Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 30, 1965, Second Section, Page 8, Image 16

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    ntrrntn gazette-times. ThurdxT. acumbar so, mi
jll -TO
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Lv... .1, - -' - ---
Junior Golfers
Receive Awards
At Dinner Meet
iUU Over From Lat Week!
KINZl'A On Saturday night,
fcpiembcr IS, in annual
aarU dinner party for the Ktn
rua Junior Gol(r i r"U at
iha dub hu of the Kiniua
Colt club. The affair u rl!
ath'n.ttMl rv an rn(hulatlc
croup of aiHMVXlmately 40 Jun
ior koHom ana a fw parrnl.
Hamburcni with all th ac
rvMorlcft. cwam. rak ami
Hir rrc dlshrJ out In quan.
liti' bv a commlltf conalKtlng
of Vnle Wall. Fl Wham. yuin
tin Vlea. and MUt Boring.
Afier the youngstera had filld
ihem'lvr to capacity, bingo
and dam-in were the order of
the evening, obviously enjoyed
by all.
Receiving trophlea a a rcault
ik inmmi'r imLrnamrnt were:
, lve girir cnampion. ivcuc
(f tHuInn; V-Wec glrla runner-up.
I ,Therca llvatt: IWWee boya
f jchamploa Kent Bell: rrNe
t ,bo runner-up. Bob Allen: Jun
. .katnntim David LOV
oil: runner-up. Vic Bowman;
firvt fiu-hr ulnner. John Wall:
runner-up. Jerrv Luther: Junior
womens champion. Vena Con
r.v mnmp.iin. Alena Oulnn:
first fltcht winner. Jannle
Card Party Follow
Women Club Dinner
The annual planned pot luck
dinner for members and their
families of the Camp 5 Womens
Club was held Saturday night
with 29 present Mrs. Lola Fcr
rel was chairman of th pot
After the dinner there was
public card party with 38 pres
ent, w 1th Jean Medlock and Judy
Norrls as hostesses. Illgh prize
was won by Red Hulett and
Helen Shelton; low by Camilla
i - .1 Ducfu f.w4!rwlr
SIX CHOUPS OF LOCAL. CHILDREN era pictured 1 In thia final and foatlnJI by JTank rerrel
America's rurure leaiux i '"v. " - i.TrnnZ 'ana sitKtr ciiT
4. and Bandy AlTin lownwna. o. cmwn prizes were won oy
.....4 b nn rioht are iii.iiora uouaatriTt uu i rr( unri Margaret nicvonneii.
Lucky winner of the cedar
chest full of linens was Les
Mallaroy. Mrs. Elna Weems
drew the winning tickets.
Mr. and Mrs. Slim Rhoton
went to Boardman Saturday
where they met Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Waldvogel of Silver Lake
and then went fishing with very
good luck.
Visiting friends here Monday
were Mrs. Joe Miller and son
Lynn of Santa Rosa. Calif. They
were accompanied by Lynns fi
ancee Miss Valerie Schatzle of
San Francisco. Calif. Their wed-
ding is set for Feb. Yi, l'JW. ine
Millers are former residents of
Kinzua with Mrs. Miller having
worked in the Post Office.
Richard Lynch went to Fall
Creek last week to bring home
Mrs. Lynch who has spent sev
eral weeks there having medi
cal care.
Eight members of the Friend
ship Club enjoyed their annual
dinner out at the Condon Hotel
Saturday night Alter dinner the
group went bowling. Those
going were Rosie Graham, Pat
McMinn. Rita Coniee. Mouy uay,
Barbara Mortimore, Irene Samp
les. Judy Norrls and Carol Nor
ris. In Heppner last Tuesday for
Hiicinose HnH shnoDin? were Mrs.
Sham. Mrs. Earl Norrls.
onH lm KVnnpth Norris.
Mrs. Homer Davis and aaugn
ter Hildred of Lone Rock came
a'odnmriav tn visit with Mrs.
Marvin Hines and go on to Kim-
berly to get peacnes.
Mr and Mrs. Wavland Hyatt
and daughter spent the week
end in Portland wnere xney vis
ited with relatives, iney u
nan in a familv reunion at Blue
Lake Park on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ciay rnuup
were business visitors to Lon
don Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. o. btepnens
of Weiser, Idaho visited here
last week with their children
and attended the Saturday fun
eral service in Fossil of Mr.
Stephens brother, William Ste
Mrs. Don siinnara ana aira.
Howard Rice and children were
in Condon Saturday for a check
up for Linda.
Mrs. Ed Wham and Mrs. trn
ie Wall were in Heppner last
Tuesday for Mrs. Wall to get
new glasses.
The Double Deck card club
traveled to Fossil again last
week where they were enter
tain Art Wprinesdav eveninz bv
Mrs. Helen Wright. High for the
evening went to Virginia neiso,
low to Vonnie Browning, and
rnainna tn Lrpne SamDles and
Lily May Nlstad. Others play-
lng were Elna weems, Aua
CLrhll Mart Rnrinp. Marge Ash-
er, Vi Slinkard, Virginia Sitton,
and Kathryn iacK.
T.nRt vpaj industrial friends of
4-H. provided over four million
copies or eaucaiionai puouca
tions and other materials to aid
4-H'ers in their projects.
Boardman Residents Hurt in Auto Crash
(Held Over From Lat Ve.-k)
b. iiunuAS Mm. Fioience
Koot has leen In t'.ood helnet
K.-..H.I tn u.rmlkton aim- Ut
Thurlay nUht after telng In
urt in a ear accident aNut
on roil et U h rxho June
turn, .she haa broken O'Har
bne and two broken rib hhe
was a passenger tn a car driven
by Zarl tauespie oi ni'"n
uk.n it iki .truck by a pickup
camper which rrood the center
line and aldewlte.l the (.Hie.
pie car. knocking It over a .j
foot embankment. The driver
was Caryol R- Bradbury of ial-
em. ...
Cllleaple receive.! tnree "ai-.
.it.. n thai M-iilint and hl
other parn?or, which Ituiua
cl Mm t;Ulepl. Mr, t laud
Coats. Mr, t.len iartenier
Mr. Frank Mar low wire tmlv
haken up. They were all treated
and release-d.
Other in the pickup were
Bruce Bate and iv.nald Brad
bury. Thev at well a the driver
were unhurt. The driver was
cited for driving while under the
Influence of Intoxicant.
Eva LaChanee wat voteil In as
a new member of Greenfield
Grange Saturday night at the
mH-tlng at the hall, which at art
ed with potluck aupier at
Discussion w held on the
new grange hall to be built In
the new towrwtte and It was vot
ed to build the hall In town.
First, aecond and third choice
lots were chosen from the city
.n.i ih foiiowini! commit-
te appointed to bring In balc
fact on financing the new hall:
Mr. W. G. Sechafer. Arthur Al
len and Andrew Sklle.
The grange voted to enter the
-.in.i Cummiinitv S4,rtce
contest and Mr. Leonard Bed-
ord was apK)lntei cnatrman.
Mr. and Mrs. Kli Bclangcr and
tr inhn ihilliD!i were prest'nt-
ed with new membership pins.
The announcement was maae
ik.t ih oTrot Is Invited to at
tend the Booster Night program
at Columbia Grange tne een-
Towiwend. At top right ore CUllord Dougherty. 2. and CrntWa
Doughertr. 5. children of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dougherty. At cen
ter left axe Brian Thompson- 2Vi. end Shelley Tbompofv. 5.
children of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thompson. At cuter right
are Janett. Piper. 2Vi. and Mark Piper. 5. children of Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Piper. Lexington. At lower leit ere Barbara De
Tine. iVdaughteVof Mr. and Mrs. Jim Derine. now of Golden
dale. Wn, and Linda Ear Warren. 15. daughter of Mr. andMri.
C. Al WaTrn! At lower right axe Twilla Beaina Biddle. 7. Out.
iaphii Matttew Kiddle, X Bobanai CoraJ Biddle. 8. and Robert
Chalet Kiddle. 5. children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kiddle.
Bt 2. Heppner.
County Court Proceedings
Order: Transmitting the funds
allotted for the Predator Control
program to the St Dcpt of Agri
culture. Signed 9165.
Order: Allotting funds for the
County and Home Dem. Agents,
signed 8465.
Agreement: Between the St.
Highway Comm., & MJW
County covering the ttTigon
Junction-Umatilla Co. Line Sec.,
Hwv No. 6, Morrow Co.
Acceptance of bid: Bid of Les
Brannon was accepted for paint
ing the exterior of the Court
house. .
The following warrants were
lssaed on the General FnndJ
E. O. Ferguson, comm.
Mileage --
Walter H. Hayes, do
Paul W. Jones. Co. Ct
Sup. 19.38, Judge's Tr.
Exp. 3.94 .
St. Tax Comm., Sal.
St. Ind. Accid. Comm-
do -
First Nat l Bank, do -
pub. Emp. Ret. Bd, Sal.
219.22. Soc. Sec.
Safeco Life Ins. Co.
Sal. 20.70. Ins. 6.98
Treas. of the v. a.,
Co. Ct - --
Shell Oil Co., Sher .
Car Exp ....... -
Standard Oil Co., do
Richfield Oil Corp.. do
Ford's Tire Serv., do
Blue Mtn Comm., Sher.
Comm. Fund
Col. Bas. Elec. Comm,
C J. b. Bauman, Sher.
Sup. 16.50, Jail
Exp. 7.00, Juv.
I .w ........
Phillip Goodall, Dep.
Sher. Car Exp 118.LJ
Bernard Lyle Cox, EX
Bert Corbln, do
Oreg. St. Tax Comm.,
Assess. SL MainL
Fd -
Humphreys Drug. Assess.
... 24.47
. 28.82
.... 30.00
..' 15.75
Earl L. Soward, Just
Ct 6th Sup o.w
Chas. E. Anderson, et al.
Cir. Ct Jurors 820 .77
Mary Bryant. Co. Reg 9.50
St Agric. College, Co &
Home Dem. Agent 6143.50
Heppner Gazette-Times,
Off. Pub. 16557
Clyde Cox. Park Fund .... 68.36
L E. Dick. Gen. Oper.
Contingency 166.00
Pac. N. W. Bell. Sher.
Comm. Fd 14.00, Cur.
Exp. 156.43 170.43
Columbia Basin Elec.,
Cthse 103.93, Surp. tas
Exp. 18.00 - 12193
G. E. Nikander. Surp.
Frfe Pin. 10.UU
Heppner-Pendleton Frt,
do . - 87.34
Dept. of Fin. & Adm.
An 50.25
Mary Bryant. Dep. 27651 :
Co. Ct 33.33 309.84
Elvira Irby, Dep. 271.61
Lillian SweeK, un.
PhilbV" Goodall, Spec
Joyce Phegley. Off.
Edna Cnaliy. H. Nurse .... 231.12
Alma Green. Off. Clk .... 98.86
Darl Hudson. Jan. 343.13
Margaret Jorgensen, Off.
L. D. Tibbies,
Physician 24.09
Billie' A'isup," Jr", do ... 71.66
W. C. Dnscon, comm.
M - 4-5'
Rep -
Nancy B. Dixon, Surp.
Vna 39.17
Vgt W.JU
Th. 'iniinorina warrants were
issued on the Gen. Roads Fund:
In of JW-ptemher 25. . ,
1-he etane will Vltl irrigon
Grant: tvtober 7.
tr n,t Mr Arthur Allen
have returned from a ten day
.I., in il..k where thev attend
ed an KV.X cvnventum at Anch
orage. They went from nere
Vaneuvrr. Wn, and 'VT
oxernlKht at Hie home of Mr.
and Mr. Frank Jonea, leaving
Ihe next day bv plane for Anch
orage. There thev Joined the ret
of ihe convention party which
ton. Art Lorenren of Pendleton.
Mr n, Mr Don Kenney
of Irrlgon. The Allen tk a
tour of the Fxpenment riaim
in the Metanuaka vaiiey. e
t.ir aiine the earth
quake damage and the Portage
Glacier. Thev report ma . -earthquake
damage U rallly
being repaired. Tbev
iiisl a Kulan Orthodox Cath
olic church and the AJaxkan
MethodUt University.
Bruno Zafflna. btllllant car
toonM entertainer, will preaent
a National Shol Assembly
September 24. at 12:45 p m. In
the aihwd gvmnatum. He will
give chalk talk, accompanied
with sound effects, music. iec.
lal lighting, rapid drawings car.
toons and fun. The public la In
vlted to attend.
St. Marv'a Altar Society held
it f!rt meeting thia fall Tu
dav night of lat week at the
home of Mr. Dante Daltoaa
Teachers for catechism classes
for the vear will be Mr. S. W.
Wllkle. Mr. Shirley Zlellnki
and Mr. and Mr. Daltoso. Re
ligion classea will e held every
Wednesday at 2:30. 3:3i) and 7
The Boardman TlllUum club
met Tuesday night of last week
at the home of Mrs. Zoo Bill
ings. Mrs. LaVern Part low. Mr.
Roy Partlow and Mr. Billing
Is the committee In charge of
the annual community calendar.
It will be sent out In the near
future. .
U was voted to dlpcne with
the t'hrUtmaa doll and boys
game tht ear.
A rummage aale will be held
at the grange hall Cit;be
The next meetln wilt be at
the home of Mr. Ronald Blach
Mr. and Mr. Ralph Skoubo
and aon Mk and Bob spent
the week-end In CoryaliJ vull
lng at the home of hkouboi
brother and alter In law, Mr.
... ti.. t'.i umihiL Dick enter-
mill nil".
cd Oregon State University for
hi freahman year.
VUUor lt w k at the home
of Mr. and Mr. George Meara
were Sicard i imunor in iw
aUter. Mr. and M, erman
Smith of Stwkton. Calif.. Bill
OVonncll and Bud Steven. Port
land, and Mr. and Mr. Lee Judd
of Klamath Falls.
Visitor Wednelav of laat
week at the home of Mr. and
Mm William Md'hall were Mr.
Mcl'hall'a parent. Mr. and Mr.
Lovd RluMida of Rufu. and her
uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr.
Ijwfrm-r Cirav of lhllomath.
o..v. Rati hm returned from a
vUlt In Springfield where he via
ited at the home of Mr. and Mr.
William Kden. He waa called
there by the death of ht brother-
In law. Joe U. . h d'I
Auguat 31. AW. attend!" the
funeral from hete were Mr. and
Mr IT Roy Hall. Jr "'
Ball and Mark Huahnian.
Via.tol. from Thurad.y throufh
Monday al the home of Mr and
Mi. Guv Fntguaon were Mr. and
Mi Paul rrrjuion of lio
h! i. and Mr and Mr- Hru
Jrnklna rf .Shettdarj. Wvo. Fer
guaon and Mi. Jenkins ae
nephew and niece o
ul'ih. i farwoud returned
home Monday from a two weeks
lay In F-atacaoa at me n
of her son-in-law and daughter,
.!' :' i m inn ( aliff. She waa
ataf . Villi " - - ' . .
carlnu for the Califf rhtldren
while tneir parenis were
trip to North Dakota.
Cm ut for envelopes of all
kind. The Uatette-Ttmc
Clectile Motors
Fewer Tool
e Hydraulic Jacks
Alemlt equipment
8. C 4th rendletoa
Fhoae 27t-S862
Wo Will
Deliver Your
Processed Meat
Hog Tuesday
Cattle Wed. Thurs.
Sheep Any Day
Follett Meat Co.
Fa. S47-U51
Hermiatom. Oreooa
Oa UermUtoa-McNorr
High woy
Roderick Thomson, Assess
Fid WK -rV
Wash.-Oregon, School
Sup. CO., rl. rturse
Edna Chally, R.N., do .
Emest Jorgensen, Just Ct,
- 5th. Rent 25.00, TeL
48.60. Sup. 10.00
M & R Co., Cthse Rep.
City Water Dept.
John A. Pfeiffer, do
St Bureau of Labor,
Herman Green, do
Tum-A-Lum Lbr, Cthse
Rep -
Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe,
McCabe's Cafe, Jail
Kenneth Robinson, Juv.
Billie Alsup. Jr.. do .........
Herman Winter, DA Help
State Tax Comm.
Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd ....
First Nat'l Bank
St. nd. Accid. Comm
Safeco Life Ins
Ford's Tire Serv
Heppner Auto Parts
John A. Pfeiffer
lone Chevron Station . 3-40
A TVan Cn 7540
City Water Dept 6.00
Heppner Auto Sales 16.3
Industrial Air Prod. 60.79
liyrrntu wvf.. r . - -
The Glass Shop 4.05
Fulleton Chev. Co. o
Stone Mach. Co 225.23
l-xinrton Imo. Co. oo.sa
iriira'o Mf-Oiillnrh Raw
ShoD ... 1878
cq11 Tiru Z, Tank
ivrn 1472.41
Standard Oif Co 1213.92
n.,in nil rn 667.44
Union Pacific Railroad .... 250
INT stef hurf&ct Tnrf
Laundry 934
Pacific N. W. Bell U-iu
rVtlumhfA Rasln Elec. 8.94
Labor 5042.69
issued on the Misc. Funds:
t-ii-ct islat'l Rank. Weed
ConL .- 5800
St. Tax Comm., do 19-20
r,,K r-mn Pot Rri
G4- T4 knnt Pnmm..
Hn 56.44
Bender-Moss Co. Law
r III t
r). y:,.:.;;r- :ru" v
i X ' ' - ; ' ' -iff a a-ir-r-rT-rm-T- sw S i j n - nmmt v,umm ibul ''' '
v ' " r . ' ... -1 :rt
i "WE ARE "
;-"v. '; : " -.. . I m" . I
; 1 iX - I Country-, ScrwcfchiWren i" 't
" , . 3 . J i .,. . , I J"Nt-Vaa " 1-
"To create the love of music in a child
...is an artist's finest reward!"
No artist is better qualified to speak such words than Carmen
Sragon, conductor of the Standard School Broadcas heard by
millions of children in their classrooms, and adults in their
homes, on Thursdays throughout the school year.
"What a thrill," says Dorothy Warenskjold, "to open a world
ormusic to American children" . . . "It is a wonderful privilege
to share in this creative work' says Paulena Carter . . . The
child with a love of music grows into a richer person, says
Norma Zimmer.
For these stars of opera, concert, radio and television as for
many others, the Standard School Broadcast helped to start
their present successful careers. They have performed regu
larly since, with enthusiasm.
These distinguished artists are only a few of hundreds who
have made this unique program, from opera to folk music to
symphony to jazz, an American educational asset They gladly
taTe time from their busy lives to perform with Standard Oil
because... "To create the love of music in a child is an artist s
finest reward."
YfeAre Americans," the 38th annual Standard School Broadcast radio series,
tegins oTtober 2L 1965. Pleas, consult local papers for time and station.
?4 ' "m''., -T
1 " 4- "
Jutt a$ they learn tht appreciation of matc, young
people alto learn that the man at tht Sign of tk
Chevron meant friendly terviee to the family ear.
The Chevron
Sign o f excellence
West Pub. Co., do
Bancroft-Whitney, do
James W. Norene, DVM,
Dog Fund
James L. Cason, Weed
, Cont
112.50, Rent ttf.w, xei.
27.50, Sup. 5c 205X6
Sec. of St. Circ. Ct
Sup 5TO
Qt ColaHpa 1250.16
Roadmaster . 435.13
The following won ants were