t nztrntn cazetit timcs. nurdat. Pcb i ms Keep Sharp! Tips On Knife Care Aid Homemakers By DONNA CEOXCt County Ealeoaion Agnt The right kitchen knlfe aharp and readv. rut corner far many Mtrhen chore. A paring knife, a ullrtnif knife and a butcher knife will fulfill most kitchen need, according to Bernlee Strawn. Extension home man- cement specialist, Oregon State L'nlveolty. Most kitchen knlve are made of carbon teel. atalnlesa ateel. or carbon steel wilh a peclal flnUh or coatinff. Carbon steel knlve are easily sharpened, hold an edge well and uually are lower priced than high quality atalnle ateel. But they will tarnish and discolor and rust easily. StalnleM steel knlve do not rust, tarnish or discolor easily but they have certain dlsadvant acea. Good stalnles steel knives are expensive and many low priced knives are difficult to sharpen and do not hold an edee well. A Rood kitchen knife deserves pood care. Use a cutting board to cut meat, mills, ana vegeta blesIt's easier on the knife and better for the counter top. Wash and dry knives thor oughly after using. Don't let knives remain dirty or wet, ad vises the extension specialist Store knives properly In a knife rack where the edges will be protected. Never throw knives In a drawer with other kitchen tools. Keep a good cutting edge on your knives by sharpening them occasionally. The time spent sharpening a knife and carine for It properly is more than offset by the In creased efficiency and safety In its use. Potatoes Are Perishable, Proper Storage Important potatoes, like other perishable produce, should be handled and stored with care. Mary Holt house. OSU Extension market ing specialist recommends pota toes be kept in a cool, dark, dry and well-ventilated place. Stor age In a warm place under the kitchen sink or in a cupboard near your oven will cause them to shrivel and sprout A cold place like the refrigerator may cause the potatoes to de velop a sweet taste, because some of the starch changes to sucar. . Orrgonlans ho have nase menu will find them ultble for the Horace of potatoes. They fchould be kept off the basement floor, however. epeolally if It's dump. Potatoe can be kept at room temperature for hort time If tt Is not poaalbl to store them at the temperature recommend ed. Hut only enough for a wrck tf ou lack proper storage. lone Church Youth Moke Portland Tour To Visit Synagogue Thirty-nine teachers and stu dents from the lone United Church of Christ recently made a trip to Portland by chartered bus to visit the Jewish Syna gogue congregation of Nevch Shalom. The trip was an outgrowth of a recent study by the students iif nf J.-siiil and the in- tiitr - rinnv. uhi-h Judaism had at that time. They had been partic ularly intcresiea in ine vu toms and traditions of the Jew--icK ftrh that have been hand ed down through the centuries- The group attenaeu a niui f.n-isw ormtiirtad bv Cant or Chalrm Felfel and Rabbi Stamp- fer. and witnessed a oar am vah for a 13 year-old Jewish iww iimnti all nf the service was conducted in Hebrew, but the students were able to iouow along with the English translat Ion ritual book. Following the service and talks by three Jew ish high school boys, the group was given a tour of the new synagogue, with explanations of many of the Jewish symbols. Attending with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen from the 5th and 6th grade classes were John Rletmann, Christina Llndstrom. Bill Jepsen. Anne iiosKins, iin dy Ekstrom, D-Ann Barnett, Nancy Ashurst. Rick Barnett. Cathy Cannon. Carol Hausler. Brenda Holstein. Clint Krebs and Gregg Jacobs. Those going with Mr. and Mrs Robert Rietmann from the jun ior high class were Jane Krebs. Rick Boyce, Brock Llnnell, Barb ara Boyce. Kathy Holtz. Susan Jepsen, Kristin Nelson. Tanya Tucker. Christine McCabe. Fran cis Wiley, Jerl Krebs and Unda Pettyjohn. Attending with Mrs. Henry Krebs and Mrs. Norman Nelson from the high school class were John Krebs, Keith Nelson. Kar en Nelson, Bernlece and Denice Matthews, Teresa Tucker and Cheri Smouse. Following the tour and lunch period, the group went ice skat ing at LJoyd Center. Holiday Guests Visit In Boardman Homes ANDERSON'S BULL SALE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1965 At The Ranch 13 ML S. W. of Heppner on Ore, 207 SELLING 47 HEAD Sale Starts at 1 :00 P. M. Lunch Served on Grounds THESE ARE BIG. THICK BULLS CONDITIONED THE WAY WE THINK YOU WANT THEM. WEIGHT RECORDS AVAILABLE SALE DAY. FRANK and KAY ANDERSON HEPPNER. ORE. S76'5311 r MART LEE MARLOW BOARDMAN W. C. SWhafer. who has been suffering with a hrvken ankle for the past few week, was taken to St. Antho nv's hospital In IVndleton Thanksgiving Day suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Harold Kah has been a patient In the L'matllla hospital the past week, suffering with arthritis. Thanksgiving visitors h n.h hnma were their sons In law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oct ot TO naiies. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Panajre and children Michelle ami Shawn of Hermlston. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood of o Ni viviiinir at the home of Mrs. Wood s sister. Mrs. Louise Earwood. Tt,.i.,iiinii visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. Uvtn Ely were their sons-in-law and aau- enter. Mr. and Mrs. tiuon uu . i ohii,4r.n Jim. Janet. Jay. Jerry and Joyce of La l.ranoe. Mr. and Mrs. rewen and daughters Gale and Kelly of Kennewlck. Wash., and LI leen Ely of IVndleton. ff mo l?rnsc t nvwrmi'liv and daughter Annie and Carolyn Burg spent the holidays In bt. Helens at the home of Mrs. Obermeler's son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. r.rncM Obermeler. and her son ana daughter-in-law. Mr. ana Mn. Bill Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mallery of Seattle. Wash., were week end visitors at the nomc 01 Jus- Mallery's mother. Mrs. nauu Coats. Mr. and Mrs. waiter Hayes on,t franH,!.iuchter Darla Hayes Ariinf-mn wn dinner guests Thanksgiving Day in Hermlston at the home of Mrs. Hayes brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Louis LeTrace. Thanksgiving Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Downey were Downey's mother and uncle. Mrs. Earl Downey and Gale Downey of Prosser. Wash., Mrs. Downey's mother and sister, Mrs. Louise Earwood and Shirley, and Mrs. Earwood's brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Steinke and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steinke and five children of Arlington, and Mr and Mrs. Richard Steinke and Ryan Steinke of Olex Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marlow and daughters Anita, Judy and Carla of Medford were Thanks giving visitors at the home of Marlow's mother, Mrs. Frank Marlow. They went to La cniuta fhhov to visit Mrs. Mar- low's father and stepmother, fr ami Mrs.. Warren Carroll. and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. UOCKweaer. m nnrt Mm. Crawford Oveson anri children Evelvn. Janet, Jeff and Greg of Wallowa were din- Thankspivin? at the home of Oveson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr." and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo anri sons Dick and Bob were visitors in Hermlston at thfi home of Mrs. Skoubo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. ueicneii. inr anri Mm Carl Marauardt and six children of Lexington visited Sunday at me nome 01 Mrs. Marquardt's uncle and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gil lespie, and Mrs. Claud Coats. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Baker and Mrs. Dean King and son Rodney spent the holidays In Lewiston. Idaho, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Boice. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyss were their son-in-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pieper and children Jimmy, Mary, Don ald. Danny and Pat of Portland. Mrs. Ed Skoubo and children David and Janell of Corvallis spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Club Warren. Saturday guests at the Warren home included Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Getchell and son Brian and Mrs. B. E. Getchell of Herm lston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skou bo and sons Dick and Bob, and and daughters Patsy. Kathy and Linda. Fd Skoubo f Corvallis and Rgrr ITauford of Portland wc ra overnight rueta at the home of Skoubo's brother and uterln law. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skou bo, Sundav on their way home f. an oik hlinttnf trlD, Oth er Sunday visitors at the Skou bo borne Included Mr. ana irs. Marlon Mnrtan and daughter Clndv. Nancy and Andv of Ken- newick. Wash., and Mr, ami Mra tn.iv c'.ustafton and two children of Portland. Cafeteria menus for Riverside ni0h u-hrtui and BtMirdman Grade school for the week of December 6 10 are as roiiows: iniiiv. .hamhurcen. lettuce, butterei ctrn and fruit: Tues dav pizza, green twans, pine apple and cottace cheese sal ad and vegetable sticks; Wed n.lav holot-n boats, buttered carrots, rolls and fruit; Thurs day chill beans, crackers Chinese sticks. tencn oreau mna fruit; Friday tuna wlggl1. beets, rolls and fruit. Bread, but ter and milk are served with all meals. College students home for tht holldavs Included Larry West from Portland State. Dick Skou bo and Tyra Nordstrom from O.SC. at Corvallis. Sharon Un ovan and Jim Hoffman from E.OC. at La Grande, and Pat and Jim Miller. Jim and Sieve Part low and Dcwcna West from Blue Mountain College In Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Daniels and daughters Pam. Vtckl and son Scott went to Portland last Fri day where Daniels attended the Delegate Assembly of the Ore gon State Athletic Association. Ted Hoffman and Linda Rlt tenhouse of Salem spent the holidays at the home of Hoff man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Hoffman. Thanksgiving Day they all w-ent to Condon where they were guests at the home of Hoffman's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Hoffman. Dinner guests Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mrs. Glen Caroenter were Mr. and Mrs. 7i.ri r:iiionie. Mrs. Claud Coats and Mr. and Mrs. Darold LaChance. (r. T iVom Part low and MrS. Zoe Billings were Thanksgiving dinner guests in La uranue i the home of Mrs. Partlow's son in.iniu anri rimiphter. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kress. The Kress' then spent the week-end in uoara man. Mrs. Roy Partlow and child- it, Miiia Ririr and Joan spent Thanksgiving in Portland at the nome 01 ner mouier, iir. Marie Golden. Her son-in-law anri rianirhrr Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ort nviHnn nf Warrenton were week-end visitors at the Part- low home. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl McQuaw spent the holidays In Hillsboro visiting at the home of Mrs. McQuaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost Gooseberry 4-Hers Organize New Club First meeting of the Goose berry 4-H Livestock club was held at the Valby Lutheran hall on November 9 at 5:00 p.m. The members are Joe. Pete, Maur een, Mary, Ann, Kathleen and Joan McElligott, Charlie and John Sumner. Dave and Mike Warren, and Phillip Carlson. We elected officers and they are Joe McElligott, president; Pete McElligott, vice president; Maureen McElligott, secretary, and Mary McElligott, news re porter. n , The leaders are Louis Carl son and D. C. McElligott. Our Junior leader Is Tim Tullis. Our next meeting will be held at Louis Carlson's home. Mary McElligott, reporter mm Buick. The tuned car. At your 1966 Buick dealers today. 1 What makes a car a car Is styling, performanc e, ride and handling. Only when Ihey'ro JlVned together in the car a Ilniek. Like .Lis 10 Skylark Cran Sport pictured above. IVouIdn't you really rather have a Iluick? -There's an authorized Buick dealer near you. See his V Double-Checked used cars, too. Holiday Guesfs Visit Monument r MARTHA MATTESON MDM'MKNT-Mr. and Mil lt.v AiM lVk and children of I'rincvllte rre M"lltir for the Thankvglvlng wk end Hh hrr motht. Mra. J'ln M""e, her grandmother, Mr. Mien Moor, and lrr Mi Jkle Motue. Thrv alo lllvl Mr. and Mr, hartley oer and famllv and lth her tnlher, r.'nery Moore. Mr. and Mm. Abe Gate and two daughter ana vtavn Leather. Jr.. came up f rm I hi- co, CalifvwnU. for the Thank giving veek-ent. They MMted their parent. Mr. and Mr. Wavne leather. Sr. Mr. and Mr, tnmy IMtty Mnt the week-end here fnmi their home In rorent Grove, where thev are teacher. Mr. and Mr. Inie Johnwm. their daughter Mr. FraneU No land and four children left Wed neaday for lNrtland to iend the rent of the week vUltlng Mr. Ann Cowden. They return ed home Sundav evening. Mr. and Mr. EllU Hunt of Fox are parent of a little Kit 1. IKmna Marie, who wa born Wednesday. November 21. at 2:43 am. at John Day, weigh ing 7 lb. X ox. She join a Wter. Kbln. Grandparent are Mr. and Mr. Arlle Lea-ty of Fox and Mr, lleeta lllnton of Mon ument. Mr. and Mrs. Clark pent their holidays from chool vetting In Idaho. Mr. and Mr. Kobert irter lent their Thanksgiving week end at Fall Mill City. Calif., visiting hi rel-itives. Mr. Irene Forrest. Mr. and Mr. Jack Korreit ami children. Mr. and Mr. !xnnle Harris and children and Mrs. DeUla Sweek all had Thank-sglving dinner with Mr. and Mr. George Ca pon. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteson had as their Thanksgiving din ner guests her mother. Mr. Rec ta lllnton. also Dlanne. Gene and A Ivy Hunt. Mr. and Mr. II. W. Scott and two sons, and Mrs. Elmer Matteson. Mr. and Mr. Herb Wood of John Dav were overnight visit ors Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. LoRoy Buxton and son Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones and children of Prlnevllle were among those visiting here with friends and relative. Mr. and Mr. Ellis Hunt of Fox visited here Sunday, show ing their new 5-day-old daugh ter to relative. D. L. Matteson of Izee Mill spent the week end visiting rel atives and friends here. Jim Croker took a business trip to John Day on Friday for repair parts for his garage. 5 immt wumm CKRiSIMiS SfUSIiMTiHl l!Ur mSMUORf CISEASIS TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for all make of machine. tMo; lf ter X Pert lrbon Paper. W kg; boxed typing paper. aheeta, f 1 U5: adding machh H'r, in! roll: cartnlred and noncarbonlrd aale book. nd other office auppliea. G-tetle-Tlmei office. Ironiporanl Plottic Storm Window Kit r.m tml t ) PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Building Supply Hcppncr WFDDINa. PARTY and ANNI VERSARY Napkin wllh name imprinted; Monogram nieil lUln raidii ftrirency lYisonalUed Not Stationary: Wettding UMk. Iminlre al Uaietle-llmea ufflw. 34a DOMTWAIT TOO LATE llrfor tl littl wonwn "n your nr k aUmt th hue Mng cold and drafty...tfr yi up to your nak In ww...at yimlf m Uw-cott torm witxlowa out of M arj'a O t.l and tt Vn up. If rrt.vl Ju.t nit with lter ami tat k'vver acreen or framaa. , llol.U IN h.t-krp OUT n Jd . . . iMivra up to 40 on furl mill. Warp' cryatl-clar II KMM.M.HH U.U for yr at a frat tf.n the coat of glaaa. Only !f uarr yanl al your local hanlwareor lumlierdealar. COLE ELECTRIC Motor Btrlndin I INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAI FARM AND HOME I Pendleton 276-77611 JOHN DEERE DAY SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1965 HIGHLAND MACHINERY CO. Condon, Oregon 10:30 A.M.-Machinery Showing 1 1 :30 A.M.-Lunch 1 :30 P.M.-Movie, "Power Train '66" DOOR PRIZES ALSO DRAWING FOR JOHN DEERE LAWN and GARDEN TRACTOR Sponsored by Gamma Upsilon i V 4-frr ,t,rr WINTER DRIVING HOLDS NO DREADS WHEN YOU ARE EQUIPPED WITH OUR KRAFT WINTER TREADS LET US PROVIDE YOU WITH SAFETY AND SECURITY BY CAPPING YOUR CASINGS WITH WINTER CLEAT SILENT SAFETY SKID-RIDS (Walnut) Jill FARLEY MOTOR CO., MAY & CHASE, HEPPNER, OREGON WE DO THE JOB PROMPTLY Ford's Tire Service -TOUR WINTER TIRE HEADQUARTERS" Ph. 676-9481 HEPPNER. ORE.