I U loo. Vl(r UsiA9oa WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thur. Sheep Any Day Folletr Meat Co. rh, M7-66S1 Harmlaton. Orqom On Harmtstoa-McNarf Highway and Mrs ffu T'- a t 1 . .. " 7 . Ics of the tree around licht Mr. ana wrs. nm Known bulbs if they are brown, relo were in Heppner Saturday on cate the lights. When the need. r."lesfL there they vis- lcs beKin to shedi take the ,rfe m-u niiu ,na. w vwn.. down and dispose of it Mrs. Jack Warner and Mrs. Dr. Wilcox also cautioned fh jonn nawK were in iieppner weather and traffic conditions i uesaay ior Business and snop- are not at their best during the Pin- holidays, and advised that when The F. L. card club had its traveling, allow extra time for regular meeting and Christmas a saier trip. gift exchange at the Camp 5 Community hall Thursday even ing with Mrs. Marie Rhoton as hostess. High for bridge went to Evelyn Robinson. High for pinochle went to Barbara Mor timore. low to Lois Walker and floating to Barbara Mortimore and Marge Asher. Others plav ing were Ann Asher, Lola Fer ret, Marilyn Thomas, Marilyn uauey, fat Hyatt, VI Siinkard, and carol IN orris. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and PUZZLED? PERPLEXED? PANICKED? Give The Mrs. Arthur Sabin has return ed from a two weeks trip to Phoenix, Ariz., where she visit ed at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Erwin. Flossie Coats, postmaster an nounces that the post office will be open all day Saturday, De cember 18, 8 a.m. t 5 p.m. The Christmas doll sponsored tms year by the Mothers Club of Boardman Grade School will be on display at Hicks Market lor the next week, and tickets will be sold there also. Boardman Community Church sunday Jachool will preeent Its annual Christmas program at the church December 19 at 7:30 p.m. Friends are invited to at tend. Greenfield Grange and Green field Junior Grange will meet at the hall December 18 start- ing with potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. There will be a Christmas party following with gift ex change. Hostesses for fine even ing will be Mrs. Glen Carpenter, Mrs. Leonard Bedord, Mrs. Frank Marlow and Mrs. Walter Hayes. Boardman Garden club will meet December 20 at the home of Mrs. Rollin Bishop, and will have its Christmas party with gift exchange. The Home Extension Unit will meet December 21 at the home of Mrs. Bernard Donovan at 12:30 p.m. A Christmas party with gift exchange will be held following lunch. Seals for Better Health Continue To Serve Needs "The gentle image of wearv family were in Prineville Sat- I1",? and the warmth of little nrriav fnr hucinoca chnnninir children reproduced in minla- and medical care for Mrs! iure on the 1965 Christmas Hawk. uxrais, conveys mucn or the spir- Kenneth Norris and Bob Hire !4 ot Cni;lftmas al the mean were in Prineville Saturday for !? ?r Christmas Seals in ac- medical care for Ken. uon I0Urd right here in our own Mrs. Richard Mortimore and co"nty' . Mre- Herman Stroeber Mrs. Earl Norris went to Port- a? X u L , land Monday for medical at- Since 1908, when the Christ- fpntinn fnr Rarhara mas aeai made its debut nation. Mr. and Mrs. Doyal Hubbell Lwlut?- millions or people have and ramilv snen th uwlr.onH "iaue lit-dinner . inrouen at Miiton-Freewater visi 1 1 n g pr5Ta.ms jP which the Nation- in two basketball games at the with relatives. ai lUPercuiosls Association, the A. C. Houghton gymnasium Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hatter r- f.1luDcrcillosls and health day. Score for the B-game was were business visitors to Port- ,i T J . . ? our own associ 21. 14 O TlH tho A .soma einra tima lanH H 1 1 ri n rr tha wnlr-rA ation have taken part. 38-36. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coleman Mr.s- .oeber Po nted out that Menus at A. C. Houghton were also business visitors to a wnoie vast cycle of medical scnooi ior the week of December Portland during the week-end. r ". ciin progress nas ;n.93 on ao fniinw- fnni. Mr anH kfn n ? vr.ir I Decn achieved durlnc that tlmp White beans, buttered carrots, in Heppner Sunday for medical , "1 new- more effective drug apricots: Tuesday Turkey and care. treatment against TB, better dressing, mashed potatoes and Mrs. John Meadows took her ,fu , s 01 nospj.UI care, better gravy, candied sweet potatoes, daughter Belinda to Heppner r,we 'mected pear salad, cranberry sauce, dix- Friday for a checkup. f.t1?.0"8 tand, bTlnSing them to ie cups and Christmas cookies: treatment, improved ways of Wednesday Macaroni and warding orr the germ. All of uiesc uumevemenis were the re sult of no single organization's efforts, but were arrived at mrougn long, patient effort by public and private voluntary groups in wnicn the Christmas Seal organization Dlaved its special part "But one fact remains that in STiii strikes more than 50, 000 Americans each year. In Oregon, 416 men, women, and children were stricken in ioai Much work remains to be done before it is finallv And a large group of other res piratory diseases, including the increasingly irouoiesome em physema and chronic bronchitis, must be brought under control, too. In 1963 emphysema was the second cause of worker din. ability under the Social Secur ity Administration second onlv to arteriosclerotic heart disease. "Public support of the Christ mas Seal Campaign is vital to the continued work of the TR Association," she concluded. cheese, green beans, applesauce Mro i-., n aA and cake: Thursday Meat loaf. lrs;..?URene Bf?. and Ronald buttered corn fruit 1ello Ther Vancouver, wasn., Mr. ana Srni T rnLX2?,t P?r,1 Mrs. James Mills, Ricky. Randy Hy neighbors ; ' ,ZV i nd Steve and Miss Snow Me - t- tv a via la v uva nuu butter and milk. School will be dismissed at " na0 MTS' ef U1? aa 2:15 Thursday, December 23, for LdnL Pasco Saturday and Christmas vacation onH -Hli o. Shopped. sume on Monday! January 3. The Irrigon Baptist church 1966. will present a Christmas pro The Irrigon Assembly of God gram at their church Sunday church will present a Christmas evening, December 19, at 7:00 program and Cantata entitled P"1- Love Transcending" at the As sembly of God church Sunday evening, December 19, at 7:30 p.m. Nativity scenes will accom pany the Cantata, and recita tions and sones bv the nurserv. Deginner ana primary depart ments will precede it. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Partlow ana Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gibbs. Kahlotus, Wash., and Mrs. Roy raniow. Kicky and Jean of Boardman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle MarKnam Saturday aiternoon. Mrs. iax! Isom and Donna and Mrs. Ollis Lathroo drove to xaKima and shopped Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. red Markham. &r. or fasco. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham, Jr.. Kennewick. spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle Markham. They were joined ther eby Mr. and Gift Thai Keeps On Giving EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR- A Subscription TO THE Gazette-Times WW "Wow pretty slick roost they've built just for us. huh?" EVERY ISSUE IS A GREETING FROM HOME THAT FORMER COUNTY RESIDENTS LOVE TO GET MAILED ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES Per Year A Gift Certificate Furnished Free by the Gazette-Times Will Announce Your Thoughtful Year-Around Gift Tyfi (HZOtff Bl Tines Morrow County's Newspaper HEPPNER PR. 667-9228