Kirrxtt GAirnr Tixta. rtn&r. uvmm x. mi Wiles Family Landmark Used As Practice Lab for Firemen ty CATHERINE UNDSTBOM 0N& Another old landmark in the city of lone U Rone. The houe owned for many year by I he Wile family wm burned to the r round on Sunday. Contrary lo moat fir, thl ont wu deliberately planned by the preaent owner. Mr. and Mr. Herbert likitrom. Jr and ued at a practice cion far the lire department of lone. Iteppner. Arlington. nd Condon. Man Phillip, who U with the atate ki., in Salem and also fire chief of the John; at Art. am M klMAJl III k Mr. and Mr. Arthur Crawford wrre week-end ul!"U l Yaki ma at the h.Mne of her on in law and daughter, Mr. and Mr Herval Pettyjohn, and aon. Mr. and Mr, l-arry Sullivan and family -pe'U the weekend at Kill it a. Wash. Mr. and Mr. Victor Kietmann will bacrve their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Oc.ober 3. with an open hou at me home of their mm a:td daughter In law. Mr, and Mr. Bill Kiel mma friends mv call from 3 00 to 5tM p.m. Their children are hosts for tne aneinwn. and aiso lire cmn w - i rr n km " Day department, conducted the .youth Observe 4-H $udr fire demonsuauunm. im " . I r uur n uuua " . . . - - - Muted by t ran rumn at ne umica " .- Sutton. Instructor from the Joiut0n Sunday morning when van tsar w . f . Volunteer were taurht the proper use of ga and amoKe masks and how to operate and put out lire with the new lone truck and the Heppw truck. Fifteen to 20 fires were set In side the house. They reached heat Intensity of 12001400 de Kn n4 then were ex tinguished with less than a gal ous ( II members participated In that mnrnlnn unnhltl sen'tCTS. A choir of 4-H member directed by Mr. Norman Nelson an a special; Cherllyn Smouse pre sided, with Marllee Jacob Injr the Invocation; Linda Kow ell led the 4-H pledge; Mrs. Wal ter Jacobs led the parents Pledge: and Karen Kelson ex- i tended the welcome. Ushers . m ... ki th ' ....... -t-i -T-nllU nv Lin. Indirect application of foff rtelL Chuck Nelson, and Keith streams. Nelson. Mr. James Pettyjohn The building was completely , v. as program chairman Kev. destroyed, never allowing sur- Walter B. Orowcll spoke on "1 .,.nHin hiitMinn la burn nor I will Build My Church." the trees to catch fire. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Childer gave par Mn Ekstrom clan to build new home on the lot. Boy Hecowing from Accident Bruce Bott. on of John Bott. returned home on Monday from the Heppner hospital, following surgery on hi shoulder. Mike Davidson was released from the hospital on Saturday and I at the home of his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davidson in Heppner. Th hov w-ere seriously In jured on September 16. when the car in which they were riding, failed to negotiate a curve Just south of the C C. Jones ranch near Lexington. Another boy, Wesley HoLstein. who was rid In with them, escaped with minor cuts and bruises. Mike is recovering from a chipped vertebrae and a bad cut on the head. , Relatives here for the funeral services of Mrs. Diantha W. Ak ers last Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn of The Dal les. Mr. and Mr. Roy Akers of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barlow of Washougal. Wn. The lone sixth grade enjoyed a field trip to Bull Prairie last Wednesday. Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mr. M Pulmer drove to Walla Wal ls nn sviriav tn visit Mrs. Elmer Palmer, who is hospitalized fol lowing serious surgery. They found her Improving slowly. Mrs. Archie Esteb accompa nied Elder Elwood Boyd of Heppner to Spangle. Wash., on Sunday. She visited her daugh ter Judy, who is a ' freshman; and her son Kenneth, a Junior at Upper Columbia Academy. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Martin were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Horton of Dallas, and her uncle. C. H. Lawrence. John Warner of Vancouver, Wash., arrived on Monday as a relief agent at Union Pacific of fice, while Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bishop are vacationing. Dallas Dalzell entered Colum bia Basin College &; Tasco .is a sophomore on Thursday. Other college students leaving this week for school Included Bar bara Bishop and Judy Sherer to Eastern Oregon College for their second year, and Gary Morgan, who enrolled as a Junior at Ore gon Tech at Klamath Falls. Bill Akers left for Portland and Lew Is and Clark College, where he is a junior. Roland Ekstrom is a student at Wenatchee Junior College. Jack Crum has gone back to Portland State to com plete his education . Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor spent Saturday in The Dal les visiting her mother, Mrs. Ed na Yarnell, who Is a patient In a hospital there. ty on Friday In observance of her son. Roger's first birthday. Guests were Mrs. Lee Palmer and Anita. Mrs. Dick Sherer and three boys. Mrs. Bill Williams and two children of Lexington. Mrs. Richard Kirtzer. Mr. Bert Akers. Mrs. Hershel Townscnd. Refeshment of birthday cake, cookies, ice cream, and coffee were served. Berl Akers, Jr, left on Tues day after spending a two u-Mk vacation here with his parent. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Ak ers. He Is working in the VISTA program at Pine Ridge, S. D., iwinintr the vouth croups and. since the completion of a new home for the aged inaians, foarhincr them to OIHTate aiid care for the honv and It oc cupant. Mrs. Lewi naivorsen anu Mrs. Hershal Townsend were hostesses for a party on aaiur dav afternoon honoring Mr. John Ransier. who Is spending lima hre vlsitine with old friends. Those enjoying the afternoon were Air, r- v.. Mi lker. Mrs. James Lindsay. Mr. i.-.ri xtr4"'atw Mrs. Harold Sher er, Mrs. John Eubank. Mrs. Har vey Smith, Mrs. wunam me lana, Mrs. Marion Palmer. Mr. Clell Rea, Mrs. Adon Hamlett, Mrs. Larry Prock of Heppner, mnA irm rwil Thome of Herra- iston. Following the party, Mr. Dancior U-pnt hnm with Ml. Thome for a. few days visit. Mrs. Elmer Griffith returned on Monday from Portland, where she had spent several aay step ping and visiting her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight II nil rAM Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom, Sr., this week are her mother, Mrs. Les te Wilklns and her sister, Miss ri.-iio Mi-riain of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Myers of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree. ifonnpth Lvnn Smouse if.- tn rnrvflilis on Wednes day for his fifth year in research .k.nictn, at Orpcon Stale Unl Wlicuiuivij v - - r . versity. He wa accompanied as far as Portland Dy ivirs. uuie hn had sDent sev- eral days here visiting relatives and fnend3. Guests of Mrs- Oscar Lundell this week-end were ner son ana Mr. and Mr. C E. Brenner. Mr. and Mr. Keith Peck and Natalie pent from Friday to Sund.v at the home of her par ent. Mr. and Mr. Milton Mor gan. Mr, f M. Baker, Mr. Walter B. llrowelU and Mr. F. T. Mar tin left on Monday afternoon for Portland and Conalli to at tend Women' Pay at the new iinttMl c-hureh oi ChrUt in Cor- valll. Mr. Baker, who U atate worship chairman, wa to at tend a meeting of her commit' tee In Portland on Mondr ,. Mr. Milton Morgan and her mother. Mr. W. C Oawford. wrnt to rtland on Monday. Mr. Crawford will vUlt her dauchter. Mr. John Voorhee. while Mr. Morgan Join the other lone ladies for the trip to Corvallt. Ronald Crabtree. on of Mr. and Mr. Ixo Oabtree. ha been dtmiiuwd from Fort Ord. Califs after completing hi basic train ing. He arrived home on Thurs day and spent the week-end in Colfax visiting hi brother-in-law and sister and family. Mr. and Mr. Alvin McCabe. Mr. and Mr. Wallace Mat thews and daughters spent Sat urday in Portland. Mrs. Cordon Meyer and lit tle daughter were called to Day ton. Wn, on Monday because of the death of her grandfather. Fall dancing classes taught bv Jem and Geneva Rlckel of Pasco were resumed on Satur day evening at the Legion Hall. A good crowd turned out They will teach a teen class begin ning at 7:00 p.m. and student do not need partner to Join. Teen age dance to teen , age beat will be taught the young people. Adult classes begin at 8:30. Next Saturday night will k ih. tftct nicht for stcnlri? UD for this series. The dance club will hold a party following the class, according to Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, president Th. unmpn of the United Church of Christ have been in-v-itjwt m rnndon on Tuesday. October 7. to attend a luncheon and meeting of the tonaon wo men's Fellowship. The state nrotttrinnt and studv chairman wili be their guests also. Charles White ot aan rrancia co arrived by plane the last of .k ujwair mil took his father. Gordon White and brother. Tom. with him on a ingnt to saunas. Kansas. They attended the wed ding of Gordon White's young est son. 1st Lieut Gerald White to Sally Jo Swift at the First Methodist church in. Aouene Kansas, on Saturday, September 25. Mr. White flew home with Charles and Tom brought a new plane home. Mr. John Wheling and daughter, Jona, of Seattle, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Gordon White, stopped over in lone on Monday night on their way nome irom ui wedding. . ... Mr. and Mrs. uoraon nm win K hmt for a reception honoring their on and his new bride in roruana ai me orage restaurant In E. Marion Street on Saturday evening, Oct. 9 at 8:00 p.m. All friends and relatives in this area are very cordially invited to come and meet the young people- Lt White is stationed with the United States Air Force at Walk er Air Base at Roswell, New Mexico, and following their honeymoon will be at home at 1210 West McGaffey in Roswell. L . . ill Club are organized groups of young people who t inn a I nroifCt3 Hauirhter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. anfi activities. Both city and aauKuier-iii-ioiw " ana aciiviiira. twm iv Harland Lundell and Curtis ot rural boys and girls from 9 to w-v . 1 tn ... nnl,lr.,itA Klfl JrM Q 1 A. XI Dntca i rnr. Pn-ltm Cur a n XVir. anu xviirs. uououu UUD w tftrrw wa vw64 son drove to The Dalles Sunday, loct, 2 U a Rood time to start wnere nicy uitrtv ic of -- I UlCX WWI - 19 can participate. National 4-H Club Week. Sept 25 through MtCHUCHT of tho Stwordhlp Dlnor of th lone OnltM Church i chrUiloVt the buralnd el th parMwave mot?og-, fttt brd of trust Mlltoo Monjan. ortgtiwrd ltef mnd jonilt ZZSrma ol th. tru.t Robert JT'FlL steWodahtpr Kn Smour. treasurer and tjiaX alan-i. and Den BrUtew. moderator. Church Officers Burn Mortgage At Annual Meet ION E The annual .Li. .ii.. j ih lone L'ntteo. Church of Christ were held Sun day and Monday evening In the social room at the church. The deaconesses. Mr. Mtnon Mrgan, Mr. Karl ivtcvaoe. u. i i-mr tr Marlon Palm er. Mrs. Jam'e Lindsay, and Mr. Pavld nietmann. wtve nusirw for the Sunday night dinner. Theme for this year's dinners was "Fall Round -Up of Member and Friends- and clever decora tions featuring a western motlt were carried out. Tables were covered with gaily colored oil cloths and centered with bou ciueta of fall flower arranged In bean pots and lard bucket. Lighted kerosene lamp, old Iron, horseshoe and other ar ticle from the old west were used on the table and about the rooms. Bernelce and Dcneice ii.iik.ui Rnnnlo Akers. and Connie Lmert dressed. In west ern outfits, served the tables on Sunday evening. Monday evening the following trustees and their wive were hosts dressed In western togs: Mr. and Mr. Jack Hynd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rictmann. Mr. and Mj. Keith Ray. Mr. and Mr. Ray Boyce. Mr. and Mr. Robert Jepsen. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom. About 200 people were enter tained at the two evening meet ings. The highlight of the pro gram was the burning of the mortgage on the church par sonage. The mortgage had been written on February 4, 1958. for $11,000 at 4H Interest to be paid back $1,000 each year on September 1. Milton Morgan, chairman of the Board of Trus tui mt that time and Kenneth Smouse, church treasurer of the lone Community- churcn, were the co-signer of the mortgage. They had the pleasure of burn ing the mortgage, which was paid off well ahead of schedule. Other number on the pro gram Included some western music by Gene and Larry Rlet mann; a brief summary of the duties of the church treasurer by Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr.; Rob ert Rietmann, chairman of the trustees handed out copies of the budget to each family for ex planation and discussion; a col ored movie presentation on stewardship "The Secret of the Gift;" and a short presentation by the financial secretary, Ken neth Smouse. He gave everyone a packet including a pledge card, which is to be brought to church next Sunday or mailed to him by October 3. Robert Jepsen was general chairman of the dinners and Donald Bristow, moderator, was master of ceremonies. Rev. Wal ter B. Crowell gave the prayers Couples Greet New Arrivals ly VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA-Congratulatlons are being received by Mr. and Mr. Ray Rector on the birth of their son. Jeffrey Allen, born Sept ember 23 at the Heppner hos pital, weighing 7 lb., 11 ot Jef frey I the first grandchild on either side of the family and proud grandparents are Mr. and Mr. William Chapman of Spray and Mr. and Mr. Taul Rector of Fossil. Great grand mother Is Mr. Edith Chapman of Spray. Another arrival of Interest to local folks Is the arrival of a daughter for Mr. and Mr. Gray son Gerard of Terrebonne. The little girl was born September 13 and weighed 5 lb. 4 oz. She has been named Rene Lyneue ana Joins a brother Gene. Mr. Ger ard wa a former teacher at Klnzua Grade school and Mrs. Gerard was the Wheeler County health nurse. Mrs. Wavland Hyatt took her daughter Theresa to Heppner last Tuesday to have the cast changed on her leg. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Conlee re turned home last Tuesday from Portland where they had gone to have medical care for their son Gene. Fortunately Gene will not have to have surgery. Mr. C. L. Flack and Mr. Robert Kelso were business vis itor to The Dalle on Thursday. The Frlendhlp club wa en tertained Wednesday evening at the school with Mrs. Naomi Rice as hoates. High was won by Sharon Kelso, low by Judy Nor rls. and floating bv Rosle Gra ham and Virginia Sltton. Others enjoying this evening were Irene Samples. Tat McMinn Mavl Oyler. Rita Conlee. VI Sllnkard. Doris Stubblefleld. and Carol Norrla. Mr. Paul Oyler and Mis Sharon Kelso were business vis itors to Heppner Friday. KINZUA NEWS u'liiia Wtiatit and daushter Suan went to Portland Friday where they attended th Friday evening wedding tf Mr. Wtlghti nUne. Miss Joy Bonn, iney re turned home Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Paul Oyler and Ray Rector went lo Heppner ti.m.taw In Ik Ins hnmt Mr. IteC- i..r aiul U Ir Infant wn. Mr. William Chapman f Spray U atavlnir with the Hector o irnu a hand. T-,- K I rmrA rllih mrt at Camp 5 laxt Monday with Lola Frrrel as hoate. mun ni f i.i.i init ur uun bv Jean Med- lxk and low and floating by Helen Wright, tuner aiienuing were Marllvn Thoma. Kvelyn Robin-ton. ilarel llulett. Pattl Bell. Pat Hyatt. Ann Aiher. Bar bara Morltmore, and Carol Nor it. Mr and Mr. Scott Reed and family of Bend apent th- week, end visiting with the Ruaty Med lock and Frank lMerrt fam I lie. Mr. and Mr. Rob Troiell and famllv were In Heppner Satur day on bunlnesa and to vult with Harriet Kvans. Mr. and Mr. J. C. Phillips were bulne visitor to Hepp ner Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Joe Browning were In Portland Monday for medical care for Joe. On Thurs day Mr. Browning took Joan to Pendleton to register for the fall term at Blue Mountain college and on Sunday they took her back to start her studies. Two birthday parties were given thl pat week. The first was on Saturday when Mr. C J. Benson and Mr. Ray Cody gave a Mnt party for 'J"Jm, hnmn who wa 10 KotM tody who was t. The rup played gamea after which the (h upmed their gifts nd then had a barbecue wiener roaat with birthday rake and Ice cream. Th attending were Robert and tNIs Cody. Jim. lUrk. and Nancy lirnaon. Tommy and Hilly Tripp. Frank Sl'lvry. IJnd Rl.e, Joyce Mailer. Ml. Weve, and lennw Hall. Momera tn wet Margla Ball and Mar- Ian TTlpP. The ecnd party wa iw h..4u ii, lit ! iiia fuurth birh- .tau rtiai vouiwatrr played aev era! game after which IU hy lened his prescnta ana iney then had birthday raka and Ice cream. Attending were iiocay. Kim. and Benny IWitt Twid ana Itrenda lleicla. Cindy Bowman, Pamela Stephen,!, Mlhe Klce, Andrea Campbell, and Mail roy. Mr. Brltt waa assisted by Mr. Mallaroy and daughter Carol. 4 11 Club Include program for city youngster a well a rural youth. Inquire now during National 4 II Club Week. CLOSED SATURDAY FIRST DAY OF DEER SEASON JERRY'S BARBER SHOP returned to Port land with John for a weeks stay to be near her sister, Miss Lena Miller, who was to have sur gery on Monday. . Clifford Aldrich and girls have moved Into the Wilbur Ak ers home recently vacated by DEER HUNTERS WELCOME TO THE WAGON WHEEL CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2 OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT AS OF OCTOBER 1 Lunches To Go Coffee For Your Thermos Bottles FRED AND CECXLE OTT HUNTERS! The Elks Want Your HIDES For the Elks Veterans Program Deer Elk Cow Sheep Leave Them At: Jack's Chevron Station Farley Motor Co. George's Chevron, Lexington Burnett's Chevron, lone Elks' Parking Lot ' Sponsored by B.P.O.E. No. 358 HUNTERS' NIGHT AT LODGE I HUNTING INSURANCE DON'T 1 and Mrs. Lindsay Klncald led In hymn Binding with her ac cordion. All the younger child ren. enjoyed movies upstairs during the program. WITHOUT INSURANCE TOO OWE IT TO TOD TAMILT, BEfOlE TOO ITABT ON A HUNTING TBI". TO SECU1E EXTRA t BOTECTI0N. ALL YOU NEED DO IS COME IM AND PICK OUT THE AMOUNT AND PEBI0D Of COVERAGE TQU WANT. LOW COST AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS Of" ISOOO TO ISO.000 rOH PEBIODS Or 3 TO 180 DATS. ' TURNER, VAN MARTER & BRYANT HEPPNEB INSURANCE ph. rrt-tesi ALL YOUR QDppUD f3(Minl( S AT CAMPING NEEDS AMMUNITION LICENSES Western Auto Associate Store John And Betty Pfeiffer Heppner, Oregon TONIGHT (SEPT. 30) SEE TOTJ THERE