I Ktrfwcii County Agent's Office Forestry Tour Holds 6th Graders' Interest If EUCCNC WINTERS Morrvw CeuBtt At Approximately 2X Gth grader from nine trrd school in Gil lUm, Morrow, and Wheeler rounds recently attended the Vd annual school Fore try Con servation Tour at Bull I"ratrte. Ai In prevlou year, the Mor row county extension agent co ordinated the planning foe the three county group pa it Id pat Init and servei at tour conduct- The tour la a Joint effort by federal. Hate, and county agen cies, aa well a private concerna and individual, to acquaint youngster with the forest. Its uses and the nature of the for est community. The eight stationa of the tour were manned bv Ralph Richard. William ratcner, iuii SCS Program Urges Roadside Farm Beautifying What'a the favorite outdoor leisure activity of American families? Pleasure driving, according to the Outdoor Recreation Resourc es Review. Of course. Americans also use the outdoors for hunt ing, flshlnitr. skiing, swimming, hiking, picnicking and other rec reational activities. But Just en joying the beauties of the coun tryside tops the list. The natural beauty of rural America, now enjoyed so much, is threatened, however. "Doesn't it Just make sense to protect Nature's surviving won ders and restore those that have been allowed to decay?" asks A. J. Webber. State Conservationist Oregon for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. SCS is helping in the cause of natural beauty, Webber said. Secretary of Agriculture, Orville L. Freeman recently asked SCS to emphasize particularly the kind oi'technieal assistance that promotes beautification of pri vately owned rural lands. sr-i is nffprin heln for con servation practices which add to . i . . 1 1 1 1 tn onI lanri. scaping values along primary and secondary roads, he said. Part of this job involves seed ing appropriate plants which contribute to natural beauty. This can be in small, otherwise unusable areas of land, field borders, bogs, marshes, pond and stream banks and wild areas. Over the years, SCS has work ed with locally governed Soil Conservation Districts In promot ing good conservation on the land. Now SCS cooperators those who participate in other aspects of the soil conservation program are being encouraged to include roadside improve ments in their conservation farm plans, Ralph Richards of the rieppner Conservation district said. Eliminating roadside eyesores, thereby blending farmsteads In with natural settings, is another way private land beautification can be carried out, he said. A. J. Webber noted that Presi dent Johnson at the White House Conference on Natural Beauty last May, emphasized the im portance of natural beauty as a national goal. The President said: "Today, I worked and thought about prob lems in Viet Nam and the Do minican Republic. I had to con sider decisions which might af fect the security of this country, the lives of Americans, and the destiny of other nations. Yet this may be the most important thing that I have done and am doing today . . . For this is part of what all the rest is for." PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN and KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Pioneer Service Credit information is most valuable No commissions charged on collections All money is paid direct to creditors Pioneer service co., inc. SINCE 1926 The Merchants' and Professional Men's Organization ; OREGON IDAHO UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH FOR THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOB SALE tlon service: Le Mark. Wheel cr county agent; Bb Jepsen. lu cal ouldoorman; Henry Dahtll and Clinton Rav. State Board of Forestry: lm llildctbrand and Chuck Roue. U. Forest Serv ice: Glen Ward. Oregon Game CommiMilon: and li Graham and Allen NUUd. Mnrua tor P ration. SUth graders from Mrrow county grade schools in Ik'PP ner. lone and Irrtgon In attend ance totaled 110 pupil. Immediately prior to the tour Sam Miller, district ranger. U. 8. Foret Service, and Game Biologist Glen Ward related the planning and construction which have resulted tn the facilities now available at the Bull Prair ie recreational area. Four CnaU Highlight Schedule tor October There are a number of events scheduled during October that mav be of interest to residents of Morrow county. Four of these re: ... . . 1. The Pacinc international Livestock Exposition at North Portland. October 9 17. 2. The Executive Committee of the Morrow County Grain Growers Association will meet October 11. 3. The Oregon Wheat Growers League Workshop tn Pendleton, October 18. 4. The Oregon Reclamation Congress in llermlston, October 21 and 22. The reclamation meeting pro gram Is of particular interest to members of irrigation districts and water resources committees. Recent interest in irrigation de velopment in the county sug. nncti that there mav be consid erable interest in a report to be given by U. T. "Bud xsewcomo in the afternoon session on Oct- nkar 71 Nmvrrtmh Will re DO ft on privately developed projects in Idaho ranging in size irom rvifi to 12 000 acres. These proj- ort a (hip hn daced in ooera- tion the past three or four years and feature nign nil pumping plants. Weed Control Plots Gain in Ranchers Faror So far this season several trail nlots have been established in Mnrrnw rountv in cooDcration with the Pendleton Branch Ex periment Station. The winter wneat ana winter harlov VAriptv trial was Dlant- ed on the Frank Anderson place by Chuck Rohde and the crops agent The first of a series of weed control plots in grain was put out early this week on the Ken neth Turner farm by Don Ryd rich, and the crops agent TiPfER rLif,TPCX uyt "When you shoot in the field be sure what you see is the game you are after, not me." Be A Safe Shooter THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION DUE ? Choti With Your Home Agent County Home Units Plan Study of Food Spoilage If DONNA GEORGE i COUNTY AGENT . . . Bacon In package Ubele Death resulting from food ,g anJ vWwr u Ju, ,h. poixmin from canned tuna nJlrmU an,, ,,,,-r left Inm kliein smoked whltcfuh have made . , -rh.--. r e..t for cai Z tie nationwide headline f U. H during the last In 19CJ death from boUlum the rmwt deadly type ot looti deadly - OP rose to the ntgnct iHiikunlng iftgure in recent year. The October lesson for Mor - row county home extension unit will be "Foid Signage." The unit member will mvlve tn - ttruction on aie ioou nauuonK 10 prevenx ioou Him"a Cm nf the tonics Included are rule for food storage, rec ommended temperature lor inriM nt vartou food. CaUSCS n atwtilap and surcestlons for keeping food hot or cold as for j picnics. Colored slides developed by 'the Lane county home agent and health department will be used to illustrate the appear ance of food infected with var ious types of spoilage. The "Food Spoilage" lesson will be taught at each home ex tension unit meeting by Donna George, county extension agent. Other persons who do not belong to units but wish to learn more about food spoilage are encour aged to contact the extension oil ice to learn where and when it will be presented. It will al so be available for other group meetings. Tina Aid in S lectin a Top Qualitr In Baces When you shop for bacon, re member that bacon must have some fat to be good. The fat gives it the flavor and texture. You probably will find three or four levels of quality and price. Top quality has uniform slices and the best ratio of lean to fat. Width and thickness are uniform, and usually there are more slices to the pound. Bacon slices in the next qual ity grade have the same flavor as the first. But the slices are less uniform and may be less tender or slightly coarse in tex ture and may have a less even distribution of fat and lean. - n ' r- -mm kki f"''" ..1' J Chances are you won't have to go far to find fence rows and other non-crop areas that were infested with weeds this past season. Per haps now, right on your own htm, you have a tangle of dead weeds (and a fire hazard) like this one. Unless, of course, you've been using Atrazine 80W the highly efficient herbicide that can keep fence rows and other non-crop areas weed-free month after month with just one spray each year. Compare this to other methods like mowing, discing, or repeated applications of short-term control materials and you'll find one-step weed control with Atrazine reduces costs, saves time, and gives you much better results. Atrazine is effective against a wide range of annual and peren nial broadleaf weeds and grasses. Slice mav be wider and thick er, making fewer lloe per fMttinit laoeieu t. killing bacon. Thew are god for ca I .. ......... . -... ft, t.i .t , mul act ambled egg. and seasoning other duhrm. ! yyu can dullIusuUh between . .,iM hmm bv the id- ,h1 BtJlllc, vt blcon bv ,n . i . In Uriee. A Lacker ue a dillerent 1 ,,aCkge for each type of bacon anJ puU nli name prominently on nU tim quality . Velma lj.., exterulon foiM marketing grclaUt at enrgon Mate vm ii-rslf v Buy only enough bacon for one week. h suggest, and for the bet flavor. ue within the week. Store bacon In Ha original wrapper In the refrigerator. Bac on slice separate easily If the package Is removed from the re frigerator a little while before using. Bacon mav be frozen for hort period of time without impair ing the flavor. Hunters Urged Jo The fall hunting seasons are here. Big game, upiann game birds, waterfowl all will be le gal targets for the hunter's guns during the next several months. And for this array of game, well over 300.000 hunters will be in the out-of-doors to ehjoy the seasons to come. Phil Schneider, state game director, extended his wishes for the best of success to this army of hunters, but urged all out doorsmcn to observe the high est standards of hunting ethics in their quest for game this year. "We cannot condone unsports manlike conduct," Schneider said, "if we are to continue to enoy the hunting privileges long traditional in Oregon." He advised hunters to watch their outdoor manners as insurance to continued public hunting. Game Is the property of the state, he said, but many of the hunting areas are on private property. Hunting on such prop erty Is a privilege, not a right. . - How far must you go to find a fence row like this? Since seasonal rainfall will mov Atrazine down into the weed root zone, where it works, application should be made now in ordef to get the best results in this area. Atrazine also attacks weeds through foliage, so you can apply it shortly after weeds emerge, ai well as before they break ground. Remember. Now is the time to act if you want non-crop weed control through next season with one spray this fall. Order Atrazine from your dealer today. Ceigy Agricultural Chemicals, Division of Ceigy Chemical Cor poration, Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, New York. OWMOM 0 OWWOrU K Livestock Price Outloolc The old law of lupply and lit-mand wlil ! a mlr In fluem n (trgn luctotk frtt-e In VM and the next three or four j ear, point out Met hen C Mk. Oiegtwi State l'tiritv mention agricultur al ecoiutinUt. The rwif ftrvng dr mand far meat on the lurt f Amerltan civilian and for the armed fom-a will rukhlon the not lowering tendency of In-rrvaM-d lUentuvk marketing and larger meat output when they occur, Mark . Scaumally larger marketing of rattle and hg along with record upplte of chicken meat are In prospect thl fall. While thu suggcftt lower price, slaughter cattle price may be no lower than lat fall and hog price nhould hold above the ear earlier level becau there are about 10 ervent fewer hog than a )ear ago, Mark note. Feeder cattle price will prob ablv hold above lat fall's ev. on iiir lim- Mark tielleve. Ik- cauoc WTtern range feetl pn- pect for tail granng are me k.i In rninv vrin Keedlot Oil- erator mav alo be more friend ly toward rcttocklng alter ai- nuwt a year of positive reeding margin and prospect of a rec ord corn crop and lower grain price. Number May Drop Cattle market prospect fr VAX Indicate that total cattle numbers on Jan. 1 may b down from a year earlier, but feedlot Inventories may be larger, Marks ald. The beef cow pop ulation may not change much, but there will be lewer aairy Observe Ethics and this privilege can be with drawn by the landowner. Schnei der said that a hunting license does not authorize trespass on private property and urged all hunters to ak the landowner's permission first Schneider asked hunters to be extremely careful with camp fires and smoking while In the fields and forests, "We have an enviable record." he noted, but urged hunters to continue their fine cooperation to minimize the fire danger. In regard to vandalism, the game director aked the cter ation of all hunters to report or stop anv such acts noted. "Your cooperation is Impcra 1 1 v e." Schneider told hunter, "if we are to stamp this undesirable leement from our ranks." As a final word on hunter ethics. Sehneider reminded all outdoorsmen of the hunter's creed "To be Law Abiding; Re spect the Rights and Property of Others; To be Careful WIU Geigy MOOUN AUICUIIUU Airozine cow . If cattle number do nhow a itiH-teae. it would Ih (lie flrt .let line Mnc Vm MaiM point out. adding that raiuhei arc likely b keep mie cow and heifer on the range In l!l In view of Improved calf ptioci and preattv uliundaiw1 of tantft' Kt and stored roughage. Fretting activity will prohabl) continue at or near record lev el in I'.Mi, lie writes, allhoutih profit from feeding margin prtdtahly will Ik slimmer. Price of fed leer may I better dur ing the find quarter than In th ame period thl year, but ihancv are that aprlug and lummer price will be le fav 01 able. Feed grain abundance U as sured for llctik feeding dur ing the vear ahead, the eouno mit ald. with rens of record production from 15 crop pointing to a total utily larger than the paid year. Only barley I eMcetcd to be In smaller supply. Thl menu that grain ration co! may be no higher than In VMM 05 and they could average lower. Mark ald. ITtee -uport-Ing ltan rates are lower on all ltKiS rop grains and lower freight rate are scheduled on corn, milo and soybean meal from mldwrstrrn supply area to the Pacific coat. Hoq Frice to Drop Turning to hog, the econo mist said that price will prob ably drop some this fall, but still Hay above year earlier level at least until next um m. Itir nrln- will be ln- (luinrnl bv the size of the l'.Xio spring pig crop, whlili will prob ably be bigger than the small one produced In I'.HiS. Lamb price have averaged well above year-earlier level no far In PJt'5 due to small mar ketings and less competition from other red meat, the econ omist points out. He exetN that prices of fed lamb will probably develop IkuI the same small seasonal fall decline Fire and Firearms." Hunter will be serving their Interests by observing this pledge. Why fuss little n I V Honestly, he didn't mean to get so dirty. Mud has a way of getting on little fellows. Besides, he'll promise to be extra careful next time ...and the timo after that, tool What should you do? Chances aro about a billion to one that you'll never really separate a healthy boy (or girl) from dirt. But you can make washing easier with an all-electric laun dry. Just put the dirty clothes in an automatic washer ... set the dial ... and you have won derfully fresh clothing in minutes. With an electric clothes dryer, you can finish the fam ily laundry any time . . . rain or shine. W ?? tikes the fuss right out of a little dirt! ALL-ELECTRIC LAUNDRY You'tf lighten your work and always have fes.') eothes with an aff-eectre laundry. You can aahly dry all your wash In today's modern; electric clothes dryen. It's sale because it's ftonafess COLUMBIA Basin Electric SERVING WHEELER. GILLIAM AND MORROW COUNTIES Said Good a In the fall of prni prt'e-ta from winter feeding look about a favorable aa Ukt winter. Mark said, with lamb having rompelllton from pork. Lamb price next kprlng wilt again bo Influenced primarily bv the market supply and demand f?r lamb. He note that flock liquida tion apparently ha slowed In renporu to the up turn In lamb and wool price In the pl three year, so that the early VMOi lamb crop may I altout Uie a me a lf Even ". It U still likely to be nmaller than anv crop produced during the prvvtuu IH year Sparky says: Storo Gasolino in Approved Safety Cant COL ELECTRIC Motor fttwlndina INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL! FARM AM) HOME Pendleton 27T7B1 about a dirt? Co-op l I