- ntttntn cAxmrt TiMCi. rn&r. Att u. m WELCOME TO ...,- - August 28 and 29 See Us For Parade Needs: Costumes for kids' entries Gun and Holster Sets Crepe Paper-Ribbon VAN'S VARIETY WXLBUB MAST VAN BLOKLAND fh. I7S-M17 Heppott IT'S MORROW COUNTY TIME And we still have rooms available. We're glad to have you as guests in our fine community, and invite you to come see us for your accom modations : At HOTEL HEPPNER 192 If. Main Ph. 676-5515 HOSPITAL NEWS rat lent who received mistical car at lloneer Memorial hos pital during the past M. and lhe been tiumlwMsi. inciuoe !the following: Walll Smith. Ilone; Pearl .Volt, lleppner; Hess jlhnd. Cecil; Unnl Jcllick. Kin- rua; Malcolm iioMn. nepp rier; Ponni Raymond. llepp ner; Mary Benon. Klnrua. and Mary Arnold, Condon. Ki wh were nilrnlttrd, and are still receding medical car, ate the following larrrl Ntel. lenger, Condon; laphne Jenk. In, lleppner; Irene Padberf. Lexington, and Brian Thompson, lleppner. County Fair Gels In Full Swing (Continued from pace V nouneed the following Hat lair teams.; , Clothing I. Joan Stockard. lleppner; 2. Nancy Doherty, lleppner; 3. Kay Ituson. lrrlgon. Alternate: 1. Teresa Tucker, lone; 2. Diana Cutsforth. U Inrtort Foods I. Linda Cooper. Hcpp ner: 2. Sue Griffith, lleppner; 3. Frances Ahrams. lleppner. Al ternate: 1. Kathv Sweeney, lleppner; 2. Suvin Melbv. Hepp nor: 1 Sandra Halt lleppner. Home Improvement I. Betty Riter. lrrlgon; 2. Vicky Hobbs, i lrrlgon. Fxhlbits which will go to the i state fair are: Foods II Eliza beth Abrams. Kathleen Ayers. Mellnda Lconnlg. and Shelley Wntff all of Heonncr. Foods Ml France Abram. Sandra Flali and Kathleen Sweeney, all of lleppner. Young winners in horse judg ing contest Tuesday were Ceorgc Kenney. lrrlgon; Eddy Shucning. lrrlgon: Barbara Blood.sworth. lleppner: and Frances Abrams. lleppner. Thirty-six entered the contest. Thirty-two competed In 4-H livestock Judgtng with the fol lowing winners: Sue Greenup, lleppner. first; Theresa Harsh man, lleppner. second; Jeanne Day. lleppner. third; and Tom Rawlins, fourth. The 4 II Dress Revue brought out big audience at the Cath olic Parish hall Wednesday nitht and used the theme of jrv Pnnnlns". Results of the show will be printed next week. Tnnlffht iThursdav) is a big night at the fair with the 4-H pig scramble, the livestock auc tion unA tho Rhea Creek Granee dinner on the bill of fare. Events will come to a close Friday and exhibits will be reieasea Rodeo lo Bring Full Three Days Of Big Events (Continued from page 1 ddtf offered t I winner, Kliuua ha donated a fine sad die each rar for many yrars. Local Interest will keen, too. In the Minrow county all around with revolving trophy and V0 caih prt offered tv the lrvtlle Cutsforth family. Many other fine trophies axe listed for various event a. Everything that goes to make an outstanding rodea Includ cd on the program for the three khows bareback riding. f roping, bronc riding, bulldog, elne. races of all kinds, team roping, bull riding. tld row milking, wild cow riding, ana barrel racing. Court Adda Clamour Adding glamour to the rodeo will be Queen Judv Sherer ana her court. Prlnevv- Susan Mc Coy. Ginger Make Karla Lu rlani and Kma Wlmheter. The girls have captured the neans of crowds at other rodeo and events they have visited during the summer, and their reign and performance here will climax a busy summer lor them. Fun at the rodeo will be tup. plied bv hilarious Erie Muchl eten. the clown, of Lnumclaw. Washington. . Howard Johnson's rodeo UxK will be used n he shows, and Le Kelley of Roosevelt, n-. will beoneof the Judge. Wgtl Chapman of lrrlgon wtl be tUx man. Joe Daley of ePndleton will be announcer. Mony Halp Out It takes a big crew to present a rodeo, and a few who will help have been announced as follows: Elmer Schmidt and many Chamber of 1 members on ticket taking; Her. man Green. Gene Pierce. Tim Moore and George Currln work ing in the chutes: Gall McCarty and Dick Struckmcler. untying I..-.-. Art Vmm-f to nnen sates; Taul llislcr and Everett Struck meler, to run siois. mn mil itealv and Eddie Do- brtv at the bucking chutes. , Lvle Cox and Jerry Roocl. po lice; Mark Samples, carpenter work; Mrs. Jack Locke and Mrs. Howard Johnson, assisting Ko deo Secretary Locke: and Jun lor Chamber of Commerce, work Ing with Little League boys on selling programs. Many others, not yet an- M orrow County Welcomes You To Its mm E i ms m- j i m FAIR AND RODEO GROUNDS, HEPPNER We Urge You To Attend The Final Days Of The Fair Which Ends FridayAugust 27 THREE GREAT RODEO SHOWS: Saturday at 1 :15 and 7:30 p.m.Sunday at 1 :30 p.m. O Tops in Thrilling Entertainment O Featuring the Northwest's Best Cowboys O Spiced with Home Talent O Using the Best of Rodeo Stock O Dramatic, Colorful DONT MISS THESE EVENTS: Morrow County Horse Show," Friday i.? Episcopal Church Barbecue, Saturday i ''- tfijiifiAk Rodeo Dance Following Night Show Saturday Street Parade, . 10 a.m., Saturday Wrangler Cowboy Breakfast, 6:00 a.m., Sunday hrffl olumbia lasin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties nouneed, will t helping, TTi rodeo board ha held reg ular meetings throughout the year to prepare plan for the Mg week end. Hculdes Chairman MllW. who has devoted much time and effort to the rodeo, the board Includes Charles Dalv, vU-e chalrnan. Jerry IHjugherty. Ramond French, Itolce Fulle ton. lon Greenup, Archie Monk era. Flmer Sbnllt. Wes Sher man and Sleagall. Each ! been In charge of specific parts of the preparation and staging of the rodeo, Cooceastona ImproTad A new concessions stand has leen built near the buckenw Ktand to pruM refrekhment there, an dthe Epleopal churvh women have announc'd that they will give service on con cesklona In the main grandntand this year. Thev and the Arner. lean Legion have conccsalona right this year. At the last rodeo meeting some of the rules were clari fied. For three events Morrow county regUtered quartehorse race. Morrow county derby, and quarter mile open race the owners of horse entered mutt hate lived In the county six months and the homes muM have been In ownership for 30 days. Wrangler cow riding will be open to county residents only. "CORVALLIS PROPERTIES" prt-irATiwrM or.7, tti O-.ui A 1 l'rHwlll.tn. JO fort !iitiia llu.inru Aiiira. 3iMi A O.KK1 T.rm. MTLKX-J RiNlm.m r-h t'nlt ih1 It., k Y.r.l TXK tV.lM iNiwn a 1 1 AO Tlal 1'ayBii-iita Ttp LAxatlun. OLPF.R 4 PKnnnoM IIOIIC Noar (VII.. a ;r.lr llwm.n Tim a Only ITi'.l. v-.l Ikiwn till IT ivr Month. gt'IKT I'AVKU 8TREKT. ovrn Sio t.tsriNr.a .... Mitlllpt a Crlulva .... 17 N ilh lii Si CLAIR COX. CO. Realtors BKVTOM CWNTf Mol'tiK. COCRT- -l - crnru vmti nni ntisag fa ff Let 'er Buck! It's Rodeo Time! MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEAD QUARTERS WHILE YOU'RE HERE FOR THE RODEO EVENTS. EVERYBODY'S WELCOME Western Auto Associate Store JOHN AND BETTY rrElXrXl KEFf NER ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY - USE YOUR CHARGE CARD AND SAVE! Ladies' 91 Dresses REDUCED Final reduction on all lighter dresses, honest values to 11.95. 5.00 Pt. Jrs., Jrs., Mrs. and Halve Boy's Jeans Special Buy 150 Pair 10 oz. Blue Denim Double knee sizes 4 to 12 1.00 Men's SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Gingham Plaids Sizes S, M, L XL ?L99 Just Arrived SHORT SLEEVE SWEATSHIRTS All the new fall colors, hurry while the choice Is good. 51.79 100 Pair SHOES All reduced to one LOW price Boys; Girls; Women's styles for school. 3.33 BUYS FOR LADIES 6 Pr. cut off jeans 88 20 Pr. bonded knit ankle pants 2.99 18 Foundations reduced to 388 3 Dresses reduced to 1.00 4 Shift robes 1.88 12 Corduroy coats sizos 10 to 16 ....14.88 1 Blue size 16 coat was 25.00 9.88 14 Knit turtlcncck blouses 1.50 BUYS FOR GIRLS 100 Cotton briefs 25 10 Wool blend skirts 2.50 12 Acrilan blend sweaters 2.50 50 Pr. size 11 pink anklets 16 BUYS FOR BOYS AND MEN 100 Boys' underwear 2 for .77 150 Boys' flannel shirts 1.66 24 Pr. Boys' 1 33A ox. jeans 3 for 5.00 150 Boys' striped polos .........1.00 40 Boys' quilt ski parkas .......12.88 20 Men's shirt jacs -2.44 3 Boys' summer jackets 3.88 6 Men's summer jackets .4.88 2 Toddler flannel lined jackets 2.44 BUYS FOR THE HOME 16 27"x72" rug runners T....3.99 17 70"x80" novelty blankets ... .....3.99 2 Yellow folding chaise lounges 4.88 2 Grey cosmetic suitcases .....6.00 70 Balls 1.4 oz. knitting yarn .....66 30 4 yd. dress lengths 1.00 1