Services Held Tuesday For Charles Thomas Br MART LIE MARLOW flOARDMAN -Funeral imkrt v,vtt held Tuesday at 3 lm. at hurri MrV-ssry in Itrrrr.lstna f.r Charles A. Thomas. G lu died October 1 of a heart attack while ramping at Hull Prairie out of Heppner. H had been 111 fur three month to the attack. Thorns as born July 22. 1000, tn Hot Springs, S. the on of llarrv and Man1 Thom as, lie had een with the U. S Armv Con of Fnglneer fur the past 19 years, lie was married to Ingcr Nielsen August 3, In CWur d'Alene. Idaho. They had lived in Boardman the past three vears. Sim Ivors Include the widow of Boardman: one son. Jess Thomas of Napa. Calif.; on als ter. Ceclle BrMol of Los Ancclea. Calif., and two grandchildren. Lisa Bt and Jess David Thorn' as of Napa. Cremation was to follow at Pendleton. Municipal Building Contract Goes to Pendleton Itrra The Boardman City Council approved the awardlnc of the contract for the construction of the municipal building In the new townsite to the Kastern Ore gon Construction Company of Pendleton at a special meeting la-st Thursday night. They sub mitted the lowest bid of $56.- 333. The building will Include the city office, water supply and a two stall fire station. Contract for schedule C which is for the pumping equipment and pump, was awarded to the Mid State Construction Company of The Dalles, w ith a bid of $23, 757. Both contracts were ap proved subject to approval by the U. S. Armv Corps of Engi neers of Walla Walla. Mayor Dewey West was directed to re nuest the approval of the au-orHo Construction is to start on the two orotects by the middle of October, to be completed some rime nrior to the start of 1906. Tka ITrhan Renewal ApenCV sold a total of 26 residential lots to Boardman residents lor homes in the new townsite at a spe cial meeting Thursday night of ic u-noir The aeencv has a number of applications from out of town, if and when they are ov-aiinhie. Also, there are still Boardman residents that A a decision as to uhirh lot thev wish to buy. Al frttrothpr there are 90 lots to be Twpnrv-six business lots have been sold to date, and seven hiiinesMs are under construc tion, with six more to start in 30 days. One service station is already in operation, two more will be finished about the mid dle of October, and a fourth one by November 1, Mrs. Ronald Black was host ess for the Boardman Tillicum club Tuesday night of last week at her home. Dates for the rum mage sale were changed to Oct ober 20-21. Mrs. Dewey West will be chairman in charge. Mrs. H. M. Walker, Mrs. West and Mr. It lack will attend the American Carter S.ietv stale and ditril -onentin In INt1 land at the Hilton Hotel IV oner 7 X DtM-uvNlon was held on hatn a community oicn hou some time in NoxcmU'r. No date wa set. The call to H e dutiUt Uurd meeting in lYndleuwi October H WAS discussed. The annual community calen dars wvre mailed out lal week The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Don Daniel October 12. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Moran and daughter Anita Lee and Mary Ann of Farmincton. Calif, l ittst the firt of last week at the home of Mrs, Moran's broth er In law and slMer. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donovan, on their way home from a vllt In east ern static. Other visitors at the ixmovan home were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMillan of Cald well. Idaho. The ladies are couins. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 7unkcr and sons Lex and Lee f Kenne wick. Wish, vl-dted last week at the home of Zunker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Uuv Ferguson. Mrs. Bea Scroggin of Arling ton was a Sunday evening vis itor at the home of Mrs, Claud Coats. Mr. anil Mrs. Roilin Bisnop tn Walla Walla Monday to visit two davs at the home of Bishop" brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bish op. Mrs. Florence Root, who has been tn the Good Shepherd hos pital In Tendleton in llermiston since September 16 after being Injured in a car accident, left the hospital Sunday and went to the home of her son and daughter-in-law. Mx. and Mrs. Vernon Root. In Wasco, to stay several weeks. Mrs. Frank Marlow spent the uwb.onH in Walla Walla. Wash., visiting her aunts. Mrs. Ernest Zerba and Mrs. A. C Kn udson. The Riverside Pirates will go to lone Friday for a football game with the lone Cardinals. Cafeteria menus for Riverside High school and Boardman Grade school for the week of October 11-15 are as follows: Monday bologna and cheese sandwiches, buttered peas, let tuce and cobbler; Tuesday Pi rate stew, raised rolls, butter and jam. pineapple and cottage cheese salad: Wednesday ham burgers, pickles, lettuce, butter ed corn and fruit salad; Thurs dayspaghetti and meat sauce, green beans, cheese sticks, rolls and fruit: Friday deviled egg sandwiches, potato soup, crack ers, vegetaoie sucks anu nun. Bread, butter ana mim are served with all meals. Word was received here of the death of Fred Zumwau. o. ai Goldendale, Wasn., uciooer i. u ..roe tha hrnther OT Mrs. Dei- I1C OTCl . la Faulkner, former resident here, and the uncle ol Mrs. low ell Shattuck of Manlieia. run eral services were to De lues Statement of Ownership. Management and Circulation (Act of OcobeS ,W2; Section4369. Title 39. United States Code) 1 DATE OF FILING, September 30. 1965. 2 TITLE OF PUBLICATION, Heppner Gazette-Times. t LSffiWoTN Sf& OFwPUBLICATIS147 W. 5 STtIOn" bVr cSSsiNESS 5-OFFICES PoF THE PUBLISHERS. 147 W. Willow Street, Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon 97936. ,,, rnrrnp vn 6. NAMES AND ADDKESSES OF PUBLISHER, EDITOR, AND PUBLISHER, WcSSa. Sherman and Helen E. Sherman. 165 W. SlTOiw'i?.". 5 W. Willow, Heppner, Oregon. MANAGING EDITOR. Helen E. Sherman, 165 W. Willow, Hepp- 7 OWNER?WeSley A. Sherman. 165 W. Willow, Heppner, Oregon and Helen E Sherman, 165 W. Willow, Heppner, Oregon. o KNOWN BONDHOLDERS, MORTGAGEES, AND OTHER SFCURITY HOLDERS OWNING OR HOLDING 1 PERCENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF BONDS MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECURITIES, W. O. Wildman, Rt. 1. Box 183-A, New berg, Oregon, and Frances Wildman, Rt. 1, Box 183-A, New- 9 ParragKs07 and 8 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the , person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, also the ! statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full know ledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. Names and addresses of individuals who are stockholders of a corporation which itself is a stockholder or holder of bonds, mortgages or other securities of the publishing corporation have been In cluded In paragraphs 7 and 8 when the interests of such In dividuals are equivalent to 1 percent or more of the total amount ol tne BtocK or securities oi me yuuiaumn luihw... 10 THIS ITEM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PUBLICATIONS EXCEPT THOSE WHICH DO NOT CARRY ADVERTISING OTHER THAN THE PUBLKHEITS OWN AND WHICH ARE NAMED SECTIONS 1 132.231, 132.232, AND 132.233, POSTAL MANUAL (Sections 4355a, 4355b, and 4356 of Title 39, United States Code) Average No. Copies I Each Issue During I Preceding 12 Months Single Issue Nearest To Filing Jate A. TOTAL NO. COPIES PRINTED (Net Press Run) 1730 1760 B. PAID CIRCULATION 1. SALES THROUGH DEALERS AND CAR RIERS. STREET VEN DORS AND COUNTER SALES 150 ISO 3. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS 1379 1420 C. TOTAL PAID CIRCULATION 1529 1570 D. FREE DISTRIBUTION I 15 15 E. TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (Sum of C and D) 1544 1585 F. OFFICE USE, LEFT OVER UNACCOUNTED, SPOILED AFTER PRINTING 186 175 j 0. TOTAL (Sum of E and F) I 1730 I 1760 I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. , Wesley A. Sherman X v - Hit mm CAZCTTCTlMCa. Thuioy. OQober 7. Team Tours Farms To Choose Stale Conservation Man A team of soil conservation expert recently completed a five-day Inspection tour of East- ern Oregon wneat tarms wnicn are eligible for the Oregon Wheat Growers League1 annual Soil Conservation Man wf the ear trophy. The twelve-man committee. composed of wheat growers and OSU Extension Service technic ians, visited ranches In Gilliam. Jefferson, Morrow, Sher man, Umatilla. Union and Wasco counties. One ranch In each THE FtAK FROM WHITE RIVER" U one of rcd pointings rrcT Manser will have ta a niid mn' show during U fu-t fall Titial el the Aits" In Uncola City. Oivon. in th 20 MirocU MllM of tbo central Orogon eoot Tho festival starts with tbo dedication of tbo Abo Lincoln staruo. -Lincoln en tho rratrto." ot 8:30 p-ro. October I and runs through October IT wtth many exhibits and demonstrations slated throughout tho wbolo period, day at the Goldendale Mortuary at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander cee will be hosts for open house at their home In Pendleton Oct ober 9 from 2 5 p.m. in honor of the 50th weddinir anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hujrh Brown, former residents of Boardman. Friends are invited to attend. Eileen Ely. who is employed in Pendleton, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Ely. county has been m-!ected bv the county Wheat League organiza tion as the most outstanding In its u of soil conservation tech niques. Growers whose spreads were vIMted by tho Wheat League committee were R.J. Phlllipi-l. Arlington- Ron tVhs. Willow- dale. David Baker, lone; Shelton Kritts. tlrass Valley; Merwyn Pansier. Stac.e tiulch; Stanley Welshaar. La Grande; and Le land May hew. Juniper Flat. The winner of the Soil Con servation Man of the Year title will be announced at the annual state meet of,the Oregon Wheat Grower League, which convenes in Pendleton on December 2. In addition to receiving a plaque leented by the Portland Ore Konlan. the state winner will play host to Wheat League members and the press at an annual farm tour next June. Most of the Wheat League members of the Inspection team touring the seven ranches last week are previous state winners of the conservation title. They Included David Chllds. Gilliam County; Willis Nartz. Jefferson County; Louis Carlson. Morrow County; Bob Holmes, bnerman County; Claude Anwn. Union County; Walter llanna, W'avo County; John Stirle, l?matllla County; andl Tad Miller. Mor row County, chairman of the group. Representatives of the OSU Extension Service who assisted In the Judging were Merrill Ove son. Pendleton. Jack Mclwmltt, Moro. and Ke Warren, Corval-lis. fih' ;'. ir -". 4I K V7 i ls&K: 61 ill mm Wychjrr, New Agri-Council Committee Names Vealherford Head An rgantlnit corn in ll tee nnnuwl liv lh Slale Hoard of Air- runilture to draw un flani for a proM-d Orreon Acil Counctl started developing lhi frame wirk for U(h an mganKatlon al a S-.rnU-r 21 Hireling In Sa lem. Marlon Weatherford. Arllng Ion wheat ewwrr, bnkr and liuttlnens man, was ele1ed chair man of th wtmnltli, Four nuheommltleea were nmnl ! woik on the frame- work for an agrl council. Each held m-p. 'uate Mlon and named a chairman and two oth er tnemlHT tn Mrxe on a steer ing ivminlttee with the chair man. The committee, their chair men and the InduMrv or ;nup thev represent Include: Object ive. Gordon Walker. Salem, truck vegetable: budget. Cor neliiinateon, Sletn. truck veg- itaM.a anil an Orreon lei! loin t- or; constitution and by laws. John ivnnv. Port la ml. State Dlv. isUm of Planning and Devrlop. nu-nt; and membership. Herb WhlKure. Mlllon rei-water. I'matilla Canning Company. Others serving on the steering committee will be Chairman Wcathexlord. Jim Hill. Jr.. Pen dleton. IVndletort Grain Co.; Wade New begin; R. E. IVljip. Portland. FlrM National Bank of Oregon Dick Path bun. Joseph, hventock; Itolx-rt II ad I and. Shedd. Oregon Indetn-ndent Hankers AsMMiation; It. A. Long. Fort lUxk. livestock; E. W. Cros by. Jr., WiKxihurn. hops; George Kitimlller. Portland, fertilizer division of Pacific Supply Corp.; and one rei,rent alive each from the Oregon Ih-piwtment of Agriculture and Oregon State University. J. F. Short. State Director of Agriculture and seretary of the hoard, reminded that a stable agriculture Is vital to Oregon and noted that both the Rns value of Oregon farm production and the net value of Oregon farm production is continuing to di-cllno. Figures he presented showed the gros value of farm produc tion in the Mate at 4 II 3 million dollar In littl compared with 4'M million dollars In VJi'A and the net value of f.u-m production dropping to Jiu.J minion uoiiars In from PVT million dol lar in J!51. bhwt IIIh1 tho averago an mini in.fitie -t lim In Oiegon now M only J.X). while the average for wrlerrt slalea U l and for the nation. l,ivn. lie told the commtliee tnegon has tho balc resource for ma lor elnlon but ald th boatd has hern comvrned as to Htiet ti er have the awan-netMi aim the will" Commenting on the agrlc cHintil concept, t halrmau Wenlherfonl noted that many fvl agarlcullure la or vital im- imrtame to the total economy of Oregon and said M w nap py to Im mouH-latcU Willi I lie o.mmltti'e for the agrl council which he felt had the tentlal to make a fine nnttlutlun to the Mate of Oregon. u'.-aiiu-rfnrd ilctured the agrl- council ns ektahlihlng a Himi of communication lK-tween agricul ture and buwtnckS and Ix lng of tri-mi-ndou benefit to Indh Sg riculture and buMneimes In the iron directly or Indirectly related to agriculture. The uteerlng commltti'e uf the organizing committee M-t a meeting for tvtoU-r H In Pit. land and will call a meeting of the entire committee for late IKtolM-r with the date to bo set later. Need extra cash 7 Sell unused Items around your place with a Gazette-Times cla&slfled ad. Wc Will Deliver Your Processed Meat Fro & 1-1 Vy71 Ol Charga jflJlVlr Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAnCHTERTNO Hogs - Tueoday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follcte Meat Co. Ph. S67-66S1 Honntstoa. Oregon On HermUton-Mcftarr Highway Tte tat ROCK: new razzle-dazzle Kambler. Outperforms erery other ear In Its class (with stand' ard engine!). "Do Rogues really come with rally strlpesT "No, but with the big new engine they drive that way." '66 lUmbler American Rogue here October 7th. American Motors Challenges the "Big 3" of Detroit-With 4 Hew Lines of '66 Cars that Give the Public What it Wants. last time it was size. This time? Quality! Quality that's built in-not added on. The promise: more built-in quality features at no extra price. Remember when American Motors came out with the trim little Hambler and knocked the Detroit "GianU" on their collective ear? Overnight, big fins and fat land yachts went out of style. American Motors came along with the right car at the right time and caught the competition napping. This year, almost nalthe auto mobiles sold are Rambler-size car. Round one to the "Glant-Klllor." What neit? For '66, American Motors again gels the Jump on the big boys with a new rally I ng cry : Quality I A new kind ofqulct quality that is built In as standard equipment on every ear In the line. This is the American Motors credo. Quality thai' built in not added on. First, determine what has to go into a car to make it stronger, safer, more dependable, more luxurious. Then put it there. Regard less of cost. Build it in. Ready (o be convinced? Ready to be sur prated ? ( lieck this page for a preview of the 4 sleek challengers. New cars. New names. Then admire the styling of thone exciting new cars. When you have finished, pleawe get on your horse and go to the friendly Giant-Killer in your (own, your American MotorsRambler Dealer. 'optional on mot modftt BitMf on companion of munu farturrt'tufffld fUH pfteM. IBM 40 J ' BUHT-IN QUAirTYtS BUM.T-IN lAftTV. Only one "Ulg 3 car (nu American motors) oner a safety package wllh a Double-Safety brake system at no extra cost : Cadillac. BUaT-IN QUALITY IS BUIIT IN PtRfORMANCC Dig new standard engines. Sporty option : 4 -on- the-floor. Two automailrs also available to handle the chore of gear selection. Wi7St;MS,7,. VS.''tS?i''t--' v.....,w,,-.. REBEL: new roomy, zoomy Rambler. Doesn't cramp your style, or your legs, or your family, or your pocketbook. Think you know a Rambler when you see one? Think again, look again. See the '66 Rambler Clasale Rebel at your friendly Giant-Killer's, October 7th. TV PREMIERE THURSDAY NIGHT! See the new American Motors '66 cars on "The Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Jim Nabors Special," CBS-TV, October 7th ".;";'T-x K . : Xr if '"UK ' 63$: fc "SbvV 7 ' flS A , S r. : : H " 1 - Hi ). Xm.juiiMiinin Vja;;,..i..-r-."v.T 1 ft MARUN '68 by American Motors. Full-size, family-size sports fallback seats 6 In com fort. (Even with bucket seats. Flip down the front and rear armrests and turn your . .. .. m. . a i x . . r . . r ! 1 1 fl t ITillu. AH n.lAkii ?ih Aiarun into izti.) uon i miss it ai your meiiuiy mam-mnCT MUnMOV i",'rr?' " "TS Amnwtm i i i mirw - . uaseaiMia am A .t..M KTaw AH aatl It at V A VAIIP Aral IllTfirV W title rwiDfWMiniii urt, vj Aiiitrricaii .uviuib. .wit jvh - you're still young enough to enjoy It. Coil-sprlng seals like Cadillac. Double-Safety 1 I IM. Jtn ! ff II, I 17... r.atavla t Da aura 4 a cnat It nelnKop 7f ll urancn line i mimac. i ricci iiiifaut i ui;, viaiwaimi - SEE YOUR FRIENDLY GIANT-KILLER, YOUR AMEniCAN MOTORSRAMOLER DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY, 126 May and Chase