Rainbow Assembly Initiates Girls Tu nrw ninnlM-m hii Init ial! l Ifitu Itulh Ainlly, Onli f id Nalfitx'w fur ltU. l lit mci'tlnit VdncMdy d 1 lit. frVji-lcnilK-r H. Th urc M-trua Join', daughter of Ir. and Mr. Julli-S tll ICtlffttM Mr. ami Mr. Jtiv ulltii. Mi itlofi nf officer wn In M ullh JitnU linker chuM-n wotihy nilviiHiryi Jn llrf. worthy Uii' 'llvr; Kaidy Mi lliy, thailly; Martha lv k. Iiuj, Un.U t litk. faUh; Uuhy ruHrinii, ti'filr; and liouiM WliMut, treasurer. Cui'ftt (nr Ihi fVfiilna Im liiil ihJ llrrnian Wlnlrr and Mrs. Jiime lrk. ntrmtirra f the n.hlMiry beard, and INriUa Wilson n at worthy advisor. ThifM jimmm-M n)'',l vrry (Irniunt rAinlng. hvxl iihtIIih; Hill tto Monday rvenlnjr. J"i-trmhr-r V). and limtallatlun la tentatively m hedtiled (t Sun day, rtemher iNl. Public Reception To Honor Ncwlywcds Mr. and Mra. Urank Jeprn of Milton Free atrr lll Ik honor ed at a iiutillc rcrrtln Sunday aftrrnKn, Srilrmtrr l'. at tin Klrat ciuUtlan rhurrh In llepp. rwr tmm 2 to i p m. The uni rouil waa mar ried AukuM 7 In Milton Frr water. The brldw U th formrr Linda Franklin and Mr. Jrtmert la th mm of Mr. and Mra. Wal ter Ji'PM-n of on HoMi-mmm for the affair are Mra. UoU-it IlcrKatrom. Mra. Kv rrrtt Struekmeier. Mra. Anita Stixknrd. Jean and Joan Stork, ard. Mr. John Jejwen and Mra. Marv lloltz. All friend and relatlvea of the newlvwed ae moat cordial ly Invited to attend and (reel them. MOIETY 3E . ' ' If ' 1 ". ; i F ' M - ' r If - w - t ; -J ' : , j . 1-1Ll- i .----J Large Group Tours Rawlins Gardens; Club Plans Show A group of 21 member and ened the leuty .f the dah lia pamrria at Hie Illll JtavHln home TneMav. when Mra. Itaw. Ilf htmtri f-ir tfcr month- Iv mrellnjf iif the rluh. AIout 17 varli.l i.t Mnipfil the admiration of the eroup a they toured the eardena. Purlnjr the I uln-M wslon. rexirt of rornmitteea working n idana for the llih annua flower ahow were heard. The how la planned for Sunday, Septemlier U tween the hour of 2 aod 7:'i p rn.. In the lone hool rafetorium. The rlub In InMilna all orcanlatlona In the area to participate, with many dlvlalona for entrU-a avail able. Sieclal pueta al Hi cluh mectinit Included Mra Marlon Palmer. Mr. TWrv Tifimrm Mra. Italnh Tliompaon and Mra! ('har)ea Vauphan. no. SAT- SUN. SEfT. 1MI-It SKI PARTY in Color with Frankle Avalon riua SWINGER'S PARADISE In Color Uh Cliff Rldiard and Walter Slczak GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATC1 1IXXMIST0N veralty In Forest Grove, where the bride la ma lor I ni? in hutorv and the groom In apeech therapy. They are now at horn at th L'nlveralty Apartmenta, Forest Crove. HISS LAURA LtC SUMNEB Sumncrs Announce Daughter's Betrothal Mr. and Mra. Jamea C. Sunv ner of Prlnevtlle. and formerly of Ilef'pner, are announrlng the encasement of their daughter, Uiura Lee. to IU K. Hudson. on of Mri. Benton R. Huden of Walton, Oregon. Both young people are attend ing the University of Oregon, where they are majoring In rec reational management Mbu HttfHtM GAZETTE -TIMES. Tburador. leptambar IS. IM -4 Engagement Is Told Of Miss Judy Sherer Mr. and Mra. Harold Sherer of lone announce the engage ment of thrlr daughter, Judy, t. Kelly It Andrew. an of -IUy Andrew, I-acotrih. and Helen fjcrman. Pendleton. MM hherrf u a graduate f lone High h, arid will re turn for her Metnd year at F-at-ern Oregon College, La Grande, thla fall. She wai thl yeaa fjueen of the Mrrow County Fair and Rodeo court. Her fiance la a VA gradual of Pendleton High Mhod and will enroll at a Junior at F.atcrn Oregon College, Sumner graduated with the lleppner High chod claaa of l'.a. and Mr. Hudon wa a graduate the aame year from fcl lra Hltrh achool, Tlie weldlng will te an event of late November in Eugene. ! - .1 MISS JUDY SHEREI TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for all make of machine, ifRc; Car ter e X Pert Carbon Paper, 39 pkg; rxH typing paper, 5j0 aheeta. SI.U5: adding machine pajer, Xk roll: cartonli!ed and noncartxnlej aalcs boks. and other office auppllea, Ga K tte-Tlmca office. Sec New Chevrolet Mr. and Mra. Rolee Fulleton of Fulleton Chevrolet Co. were in battle over the week end to view the lOOTt Chevrolet. They left Saturday and returned fol lowing the Monday ahowlng. They were pleased with the new car and expressed the thought that cuatomer will like them following announcement day early In October. A TELEGRAM of flood wtahea from Irian da woa ihcrred by newly, wada Mr. and Mra. John Howard Cleveland after their montage In Oregon City Augutt 21. The bride la the former Lorene Fat. ricia Deardorff of Molalla. (Houeea Photography) John Cleveland Weds Lorene Deardorff At Candlelight Ceremony in Oregon City A candlelight ceremony In the Find MclhodlM church In Ore gon City united In marriage Mlas Urcnc Patricia Deardorlf and John Howard Cleveland on Sat urday. August 21. The bride 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Bruce Ix-ardorff of Molalla. and parent of the l?room are Mr. and Mra. Wcndel Howard Cleveland of Heppncr. Vowa were exchanged before an altar decorated with basket of white gladioli, chrysanthe mums and white tapers. The alsh-a were marked with blue nut In bows. Officiating at the double ring NOW a beautiful new ararHtlnnal nattArn IS with the look and feel of sterling I INTRODUCTORY DFriHI $2 d with at only $10. Introducing new Artistry COMMUNITY SILVERPLATE Eigtit S-Pc. Place Scttingt (TcMpoon, Place Knife. Place Fork, Salad Fork, Place Spoon). PLUS 8 Serving Piecei: Butter Knife, Sugar Spoon, -Serving Spoon, pierced, Serving Spoon, regu lar, Gravy Ladle, Cold Meat Fork, Berry Spoon, Donert Server. 11)111 ilver 8 Serving Pieces Included SPECIAL! 48-Piece mroductory special fvl - -r f-tf mac .. "Dinner-for-8" only $8995 Chtil Option! lid Set !l.lei Arl.atry ffltih apittin with utatthma tnieiplatl dh. li T t.l. Trl4tnt' 0ntl)4 ltd. "Something from the Jeweler. Is always aomethln? special." JEWELERS Store) Hour! 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9203 177 MAIN ST- HKPPNEH asVMMaV GREEN STAMPS 1 ceremony wa the Rev. David J. Smith. Organist wa M. Alice Selgfrled. who alo accompan ied Mlva Judy Clay when she ang "At Dawning" and "The Lord's Prayer." Oven in marriage by her father, the bride appeared in a white aatln floor-length sheath, fashioned with acalloped lace bodice and a matching lace train. A bouffant elbow-length veil fell from a Dior seed pearl rose. Her bridal bouquet was a white orchid surrounded by blue delphinium, placed on a white Bible. She carried a handker chief edged in tatted lace, a gift of a great aunt, Mrs. Llla Berg of Sitka. Alaska. Honor attendant was Miss Vlckl Ems. who wore a pastel blue linen and satin floor-length sheath with lace appliques on the skirt. Her headpiece was of net fastened with three large hi in daisies. She carried a cas cading bouquet of delphiniums and white spider enrysanme mums falling from a lace parasol. Bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Cleveland, ulster of the groom; Miss Jane Deardorff. a cousin 01 the bride, and Miss Barbara Gay- lord. .Seattle. Thev were cown- ed identically to the maid of honor. Junior bridesmaid for her sister was Miss Maria Gay Dear dorff, dressed In a iloor-lengtn gown of blue crystal charm with a lace Jiicket. Best man was a cousin of the groom, Nat Webb. Ushers Includ ed the bride's brother, Bruce L. Deardorff; Bill Wagner and Jim McGough, a cousin of the groom. Dropping white rose petals along the church aisle was little Michelle Nlelson, flower girl, dressed to match the brides maids. Lighting the tapers before the ceremony were brothers of the bride and croom. Alan Dear dorff and Tom Cleveland. For heir daughters wedding, Mrs. Deardorff chose a blue shenth with blue and white ac cessories and a white orchid cor sage. Mrs. Cleveland, mother of thf Firoom. anneared in a beige sheath with green accessories and a yellow-throated orcnia. Decorating the reception room wher the newlvweds greeted theLr many guests, were arrange ments of white cnrysaninemums and blue delphinium and white tapers. Scrv ne the bride's cake were Mrs. Louis Babeock and Mr3. Verdon Sandberg. Mrs. Willard Deardorff and Mrs. Francis Dear dorff, aunts of the bride, and Mxs. Ron Schumacher, presided at the coffee, tea and punch services. Cousins of the bride, Jackie Deardorff and Linda Ramsay, served the grooms cakes. Mrs. Bruce L. Deardorff, sister-in-law of the bride, had charge of the guest book. Miss Judy Deardorff, cousin of the bride, and "Miss Jane Bystrom were in charge of the gift table. For a honeymoon trip to South- ern Oregon coast, the bride changed to a melon two-piece wool suit with beige accessories and wore the white orchid from her bride's bouquet. The bride was Graduated from Molalla High school and the rrnnm from Hpnnnpf Hih school are attending Pacific Uni- FFA GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION ak EEF OH SAL At Regular Case Prices P sty " X J r We Arc Pleased to Announce that Dan Brosnan is Now Working With Ernie McCabe in our Meat Department WEEKEND Pork Shoulder OASIS lb. PORK STEAK it-59 FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS Med. 12 ox. 69 NABISCO 1 LB. Rill 2 -69c CRACKERS BETTY CROCKER AM'SGL FOOD MD1L pkg- 4 SUNSHINE 2 LB. Crispy W CRACKERS SILVER BOW HONEY lb. 109 CHILI CON CARNE 3 for FAMILY SIZE 4 FISHERMEN FISH STICKS phfl. 5 SUPER MARKET 9 OZ. KRINKLE CUT OR REGULAR FRENCH FRIES 10 pkg. $1 LETTUCE 2 heads 25$ CARROTS 2 1 Lb. Bags 19c Tokay GRAPES 2 lb. 29c RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS Bunch 5 PRICES GOOD SEPT. 17 and 18 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET 1 gs GREEN STAMPS