KEfFNCl CAICTTt TlMtS. Tfcursdar. Ortobr It, IMS Snow Surveyors Ready For Season to Start CVfjon cot ti ftrt smmfall cr the winter in tne ntrn mmin talna this month, a aicnal tot snow aurvcy wwkn la trrpar (ur annual assinnmrnta that benefit mit OrrnunUna. The assignment the anew aur. vryor have Is to measure the amount of mow ami calculate Ita water content along ItiS anow ruurscs acTOfU the state. The snow courses are strateg ically located along every moun tain ranj;e and In every major watershed of Oregon, except for the Coastal areas. Reports from these snow courses then are used to fore cast the water supply outlook for the coming summer. The Information Is used by many groups by agencies en gaged in planning and admin istering water resources for hy droelectric power, municipal wa ter supplies, drainage and flood control, navigation, mining and lumbering. Farmers use the wa ter outlook data in making crop planting decisions. Oregon's snow survey super visor is W. T. "Jack- Frost. Soil Conservation Service. Portland. Cooperating with him are the Oregon State University Agricul tural Experiment Station and the State Engineer"! Office. Wilbur T. Cooncy. acting dir ector of the OSU Ag experiment station, notes that the forecasts have proved to be highly accur ate nearly every year since they were staled 35 years ago on a cooperative basis. Population and indust rial growth In Oregon has intensi fled the need for efficient man agement of the state's available water supply. Cooney adds. The 15 fall water supply- has just been issued. It reports that "Oregon's res ervoirs have the best carry-over water supplies ever recorded Thirty-one reservoirs report a total storage of 2.629.100 acre feet of water compared with 2, 000.100 last year and a 15-year average of 1.16,900 acre feet for this date. Unless the winter snowfall is extremely short, the water out look for 1966 is good. Frost fore casts now. A snow survey consists of a series of about 10 samples tak en with specially-designed snow sampling equipment along a permanently marked line, up to 1.000 feet in length. The survey or measures the depth of the snow and with the hollow meas uring device brtnrs r"re rr"M section of the snow pack. From It. water content ts calculated. The water content may vary subtantlally from one snow pack to anothw. It was noted. The people who make the snow course measurements are a varied group businessmen, farmers, housewives in some cases, students. Miwt of them do the Job ear alter year be cause they like to ski. they Jove the outdoors, and feel they are making a worthwhile contribu tion. KroM explains. They are paid a small amount for their service and given some special training such as how to build a shelter and survive In the snow if a storm should hit suddenly. For some of the snow coumes way back In the mountains, per manent cabin shelters are main tained for overnight stays. Van dals damaging these shelters endanger the lives of the snow surveyors. Frost and his staff issue re ports monthly throughout the winter and spring montna. ine pose of irrigation ami tne rccia Public Notices IN THE COaKTT COURT Or THE STATE Of OREGON TO TNE COUNTY or MORROW In th Mo1t t WORTH MOR. ROW COUKTT IRRIGATIOH DISTRICT rrrmoN roa the ORGANIZATION Or AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT TO: The ilONORARLK PAUL. JONES. Judge of the County Court of Morrow County. Oregon. We. the undersigned, ivtuton- era. constituting a majority i the owners of land, respectfully represent that each of us l the holder of title to lands, of one acre or more, or who are nona fide entrvmen or claimants to unoccupied land under the Laws of the I'ntted Mates, or the Mate of IVegon. situated within the boundaries hereinafter des cribed, all being duly qualified electors, under the Laws of the State of Oregon for organizing Irrigation lldrlcts. and that the lands within said boundaries are situated In Morrow County, Oregon, and are susceptible to irrigation from a common source, or combined sources, and deigned to provide for the con struction of works for the Irri gation of the same, for the pur- water supply summary Is given for each watershed and for the state as a whole. The first win ter report will be Issued Jan. 8. 1906. In addition. Frost goes eacn spring to key Oregon commun ities and makes reports at pub lie meetings on the water out look for the area. In short water years, attendance Is way up but every year tne rcpons are watched and used by thousands of people, he points out. Little Sisters Club Studies Etiquette The Little Sisters 4-H club met at the lone schoolhouse at 3:30 on October 1& We reviewed courtesies and introductions and learned the points of being a good hostess and a good guest. We learned how to keep our dresser drawers neat and clean by using drawer dividers or box es. Then each of us covered a box for our drawer. Mary Tat McElligott led the group in a song ana Lori vers- strom led a game. The next meeting will be No vember 11 at 10:00 a.m. and we will make dish towels. Doris McCabe, reporter mat ion of said lands, hereby Petition your Honorable Court as follows: That It Is the purpose of the Farra in Exercise Aboard Kitty Hawk Data Systems Technician Third Class James A. Farra. I'S.N. son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. (Bill) Farra of lleppner par ticipated In First Fleet Training exercise "Ragweed." while serv Ing aboard the attack aircraft carrier CSS Kitty Hawk. The seven-day exercise, con ducted off the coast of Southern California. Involved 34 ships of the First Fleet and several naval air and amphibious units, com prising "friendy forces." in aer ial reconnaissance, surface anti submarine, anti-air and amphib ious warfare operations against "enemv air. rrouna. suriace and subsurface forces, portrayed by other Navy units, to Increase the combat readiness of tne First Fleet. Kitty Hawk operates out ol San Diego, Calif. Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. I 2r CtLirr m $ I II 1 1 l; Qj Si f y'rZ if If undersigned petitioners to orga nic an litigation IMstrtct. com piUln the bounded and des cribed lands specifically des cribed In Appendit "A" attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof, under the provis ions of said Ait. The Petitioners accompany their Petition with and hereby present, for the approval of this Court, a good and sunn-lent bond In the sum of $25UU), which is double the amount oi the probable cost of organizing District, conditioned that the Hondsman would pay all of said ctuds in case said organua tlon be not effected. WHF.REFORF, your Petitioners orav that this Court approve the said bond, and that said Irri gation District be organized un der the provisions of said Act. and that this Court shall make and enter an Order, establish ing and defining the boundaries of such Irrigation District; de termtnlng whether the requisite number of owners of land with in such proposed District shall have Petitioned for the f.wma tlon thereof, and whether the Petition, and Notice of a time for the presentation thereof, shall have been duly published as In said act provided; and des ignating the name of said Dis trict; that this Court pursue to call an election for the purposes above set forth, and establish a continued number of Election Precincts In said proposed Dts- rict. and defining the bounda ries thereof; designating the time and places for holding said elections: and to do all things necessary, as mav be Just an 1 proper under said Law for the formation of said District. Dated this 1st day of October. 19t. NORTH MORROW COUNTY IRRIGATION DISTRICT DESCRIPTION Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 31. R 26 E. T 5 N. thence southerly along the section lines to the northwest corner of Section 19. R 26 E T 4 N. thence westerly along the section lines to the northwest corner of Section 21. R 23 E, T 4 N. thence southerly to the south west corner of Section il. K E. T 4 N. thence easterly along the section lines to the south east corner of Section 24. R 23 E. T 4 N. thence southerly along the section lines to the south west corner of Section 7. R 26 E. T 3 N. thence easterly along the section lines to the south east corner of Section 9. R 27 E, T 3 N. thence northerly along the section lines to the north east corner of Section 4. R 27 E, T 3 N. thence easterly along the section lines to the southeast corner of Section 31, R 27 E, T 4 N, thence northerly along the section line to the northeast corner of Section 31. R 27 K, T 4 N. thence easterly along the section lines to the southeast corner of Section 2. R 27 K. T 4 N, I heme noitheily to the In tersection of th east line of Section '.H, K 27 K. T 4 N. and the southerly right of way line of U. S. Interstate Highway HON thence wcMeily along said southerly right of way line to the Intersection of said souther ly right-of-way line and the eat line of Section 21. R 2d K, T 4 N. thence northerly along the section lines to the northeast corner of Section 3. It 2tl K, T 4 N. thence easterly to the south east corner of Section 31. R 20 E. T 5 N. thence northerly along the section line to the north eaut corner of Section 31, R 26 E. T 5 N, thence westerly along the section lines to the north west corner of Section 31. R 26 E. T 3 N. the point of beginning. Except for that portion of Sec tions 3. 7. K. It ;il E. T 4 N. which are In the West Extens ion Irrigation District. Oscar Peterson. Temporary Chairman, lone. Oregon Ft Al 33 3Sc notice or SHERirrS SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated Sept ember 23. I'.aVS. In that certain suit wherein TUCKER-ECHO RANCH. lnc a Washington Cor IHtratlon. as plaintiff, recovered ludirmont against the defend ant. JOHN A YOUNG and mLLEEN L. YOUNG, his wife, for the sum of $1,710.71. to be recovered from the lands herein after described, with Interest thereon at the rate of t per annum from September 6. V.H4. until paid; the sum of S'.Hi.8S for taxes paid by plaintiff; the sum of $23 U) for a lorcciosuxe report; and the sum of 1100.00 as plain tiffs attorney's fees, and the turther sum of $79.80. plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit to date; and a decree of strict foreclosure against the de fendants. John A. Young and Colleen L. Young, his wife, and all persona claiming any Inter est In said real prorty or any part thereof, by. through or under said defendants or either of them; I will, on the 12th day of November. l'.Vo. at the hour of 10:00 a.m., said day. at the front door of the County Court house In lleppner. Morrow Coun ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand the following des cribed real property situated In Morrow County, State of Oregon, to wit: The East Half of Section 13 In Township 3 North, of Range 26. East of the Willamette Me rldian: EXCEPTING THERE YOKOM FROM, however, the Southeast Attorneys for Administrator Quarter of ssl.l Section 13. AL SO EXCEPTING! 1. Conditions and restrictions IiiiimuhhI by Instrument In eluding the terms thereof recorded IHcember 3, IS Hi In ived Hook "U", page 1 executed by Northern l'a clfle Railway Company to Malcolm S. Corrigaii, re serving mineral rights, etc 2. Sulxirdlnatlon agreement executed bv Northern la dfte Railway Company to the State of Oregon, dated July 1H, I'MIX recorded August 22. llHvl In Deed ll.x.k tU), ge 3HI. 3. An Avlgatton Easement created by Instrument, In c udlng the term and pro vision thereof, dated March 13. HHiJ. recorded November I. Iii2. In Ioed Book M. page 42J, rxecut eil by E'l Tucker, rt ux, to State of Oregon. 4. Mining claim file I by Frank Swaggart on March 21. I'.Tvi. recorded in Hook "B", page .Vl. Avlgatton Easements and corrections thereof granted bv the plaintiff, the de fendants. Northern Pacific Hallway Company. and Frank Swaggart and Hazel M. Swaggart. husband and wife, to the State of Ore gon and assigned to The United States of America bv the State of Oregon, recorded In Deed Recids of Morrow County, Oregon. To be sold In one parcel io sat isfy the plaintiff's Judgment, costs, attorney's fees and accru ing costs of sale, and the plain tiff may be bidder at this sate. DATE of first publication Oct ober 14. l'.Mtf. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Morrow County, State of Oregon 33 36c 3. IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON TOR THE COUNTY or MORROW IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE f GERTRUDE WITH ER ALL. Deceossd. NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT Ita 1S27 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as executor of the Kstatc of Gertrude Wither- all, deceased, has filed his final account In the County Court In the Stale of Oregon for Morrow County and that Tuesday. No vember 23. Hx, at the Hour of 10:00 In the forenoon of the said dav In the Courtroom of said Court have been apiolnted by said Court as the time for hear ing objections thereto In the settlement thereof. DATED and first published October 21, 193. Date of last publication. November IS. ltXiS. Marsh iiarreii. r.xccuior MOSGROVE. WALTON It K0T1CE Or FINAL HEARIHO THE UNDERSIGNED. iul A. larison, r n unr i t f R. j. warfleld, ali known as Robert Jesse Wamei.i, oe ceased, having filed hi Final Account and Report a executor of said estate, NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN that County Court ha tlsetl the 22nd day of Novemter. VA&, at Ihe hour of 1(1 W A M. In the County Courtroom of Ihe Morrow County Courthouse. lleppner. Moiiuw Coui.ty, Oregon, as the time and place fr the hearing and settling of the aald Final Account and Report and any and all ohicctlona that may be filed thereto. DATED this 13th day of Oct- ober. 1UUV IjOUIS A. CARLSON. EXECirroit. of the Estate of It J. Warfleld. also known as Roliert Jee Warfleld. deceased. (TURIN FRENCH Attorneys for Executor I'. O. Box 1124 lvndleton. (fcegon 34 38o Tell the advertiser you aaw It In the Gazette Tlmea. v ' I Quarter of the Southeast! 34 -38c DON'T PAMPER YOUR WIFE Let Her Winterproof the Porch with FLEX-O-GLASS This Year Any little ldy c eiM-lM a iMirvh or l)iwrw with ari t I i:-0-t.l " It's so rnny! J tut ml witii hara and 11. uvrr m-rit-iu. Makes a warm, unlit room, flooded with healthful Ultraviolet rays. whi-r tf mi childrt-n ran play all winter long -or ue as an extra Utoro rixim. Genuine, crystal dear H.EX-cM.LWS saves up to 40 on fuel coat . . . UU fur years at a fraction the cost of kIum. Only IK a i. yd. at your lucal lid w re. or Imbr. dealer. How to save money regularly. In spite of yourself Just ask your paymaster for a card like the cne above, and fill it out. This makes you an official mem ber of the Payroll Savings Plan, entitled to all the rights and priv ileges thereof. From now on saving money is no problem. Every payday, your employer sets aside a little from your check and puts it toward the purchase of a U. S. Savings Bond. Your savings come automatically. There's no temptation. No back-Udin. You can get your savings when you need them. But, of course,, they'll be worth 33 V more if - you wait until your Bonds reach "maturity. Being a Payroll Saver entitles you to feel pretty proud of your self, too. Because your savings help -protect your country's future as they help provide for your own. Why not talk to your employer and get started saving regularly this payday? You'll be amazed it your new perseverance. TM-llIB HIE TOBEJOT H mm. miai mini nM vLDLfU New high performance-up to New features-like a doubly convenient"his and hers" transmission. New convenience-like a dual-action wagon tailgate. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds .STAR-SPANGLED SAVINGS PLAN FOR ALL AMERICANS ISzfJ Vlr n VJS. gwmil ( ps far M, tivrlUtmtnt. It U prtiHtU M a fuW nrwie in etp4rmtim Uk tk Zrtaiurg LUptrlmtnl n4 The A4ttrlitiit0 CtrnuUt 1966 Falrlane 500XL Hardtop r""L'" " ,, ;ui?) 1966 Falrlane GT Convertible Most modela ererl Thirteen in all including totally new sports-luxury XL's, high-performance GT's, elegantly paneled Squire wagons, convertibles! Most performance erer! Standard in the new Fairlane GT: 390-cubic-inch V-8 Bucket seats, dual exhausts, GT stripes. Console mounted shift lever. All-new Sport Shift Cruise-O-Matic (on GTA models) a "his and hers" transmission use it as automatic or manual. Most luxury ever! Standard in the new Fair- lane XL: Rich carpeting, wall-to-wall. Con toured bucket seats, all-vinyl trim. Padded dash and visors. Automatic courtesy lights in the doors . . . and morel Most conveniences evert New Magic Doorgate (standard on all Ford, Fairlane wagons) it's a door and a tailgate! New "reversible" igni tion key works either side up. a Keyless door locking. Foot-operated parking brake. New 7-item standard safety package. Try Fairlane '66 at your Ford Dealer's now! AMERICA'S TOTAL PERFORMANCE CARS mm MUSTANO . FALCON ILAHS . rOMO THUNOlRUftO IBD-J500S lWm AUTO SALES, fine. The Gazette-Times HEPPNEH. OREGON