Grand Worthy Advisor! Officially Welcomed By lone Assembly Umt. r ml worthy mtvloof o' Internatlunal Order of lialnlxiw (it tilrls In Oregon, made an rrii1l vUll to lnif Aemby No. KJ on Friday evening The m-iin( m iiroctei hy a turkey dinner trlinl by the KainlHiw iMHirtl, audited liy Mra, l. f Aacrs. During the meeting t'hrlatle waa honored with an addendum an presented a cheek to lt her with her project tt the year, Mim iuixiiint for I lit Oregon Hit ml .Kehoo) at Sa lem and I hi- Maortlc ami Fast ivn Star Hume al Foreat (irov herllyn Smouae, worthy advls 01, made the presentation for the Assembly and ahu present, rd hrr with a t-ermnal sift from tli girls, flonnle llynd sang a aolo accompanied by tiun Jane JttMn. Following Hi meeting many of Ilii trUU and their guest at tended the Homecoming dance at Hip high hw.l. Rhea Creek Ladies Make Banquet Plans The fthea ("rerk Crange Home r-eoriomles Hub met at Thurs- j clay f( a potlurk luncheon and hutlnesa meeting at the home I of Mra. Orlan Wright. Mr, lien Anderson presided at the meeting where plans and committees were set up for the Morrow (ounty (.rain Crowcrs to Ik1 served by the IIH' tin N11V i-tiilwr H I'ri-M-nt at the meeting were MIL AND MRS. LARRY I. TIBBLES (the former Judy Mooreheod). Mra. Ilonald Hagucwood, Mr. Harold wk. Mm. Henry Hak er, Mra. lien Anderson. Mra. Walter Wright, Mr. l.eonard Hill. Mra. John Crave. Mra. Hay Krake. Mra. Mary Wright. Mra. Fvclyn Farrens, Miss Marilyn BeriMrom and the hostess, Mra. Wright. SSiOOY II I I II 11 m s II , v I 7' ' J ; '7 ' M II r - a 11 ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER Saturday, Nov. 6 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Lexington I OOF Hall Sponsored by Holly Rebckah Lodge 3 BIG DOOR riUZrX Afghan, Lady's Stole Dressed Doll Cords. Games, Coffee Hour Following EVERYONE WELCOME!! Eugene Chapel is Wedding Scene For Moorehead-Tibbles Ceremony The marriage of Minn Judy MiMirehead, daughter of Mr. and M. Melvin L. Moorehead of Eugene, to I-arry L. Tlhblea. aon of Dr. and Mrs. 1- D. Tibbies of F'rank Leal, aunt of the bride: Mra. Ime Tibbies, Mrs. Irene Albro and Mrs. Darrell Moore head. A-islstinR were Mrs. Wen dell Whlttington. hU. Hugh Heppner. was solemnized at a I Smith and Mrs. Gene Whlttlng- iirvwy ian mnnnny on nun- tlav. September 5. Vows were exchanged In Roe- light Wedding Chacl In Eu gene, with Dr. Ward Hire of Northwest Christian College inr forming the double ring after noon ceremony. The altar was decorated with arrangements o( i gladioli In fall Nhades of yel i low, orange and gold. ) Escorted by her father, the bride wat lovely In an empire style wlllnK gown of Chantil ( Iv lace. Her bouffant veil wai I held by a Jeweled crown and Uhe carried a bridal bouquet of gardenias and hlephanotis ar- ranged with Ivy. i The bride's attendants were Mlus Vivian Straus, as maid of honor, and Miss Kristlne Krebs, as bridesmaid, both of Eugene. Their gowns were of olive green French crepe In em pire alyle, and they curried yel low, orange and bronze chrys anthemums. Lance Tibbies of Eugene served as best man for his brother. Ushers were Robert Huffman, Heppner; Keith Tron son, lU'ddlng. Calif., and Rodney jviooreneau, brother 01 the bride. of Eugene. The couple greeted their guests at a wedding reception at Spencer Creek Grange Hall near Eugene. ervlng were Mrs ton. MIks Elaine Miller and Miss Louise (iuKtafson took care of gifts and Miss Karen Whitting ton kept Hie guest book. The couple is now at home at 1 130 S. W. Moss St.. Aptm. 1, rortland. Mr. Tibbies, a graduate of Heppner High school in 1961. and of the University of Ore gun In 1'.k, Is taking graduate work at the University of Ore gon Medical School. After graduating from South Eugene High school In 13, the new Mrs. Tibbies attended the University of Oregon for two years and Is now enrolled at IVrtland State College. Interest in Senior' Citizens Club Grows; Dinner Set Monday for those so dear new Or O IIAiVE STERLING picture frame & pin cushion $9.50 length m $12.50 length 3V" ZExcItlng new Corham Sterling gift Items ... to perfectl The rich red velvet adds that extra sparkle of luxury to the precious Sterling In these Corham gift items. Both the heart shaped pin cushion and picture frame are Ideal gifts for those you love most, as well as yourself. "Something from tha Jowalar's. la always something spaded." femes'' Stora Hourai 9 K M. To 8 P. M. PR. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER JEWELERS A cBen STAMPS Continued Interest In organi zing a club for senior citizens in South Morrow county was demonstrated by a group who met with a committee of the Soroptlmlst club at the home of Wavel Wilkinson Monday evening. The group made plans for tneir iirst actual get-together on Monday, November 1, at the hair Annex In the county fair building, it Is to start with a potluck dinner at 7:00 p.m.. wnn an open invitation to any one u years or age or older to attend. Anyone who Is In need of transportation is asked to contact Mrs. Mattle Green, 676 92IW. Actual possibilities of the good times and social benefits which may be derived from such a club were seen by a group of local people who vis ited the Golden Ace club of Hormiston last Tuesday after noon. If such a club Is organized here, they have yet to establish a place and definite time for meetings. Methodist Women Plan Prayer Time Women of the Heppner Meth- 1 odlst church will observe a call to prayer and self denial Sat urdav. October 30. between 7 and 10 a.m. In the church sanc tuary, It is announced by the Rev. Melvin Dixon, church pas tor. The women will come to the church, kneel In prayer at the altar and leave a nlft the Drice nt enmnh nc thev aro wtlllri J to do without that some needy person might nave a necessity, he said. Hunting guests over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross of Canby. It was the first hunting experience for Mrs. Ross, and a successful one, since she was the only lucky one in a party of four to get a deer. Both young people are employed in Canby, where Mrs. Ross, (the former Mary Evelyn Tucker), is teach ing in the elementary school and her husband is workine with a carpentering firm. Tom Class, son of former Morrow county health nurse. Mrs. Velma Glass, was a week end visitor in HePDncr on bus iness and renewing acquaintan ces here. He is doing part time teaming in social sciences at Portland State college, and tak ing work for an advanced de- gree. He was a graduate of Wil lamette University last sDrin? Graves Homo Visited By Friends, Relatives The ranch horn of Mr., and Mra. Jvhn Grave It a popular meeting dar for many of their friends and relatives during the hunting aeaaon. Vliltlng now at th Graves hxri ar Mr and Mr It ft Wilms of Hirtland. rrnfa of Mm fjravea. ana weekend gueU Included her brother In law and slater. M. and Mra. Mwin Broaten of Elk lUver. Idaho. Others who have tern enloy Ing lh Graves' honpitality art Mr, wait inn ana her mother In law, Mra. Jcftti Hill of Jvn- dleton, and li brother and aia ter In law from Vancouver, H (; alo Mr and Mrs tharl. Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Wilcox and family, all of llermlMon; M. and Mrs Ray !oven, Leslngton: Joe Maton, I'rlnevllle: Mrs. Vlda ll.liker and Mr. and Mrt. Im llrliker. of lone. Edwin Tuck?, son of Mra. Archie Padberg. and hia aon Danny, stopped briefly Sunday at the J'adberg home on their return to Salem from a week- nd camping and hunting trip, "hey were happy to return home with a buck. Inqalls arc Honored At Surprise Reception On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charlie IngalU of Adama were pleasantly ur prliH ty their family and friends on their 2ftr Wedding Annlveraary on Sunday, October 17. Mrs means will be remem. twred at the former Jeaale Mc Cab of lone. During the afternoon, around ') guctta railed at their horn to enjoy their occasion and sign the guet book. Trie couple was p cue riled with money tree and received many lovely gifts. The renterplecw for the day, presented to the honored guett by Mrs. I Ilia Timmi of Pendle ton, was a beautiful arrange ment of white chrysanthemum and silver wedding bells, with silver spiral candle completing the arrangement. Mrs. Howard Fubanks of Ar lington, sister of Ms. IngalU. baked and decorated the all white four-tiered cake, with white roM-s and silver leaves and topped It with white sugar bells. Mrs. hubanks also cut and served the cake. Others who assisted were Mrs. Earl McCabe. lone, who served Ice cream; Mrs. Krncst McCabe of Heppner, poured coffee, and Miss Gail Tlmma. Pendleton, poured the punch. In charge of BtrPNCI CAZETTE-T1MCS. Thursday, Ortobs XI IMS Past Grands Meet For Annual Dinner Pat Nobl Grands of Sans Souii lUbekah lodge held their annual get-together dinner at the !)OK hall Monday even ing, October 1M. The potluck- Mvl dinner wa M-rved at ) with Mrt. Cornett feen. Mr. Jerry Itood and lather Here from arvlng at hostees. Letters were read from sev eral of the Past Noble Grand who were not able to be pres. ent. Mrs. Lucille parrUh was welcomed as a new member. An election resulted In the following new officers: Mrs. Green, chairman; Mrs. lion Hough, vice chairman, and Mrs. John Here strom, secretary -treas urer. At the cloae of the meeting. secret pals among the members were revealed and new ones drawn for the coming year. Elks Schedule Start Of Pinochle Tourney The Heppner Klks Lodge hat scheduled the first go round of n eight week pinochle tourna ment for Wednesday, November X beginning at 7 p rn In the Elk' Temple. Anyone desiring further Infor mation concerning the tourna ment, open to f-Ika and their ladles, may contact Mrt, Dar re padberf by Phoning 4T2- 7253. the guest book waa Mrs. Ingall't niece. Mist Pam McCabe of Heppner. Those attending from out-of- town came from Pasco, Wn., 'endleton. Heppner. lone, Ath ena and Arlington. The Cazette-Tlmea appreciates getting news copy early. POWER CONTROL EXJtCTBiC MOT0H 1E1YICZ WE BEPAlli Electric Motors Power Tool BrdrauUc Jocks JUamlt Equipment 421 L C 4th Paadlatot) Phea 276-5062 3 POPCORN BALLS 3 for 190 CANNED FOOD SPECIALS S4W 003 WHOLE PEELED APRICOTS 4 For $J 303 CANS CHOPPED OR LEAF SPINACH g For $- 303 CANS PEAS, 3-SIEVE, TENDER 5 For $j COLOSSAL BEG. 49c NO. 1 TALL UNPITTED OLIVES 3 For 300 CLASS ' APPLESAUCE 4 For $ 303 CANS CANDIED YAMS 3 For $ CHOPPED or MINCED CLAMS 4 For $ mmm Nabisco FROLIC SNACKS 3 Pk9- $1 k . S M A A , & - - - fca Mka 1 aw 1 i 1 tau,' ifc is 1 Rich's WHIP TOPPING 2For79c BANQUET CREAM PIES 3 89 FRESH OCEAN CRAB IVi To Hi Lb. SIZE, EACH 99$ No. 1 Ditto POTATOES IO lb. 390 OREGON CHIEF 2 LB. PKG. SLICED BACON - --$1.79 ROUND-UP BRAND 1 LB. PKG. Assorted Lunch Meat 55 BAR-S WIENERS i-" 55C USDA GOOD AND CHOICE POT ROASTS LB. Blade Cut 59c Arm Cut 69c rafflPEMS EACH 3 RADISHES And GREEN ONIONS 19 For PRICES GOOD OCT. 29 and 30 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET GREEN it in the field of pre-law.