HtrPNCI CAHTTt TIMES. TWwdtfT. yimit L lS Home Ec 4-H Clubbers Travel To State Fair t donna CEOftCC ROME EXTENSION AGENT i.oml rartunmnon In Mw Cuniy ir Ul metl I ho .rt ltrcr t4 entry In Suit lr for rvrrl 4 II home eco nomic mrmUy. VVhll tr ov-ilpttn f the fairs IhU year hu mid It difficult (or ttimf of thrm to lten4 St Fair. ml ol thrm will t pres ent lof the eventi In Salem. ThM ChoMB For Bw Ttp winner In the aenloe dlv. ln of 4 II rUrthlrm drr re vue U Carol Kawlln. dauchter of Mr. and Mm. Bill Kaolin, lone. Thl maWea her elictble to represent Morrow county In the Senior Drei Revue event Srtrm!-r 4 and 5 at State Fair. Her alternate It Denlece Matth r of lone. Suan Drake of lleppnec U aeotwd alternate. Nancy Iherty. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Bernard Doherty. kenlncton. " aelected for State Fair In the Intermediate dlvikfon of drew re-ue. Alter nate la Christine Munkera of Lrslnirton. !n the knitting dreaa revue ChrtKtlne Munkera earned the rrlvllei;e of attendlnir the State Fair Knlttinc Dreaa Revue. She i the dauchter of Mr. and Mr. Leonard Munkem of Lelnrton. Altornatea are Diane Cutsforth and Jill radberg. all of Lexing ton. Interest Increca Quota Because of the Urge number of entries In home ec demon atratlon at the county event thli year, quota for State Fair was Increa-Hcd above previous years. The team demonstration, "From Bess the Mess to a Neat Petite." given bv Sandy Carl son and Linda Pettyjohn, was scheduled at State Fair for Wed rtesday evening. September 1. Cimtv la th riurhter of Mr. nd Mrs. Louis Carlson and Linda Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pettyjohn. Both girls are from the lone area. ti.u olrta u f 1 1 nrAcont indi. Ik ' .. . r ' vldual demonstrations at State Fair Sunday morning. Septem ber 5. Mary K. Campbell, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. Loneroek Route, Con don, will demonstrate. -Making a Knitting Container." Debbie Warren, daughter of Art War ren, lone, and Joane Warren, Pendleton, will present. "Wash ing your Woolens." Topic for Glenda Van Winkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle of Lexington is "How to Make a Handy Knitting Case." Alternate for State Fair in home ec demonstrations Is Linda Cooper, daughter of Mrs. June Field. Heppner. To Compete Friday The following teams were selected to represent Morrow County at State Fair. The clothing Judging contest at State Fair will be at 9:45 a.m. Friday, September 3, and the knitting, foods and home Im provement contests all at 2:45 the same day. The following teams were selected to repre sent Morrow County: Clothing: Joan Stockard, Nan cy Doherty, Kay Huson. (Ther. esa Tucker and Diana Cutsforth, alternates.) Home Improvement Betty Ritzer and Vickl Hobbs. Knitting Shirley Jackson, Julie Ayres, Tanya Tucker. (Linda Cooper and Theresa Tucker, alternates). Foods Linda Cooper, Sue Griffith and Frances Abrams. (Kathleen Sweeney, Susan Mel by and Sandra Flaiz, alter nates). Exhibits on Display at State Fair Outstanding 4-H exhibit ar ticles from the Morrow County Fair have been taken to State Fair. Since many local people did not have a chance to see these blue-ribbon exhibits, plans have been made to display them in the window of MiLadies Ap parel Shop in Heppner the week of September 7. The girls sending foods to State Fair did a commendable Job of baking second recipes ready by Thursday as they did not know until late Tuesday that their exhibits at county fair qualified them for State Fair. A list of these and other 4-H home ec exhibits sent to Salem follows: Foods Phase II (All-Purpose Flour Muffins.) 1. Kathleen Ay ers Heppner; 2. Elizabeth Ab rams Heppner; 3. Shelly Wolff Heppner. Plain Whole Wheat Flour Muffins Melinda Leonnlg Heppner. Plain Butter Cake Phase HI 1. Francis Abrams Heppner; 2. Joseph Man Elected Beef Council Head Richard Rathbun of Joseph was elected chairman of the Oregon Beef Council Monday at its monthly meeting in Port land- He succeeds Richard West erberg of Ashland, retiring coun cil member. Westerberg has been on the council six yeas and has served as chairman for the past three years. Jim Brooks of Madras i3 vice chairman, and Richard Barnes ol Silverton is secretary-treasurer. Other council -members -In rlude Harry Stearns, Prineville: " Leland Jacobsmuhlen, Cornel i.,s; John Njrtham, Creswell; and P.v.'l Longcoy, Eugene Dor.aM Ostensoe ; was retain ed as manager of the council. Members are appointed for a three-year term by the governor of Oregon. Sandra l'Ui llrppner; 3- Kath lern Swwnrv llrpnrr. Knittins rha It Cindy tltitrcm. ir.c; III TW oa Munkrr. LrMngton an! Unda Cooper. Heppner; Pha IV Jilt I'adberg. Lexington; Jeanntne Hunt. Lexington, Un da dmlit. elnston. Clothing P hate II Frarov McDonald, Irrtfion Kathy drum. ,.no Tammv Snyder. Irrljron; lhi IllMary Campbell. Lon Rovk -Wieri Carlton, lone San dy Carlson, lone. Debbie War rrn. lone; I'ha IV Nancy Do hrrty, Lexington and Jeannlne Hunt. Leln:ton: rhae V Jill Padberg. Lexington and ChrU tine M tinker. Lexington; I'ha VI Carol Rawlins. lone and Linda Heath. Heppner; Phae Ml Joan Stockard. Heppner. ,4 4 f"X KENNETH C NACEL Company Names Traffic Manager Kenneth C. Nagel will take over as district traffic manager for Pacific Northwest Bell's Eastern Oregon district includ ing Heppner effective September 1, according to Dale SJusher, lo cal manager for the phone com pany. Robert B. Brockway who has been traffic manager here since the Pendleton district office was pstahlishvi in 1962 will return to Portland as traffic results supervisor. He will be respon sible for' the company's Oregon Area traffic results, transcription bureau and PBX service advis ors. A 25 year Bell System veteran. Nagel comes to Pendleton from Portland where he has been district traffic manager in charge ol local dial equipment and DDD switching equipment administration for Portland. He was also responsible for the company's PBX service advisors in Oregon. Nagel is no stranger to the Eastern and Central Oregon areas. He worked in Pendleton and Bend for almost three years duriner the conversion from manual to dial service in those two cities. Na?el is an electrical engin eering graduate of Marquette University. Milwaukie. Wiscon sin. He served In the South Pa cific as a Marine Corps pilot during world war u. Early State Fair Winners Reported Here is a summary of other Morrow County red and blue ribbon winners in 4-H exhibits at State Fair as of Tuesday, August 31. Many more are to be announced after Judging and another summary will be print ed next week. FOODS Sandra Flaiz, Fran cis Abrams and Kathleen Sweeney, all of Heppner, re ceived red awards. ADVANCED BEEKEEPING A blue was given to Linda Early of Irrigon. Red awards for EASY MEALS were given - to Elizabeth Abrams, Kathleen Ayres, and Shelley Wolff of Heppner. Blue awards, also for EASY MEALS went to Melinda Leonnig of Heppner. KNITTING Receiving a red award for her entry was Cindy Ekstrom of lone. Phase HI Blue award was won by Teresa Munkers In Lexington and a red award by Linda Cooper of Heppner. Phase rv Blue award was won by Linda Orwick, Lex ington,' and a .red award- went to Jeannine Hunt and Jill Pad berg, Lexington. CLOTHING-A .' blue ribbon was won by Frances McDonald of Irrigon. Blue ribbons were won by Christine Munkers and Jill Padberg of Lexington. Blue ribbon Clothing VI was won by Carol Rawlins of lone. , FOB Wedding Invitations Announcements Thank You's, Napkins CALL THE GAZETTE-TIMES Ph. 676-9228 Livestock Pm winning llvmtotk of 4 II and Ft A w ll . annual auction 1nunUy nl;ht, AueuM at the Morrow coun ty fair with both number and pW up from lt year' "l- A total of 4.1 lamb and heep, 13 hoc, and 9 berf M. Crhli-1 M-ffcH tM v I"' pound for Stee WagenblaM'a crand chami'lon FFA Hereford, a total of 1T7 for the IMVIb. animal. Morrow county i.rain Crower pouch! the grand champion 4 11 Hereford from Herbert Fkstrom. III. for 47c per pound of $1110 total for the KVM pound beef. Both 4 II and FFA rewrve champion brought IWV per nound John Wagenblasfa W.V lb. FFA reserve grand champ ion Hereford went to Trnneson Fnglneerlng Corp. The Dalle-, fur HS2.!W nd Central Market bought Frio Andernon'i 4 11 re crve grand chamolon at a to tal price of U2M. Sue Greenup't prime South down grand champion 4 II lamb commanded a Price of TTV per pound. $79.50. from the buyer. Northwestern Livestock Commu nion Co., Hermlston. Grand champion FFA Southdown lamb, owned bv Earl Struckmcler. brought 44c and w-a ld to Inland Chemical for vn. e serve grand champion. III. another prime Southdown, was sold bv Nancy Doherty to Cen tral Market at 35c per pound, or $32 55. Steve Petty John grand cham pion 4 II Hampshire hog also was purchased by Central Mark et at 36c per pound, or $77.76. Reserve grand champion, anoth er Hampshire, was sold by Steve's brother. Larry Pettyjohn, to Colleen Greenup, also for 30c or $6480. The price for the grand champion in this case was down somewhat from last vear when the 411 grand cham pion brought 40c. Sales of beef animals, other than those above, were made as follows, all at a price of 30c per lb. with a support price of 25c. Purchaser follows the name of the owner and seller. Hereford 4-H Dale Van Blokland to Inland Chemical Co. $25656; Maureen Doherty to Stone Machinery. Pendleton. $294: Dean Wright to Morrow Countv Grain Growers. $249; Mi chelle Miller to Mrs. Bill Doherty. $295.50; Susan Drake to Frank Anderson. $252; Alfred Drake to Hichland Machinery Co.. Con don. $30150: Charles Anderson to Stone Machinery Co.. $291; Diana Wright to Grove Con struction Co.. $225; Becky Do herty to Padberg Machinery. $27750; Mitch Ash beck to Harry ODonnell. $315: David Wright to Herman Winter. $253.50; and Melvin Ashbeck to Frank An derson. $24150. Shorthorn (4-H) John Hall to Bank of Eastern Oregon, $282. Angus (FFA) Dick Flaiz to Odd Fellows lodge. $27450. Hereford (FFA) Dean Robin son to Cornett Green, $253.50. Sales of sheep, other than grand reserve champions were as follows: Four-H John Rawlins to Ek strom Farm Chemical, $34.88; David Richards to Columbia Basin Electric. $27.20; Larry Pettyjohn to Doug Drake, $35.20; Patti Daly to Leo Ashbeck, $27.20; Patti Healy to Turner, Van Marter and Bryant. $39.12; Kirk Robinson to Paul Jones, $29.76; Dee Ann Pettyjohn to Nels Anderson, $33.28; Joan Healy to First National Bank, $32.32; Kyle Robinson to Gerald Bergstrom, $37.44; Tom Rawlins to Alfred Nelson. $33.92; Carol Rawlins to Rudy Bergstrom, $3552; Becky Doherty to Don Pointer, $24.32; Steve Pettyjohn to Terry Thompson, $29.76; Ter esa Harshman to Pettyjohn's Farm and Builders Supply, $26.24; Jeanne Daly to Gard ner's Men's Wear, $23.04; Sher ri O'Brien to Turner, Van Mar ter and Bryant, $32; Carl At B 5 O DON'T be rushed in the fall, uo make sure tnere s enougn ume w Kct dwu . ing and other fall work done before winter sets in. There will be if you get all or part of your fertilizer application done now. O r BI-C0UNTY CHEMICAL can help you do it and do it right! Our appli cators are completely overhauled. Nurse tanks are perfectly clean. Pumps and meters have been cleaned and checked to provide the most accurate measuring and pumping possible. And we can spot 8,000-gallon portable storage tanks on your ranch for prompt, time-saving delivery. e - BEST OF ALL, Aqua and aqua "plus" sulfur solutions are available. They ( can be mixed with any combination for your special fields all in one solu tion.' Aqua ammonia is a most efficient nitrogen source for preplanting. It's the safest to handle, the easiest to apply. Let's talk over your summer fertil izer program now. It will save you work later. Call BI-C0UNTY now. Sold at Fair Auction v ON ! ' - (i: O STEVE PETTYJOHN'S grand champion 4-H boa seems a bit be wildered as h appear under Stert's dUtction at th U-etock auction at tb fair last Thursday night Central Market bought the bog at 36c per pound. SteTt's brother. Larry, had th r serv grand champion 4-H boq. and It told to Colleen Greenup, also at 36c per pound. (Gaxttte-Time Photo by Gall McCarty). Smousc to Helen O'Donnell. $22.40; Terry 1 Greenup (pen of three) to Pendleton Grain Grow- ers, $79.04; Bill Greenup (pen of three) to Ron Currin. $75.06; Maureen Doherty (pen of three) to Mrs. Bill Doherty. $69.31; Greg Greenup (pen of three) to First National oanic, o; Marir xtiiw ( rxn of three) to Ekstrom Farm Chemical. $75.84. FFA David Hall to Phil Ma- hnnov U4: Matt Hughes (pen of three) to Paul Jones, $81.48. Mt nf the sheeD and lamb sales were at 32c per pound with a 22c support price. iinrr nthr than the erand champion and reserve champi on, went at Soc per pouna wun a support of 25c They were as follows, (all 4-H); Dee Ann Pettyjohn to First National Bank, $71.05; Kirk Robinson to Herman Blettell. $60.20; Sarah Witherrite to Pendleton Grain rrnwon SA4 dn- Juriv Snider to Columbia Basin Electric, $67.90; Sharon Witherrite to fcima's Ap parel, $W.bD; Mitcn Asnoecu (pen of three) to Inland Chem ical ?iqd- and Melvin Ash- hoflr (nn of three) one each to Don Robinson, $66.85, Hepp ner Lumber Company, $63.00; and Harold Erwin, $61.25. The livestock barn was Jam med to capacity for the pig scramble which preceded the auction, and most of the crowd stayed for the sale. Winners in the pig scramble were Pete, Joan, Mary, nniii wfiiiiiiiMiiMi -Coo rut v CfoenTiiica r Our plan for FAST-START and FOLLOW-THROUGH V leen and Paul McElllgott and Judy Snyder. Omer Bonney was auctioneer. State Forestry Commends Kinzua Harry G. Pearson, district for ester of the State Department of Forestry, East Central Ore gon district at John Day, has written a letter to Kinzua Corp oration commending the com pany for cooperation on fires during the week of July 25 to 31. Addressed to Milo Prlndle of Kinzua Corporation, the letter stdtcs "We of the East Central Ore gon District, especially the per sonnel of the Fossil unit, wish to express our appreciation for the outstanding cooperaiton we received from you and the Kin zua Corporation during the week of July 25 to the 31st "Because of your help, the con trol action of the Fossil Unit was highly successful during a very critical period. Your quick response with assistance on the Dutchman Flat fire saved It from becoming a big one. "Thank you again, and If we can be of any assistance to you and the Kinzua Corporation, Just call on us. "Sincerely, Harry G. Pearson District Forester" 1 The Sign of Superior Service Means on your ticias Kinzua Resident Dies August 29 r VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA Melvin C. Wham, a lunit tune rcldcnt of Klnrua, imoxed away at hla home pun dav evening. Funeral aervlcea were held Wednesday. An obituary will be In ncU wcvk'a paper. Mr and Mr. Walter BaMlan of KoM-burg Ulted here lait week with Mr. and Mr. David Sitton and with friend. They took home their daughter. Kar en. Mho had Ulted here the pant week. Mr. Stanley Pennon wa broutht home the latter part of the week from the Heppner hot pttal were she had been recelv Ing treatment. Ml Sharon Mabe and Mr. n-n Cirrli of klH-nt lt Wednewlay and Thursday In on busmen. Mr. Robert Kelo wa a bul-ne-w visitor to The Dallea on Thurtdav. Mm. F-d Wham and daughtrr. Vickl, returned homo Wedna day evening from John Day where they had been vUltlng. They were accompanied by Mr. Robert Thorlngton ami daughter Cathy. Mr. and Mr. Roger llollomon of Milton-Frccwator were over ntKht guest Thursday of Mr. and Mr. Claude Slemore. Mr. Lee Anhcr and children and Mr. Marvin lllne were buklne visitor to Heppner Friday. Mr. and Mr. Jigg Bowman and family went to Echo Sat urday to attend a Bowman fam ily reunion. Paul Oyler and Ray Rector were bunlnes visitor to The Dalles Saturday. Mr. Rov Keller and daugh ter ent Wednesday and Thursday In Madras vUltlng with friend and doing some shopping. Mr. and Mr. Marvin Jone and daughters of Whlttler. Calif., vlMted friend here and in Camp 5 Thursday. The Friendship Club was en tertained Wednesday evening at the grade school with Mrs. Mav I Oyler as hosted. High was won tiy Marilyn Bailey, low by R.xsle Graham, and traveling by Sharon Kelso and Irene Samp le. Others playing were Unoml Kice. VI Sllnkard. D"rl Stub blefleld. Billle Jean Sitton. Pat McMlnn. LaVlna Conner, and Ada Schell. Mr. and Mr. Vincent Allen went to Moses Lake, Wasn. ti Hnu vininr to brim? home their sons. Dick, Charles, and Bob. A safety meeting was neiu last Wednesday at the Camp c rnimiiu Hall with chair- man Richard Mortimore presld- For Weed III MEL BOYER r A U:.:AM Spraying-Dusting-Fcrtilixing-Sccding DRT OR LIQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION. STANDARD OR HIGH DENSITY SPRAT APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 I1. NO GUESSING All Products Metered With Ticket Stamped For Farmer On Each Load. CALL US TODAY iONE, OREGON Ph. 422-7531 or 422-7147 Page ing. Jamr Giadv. aafety mana ger of Western Wood lYoducU AwMM-utloit of Zetland, waa piesent and gave a talk, Illus trated with slide of safety practices In logging. Twenty were present and after the meet Ing pie ala mode and coffee were aetved by the Camp 5 women club. Mr. Ralph Medlock and son. Mi. Ear I Norn, and Karen Mortimore v. ere In Heppner Thursday for buslnca. chop ping, and dental care for Jean, ami Karen. Labor Day Picnic planned A spiHlal union meennir. held Tuesday with President Karl Norrl lit charge. Thl meellng waa called to dlscua plan for the annual Labor Day plmlc. Uge Long will be com mittee chairman. The Union will furnish ptp. lee cream and uiih the rest of the picnic to be pot lurk. The picnic wilt te neia at jjemii rum ii Monday. Sept. 6 nl all mem Kr .,f AH. Local 2U16 and their famllU are Invited to at tend. Mr. and Mr. Norman ralr ..,.1 familu tr Milwaukee Visit ed Saturday with Mr. and Mr. Ralph James. vi.nin.j uith Mr. and Mr. Slim lUiuton on Sunday were Mr. and Mr. John Allen 01 Klickitat. Wash. M, n.t Mra Keith Albion Of Stmrk. Nevada, came thl weekend to pick up meir children who had spent several week vUltlng their grandpar ent. Mr. and Mr. Clay Itill llt. Six rinUh Hunter Safety Course Four boy and two girls re i ymnli.inl the Oregon State National Rifle Association course In hunter aafety educa tion and were awarueu tno vre r.,,n ur itunter Certificate of i' The course con sist of four one-hour session at the completion ol wnun me student are required to pax . t..ti iiiHin the knowl- edgo they have gained. Those receiving ccriiitcaic weir, mm u'uii : liiiwmari. Ronnie Bowman. Rick Benson, Nancl Britain, and Charlotte Hatter. The course was taught by Milt Boring. No Hunting No Trespassing Signs at the Gazette-Times Spraying CALL ON Owner Gar Aviation GREEN TOUCH SERVICE m CI1