New Officers Take Over Rainbow Duties Miss Cherltn S mouse, daugh ter of Mr. ai.J Mr. Kentwth jmuM lour, Installed Worthy Adir of Ume Awm. My No. KJ. IHiler ol Kainbow lor Culm, at a lovely ceremony at the M senile Hall on Sunday a fir mown. Other ffUrr seated (or tlie (all term uere: Linda Rowel I. mUic alvl; Hnnle Akers. charily; Teresa Mrtant, hope; lU.nnle Morgan, faith; Marten Hamlet I. recorder. Bonnie, llynd, treasurer; Connie Kmert. chap lain: and Linda Nichols, drUl leader. Those holding the color stat lona are Luelnda Smith, love; Tanya Tucker, religion' Susan Jane Jer,en, nature; Betty Creenup, immortality; Marianne William. fidelity; Ceraldin Kreba, patriotism, and Marsha Ball, aervlee. Outer observer U Cathy llautler; confidential ob server U Teres Tucker; music Ian if Susan Lindstrom. and choir director U Mary Nichols. Cherllyn chose pale green and white aa her colors and "I Be lieve" aa her theme. Bonnie llynd aanf "I Believe." accom panied by Connie Emcrt Follow inr the Installation. Cherllyn wai crowned by her father, Kenneth Smouse. Installing the new officers were Susan Lindstrom, Install Ing officer; Bonnie llynd, mar shal; Sharlene Hamlet t, record- V- MISS CHERILTN SMOUSE er; Mary Nichols, chaplain, and Bonnie Alters, musician. Cindy Ekstrom had charge of the pro grams. Refreshments were served in the dining room from a linen covered table centered with an arrancement of green bells 01 Ireland with white crysant he- mums and tall green tapers. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. E. R- Schaffer poured, and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. mother ad visor, cut the cake- HUNTING Headquarters For GUNS, AMMUNITION, STATE LICENSES HAMLIN'S SPORTING GOODS 172 N. Main Ph. 676-5551 Points of Safety Feature Program T KATHCMNC LINDSTROM ION u e s t s of Willows Grange Saturday evening were Verne Crawford, deputy of I'm tills Countv Oranges, and Mrs. Crawfitrd. Both were Introduced and made short talks. Aclivltlea of th Crantie are picking ut after a two month vacation. Finishing of the hall, the stace and rooms upstairs will begin soon, A program on safety was In troduoed bv the lecturer, Mrs. Oscar Lundett. Berl AWera gave a talk "Safclv from Fire," fol lowed bv Safety for Pre -school Children." bv Mrs. Lee Palmer. Mrs. Harvey Ring gave the 4 II pledge of safety with a skit. Safety Road." by Mrs. Lewi Halvorsen and Mr. Marlon Pal mer. Forestry safety and advice of Smokcy the Bear were Riven by Mrs. Art DaUell. Warren Slender was the winner of the safety hazard game. The Home Economics club held a no host meeting at the hall preceding the Grange meet ing. Date of the next meeting will be Friday. October 15. with Mrs. Berl Akers and Mrs. Cleo Chllders as hostesses. The October grange meeting will be Saturday, October 16. at the hall, to which the public la invited for a Halloween party at 8:30 p.m. Cards will also be played. Flowsr Show Cancelled The lone Garden Club fall flower show, planned for Sun day. September 2U has been cancelled. An early frost two nichts last week killed many of the beautiful flowers In the member's gardens and ..also froze the dahlia blooms in the William Rawlins home. A SDO- clal exhibit by Mr. Rawlins had been scheduled. Mr. and Mrs. John Hemstreet of Portland were Monday visit ors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Engle man. They were In a trailer car avan on a trip of Eastern Ore gon. They stopped In Heppner to see Mrs. Blaine Chapel at the hospital. Reception to Honor Bietmanns An open house reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann on their 40th wedding anniversary will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riet mann on Sunday. October 3. The occasion is arranged by their children and all friends and rel atives are Invited to call be tween the hours of 3:00 and 5:00 pm. and extend greeting to the couple. , Mr. and Mr. Adon llamlett hav returned from a trip to Botw. Mrs, llamlett has been appointed district dMributor J run, Inc. a subsidiary of HrUtol Myers, and attended a training meeting nf LurSrr at Bole. when the dlilonal man ager. R. V. Olson, was present to Instruct them. She will cover four counties, Morrow. I'matll la. Union, and Wallowa, an! will manage the saleswomen for thU area. Dance classes sonsorrd by tne lone Dance club, will begin fall classes on Saturday evening, September 25, If enough Inter cut I shown a teen age group will meet at 6: pm. New adult student will meet at 7 .V) for instruction and Intermedl ates and advanced will have class at 8:30, Two new Latin dances will be introduced a well a a new society foxtrot, the Smoothie and Western Swing. Instructors will again be Jerrv and Geneva Rlckels of Pasco, Mr. and Mrs. John Proudfoot spent the week end in Portland, where ihey visited their son, Paul, who Is In school there. Their daughter Pamela, enroll ed as a Junior at St. Paul's School for Ulrls In Walla Walla this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and Glen spent Saturday and Sunday In Portland and attend ed the wedding of a friend. Htlmbignars Ars Honored Kav llelmblgner, chairman of the third annual McNary Yacht club Labor Day ski show, and Mrs. llelmblgner, were honored at a party held in tne r.pisco- ImI Parish hall In Hermlston on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. James A. Watts were hosts and were assisted by several other members of the club. About 70 people were present to show their appreciation to llelmblg ner for his long and devoted work in staging these success ful Labor Day events enjoyed by so many. He was presented a new life Jacket and a battery powered megaphone and Mrs. Ifolmhlpnnr was Dresented a corsage of white carnations and Dink rosebuds. The large cane served with the refreshments was decorated with water ski ers and boats and Inscribed thank you. Ray." Those attend ing the party from lone were Mr. and Mrs. Ray llelmblgner and Tom. Mr. and r.Ms. Lewis Halvorsen. Mark and Frank, and Susan Lindstrom. (DAIMJM(E AHH WdDW S TTMMJU 13 WEAMS (WJLHD! COME TO Heppner Rodeo Grounds PUNt9lPA8 & JKECJK CdPMlPETETEON JF4D0TJRALL CMNEC Plan to be with us at -OR TO lone Football Field That's where and when you will get free coaching by experts in punting, passing and place-kicking. FREE INSTRUCTION 2 P.M. SATURDAY, Sept. 25 Wear street shoes or sneakers. And plan to be with us. It's your big chance to get ready for the FORD DEALERS-NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK COMPETITION. MEPPME May and Main Street, Heppner, Oregon 3 AUTO SAIB, use Mr Harold McDonald f Se attle. Wash., arrived on Friday for a Uit at the home of h-r cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. Mr. McDonald Is a writer for the Seattle Ttmea and ha authored several boks un der the name Lucille Melton aid. She is very Interested in the history of the northwest and tent considerable time out around the countryside during her visit here. Th lone Library Board wre hoM eases for a tea on Monday afternoon at the library for the elementary high school teachers. N-w adult books on the shelves of the lone Library thl fall Include Goldflnger. James Bond; The Ambassador. Morris West: John V. Kennedy. Man of Courage; Flight of the Fal con, Daphne du Maurler; I Told The President. Art Buchwald; and The Supreme Court, about a mythical president who trie to pack the Supreme Court. Hours for adults at the library are 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. every Mon day and Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ronald Bishop Is librarian. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor drove to F.ugcne last Thurs day to take their daughter. Lee, to enroll at the University of Oregon for her freshman year. Mrs. O'Connor's mother, Mrs. F.dna Yarnall, who has been living In Kugene for several months, began the return trip home with them, but became rrv 111 at Grass Vallev. An am bulance was called and she was taken to The Dalles General hosoital for observation and treatment. The O'Connors re turned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lun dell and Cheryl left last Thurs day for Kugene, whore Cheryl H EITHER GAXETTt TiMEi. Thursday. tefHsb! tX lM Mill enroll a a freshman atth University of Oregon. forgot about lacosl ( m - - "f ? No. 1199 Jwst pull thrffl on you'i set to work la com fort I IJ Inch Natural Retail ksthar urpr. Proof t Ibis split kathtr InsoU that suy fitA will vr cmk M ml Oil rlanl Neoprsas wis and hsL Spsdsl Nsl molded couotw for putet fit. PECOS tfhtd If fmlft 94 asrfamsMt TRY 'EM w hvt yswr m4 wUtk REDfWINO iSHOES IS? eONTY'S Enjoy People and Prizes! EQUDTAKI NEW ENDLETON E OFFIC OPENDNG BfeSJIHMaWSWBHtfSBBSttBM -.w-M-. -- i- - -, s- , "-f ... FESTIVITIES SEPT. 30 OCT. 2 Coma In ind meet your I qultabls people who make, money grow In Pendleton. Thete financial counselor are backed by CouU table' 75-year record of safety and sound money management Now li a good time to put your money to workenjoy Grand Opening fun and prize, tool GIFTS FOR PENDLETON SAVERS $250 New Account or Addition 3-PJECE STAINLESS STEEL MIXING BOWL SFT OR COVERED CAKE PAN 1mt 1 gift per account tWi otter expires Nov. 10, 1065 $100 New Account or Addition 112-PACE HIGHWAY ATLAS 12 DOOR PRIZES Four drawings each day at 10, 12, 2 and 4 for thee valuabf prlzess hi iiMiMi. n nrr ' ' ' " " J -n -'- iBsyMsftiiiiiiii'ii ii rfli ' i tmmmmmmmmmmm 4-PlECE WM. ROGERS SILVER PLATE COFFEE SERVICE INCRAHAM SWISS CALENDAR WATCH Your savings grow faster at Equitable'! high current annual ratef. 4.40 Open laving 4.50 Cartlftctt. Savins (At Maturity) 4.75 APO Savin? tt Maturity (If You Quality CARILLON CONCERTS featuring Earllne L Hunt Seattle World' Fair Carilloneur Daily at 11, 1, 3 and 5 Everyone wins these FREE GIFTS ill I f IANKS VIS) SAGS Plus tree Bottle Stoppers, Collee, Cookies and HosplliUty Au0fr SAVINGS I 7c A;:nriATinNi SJJ m a a I a r- f I L V I K I 6t LUAIN IWIN IN PENDLETON, 111 Main Street Member Federal Stvlngt And loan Inturanca Corpotillon Horn. Office, Portland, Oregon