Jonis Baker Crowned New Worthy Advisor Of Rainbow Assembly Using l'Uk and Ml M her thoM-n rr, and "Kuliti" a hrf motto, Mlu Janla Baher Mat Installed neve worthy atvlor of Kuih AurtnUy N Order r( lUlnhuw far Clf 1ft. at Mmal rrremonlrs Rundav afternoon, f.ri trmtirr 70. in the Mk.-i.i.' hall. Nineteen other young lal le vrre sealed with her to make up the alate of elected and ap minted officer ft the fall term. Janl. daus-hier of Mr. and ltlra. Clarence Baker, waa r corted lo I hi Hilar ty hrr father for the crowning ceremonies, marine floor length, pink for mal. The Jrweled crown w Presented to hrr by hrr aUler, ynda. Othc family members present were hrr mother anj two brothers. Billy and Krn. In keeping with her them, faith, the brightest Jewel In my crown," the song My Kal'h Lnta Up to Thee' wa dedi cated ty Mra. Al Roschee. ae. rompanled by Mr. Virginia Turner. Fhlrley Frwln Installed the new worthy advisor, assisted by Inane fthaffitz. Installing mar ahal; Judy Jones, lntalllnf re. rurder; Knpenla Wilson, Install. In chaplain, and Ms Fred lloa kin. Installing munition Taking the obligation at mo ther advisor of the assembly waa Mr. Tom Huhe. Those serving at new of I leers for the fall term Include Jan llaerr. worthy associate advisor; Kathy Mlby, charity; Martha IVh. hope; Linda I lark, tatth; Ruby lulleton. recorder; uoiren la Wilson, treasurer; Jeanlne Hunt. chaplain, and Linda Heath, drill leader. Those holding the color ta tlont are Linda Orwlck, love; Susan Mrloy. reliulon. Mary IVrce. nature; Sandra Flail1, im mortality; Tarn lluehra. fldi-lity; Jill I'adbcrg. patriotism; Sue fhally. service; Breita l!owell. outre observer; Mary Kay Hughes, confidential observer: Sara Miller, mualclan; Tatti Howell, choir director. A etft f apprerlatlort for aer vlcrt of the pait term wa pre-M-nnd Shirley Eiwm, retiring .... .. "Si MISS JAMS BAKER woithy advisor, by MUi Baker In behalf of the avarmbly A rumt of honor wat Mn. Howard lirvant. worthy matron of Ruth Chapter No. 32. Order tf 'he l.trrn Mar. Dutlng the aorial hour, re (raiments of rake. Coffee and furxh were aerved from a table centered with while ch'yaanthe- mun.a. Mr. Bob BerMrom cut and aerved the take; pouring tutu h waa Mr. I'.o.l llieuewood. and MTVlnr titer ioffi- waa Mr. Majttl Junra. Joint Meeting Set For Altar Societies A L.lnt rrwrflnir tJt lhl Altar Sortettra of lleppnrr and lone It planned for Turday eveninif. 'Vlnlvnr 4 a I t hit hnm of Mtl. ).. w InliP U() H. Falrvlrw Irlve. with Mra. Tat O'Brien at asalNlan! hoatmt. iKirlne the hulnea elon. final plant will h made for tminff the annual fall Smor KtHrd on Sunday, October 17. All mernlrr are urjeed to at tend. Member of the Holy Name men will le aervrd breakfast Sunday, October 10. by the com mittee In charge. Mra. Jim Mon ahan. Mm. YA Gonty and Mr. Jerry Sweeney. Any boy or Rlrl between 9 and 19 yeaxi old can Join 4 II. Culture of Greece Subject of Progrom For Soroptimist Club r:iM ulih Ita tradltlona. cd and hltory, waa the theme of the program or tn rorop. tlmUt Hub at laat Thursday a luncheon meet Inf. A mriat llitrrrttln ttudV Of ancient and modern flreece waa preaenled by Mn. r.mll oroan en and Mt. W. J. Thorn a, who are co chairman of the Inter national tioodwlll and Under- atandlnf committee. Mra. Grtmh ena ahowed a color film, with ih narration bv Vincent rrtce. of the ancient and modern build- Injra, theatrr. people, i.iarra and cuttoma. It waa noted their method of aplnnlng and weav Inar appear to much the aame ttwlay a In the pat. Mr. Tlomaa added back of it from her per- M.nal observation when touring Orere. of the many refugee -mn there. She nolnted out that tome of the Inhabitant of Ihene ramps have been living in them for over 20 year. alan dlnru&trd the Rorop- tlmltt International AoeUtlon'B contribution to fund for ine education of these people, and the rrrugee tuna wnicn ia uea in ajuui with the work of the refunre camp. They also pon- aor a refuEee camp near inn- brurk. Auatrta. and aMist in tne work of the camp there. Reception to Honor Victor Rietmanns The home of Mr. and Mr. BUI t)ltm.nn In Inn m'lll h onen Sund.iv. October 3. for a public reception in honor of Mr. and Mr vii-tnr liii-tminn. The oc- cation will obwerve their 40th wedding annlvmary. Tt hoM are inviting irienaa and relative in the area to top in hniu'Mn the houra of 3.00 and 5:tW p.m. to extend their greet ing to tne coupie. Christmas Portrait CflAl YOUR CHOICE OF A BEAUTIFUL 8x10 or 11x14 PHOTOGRAPH FOR EVERYONE FOR ONLY MOTHERS! DO NT MISS THIS FANTASTIC OFFER Family groups, babies children, teenagers, mom, dad, grandma and grandpa too! Only 96c per person in groups. Several 5x7 permanent proofs to choose from PLUS 50c HANDLING AND WRAPPING CHARGE. ONLY ONE. SPECIAL PER FAMILY. 2 Big Days Only MONDAY AND TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 and 5--11 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED PHOTOGRAPHER PETE MILLER SERVING OREGON FOR 18 YEARS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Central HEPPNER Program to Feature Articles of Dew-Foam Regular meeting of the Ixi iniMn l oop Diddle will resume on Monday, Octotrr 4. at 1:30 pm. at the Leilngton City hall. A apeclal program for the af ternoon will frature art Idea made from dew foam. Thoat who come are aaked to bring a aupply of the dew-foam, glue, arlaaora, pin. S" dowel alUk 112" longt. crochet thread and crochet hook. All interested persona are wel come to attend. Mra. Geola Buatoa I upend ing aeveral day In Portland, where ahe la visiting her aUtrr, Mr. Kay George. Friday te Monday rUltori at the Ray !rake home were Mr. and Mr. T. K. Given, brother-in-law and alter of Mr. Drake, and a friend. Mr. Marie Loar. all of Sllverton. On Saturday they enjoyed picnicking and fUhlng at Bull Prairie. In the afternoon they went to Klmberly where Mra. Loar vl.iiti-d long time friend, the Thomaae. Honorary Teachers' Society initiates Initiation wn held for i new member of lielt Kappa (iamma. honor aorlety fur wn en tearher. at a dinner meet ing Saturday evening at the Tapadera Rrataurant in Pendle ton. Tif Initiated were Mr Oleta Aker. Milton-Frerwater; Mr- Melvln Bennett, MlHon Freewater; Mr. Freda Johna, Hrrmlaton; Mr. Joaephlne Sim mon. HermUton; Mr. Hilda Slater, Stanfleld, and Mr. Dai la Ixiscnberry. an honorary member, of Umatilla The Candles." a ceremony honoring Founder Day. wa arranged by Genevieve Mayber- ry. . Granddaughter Born Mr. and Mr. James Monahan are proudly announcing the birth of a rranddauf htee tn Portland on Wednesday. Sept ember a Little Ann Marie I the first child of their aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Mike Monahan of Portland, and at birth weighed 8 lbs- 6 Her maternal prandparenU are Mr. and Mr. Antonla Imln. Queze of San Francisco, CaliX. Private aupport for 4-H come from community organization, jrvir Hub bualnesa. Industry and Individuals. HCrPNCa GAZE TTt TIM tS. Tkaradat. lepeashef M. IMS Churches to Observe Laymen's Sunday Laymen Sunday will be fib served in the Christian church es In llrpprter and lini;!on on Sunday, Oitobrr la according to the Rev. Al Rusthee, pastil. Speaker for the 11 fx am m Ih at Lraihgtun on tiMt day will be Clarence Raker. Cail Marquardt, a layman of the Lealngton church, will deliver the message at the 9:00 am. worship service in the Heppner church. Complete service In both churches will be conducted by the laymen. Two couple will represent the rhunhes at the Spokane Area Assembly October 10- 1Z Plan nlng to attend are Rev. and Mr. Bomhee and Mr. and Mn. Charle Jones. It 1 ejtpecled that Mini Loma Mae Jones, who U with the national office In In dianapolis. Ind, will also at tend. Service Announced Rev. Father M. C Moynlhan of Toledo will be a guest pas tor at services of All Saint Episcopal church Sunday morn ing October 3, He will preside at 10.00 a m. mas, and will be greeted at an Informal coffee hour following. Club Enjoys Field Trip ro Pendleton The Ruralettes 4 11 sewing dub wrnt to Pendleton on a buying trip and hair styling trip recently. We went to the beauty school and had our hair styled, then orw of our club mn.bcfi, Ja Waitm. lnlied us to lunch at her mother's home They served desserts, but we brought our own sat k lunch es. After lunch we went on our buying trip. We looked In several store to see different styles of dresses, then we bought our patterna and material. Member who went were Cher I Carlson. Christine McCabe. Mary McElllgott, Dar'ene Warren. Shauna and Car ley Bergstrom. Mothera who came along were Mr. L. A. MfCabe. Mr. I-ewU Carlson and Mr. Roland Berg triwn. our leader. Shauna Bergstrom, Wewa reporter A early a 1856. Horace Gree ley sponsored a corn-growing contest for Hew York boy, a forerunner of 4 11 Club contest. Rural achool superintendent and college eaperlment atatlona promoted contents In crop pro duction and aoll testing In the early l90(s. STANDBY 46 ox. IPineapple-Erapefruit Brink 3 89$ OjesfBcncL COFFEE ' PERCOLATOR Q for $1 MAIL-IN OFFER GET DETAILS IN OUR STORE UY" CAKI mx HORKELS 4 ea. VIENNA SflUSfl CAMS 9 40 os. BERRTLAND Strawberry JAWl 79c NABISCO COOKIES Your Choice of DATE NUT. 1 LB. OREO. 1 LB. BARONET 2 pltg. WALDORF 10 ROLL PACT Toilet Tissue 79 1 LB. 73c 2 LB. 1.45 3 LB. $2.15 10 OZ. INSTANT. $1.39 TlK TOP 12 OZ. DRIC1K ft for 1 STANDBY CANNED FOODS SALE NEXT WEEK I RED DELICIOUS APPLES 8 lb. $1 1 LB. CELLO BAG CfiRR0TS223 NO. 2 Potatoes 20 lb. 590 Lettuce 2biam25C OREGON CHIEF PURE PORK Dr;.vmi-4H.i;JU!i.a BbSBBBBbV IB1bb1 M JBBSBBBBaJ BSM m F PURE PC iAUSAGE. ft9c Pork Steak - 59c OREGON CHIEF POLISH RINGS 2 09c ROUND-UP BRAND 6 OZ. PKG Lunch Meat 4 for $1 BOLOGNA. PICKLE AND PIMENTO. OLIVE. VEAL. MACARONI AND CHEESE. LIVER SAUSAGE PRICES GOOD OCT. 1 and 2 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9228 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps WE BELIEVE IN AND SUPPORT 4-H 4ARICET NATIONAL 4H WEEK SEPT. 25-OCT. 2