Irrigon Couple Exchanges j Vows In Pasco Church ly LoVELLE PAIITLOW Weld over from Ut kl IUUGN-lfna Marie (Vm Inriu, fiauehtrr o hit- and hit l'aul t'ouMneau. r, and ItonftM lxU Mgtn, on at Mr. tut Mr. V. 1. Hgln. Irrlg'.rt. Mtf milled In marriage at M. rnUltk'a Catholic rliun-h, I'aa cxi, with lEcv. William St-hmlK, off trial I Il-v. S limit, kUu officiated at the rir r li:r of th Mldr'a patents. Vlt VI Coulwu. lter of the bride, ra rntl of honor and hf lilitnul.U rrc t'aroivn 0h. ran and lU-kkl iulrv-u, alo Utrr df the irlli. laM Cmhran mi li.t man and Gary W off 1 1 ami Jrvtdd f ;iUa unhrrrd. Mower girl end rlntf twarrra Mf Maile Vov-rh-ke anl Timothy t'uualnrau. The nuil U residing In Irrigon. Jt-rry Mulkry, mm of Mra Helen Mulkry, lia Continued hU winning fttrenk In drag far. Ing. now holding 11 trophies out tf 15 mm, Jerry haa won the trophic at both the Woodhurn an. I McMlnnvllle drag atrlpa, and among them are the (Vp. iron state M k i namiionnip In II Stork automatic Ham; Northwest Furl ami Ga Miit; National Hot lUxl Akaorlatlon trophy and the World Bonue Meet trophy. Mr. and Mr. Kueerw RVrg and lUna Id of Portland were week-end gueta of Mr and Mr. Allert I'artlow and Sheryl and Mr. Myrtle Markham. Sher yl I'artlow returned to I"rtlarnl ullh them Sunday evening, for Visit. School Seta ReoUtiatlon lU-irlntratlon of new atudenta at A. C. Houghton nhool was held September 2 from 10:f)0 to 3 (1). Student wh" attended the 4th jtrsde In ttoardman lat year did not need to reglftter. iteR. traton fi-ea are $1.23 for rradea 1 through 4 and II .V) lilui $l0 towel fee for cradea 5 th rough H. A. Houghton faculty and ataff for the enduing year are: Grade 1 Mr. Ruth lien t ley; Grade 2-Mn. Klle c;ugle: Grade .1 MIsh Oetehen Narworthy: Grade 4 Mr, Glad v Hobb; Grade V Ml Itoe mIy; Grade 5 (combined rlawl Mrs. Janet Dorkwrllcr; Crade fi Mr. Kleanor Ser pent; tirade 7 Mr. Joy Smith; Grade 8 Dean Swcn- n: Bind ( harie Moorman; Principal- Mlk Tolar: Seere tary Mr. Marllvn Stewart: CuHtodlnnn Karl Sander and Don Adam; Cook Mr. Verdle lwm and Mr. Vern Cooley; Bu Driver Don Adam. Mm. Hel en l'Nloy and BUI Howard. The tenrher will have a workday September 3, and school will open for n full day Tuesday, September 7. Mr. and Mr. Dale Shingle decker, Kicky and Handy. Wal la Walla, and Shlnglcdecker'a folk. Mr. and Mr. Malcolm Klld of Dayton. Ohio, were Wed- nesday afternoon dinner guests at the home of Mr. Shingle decker' folks. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Graybeal. Mr. and Mr. Dunne Hunt, their son Dul and daughter Debbie. Jyl and Meg of Attica, Katutn. spent Sunday and Mon day with her brother-in-law and ulster, Mr. and Mr. Floyd Hobb and family. Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hobb. Byron and Vicky accompanied the Hunt family to Hood River for a sight seeing trip. Susan McCoy I spending the week In Heppner with other members of the Morrow County Rodeo court. In preparation for the Morrow County fair ano ro deo. The girl rode In the Uma tilla County Fair pnrado In Hermlston Saturday and also at tended the horse show on the fair ground later in the day. Mr. Vernon Slewart and Mr. Ruth McCoy drove to La Grande Saturdny and visited Mrs. Mc Coy's son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart, and Mrs. Stewart's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reedcr. Sharon Stewart, who had spent several days with her grandparents, the Floyd Reeders, returned to Irri gon with her mother. The Hcrmlston Assembly of Cod Quiz Team, comprised of Margaret Goodwin, Marlene Thomas. Martha Bransford. Lil lian Shaver. Steve Bransford and Steve Mills and their coach, Bonnie Wlleman, presented a service at the Irrigon Assembly of God Church Wednesday eve ning. The Irrigon church served the group cookies, Ice cream and punch following the serv Ice The Quiz Team departed lor Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, Aug ust 23, to compete on the nation al level, after winning state and regional bouts. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch. Dc nlse and Shawn. Portland, spent a week with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill. Mrs. Hill accompanied the Kochs to Port land and Is also visiting anoth er son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook and fam ily. Danette, Donald and Deeno Lelghton and Debbie and Vlckl Keith have completed a 2-weck swimming lesson session at the Hcrmlston pool. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tiller, Sus an and Keith, spent the week end vacationing at Astoria, Sea side and Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pummel Anita. Donna Kay and Darrel left Thursday morning for Che ney, Wash., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Swenson and children. Pummels returned to Irrigon Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Tipton and "'in of Rattler, Wah , were If (day ovPiittKht eurtta of Mr and Mi. MaiMt-ll Jones and family, Lr Tlptoit was a )av rhn thrtjurr uMJ. Iii.l In the It-Mo Olympic. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Warner tM-tit a 2 week vacation at loy Mountain National faik. Coin., wher they met Ihelr son- in-law and dftut'hlrra, Mr. and Mr. Cwll MiLrllan. Steve and Bruce and Mr. and Mr. Arhn Vmler and Kit-hard. They also joined I'l-mbcr'a folka. Key. and Mr t'etnlx-r and the romp vl- Met! the MiiM-um (f Natural llltli.rv at lb, iiv-r. I'ntii Mm MvrUe McNamee eared for Mr. 1.1 1 lie Warner In their ahM-nce. Mr. and Mr IjimiU Rutker and Jim of Arlington and Mr. K. I- Hucker were Wrdneday evening dinner guet of Mr. and Mr. Leon Bent ley. Frl Rand of Portland ent Saturlay through Wednesday with hi brother and aUter in law. Mr. and Mr. Batte P. IUnL Mr. and Mr. George Ruswll and son Georg left for tlielr home In WaldiKirt. after siend Ing part of the summer with Mr. and Mr. Leon Ucntley. Ru- kell attended a tcclal miiklc riiurw at tewl and Clark Col-' lege during the summer. He Is a tnunle Initruttor In the Wald port M'hiMil. Mr. and Mr. Robert Rich mond. Jimmy and new baby Mn Larry. ent the week end lotting her folk. Mr. and Mr. Guv Kiddie. Little Larry wa tiin AuguM 9 and weighed 8 lb , 9 oz. Ml- KUIe Collins and Je nltv McFlroy were hoMee fur a bridal ahower honoring Juilv Friend. The nhower wa on the front lawn of the home of Mr. and Mr. Cheater Collin. Cookies and punch were served to the guet. Mr. and Mr Allnrt partlow and Sheryl and Mr. Myrtl Miukham entertained the Her mltion Assembly of Gol church o,ul team with a water nklln )nrty and wiener rojut Satur day afternoon and evening. They were Joined by Mr. and Mr, perry Pummel and family. Mr. Harry Cot ami son Krnefct left for their home In Kutrene after spending a week a it ti her folks, Mr. and Mr Krnest Stephen. Mr. and Mr. Max Graybeal and son Jerry and Gary, Wal la Walla, visited Mr. and Mr William Gravhcul Sunday af ternoon, on their way home from the beach. Mr. and Mr. Leslie Smith i.Htcd their son and daugh ter in law. Mr. ami Mr. Rich ard Smith and Mr. and Mr. Calvin Smith and families in Portland over the week-end. Mr. and Mr. Bob Manls of Cascade Lock sin-nt the week end In Irrigon visiting Mr. and Mr. Lout Shade. Mr. and Mrs. Art Creamer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Creamer and other relatives. Mr. and Mr. Leon Bcntley have returned to Irrigon after vacationing In San Antonio, Tex., whore they visited hi son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Jame Bcntley and family. They also visited his brothers- in-law and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. George- Wehr and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Deon and son in Los An- geles, Calif., and his Ron and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bcntley, Yvonne and Sus an nt Palo Alto. Calif. While in the area. Bent leys also toured Laredo and Juarez, Mexico. Larrv Courtney of La Grande I visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mewan, Sharon and Tom. y-7 1 t j n .... . t ii iiik-nt ..i. -r... k,.i! nvmlf of one of ll aaiioa'i 1.31 BUOI 111 -l' "1 - Up rettitdlnf trk. lh "Ilrtmrn.- lv and f1?") .,,,1 lira M. icUilns m.tuctil rith Otrjoii Dairy I ri Jr Wllli-iM. Amity, during -mlrnnur Orron ( ir-, at Mt of th ui lair reu. and Prlntr- k nil dalr; wtrt of hrt own, hu fru Holrtcla mined la IhU Jfi I fair. Powers Gets Ail-Around; MvaSHBBBBBlBBBiBBBBBBB Green Top Morrow Roper (Continued from page 1) hind Green, and he received a certificate good for a pair of hand made western boots from I N-l Brown. Pendleton. Bulldogglng: First day, Chuck John, 4.3. first; Dean Longgood, 5 6. second; BUI Ward. K6, third; and Pete Peterson, H. fourth. Second day. Gary Miller, 8.4, Jerryifirf rv.n 'r:riffiih Hfi u-ennrf- lougncrty got tnira ana wmiD,. Longgood, 8 9, Ranchers Receive Awards on Grains Sweepstakes winners on grain exhibits at the Morrow county fuir were Harold K. reck of Lex ington with his sheaf of Omar wheat and Rudy Bergstrom of lone with his Gaines wheat. Wilh 08 entries, the number topped last year's record at the county fair when 50 were ex blhited This Is considered one of the best exhibits of grains in the Nortnwesi. Dr Harold S. Huber won sweepstakes on his bale of grass legume mix. Other winners in cluded. Dean Graves. Hardman, best bale of grass nay; a. u. Marlck, best bale of hay based on conformation only; Jo Hus ton, best collection of grasses raised In the present year; David Hall, best bale of legume hay. Wheat sheaves winners In cluded Hall and Peck with and Peck with Idaed, Omar, Fortyfold and others. L. S. MccaDe, lone, was win ner In the barlev ana oats Kheavos with his Flvnn. Quality wheat was shown in 10 varieties and other first place awards were as follows: John Graves, Hardman, Gaines with cleanest, sample direct from combine; Graves on Golden, in the same class; Teck on Omar: Ralph Crum, lone, on Itana: Bill Rawlins, Heppner, on Lee; L. A. McCabe, lone, on Burt, and Ken neth Smouse, lone, on Idaed. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Pointer pups, ready to hunt. Excellent breeding. Contact Bill Gentry, or phone 676-9296. 27-28C receive a western hut from Gard ner' Men's Wear. Queen Judy Curclo of the Pen dleton Round L'p showed that she was a queen In riding skill a well a Round Up royalty when he won the barrel racing event with total time of 3Hfi. gaining first on Saturday at 19.2 and second on Sunday at 194. Heppner' own Ruby Fulleton got first n Sunday In a time of 18 H and was second In total time i,i .mfl L)iii-,-n Judv received a $J5 gift certificate from Gilliam and BlsU-e, a gift from tlaude ami Margaret nuscriKe. George Steagall won the Mor row County Derby ( ' mile) over Ray papineau. second; and Karl puplneau. third; and In addition to the prize money, get the $-V) cash award from the Heppner Klks. Umatilla Sage Riders won first in flag rating and won the trophy from Farley Motor Com pany. The visitor edged the Heppner Wrung lers both days, gaining the victories on making faster changes In the relay. Roger Brltt of Heppner. who broke hi arm In the show on a fall irom a norse in nareoacK exhibition, grabbed first In Wrangler eowrldlnc and won a trophy buckle given by Herman Green. Although all three programs were long at the rodeo, tney moved fast, and the action was good. Calf roping was probably the best that It nas oeen lor manv years. i,,mn rl.l,r took nAStV SDlllS but all got up and walked away, the lone case of hospitalization hlni Rol'it Brltt. and that was only for a short time. The h ir liul Ls runninc loose in the arena after ditching their riders would occasionally clean the fences of spectators like a vacuum cleaner. Krlc Muehlelsen and Jonn f.r- f lrvi-n hlnrH divert at tention of bulls and entertained he crowd at Intermittent times hi th antics, uslnt? An nouncer Joe Daly as a straight man. Little Jack Yocom, 5, of Lexington came on in an im promptu act. heralded as the world's' youngest rodeo clown, and put on a good show In at tempting to mount a donkey, finally uslne a board to do the Job. Another crowd pleaser was the drill staged each day by the Salem Saddle club. They do some maneuvers that no other saddle club in the state can do. Harold Ballweber of Salem di rected the group. Rundown of the rodeo results Is as follows: Saddle Bronc Riding: First day, Gene Jordan, 54, first; C. C. Colone. 51, second; uid uregg. 50, third; Sterling Green and Richard Louis, 48. tie for fourth. Second day. Norman Goree, 55, rirst- f"Mh Hrpdir M. second: C. C. Colone, 47, third; Carl Schnab- le. 46. xourtn. Average, uregg, 103. first; Goree, 99, second; Colone 98, third; and Schnabie, 90, fourth. Rnrrh!ir-lr RIHlncr- First riav. Billy Herrara, 54. first; Sid Britt, 50, second; Bobby Conforth, 49, third; Pete Peterson, 46, fourth. mil.. ITn..n.n R1 PntA l piny 1 1 1 ( I a i a , j l, aiiviiu, viv Peterson. 44. third; Joe Taylor, 41, fourth. Average, Britt. 108, first; Herrara, 105, second; Pe terson, 90, third; and coniortn, 49, fourth. Bull riding: First, Grant Gibbs, 54; second, Shirdv Wharton, 49; third, Ron Waldtenhausen, 48; fourth. Ronnie Hovey, 46; fifth, Don Vest. 43; and sixth, Don Griffith, 41. Calf roning: First day, Jim Ingram, 12.6, first; Billy King. 13.3. second: Bill Severe, 14.3, third; and J. D. Sherman, 15.2, fourth. Second dav, Bud Schu bert. 11.5, first; Clyde Powers, 11.9. second; Bill Ward. 15.1, third: and Dick Powers, 15.4', fourth. Average: Beamer, 32.1, first; King, 32.7, second; Norton, 33.3. third; and Longgood, 37.5, fourth. third: and Bill Severe. 9 9. fourth. Average: Longgood. 11.5. first: Griffith. 208. wcond; John, 21.0. third; Nogle. 22.2, fourth. Team roping: First day, Le land Gibbs Bill Weaver, 11.9, first; Sterling Green-Junior An dcrson. 13.0, second; Jack Wil liam Olln Meicenhelmer. 143, third; Tom Norton Don Chase, 169. fourth. Second day, Bob Hershey-Bud Alexander, 9.3, first; Darrell Waddill Billy King, 131. second: Dean Longgood- Bill Ward, third; John Rattray Frank Johnson, 19.4, fourth. Ave rage: Longgood -Ward, 38.7. first; Gibbs-Weaver. 42.6. second: Nor- ton Chase, 43.3. third; and Her-shey-Alexunder. 46.1. fourth. Wild cow milking: Dick Pow er. 26.4. first; Lee Merritt, 315, second: John Rattray, 35.9. third; Vern Moblev, 36.3. fourth; Dar rell Waddill. 37.8. fourth; and Billy King, 38.2. sixth. Calgary roping: Max Hellberg, first; Roiee Fulleton, second; Frank Johnson, third. Morrow county; amateur calf roping: Kirst day. Bob Steagall, 29.9. first; Cornett Green, 32.3, second; Jerry Dougherty, 39.4. third. Second day, Green, first. (All others failed to rope and tie their calves). Average: Green, 64.5, first; Steagall, second; Dougherty, third. ORRA Racine: First dav. Judv Curclo, 19.2, first; Erna Winches ter. 19.6. second; Patti Pettyjohn and Kay Simmeltnk, 19.7, tie for third. Second day, Ruby Ful leton, 18.8, first; Judy Curclo and Patti Pettyjohn, 19.4, tie for second; Erna Winchester, 19.6, fourth. Average: Judy Cur clo. 38.6. first; Ruby Fulleton, 33.9. second; Patti Pettyjohn, 39.1. third: and Erna Winchester, 39.2, fourth. Morrow County registered quarterhorse race: Wayne Pap ineau, first; Roice Fulleton, sec ond; Rod Murray and Sandra Eubanks, tie for third. Quarter mile open race: San dra Eubanks, first; Ray Papi neau. second: George Steagall, thlrrl Morrow County Two-Year-Old Futurity: Sandra Eubanks, first; Roice Fulleton, second. Wild horse race: Three-way split between the team of Roy and Larry Mayfield, Joe Yocom and John Edwards. Ponv Races: First day, first race, Carla Aichle, first: Chriss Papineau, second; Stan Wilson, third. First day, second race, Becky Fulleton, first; Carla Aichle, second; Mary Ann Green up, third. Second day, first race, Carla Aichle, first; Jean Wilson, second; Chriss Papineau, third; second day, second race, Mary Ann Greenup, first; Becky Ful leton, second; Carla Aichle, third. Cowgirl races: First day, first race, Candy Papineau, first; Becky Fulleton, second; Judy Cecil, third. First day, second race. Becky Fulleton, first; Con nie Papineau, second; Patti Pettyjohn, third. Second day, first race. Beckv Fulleton. first: Judy Cecil, second; Sandra Eu banks, third. Second day, second race, Becky Fulleton, first; San dra Eubanks, second; Judy Ce cil, third. Wraneler cow ride: Roger Brltt, first; Joe Yocom, second; Dean Graves, third. The rodeo was staged under the supervision of the rodeo committee with Tad Miller in i charge. Rodeo secretary was Jack Locke, who was assisted by his wife, Fran; judges were Les iveuey ana neii Beamer, timers were Archie Munkers and Bill Collins; calf" chutes were handled by Ray French and Art Vance; bucking chutes were handled by Charley Daly; field judge was Virgil Chapman; pickup men were Jack McCarthy, Les Sample and Frank Johnson. Rodeo stock was furnished by Howard Johnson of Condon who contracted some, in turn, from John Van Belle. Queen Judy Sherer and her court, Frincesses Karla Lucianl, Schools lo Open Tuesday; Many New on Faculty iConiiiiurJ from pace 1) her 2-1 and continue until Iht looming or January 3. Spring vacation will tie Marrh 14 to 1. n Good Friday, pupils will bo excused In th afternoon only by rejuel of parent. 7 lu re will tx no iu hool on Memorial Day. May 3J. River ld High graduati. m In l-o 1 et for June J, Heppner High on June 2, lone High cm June 3. and the Isnt day of hool In the county will be June 3. 1966. Hunt. I'uMi-r lrin If.ala N'nrlun and Gronlck!e, and Jim John- aon, working part lime In the district office on Purchasing and warehousing. dicu&cd plam for the corning year at the olar Chamber of Commerce meeting here Monday. Sum. Potter aald that the Lex. Ington school olfke "l a won derful rhani' ft ffi Hmln. Istratlve staff.' He alo told of economic being effected thl year on the Durrhaa of x-hnol uppltetthrough a centralized yktem and aald that this has resulted In a saving of 33', to the dlAtrlct on it uppllc thU year. Johnson told of hi atot k con trol and joint purchasing plan. Uslnir a card tvntem a a r,r. pttual Inventory. He said it U ilCDed to inventory urtnlliHi ami equipment In all schools to that uie oiNinci nas a complete rec ord In the central location. 1'rlnclpal Grosgnickle aaid that there will hn fow trnti. change at Heppner Elementary tins year, lie tain mat inir u- i be a "seml-denartmentaliwr! program for the seventh and eighth grades so that pupils will have three teachers per day instead of five or six as in me pasi. jnis win give teach er a better chance in h,wim acquainted with their student and aid In counselling. ne Qiscusscd tne coming of modern math and uiH that it will be tried experimentally in nil- nisi iuur praties. "The biggest problem Is In structing oa rents nn it " ha ai,l Grossnickle extended an Invi tation to an to come to the school anv time, or In eatl him on any problems or suggestions. rnncipaj morion told of a slight shift in the high school program that will hav an a. tivity or study period for all students as the last period In the day. Students will be requir ed to take six subjects, but noon hour will be shortened to a half hour. Psychology will be added, and he envisions an expansion of the vocational program at the school. He discussed the matter of hazards on the road to the high school and said that stu dent traffic will be kept to a minimum. Norton said he sees little need for students to drive away from the school grounds at noon, nartienlarlv in view of the shortened lunch period. Htrrntn CAzrrrr time. TbrArr. spumbw a. iks Friends Plan Shower Friend and neighbor In th t-ktntrton community and any other In the area who wish to hare, are Invited to time to th Lexington IO)r hall Wr-dne. dav evening. September H, for a mlkcellaneoua shower for tha Ken vk family, Th Pe"k rffrf and fxKM-ulorii were taken by flr Saturday. Th public is In vited to ahare In helping re place the lt potewmilon by gift or mltrrllancou article, according to a croup of resident who are planning the evening. School's Doors Opened Monday MONUMENT School started Monday, August 30. The only new teacher thi year 1 Oar- ence If. Sthoeaberger of Kirn hcrlv, who will teach fifth and sixth grade. The rest of the faculty Include Mr. Dorothy Dulaney, grade 1 and 2; Mr. M-iy Dett Hinton, grade 3 and 4; Robert Gertaon, grade 7 and 8 and elementary principal. In the high school are W. D. Baldwin, superintendent, prlncl pal and math; Edward Clark, cienee; Mr. Judy Clark. Eng lish, speech, typing and girls' P. E.; Page Dulaney, social stud ies, typing and boy P. E.; Mrs. Clifford Howell, and Mrt. Betty Richard, cooks; Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gllman. caretakers. Bu driver are Ernie John son. Klmberly: Cecil Rlnehart, Top. and Robert Porter, Cottonwood. Saturday Dance Sels New Record Rodeo dances Friday and Sat- unlay nlrht hraurr-.t rtrs-rd rrowdt. It n reported, with the Saturday dance setting an all time high for any rodeo dance that could be retailed. Receipt at the Saturday night dance totaled $730. The Friday night dance, restored thl yrar after being off the ro do program for a good many yrar. grossed llJX Thu. the two dances totaled approximat ely Archie Munkers and Bill Col. Una, who were In charge of the dance, virtually worked the clock around throughout the week end. They didn't get to bed after the tlMncf until 3.30 a m. and then had the job of timing throughout the rodeo per formance. Including the cow boy runs before and after the show. Dick Dealer Dartell Five f Pendleton played Friday night and the Western Gentlemen of Condon furnished the music Sat urday night. tMMmt tLrhwrm la makln teariv reeoverv from a le? frac ture sustained on a recent fam ine trip. He expectJ to have a walking cast removed soon, that he ha worn while we aoume break above the ankle haa been healing. f Erna Winchester. Susan McCoy, and Ginger Majeske played prominent roles in all proceed ings and looked particularly at tractive In their neatlv tailored outfits in the grand entries. Winter's MOT M Off! Don'r Get Caught With Your Furnace Down. Call Us Now . . . Avoid the COLD WEATHER BUSH . . . when everyone wants his furnace worked on the mum dor. Heating Systems Our Specialty! . Coll Us For a Check up, New Installation, Or Conversion M & R FLOOR COVERING and HEATING CO. MATT Ph. 676-9413 RAT School Days Are Almost H and we're ready to get your, young man off to a well -dressed start. T!."vy Here's your shopping check-off list: LEE CORDS LEE LEANS DAY'S CORDS GO GO COATS SHIRTS TERRY SOCKS CORDUROY JACKETS SWEATERS SLIM GUY UNDERWEAR by Jockey SHOES WINTER JACKETS THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BACK-TO-SCHOOL e ITEMS YOU WILL FIND AT ardner's Men's Wear THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE MARJ AND LeROT GARDNER HEPPNER. OREGON