HEfFNER GAIETTTTWES. Thm!. Hmb 4. I Judge Jones Talks to Pomona On Proposed North End Irrigation ' . .,ffr-rrd thrviiU lh County IT LoVELLE FARTLOW IRR1GON Pomona Grange met at lh A. G Houghton tortum Saturday. October 30. with Judge Taul Jone. at guet .pcakcr. . Judge Jonra Included In Mi talk Information regarding an irrigation diMrlrt for desert land In North Morrow county, and the Gange went on record a pausing a resolution In aupport of a new dUtrlct. Committee report, for various grange, in tne coumy heard In the morning, and the ladle, from the lrrigon Grange provided a turkey dinner at noon. In the afternoon. lollow-, ln Judge Jonea" ddres. nter tatnment wa furnished by Chester Collins, who played the violin, accompanied by his wue. Ma.ter Berl Aker. of I' aided over the business meeting, and In the election of oWc" he was reelected as Master. Other elected officers are: over Beer. Andrew Sklles: lecturer, Mary Lundell; steward. Nate Thorpe: assistant steward. Ken neth Smouse: lady ass 1st ant steward. Ola Rugglo: chaplain. Pearl Wright; treasurer. Kay Drake: secretary. Irene p!""' eate keeper. Orlan N right: Cer es. Margaret Akers; Pomona. Minnie Sklles; Floa. Nora Turn- r..,iii. committee will be rw.- tvtrun. Henry Raker and Art Dalzell. Installation of county-wide of ficers will be at the Lexington Grange Hall December 11 a .v.. . rtn will rw a not- lurk dinner at noon, and floor work in the afternoon. Officers were elected for a 2-year term. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sklles drove to Corvallls last Wednes day and Mrs. Sklles attended the State Board 4-11 Advisory Committee meetings on Thurs day and Friday. Kridav even ing the Skiles drove to The Dal les and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rowland. Remaining In The Dalles Saturday, they vis ited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wetle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berl, and Saturday evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ketchum. Follow ing dinner, they attended a pi nochle party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stakk. After at tending church services at Tne Dalles Methodist Church, they returned to their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rayburn of Pendleton were Friday after noon callers at the home ol Mrs. Myrtle Markham. Mrs. Vernon Stewart, her mother. Mrs. Ellen Reeder -end Mrs. Ruth McCoy drove to Pcndleton-Hcppner Freight Line DAILY OVERNIGHT SERVICE mtn V MONDAY TBHU iw""' TERMINALS: Heppner Bill rarra. Ph. 676-9448 Lexington George Herman's Senrlce Station Ph. 989-9593 lone Rietmann's Hardware. Ph. 422-7211 Connecting With SITES FREIGHTLINE AND CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT WAYS. HERM1STON. ALSO GARRETT FREIGHTLOTES. PENDLETON. OVERNIGHT Service- From SEATTLE. Wash. Via Con- soudatea rreigniwuja wx i.. iwir Sunday. ni-iv 'thev met Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc Coy and Terry. Vernon twrt and Tom. Tom mum Kon with hut mother that even- IOMf. and Mrs, Harvey Warner h.wted a Halloween dinner for their elrls and boys Junior Sun day aehotil do of the Irr on Awembly of Cod church follow Ins the Sunday morning serv tee. Alter dinner, the group ad knirned to the school grounds lor action games. L . Mr. and Mr. Wilbur C.ibbs. KahMua, Wash, drove to Bo man Sunday to visit his folks. Mr and Mrs. Ah. and visited at the home of her brother and .Uter In-law. Mr. and Mrs, Al bert Tart low and hheryl ana Mrs. Myrtle Markham Sunday- afternoon. , ..... ti .M. Anna nn uunni rv ? Pummel were week-end guests - Tnnl ZU-linsM anu Judv llmton. Boardman. Miss Donna isora was n r m nia.- - m pen party t in As'y v I iU I II Ul V it M I Thursday evening. After several games, cane ana ice ""m punch were served to the guests. h-irt nri soenna Driers ivm rAOumlni? went to Sheryl Partlow and Frances Mc Kathleen Estes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Estes. lrrigon. entered the WACS military ser vice October 19. Pvt. Kathleen Estes Is stationed at Fort Mc Clellan. Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kasulka. Vancouver. Wash., were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rees Morgan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Reeder and family of Portland and his mother. Mrs. Ellen Reeder. who was visiting them, drove to lr rigon Saturday and stayed over night with Mrs. Ellen Reeder s daughter, Mrs. Vernon Stewart and family. The Duane Reeders returned to Portland Sunday, and Mrs. Ellen Reeder remain ed in lrrigon with the Stewarts r- d.iuo nf Purl land was a Sunday afternoon caller at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jorgensen. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Halady of Milton-Freewater were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graybeal Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook. Rhonda and Allyn of Portland drove to lrrigon Friday evening vUitoH her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill. Tney were jo n- ed in lrrigon by Cooks ioiks. Mr. and Mrs. John tooK oi Al bany. Oregon. Mrs. Roscoe Cook remained in irngon wuu folks for the week while her i i j ,t ki. fathpr went elk hunting. Mrs. John Cook re mained in irngon wnn ner swi-, in-law and daughters. Mr. and! Mrs. Boo siewan anu and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stan ley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graybeal drove to Walla Walla Saturday i l . aarttVi an spent me wkktuu their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shingledeck er, Ricky and Randy. They were joined at the Shingledecker home Saturday evening Dy an. i vf (it nravheal. Garv and Jerry of Wall aWalla. day evening party honoring Mr. frc Rili nravheal on their anu " - , vith uPdrfin? anniversary, and - - , beal and Max Graybeal on their birtnaays. a CHtH v Fabrics l oHin Home Extension will U .ofatoria Thlir day, November 11 at 10:30 and the project for the day will be "Care of New Fabrics." A paid i .,11 ho foatnred at lunuiiwu y. - noon. These extension meetings County School Calendar n i i.t.,ut-l lh county and th county etenton agent. .11 ladies are welwme to . . a aucnu .. . u...- . IVbble Micv was nir a Halloween nuni-w -. -- ner nomr r i j - - Mrs. Cecil iiHMwin AH..t GKHiin. Hermit i on. were Tuesdav afternoon fllr at the mme o "' , Markham. They aUo UI ted Mr. Jav B.rrv of Inland, who U iwnting wme ehter Kellev and Mrs. lar Rus sell, vnris w .k-i. lliv.il 1 . a . .. ... i tm ri anu- r and atienoei m- " " ' . I . U rf I u I dinner at me irriKn -i cluirch Sunday afternoon. KCV. ' " I,,r . . visit tneir daughter. Mary Kenney. who I a ScnOOl icavm-r ! --- Wiloon spoke at the r,f r.od church Sunday "Lr i r.v. Kenney" ab The lrrigon Baptist church welcomed their new pastors. Rev. and Mrs. Vaughan. tormet !v of Uncoln Citv. Ore., with Sotluck dinner following their Sundav morning worship serv- ir. niiu - . of Vancouver. Was h.. spent he week emi vimwhk V i.-. Mrs. Myrtle Markham. and her mother. Mrs. Let a True, a pa tient at Valle Vista Home In Hermiston. McCoy also vlUed her brothers and t"inu,' Mr and Mrs. Cecil GFoodwin and Mr. Alfred Goodwin and fBr!1 and Mrs. Bn McCoy and Vernon Stewart left Friday for a week of elk hunting. They were Joined over the week-end bv Terry McCoy and Tom Stew- "Menus at A. C. Houghton school for the week of Novem ber S-12 are as follow: Mon daySpaghetti, buttered car . pinmmon rolls; mi k nuiuu.A iiked Dotatoes. meat slit-es. deviled eggs, stewed to matoes, pears: Wednes d a y Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, buttered corn, dixie cups: Thur sday No school (Veterans bay); Friday Creamed tuna on hot rolls, cheese slices, green beans and peach crisp. All meals are served with bread and butter and milk. Halloween parties were ob served at A. C. Houghton school for the latter portion of Friday atternoon, wuu iwm of the communities of lrrigon and Boardman assisting in host ing the parties. - Schools will be dismissed on Veteran's Day, November 11. The A. C. Houghton Bobcats. coached by Dean Swenson ost a football game to swi grade school Wednesday after- nThe 4-H Automotive Club will meet at the old lrrigon School t Q tn.fr 411 Monday, riovemoer o, P-m" j: l-- at School Will oe uisiinac ... 2 00 Tuesday and Wednesday, November 9 and 10, for Parent Teachers conferences. NOVEMBER I H0VEMIE It Meinbr I End of Nln Weeks ttlo4 .t(UH IIMW IMK American Education Wrk-inveat In Urnl Kraice; at Heppner I'iemenUry Band Room 4 II Automotive Club meet, at Old J" & Houshlon-TsW Girls Volleyball-Echo at Rtvemlde 4.tt P.M. Marrow County School District K-l Board Meetlnfi-Lelgton- 7:3l) .... . . n n mill .Toarher .-t..M.l nUmlssed at A. C. llougmon ai w Conference ... November 10 Report. Card. Given , Out . PTA-A OO ? l mt Mt High ami Boardman Elementary A I Day OiH-nllou- IWi " lV;".hton for ParentTeacher Confer- School llismiseu ai n- v. "- enoes lone ITA at 8 00 P.M. NevMnber 11 Veteran. Day School Holiday School Resumes-Sadie Hawkln. Dane at Heppner lllgh-Muslc by ine urmiunrii Public Notices The Petitioner, accompany their Petition with and hereby tresent. for the approval of this C ourt, a gocxi anu ".'"" t l .. f lw. uim nf X2!mU.IX). which Is double the amount of the probable cost of organizing u fii.iri. mndltlnni'd that BUI II iiii. - .... n I .. . n uoill.1 nav all OI lilt IMflUllllWii v r w said costs in case iiu uikii-- ti..n t not eiiecieu. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner, pray that this Court approve the said bona, anti wi rti.i.l Km nrcanl2ivl un KB1IOII . . . . der the provisions of said Act. and that this Court shall make . . nnr itHlahlish anu nun v,"-., ing and defining the boundaries of such Irrigation District: de- termlning whether ine requumc number of owner, of land w-lth-In such proposed District shall . r...i.in.ui fnr the forma- nave 1 1 uu"n. w . - -.i.. .v....,.r and whether the llllll til. I, v.. and Not e of a time . .. . k. ' ....niiiinn thereof. shall have been duly published -.la.. f tr tl-ll nin I 1 1 1" 1 . . .It.l.atnlflAa- or Oregon, muanu a in said an proviueu, am ..,n .,i hereina iter i r . ,v, nf said uis UVU lU.t.. . ILnillllllf ill. . crirn'd. all being duly q""fa ,:lc,: ,h,t this Court proceed to electors, unui-r IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE or OREGON rOR THE COUNTY or MORROW In th Motter et NORTH MOR ROW COUNTY IHHlUA.iwn DISTRICT FETITION FOB THt ORGANIZATION OF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT TO- The HONORABLE tauu JONES. Judge of the County Court of Morrow voun . " .... - - .J.ninnl PltitiOn- ers. constituting a majority of the owners of land, respectfully represent that each of us Is the holder of title to lands, of one acre or more, or who are bona fide entrymen or r,almny unoccupied land under the Law. irnitd States, or the State corner nf Section Jl. II p i T N. thenc aouthefly ! Ih ulhJ wfat corner oi r--ii"ti . E TIN, them-e raterly loh ..4t..n lint ta the south- rant come of hectlon at. H E T 4 N, tnence tiuuriij the sei-tlon line to in went corner ol pen ion I. r TJN, inence ranruy (h aectloit line. 0 tne """1' cast corner of Section 9. n 37 r.. T 3 N. theru-e northerly aioim lh ustlon line, o mt eivner of Section 4. R 27 T 3 N. theno easienv h"h - aiH-tlon line, to the wineM . ... t .11.... ( I II JM A . corner oi .4" I N thence northerly along the Motion tine to the n.Mrthea.t ...... r Sift Ion 31. R J7 I 4 N. thence riwnr .- . .... ii.... .. i hit aoiuneaii ii.. . . . . - - - . . i. M...ihriv t ii the in .....u4 .in ir ine east imp .' P tin. and the southerly right or way une of U. S. Intemtaie ingnway n.-... thenw westerly along said .....it,..riv richt-of wav line to . . . i. ,n ..r id aouther inw iinnwi a - , i.. ..hi.,.! .U'lv iinfl anil iiiir . IT I H - " J " ' ' - . a... - - -a, vl akaaasv HMrl HUr IU M II I II IT lllv section lines to the nr,,n')f,i corner ri Section 3, R 2 E. T 4 N. thence easterly to the south east corner of Section 34. R t T 3 N. thence noruieriy V . . .. 1 1 in ih north- east corner of Section 34. R 20 E, T 5 N. thence wesii-riy the section Hncs to the north west corner or pecuon ji. E. T 5 N. the toini oi iH-ginnmK. Except for that ortlon of Sec tions 3. 7. 8, It 26 F. T 4 N. which are In the West Exten. Ion Irrigation District linear ix-ierwin. Temiorary Chairman, lorn. Oiegon K M 33 38c IN THE COUNTY COT Or THt ITT Of OWOO" ro THC COUHTY Of MOMOW tM THE MATTKpr THE ERALL. Da-tA,, ..otJKY NOTICS uri'" . i. ulvrn thai notice i nrr"' --- - . 11.7 un.lei.lgne.1. a. ltaie of tlertruile Wither . U i&waed. has filed hi. final arvuunt in ine "u"7 the Slate of Oregon M0,'J County nd.lh.l Tiie.Y. No- emlH-r 2-1. V"0, ,ri .aid to (W in me 1 ,i dav In the Courtroom, tald Court a. ,n'"n , ' ' .h, Inx obj-etlorw thereto In the aettlement tberei.f. , .,.hi HATED ami . iir " . (VtotH 21. IWO. ! publication, nwrm" V;Hiior 1 Marsh llarrell. I.secutor MOSC.IMiVE. WALTON A AltSSy? Administrator JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUCKTER1NO Stonflald. Or efl on Old-rcnnioaea HUkorr Inwked waaaaaosT Curt Slavqbterta? Burs Moadarr. rrkkrr Cutting nod WrappliW Lockar w Will pick P tw, be more free ol Vrf fboM 441 3623-J l Tola Day or Night Iv 'l; State of Oregon for organizing irrigation Districts, and that the lands within said boundaries are situated In Morrow County. Oregon, and are susceptible to irrigation from a common source or combined sources, and designed to provide for the con struction of works for the irri gation of the same, for the pur pose of irrigation and i the recla rnation of said lands, hereby Petition your Honorable Court as follows: . , .,. That It Is the purpose oi undersigned Petitioners to orga nize an Irrigation District, com prising the bounded and aes crlbed lands specifically des cribed in Appendix "A attached i u . . ,.tjip.n(v mane nereio, anu vy , .w . a part hereof, under the provls- Ions of said Act. lip CRAZY DAYS, NOVEMBER 5-6 vU" - 28",36-ft.r Widths 1 U ' yy y 111 TIMEd Make Yo"ur-Homy?l TIME toVe Up Tp0 1HUS5?1 on Your FuelMls U0&VR"I l 0.:....evrvWfi' 111 FLEX-0-GLASS is the original and 1 jw n AbRs t tilH'l only window material that carries a I n SHS1 J 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. Look for the I " -1 J nrvnrit((nnfhHK. namff. ri HAVjLnwtf vi q - - irill, lli ' -- call an election for the purp8c above set lonn. anu constituted number of l-l0" Precincts in said proput-u trlct. and defining the oounna- rles thereor: aesignaiinK fime and places for holding said elections: and to do all things necessary, as may oc ju. ... proper under said Law for the formation of said District Dated this 1st day of October. 19NOHTH MORROW COUNTY IRRIGATION DISTRICT DESCRIPTION Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 31. R 26 E. T 5 N. thence southerly along the section lines to the northwest corner of Section 19. R 26 L T 4 N. thence westerly along the section lines to the northwest PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN DUE and KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD rtonecr Service Credit Information Is most valuable No commissions charged on collection. All money la paid direct to creditor. ioneer SERVICE CO., inc. , SINCE 192C The Merchants' and Professional Men. Organization ORECON IDAHO UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH TOR THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS TOR SALE j HANDBILLS W1TJ--llI .. 7 BV Get Genuine FLEX-O-GLASS At Your Local Hdwr. or Lmbr. Dealer '66 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe" with eriep-iined new Body by Fisher 1. NEW TURBO-JET V8'. Three versions of this re markably efficient engine are available, with ratings of 325 hp, 390 hp and 425 hp. 2. RICHER NEW IN TERIORS. They're impres sive even by Impala stand ards. And the fine hand of Body by Fisher craftsman ship is very much m evi dence. 3. CRISP NEW STYIv ING. More elegant from V-shaped grille to new wrap-around taillights. 4. A JET-SMOOTHER RIDE. Refinements in body, frame and suspension (in cluding Full Coil springs tailored to each body style) make the ride even gentler. 5. RACY SUPER SPORT MODELS. Pick an Impala SS Coupe or Convertible, complete with new Strato bucket front seats and eye catching console. 6. NEW SAFETY FEATURES. They include windshield washer, two-speed electric wipers, rear seat belts and backup lights all standard every '66 Chevrolet. 7. OVER 200 CUSTOM FEA TURES. You can have a field day ordering luxuries like FM stereo radio. Want to raise your standard of liv ing it up? Your Chevrolet dealer's the man to see. Ml Chevrolet's Jet-smoother veJvaJ S,, th. new '66 Chevro.et, Chevelle, am? -U. Corvai ,e Chewoleld 36-3764 Fulletton -ChevroleJ Company Heppner, Oregon