Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 11, 1965, Image 3

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    Service Projects Get
Promoted by Sorority;
Coke Sole Dig Success
Several Item ( bualncs
vsere rtlscusaeit at the Nrvcmhcf
inert Inif ( Beta Otncit tun if
ity. held last vrliwU v at the
home -f Mrs. tUU KIHmatin
This twin the month fur fall
fUshlntf l4 IIUHllr, Ottrr
fiiesla. Mr. Had Wrlib. Mrs
vane Iicrr strum and Mm, Jnd
V Klnmlil, were itrrarni. Mr
Marlha I'ctnrson ctalncI l.'p.
simn Mem Alpha and told f
pnuatunropic iirojcrls which
the sorority ha dad since H
chartered 12 year ao.
The chapter will arll inate
In the MuhcuIm )vnlroly col
lotion lv laclni( coin contain
er In the various iilacc of bus
Ine, Mr. Ma tin Itirtmann
nave a frixirl on the tlutrii-t
council meeting In tVrullcton on
IIHM'f lO.
Ilia (trouo vold to send
tnrisimas cm lo the tiailciii
at the Mate lli.ital (n I'rn
dlcton. A I mi, to Kiva book whlh
nan wen donated t0 tnrm ly
in iih public library, . the
'Hooka for the Meetly Irrlve"
used ly children iatlfnu at the
Oicuon Slate houal.
ItlkTuiuiion wit In-Id on the
Kali festival, art for Icrmlier
12 at the old Ion gym. The
sorority will aerve the dinner.
The educational program wn
a ludy of American Folklore,
led ty Mrs. Joe llauslcr and
Mr Ktitk'rno Ihxktor.
nrMMi-u a a big success hi
the fruit take sale, onorcd
ly chapter member on Friday
ami .-Niuunuy at lone am llepp
ncr. mi oranlatlon wishes to
say "thank you" to all those
who contributed. lrovcds will
! tiM-d to help I'lonccr Mem
onai hospital purchase a water
soitcncr. lotal collected during
ine saie was y I. DM).
IU-fichmcnts wit served li
Mr. Itictmann and Mrs. l:l
mix aid, co Hostesses.
Local Lodge Members
Attend Convention
Sunday Reception
To Honor Mrs. Jones
.Sunday, rSoM-mlx-r II. will be
Mxiial day for Mra. Jeff
iKmmil Jonca. A one of the
area's cldi-st residents, she will
tie Honored on her y.th lilrthday
The family Is planning a
special oieii house reception,
with friends and acquaintance
Invited to call at her home at
."MO N. dale Street between the
luiuni of 2AM and 4 p m. Hie
pulillc In urge. to extend their
iM-rnonal KreetinK to her.
Motor Rawindlng
Pendleton 27fl-T761
Kal J Younir liwlk-e. feirre
or Honor riulertlve An lalloti.
waa well repreiented at the di
Irli-t convention of thr orifaiil
ration at Vert Memorial I. nil. I
Inir In I'endleton throughout
the afternoon and evrninjf on
(itolM-r 2.1.
Seventeen local rnemliera at
tended, with aeveral annearlnir
n the program. Ifealdinir a
niltrea of leremonlea waa Mr
lara CertMin. atate dlretlor and
national treanurer. She review
ed InlereMlnjr eierlern,, of
the National Convention which
he and Mra. Kill Farra attend
ed In Miami. Ha, In July.
Arnonit diKnltarlea prevent
ami atMdiklOtf tn lh fekumlilu
were State President. Ituhy Ji-li
or Portland; State Vice I'reM
dent. Itcrtha ( hlaholrn. Tort
land; Stale Se-retary ;rait
Heath, iSirtland. and State Pant
lreldent Anna Sin-cket man.
Tlie Dallea.
Offlii m of the local club who
were welcomed wye Mm Mary
Hryant. prenldent; Mra F.d tlon-
iy, vice preKieni; Mri. Alice
M or a he. anil vpe irefident:
ami Airs, i.uruie rarrinh, paM
The drill team, comUtlnK of
the following memlM-r. iN-r-formed;
Mra. Ion Huff. Mr lion
HntMicwood, Mr. Lincoln Nash,
Mra. J.imea Cuon. Mra. Kd Hunt.
Mra Kd LaTraec, Mrn. It (',. Mr
Murlrv and Mri Karl Soward.
Other attendlnt; were Mm.
Farra. Alice l.uttrell. Mr Alice
Mate and Mm I'.achael liar
Alxiut loo iM-rMina were M-rved
at a iMiuntlful mori:aMHird at
rnxin ly the hoM Magnolia
loU'e of Pendleton, and a ban
quet at ti .'lO t.y l.nlle of th
First t'hrlMlJin thuch. .
Dig Christmas Show
Of Home Decorations
Planned for Public
Golden Age Club
To Meet Monday
Another mectlnff of the llenn-
ner (Golden Aire dub l nlanncil
for Monday evening. November
l at the fair Annex r'Kirna.
Officers are making plana for
variety of entertainment that
the Kcnlor citleni will enjoy
Martini; at K;x) p m. Those who
have lM-en attcndlns regularly
are urtreti to etirne and nrinir a
friend. It provide a Mxial eve
nlnii for any person 50 years of
nee or older and a chance to
Income acquainted with other
lieople who have common Inter
ests. Anyone needinif tran.Mimf.
at ton Is asked to contact Mrs
Mattle Green. C7t 9JiH.
Party Postponed
Due to a previously scheduled
card party on the same nlcht.
the St. Tatrli-ka Altar Society
card party, planned for Novem
ber 'J'J. has been postponed. It
Is announced.
Somcthlnir new for eopte In
the area will t the public
i hrlktrnaa show, KiniMired by
the lone (iarden club, on Satur
day and Sunday. Iieceinbcr '
and 5 at the IOOK hall In Lex
t.'alnif the theme "Fvery
where, everywhere, ChrWlmas."
from the ixM-rn bv I'hvllU
nnK. the allow will feature
all It pes of holiday dcoiratlon
and arrangements.
'Our purpooe I to trlve Mr
row county hornernakers and
cfill.lren an opportunity to share
Plea for more beautiful decor
atlon of their home durlnff the
Christmas aeaton." say Mr.
I'hill Kmert. general chairman.
Tlie early date will enable ex
hibltor to bring arrangement
which they will um later In
their home, and will still elve
time fur those viewing the show
to make use of the ideas this
Included will te diioraled
iree. nauviiy scene, arrange
ment with madonna, angel
and other religious symbol,
wreaths, swags, wall decora
tion, corsages, package wrap,
and many others.
Community organizations, as
well a Individual, are Invited
lo present table settings for var
ious Christmas occasions.
A lunlor union will welcome
entries of decorations or a,
rangemenls made by children
from pre school to age 17.
Itlbbon will be given those
Placing first, second and third
In each class, and trles will
! awarded the exhibitor hold
ing the most blue ribbons. In
both adult and Junior division.
There will be no sale items.
i ne iiow win oe iree, nut a
sliver tea will be Nerved those
who wish It.
"As a garden club we want
lo see the use of plant material,
which means anything that Is,
or once was. live vegetation."
says Mrs. William Kawllns,
schedule chairman. This would
include cones, berries, pods,
grasses, grain, weathered woods,
branches, dried flowers, treated
or colored plant materials. Ar
tificial materials mav also be
used, and accessories such as j
Christmas balls, glitter and oth-1
er seasonal decorations may be
used In all classes.
Schedules for the different
divisions of entries are avail
able from Mrs. Kawllns and
will le mailed directly to those
who wish them.
lommittee chairman are the
following: Mrs. Garry Tullls.
staging; Mrs. Krnest Christoph-
erson. publicity; Mrs. Kalph
Crum. Juniors; Mrs. Omar Kiel-
inann. hospitality; Mrs. Herman
Winter, entries and classiflca-
tion; Mrs. Wallace Wolff, table
settings; Mrs. Cecil Jones. Judg
es, and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson.
A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Gift
The Accutrorr Story:
all the parts that
make a watch fast or slow
have been left out. fih 1?
Bltnc srhftl (A) limits sccurac
rI ular witch. Tuning for (B) ripltctt
bilinct whttl tnd miMi Aceutron
world'! moit prsclM tlmtplKt-th tint
vtr unntdt tor dally sccursey.
Aceutron It s Bulova devtlopmtnl
Modtli from $125 '
It's worth the time
to you to look into it.
lone Home Ec Girls
Serve School Meal
Kacolty and student of the
lone High school wrrt feted a
a secial luncheon on Novem
ber prepared and served by
rlrl of the newly formed Home
rj-onomica department In the
lone school.
in tr.e cuss u l.nl rmt lu
oerua, uo'ht irie supervision an
Instruction of MU Iwky ( ae
leather, are Bonnie Akera. San
dy hryaon, Joan liurcharn. Con
rile Kmert, Kathy Keene, Mary
Mchol. Klalne I'alnier. fnna
Pointer, Sbarlene llamlitt. hi.n
hie Jo llynd, K-rniie Matth
ewa. Bonnie Morgan. Linda
Mcnoia. leresa Tucker anrf
Unda Kowrll.
l?ie menu included a vari.iv
of meat, salads, desserts, roll
and beverages, with the
doing all the work In
home economics room,
much of the preparation
the day before during
fOnamlM ht orat fell? accuracy wllM mcmmH. Yii Accwlrm cwctr
will odWrt Nm IMi tolarwK. H amiwy. OoaranlM It h to" r
"Somathlng from the Jeweler's,
la alwery something spedaL"
Store Hour: 9 A. M. To 6 P. M.
PR. 676-9200
The big undertaking was re-
xted a being very efficient
y done and very well received
by those enjoying the meal dur
ing the lunch and activity t-r.
liver lea.
Judge will
the National
Garden clubs.
be accredited by
Council of State
Breakfast Planned
St I'atrlik' Holy Name men'
breakfast will b held Sunday
Itovetnber it, m St. I'atrlek
(hurch with the Lexington Al
tar Society ladies serving, It I
Bazaar to Feature
New Attractions
Some new attraction will be
added to the annual Knlsfonal
' hurcn Baraar. scheduled for
Saturday. November 1.1, and
sonsored by the Women's
A luncheon will be served.
starting at 11:30 am., which
will feature tasty homemade
food A special Invitation Is ex
tended merchant and busines
men and their families. Lunch
eon chairman I Mr. Walter
New this year Is a Thrift
Shop" where good oualltv. used
clothing and accessories will be
on sale. Also, good used books
will be available from the "Book
Homemade fruit rakes, an
ever -popular Item, will be on
sale for holiday use. A big var
iety of fancy work and home
made Item suitable for Christ
mas giving Is also exnected to
be available.
Door will be open from 11:30
m. throughout the afternoon. 1
HEmta CA2ETTX TIMES, Thursday. Nmmbtr II. IMS
OES Officers' Club
Slates Card Party
Officer club of the Order of
Kastern Star will hold a public
rard party on Monday, Novem
ber 29. al 8 pm. in the Mason
le hall with bridge and pinoch
le In play.
f'rorceria from the party will
be used for the benefit of the
F-STARL home endowment fund
and the Knlghta Templar Kye
Admission will be II n-r tick
et and many nice Drives are of
Reception Planned
For Harvey Smiths
Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Smith of
lone will be at home to friends
and relatives during the after
noon Sunday. November 21,
when a reception will honor
ther.; on their 25th wedding an-
nlversary. It will also serve as
housewarmlng after the re
cent completion of their new
Their family and friends will
be hosts for the open house,
and ask their guest to call be-
tween 2:00 and 5:00 D.m. The
couple requests no gifts.
The Gazette-Times anorectal
getting new copy early.
Christmas Workshop
Planned by Rhea Unit
Rhea Creek Fitenslon Unit
will devote It December meet.
InaT to a Christmas Mra Work
shop, The meeting on Wednes
day. December 1, will start at
10:30 am., with a pot luck lunch
eon served at noon.
Each person attending 1 ask.
ed to bring a Christmas decor
ation, favorite recloe. or some
holiday Idea to share with the
other. All member and Inter
ested guests are urged by the
committee to keep the date In
Mra. William Rawlins and
Mr. John ITIvett were In
charge of the lesson when the
unit met November 3. A project
tudy wa made on "Fabric
and Fibers." After a pot luck
lunch, the business meeting was
presided over by assistant chair
man. Mra. Albert Wright
Tell the advertiser you taw It
In the Gazette-Time.
a Hmtmm t U.lw tmrntmn Iwra
i i i ii
1003 FOOE)
1. .11. l. .K.l
FLOUR iou.$i.i5
30 OZ.
Nalley's CHILI 59c
1 LB.
3 lb. $2.07
Q oz. Instant QQc
Chunk TUNA
Salad Dressing 43c
NO. 2
GRAPES 2 " 25
YAlllS - - - - Lb 14
serve better
it ?
sr nnn enin
CUBE STEAK 10 for 79$
2 Lb. Pkgs. $J65
Barbecue, All Beef Bologna
Pickle and Pimento. Olive,
Macaroni and Cheese, Spiced,
Headcheese, Bologna
3 F" 79e
Pork SPARERIBS u, 590
PRICES GOOD NOVEMBER 12 and 13 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288
It's nice to save twice
low prices and S&H
Green Stamps