Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 04, 1965, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    M. M. M. M-t VU
Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, November 4, 1965 Sec. 2-4 poges
lone Parties Mark Gay Halloween
rn loved a e Halloween run!
party on Wednenday, October
Ji). a I the country home t( Mrt,
Kobrrt IVIffMin.
Coolumn were brought In pa
imr aarka ami paed ar-iund
the Mom fr certain time per
UmI, then at a Riven signal ev
ervone donned the eotum
from the sack he was holding
Ctmri were al rdayed.
Gurala preent were Mm.
t.lndtay Klncald, Mrs. John Jep
en. and Mn. Klwayne Here
from of lleppncr. Ilnnttwi for
the evening party were mem
bT of the Mttial committee, a
IMed by Mr. J' Haunlcr and
hin. Gene Itletmann.
Betty Greenup aaaUlrd by her
parents, Mr. and Mr. Um-rn
llama, ffavr a Halloween party
at the Legion Hall on Friday
evenlnc. (.urM were mcmtcr
of the teventh and elKhlh grade
rlauw'. The younir x-ople bot.
tw-d fop applet, played Ramea,
and danced to records. Refrrnh
menta of cider, lemonade, do
nuta. applea and popcorn ball
were served. Other chnperonoi
were Mrs. L. A. MeCabe and Ar
thur Warren. The hall wan
cleverly decorated In the Hal
loween theme.
The lone Dance club had a
Halloween costume party and
dance following lessons on Sat
urday evening at the I-rglon
Hall. During the party birthday
greeting were extended to Kl
don r ad berg, with Mr. Tadberg
furnlxhlng a beautiful rake for
the ore anion. Dunce lessons will
be held next Saturday evening
at the regular timet and make
up IcHnona will be on Sunday
beginning at 4:00 p.m. for the
young people and 5:30 for
adults. I
Portland are announcing the rnts, Mr. and Mr. Holmes Cab
birth of their first child, a baby
buy lxn September 3 He ha
Nen named I.ame Itay ami
weighed 11 lb. Ul ox. Grand
parent here are Mr. and Mr.
Kay Harriett.
Gary Mrcan. a student at
Oregon Technical Sclmol at
Klamath Kail, mx-nt the week
end here with hi parents, Mr.
and Mr. Milton Morgan
llarhara Ulihop. from MK' at
I .a Grande, siient the week end
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Konald HUhop.
Those attending Pomona
Grange at lrrlgn on Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers,
Mr. and Mr. Arthur !alell.
Mrs. Stella OMeara. and Mrs
Oscar l.undcll.
Mr. Marv Swanson entertain
ed last Thursday afternoon,
honoring Mr. Frank Tew of
Seattle. Those present to enjoy
visiting with Mrs. Tews were
Mr, tleo Drake. Mr. A. C.
Swannon, Mr. Oscar Lundell,
Mr. and Mr. Adon llamlett, K.
It Lundell. Mr. Paul Tews, and
Miss F.mms Peterson.
Jodene Snow, who attend St
Paul s School for Girls at Walls
Walla. stK-nt the week end here
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Dill Snow and family.
Hollo Crawford and Dob Drake
have returned from a ten day
vacation stient In California.
They visited Bob's brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Krncst Drake at Fair
Field. Calif, and spent several
davs In San Francisco.
Miss Anna Johnson of Port
land was a week end visitor at
the home of her niece and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tews
bt-rt. and attend mIhioI here.
Mr, and Mr. Frank Tew of
Seattle. Wn , have been guesta
of their son and daughter In
law. Mr. and Mrs. Psul Trw
and family for the past week.
Paul took them home on Fri
day, returning here Sunday.
Milton Morgan, a mcmtM of
the Wheat Commission, left by
plane on Tuesday for Uolse.
Idaho, to attend the sessions of
the Wheat Utilization Kesearch
convention. Robert Jepsen, Mor
row County Wheat League pres
ident, was also a delegate to
the convention, which lasts un
til Friday.
Sunday guest of Mr. and
Mr. K II Schaffer near Cecil
were Mr. Schaffert cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gilbert
and two children of Goldendale,
Wash., and Mrs. Gilbert's moth
er. Mrs. Iva Krltt.
Mrs. K. C. Hcliker was pleas
antly surprised on her birthday
when a group of neighbors stop
ped In with refreshments. At
tending were Mrs. W. C Craw
ford, Mrs. Oscar Lundell, Mrs.
M. K. Cotter, and Mrs. A. ILl
Marlck and Evelyn and Lort.
Extension Plans
Winter Workshop
On Upholstering
V'alby Lutheran church mem
bers and friends gathered at
the parish hall Sunday evening
for the annual Halloween party
and a pot-luck dinner. The
children came dressed In cos
tumes and were given treats.
Topic Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. M. R. Cotter on
Friday afternoon. November 12
Mark Rrown, who made the
V. N. Pilgrimage for Youth last
summer, will be the guest
sneaker and will show slides.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crawford,
and Hollo Crawford spent Sun
day at Helix at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Vcrnlce Crawford
The occasion was Vcrnlcc Craw
ford's birthday.
Four-II club members are re
minded of the Achievement
Night party for all members of
411 thl past year, wnich win
be held at the Fair Pavilion on
November 6 at 7:.'W p m.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
A. Llndstrom and family this
week end were her mother, Mrs.
Dorr Mason, her brother Jerry,
and her grandmother, Mrs. Bert
Mason, all of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt
of Kclona, B. C, left last Wed
nesday after spending several
days here visiting their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
und family. The Swansons took
their guests to the Oregon Beach
and to Salem and Portland. The
fog and haze were so bad at
the coast, however, that visibil
ity was almost zoro.
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Barnctt of
on Wednesday for home after
visit here with his sisters.
Mrs. Clara Klncald and Mrs
Mabel Cotter.
Mrs. Oscar Lundell had as re
cent guests her niece and hus
band. Mr. and Mrs. Max Garri
son from Paulsbo, Wash.
On Thursday of last week
Mrs. Milton Morgan, occompa
riled hy Mrs
Mr. Harold Sherer. Mrs. K. C.
Hcliker. and Mrs. W. C. Craw
ford, drove to Lyie, Wash., where
they visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Ray and helcd Mrs. Kay
observe her birthday. They
found Mr. Ray confined to bed,
but somewhat Improved this
Mrs. Ed Patton left on Friday
to take her daughter. Brcnaa.
to Osburn, Wash, for a two
week visit with her grandmoth
er. Mrs. Fred Miller. Brcnda has
been In the hospital about a
week suffering from eczema and
a change of location was rec
ommended by the doctors In
the hope she would get some
relief. Mrs. Patton was accom
panied by her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Richard Patton, who went
to Spokane to visit relatives.
Halloween was observed In
the elementary rooms of the
lone School on Friday afternoon
with room mothers and other
mothers assisting with refresh
ments, games and treats.
Herb. Jack, and Kwing Hynd
and Stanley MrGIll left on Fri
day for an elk hunting trip near
Gordon White and son Tom
White, and Ralph Klncald are
elk hunting In the Tollgate area.
Sabra Gabbert. who hns been
living with her family In Ha
waii, arrived last week to spend
the winter with her granupar-
Training In chair re-upholstery
will be given through an
Joe Mason of Prlnevlllc left Extension Service workshop this
winter, according to Donna .
George, Morrow county extens
ion agent.
Open to both men and women,
the program Is geared to home
makers with little or no previous
experience. Those who re uphol
stcrcd several years ago can al
so benefit from methods for
such new materials as foam
Marlon Palmer. ! rubber padding. Vinyl or plas
tic cover materials will not be
dealt with, however, persons
wanting to participate are re
quested to contact the extension
office (phone 676SKJ42I before
Thanksgiving. This Is Important
so they can receive more Infor
mation and expected attendance
can be learned.
Prior to regular workshop ses
sions the home agent will hold
preliminary lessons on fabric
and equipment selection for all
participants, probably In De
cember. Up to 10 people will be
taught in six Monday daytime
workshop sessions by the agent,
starting In January at ileppner.
Two people will work on each
chair. If there is sumcient en
rollment, other community or
evening workshops will be ar
i i i i i 1 1 i i i i
Enjoy it thla winter with CUSTOM STANDARD
HEATING OILS. Order from us today and well
ae that you got uninterrupted clean, modem heat,
head to feet, all winter long. CUSTOM STAND
ARD HEATING OILS burn hot and burn clean . . .
your best buy in modern oil heat.
ph. 676-9633
of Members of
Wednesday, lioveimber 17
Registration 12:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting 2:00 P.M.
. .... JVSS ' i
t - - if
'Q'l 1
Numerous Electrical Appliances
Will Be Presented As Door Prizes
Imla efiresfaeiini,!
And Movie