UP Train Arrives Piggyback on Dig UP U k for Us Mnml a (w ar hn at Mf"w (imiiiiv K.i itni 'fat l t liilnUturt Union Ifu- fulfil train. iitli miivrtl .lfci:lt k Wril inula y tut a fulll V I. firlifhl. MttMr Slmilt, agrnl Jirir, all. IM (feitrr t4 Omaha, Nrlr, rngtiwr lr tht miniature train, n tiu to arrlvr Ttiurs day. He U Urn tmi man who eMt.!lr In I ant )rra to ilro arai)f. Ttifir are five rat ami an rngliMf In lit hm f. Iiintr train Tle tar Mi-l(;ti attoul lit rath, ami Ida m'ln I ut Jul Iti 11m tnliiiatui Italn will haul amt 21 M lrr mat nf Morrow, Gil liam, t mitnu Wh Ur cuuntSci on tale at the CJawUe-Tune, 1123 rath. Other available on order. Yup! All roads lead to tho Morrow County Rodeo. Nopo! Nobody's ttayin back on tho ranch. Not with tho biggest rodeo in this part of the country about to get underway. So, saddle up. We'll see you at the rodeo! Turner, Van Marrcr fir Bryant Inturance HEFFNClt HI. 7 H52 Riverfront Lands Compromise Set After Washington Trip JXSX. WELCOME! m ii . Kt ::.m mm -7-54-7. " - - -IB The West at you've its ... ... - - ' r best! The event been waiting for Tho Morrow County Rodeo NORTHWESTERN MOTEL 289 N. Main Heppner CHARLES AND GENE STARKS Ttirr tnvn n-pfrm-iillnu Me ruw tounty ftlurm-il frni Wah Inirtun, l ".. Tura.lay. ai-tar-n.tly aMinl of a .m.ltm(M fc'rrriiH'fit thai wuulij et eM tiiiw t4 iU loui.ly's ('..luinl'U riverfront lamia for Industrial lVoiiirnt. Jul; I'aul Jones aal.l Wrl ru ftilay, "Wr had to cim rU thr l'allrfw.11 frry ltr In ruhanut lir an aj:reriiii-rit that huuIJ c- iulre lhe Mt-Miirr H? lr a- ro.niriit," Alt houcli mi aiMwmrnt was culinlnatid. Hip iih ii, ln lurilrti; Jinlt'i Jiiir. I'lannlttK t'ouimU kltui thalrman "Jarni ltM wall ami K. Wflio ( orJ-, l'it- land atloirny lr tlu Momrn I'njt (itinmloxloii, wiif iuii'i that thi rount y aK'i(l- wnuld tt ahl to r aiiulrt th Mf- m-r aii ami the adjoining m-c- tlun. TliU wtiuhl mran that thfrc w chi I.I t atM.ut ld rnlli el rlvrrfront In th Mrani'r ar-a for Induxtrlal di-vrloinnrnt. In rluil-d would Ik Miinr bureau rif iJimt Mank'm'nt land whli h ulJ tx ai julriM, Artual imrtMiM of tho trip was to obtain rw lavlfl atlon of oim of I hp riverfront lamia through negotiation with the Army Knplneera and th Impart merit of Mi and Wildlife. Con-ili-mnatlon roceedlni; had l en fitartinl jalnt laniti own el hy the I'ort of Mormw ly the Army Knulnwr to ohtaln the area tor wuonie. nip Morrow rtoun at first refuned t mimu by yielding on the OHO aire I'atterrton Kerry alti. but de elded to at;'' to the rurnprw rnliw aolutlon when It wH-med the hint they eould aihl-ve. The men were K'ne 10 ! and M-nt elht d4 In meet ings to arhleve their purnow. I'rlor to their trip the proxjiit wa that the county and I'ort (minl)tjlon would have no lands for lnduslrl.il Mir- The three atlended the House I'uldie Work Committee hear ing on Monday with Congress man Al I'llman giving tehtl mony urging the committee to ai-eejit the ngit-ement that had been leached. Most of the meetings durlnj; the time In Vahlngtin were held In the office of Congress man Ullman. Judce Jonew said, "Congress man Ullman eommands high rc ipett on Capitol Hill bceau.He of bin position on the owerful Way and Means committee, and this and future generations iun thank him for saving our Mrt lands." The Morrow delegation aald that It was the congrersKman'a persuasion and insight of the lo cal problem here that made an agreement K.slbli. The Judge aald that a Joint meeting of the county court, the port commission, and the county planning commission will be held very jsooti to work out rec ommendations on the land that should la-come available for ac quisition or rcacquisltlons. Hecau.se of the many meet ings and lengthy negotiations the men had "little llm for Hfhtwrlng whll In tha cap ital, Judgo Jkmra aald Floods Return After Downpours Sunday Evening (Continued from page 11 hl ked traffic for a time. Kd fioriiv rcjwatrd coming through a water receded driv ing over three fence ta and other rubble that bad been left on the highway. Tlw. flxMlinir washed 4'M feet of trark off the roadlwd of the I'nlort I'acifir lln !i lleppmr mar the Cecil June plaiv and mine S men were there Mon day to rentore It. A "--lal work train waa dispatcried to ine iM-ene tn make other repalra along the railroad, and the freight that would normally come over here Monday did not make the trip w-cauw me worn train waa on the line. Roods DomHfd Judt-e Paul Jonea. who haa been lmras.sed all year by flooU to county road, returned from Washington. 1. C, Tuewlay ti find that It had happened again. Koads where oiling nan juki !.. rvimfilelod un the rinvuit irrrnv " - w- - .m.ito Tel I'almateer'a place at Mor gan was wasnc-3 oui, oj;eiiu-T with two culverts. The Judge aaid that most county road damage waa to the Black horse Canyon road w here it will take 10 day s jo two weeks to make repairs, to Kly Canyon, to Fourmlle Canyon, and to the road by the Norman and Fred Nelson place. Considerable blading, grading and filling must be done in oth er plaiea. Harold Sherer, county road f.uiervlsor. and the Judge esti mated damage to road from the Sunday Morm at 125,000. Koad on which only one-way traffic can be maintained In places un til repairs are made Include Fourmlle Canyon, tly Canyon, Alpine-Juniper Canyon, I'U-per Canyon and Baseline. The storm disrupted the coun ty's road oiling program, too, be cause of the necessity of using men and equipment In places nt-cdlng repairs. "With these continuing storms, I'm afraid we will be hard put for road money before the year Is over," Judge Jone said. John Kubanks said that he never saw so much rain come down for so long as it did in this storm. It wreaked havoc on his summer fallow, as it did on oth- Leaders Needed For Bluebirds, Campfire Girls radrt and aUtant trailers are urgrntly reeled to rarry on tlii rara program f"f the Blue, bird and Campfire (iirta groupa In the area, arcordlng to Mrs. Vrrn Nolan. At k-i four leaders and three awtUtants are needed to tak care of the reeted U) or more girls that will want to partici pate In the program this year. Mother of girls In grades 2 6 who are Intercnte are urged to call Mrs. Nolan at W 1 be- l.iin VL,.f,trml-r ?. I'lml meetlnff of the groups have been act for Friday. .September Blut birds are open to girls In grade 2 4. with IhoM" In grade 5 ti advancing to Campfie. Iteg ular rnetim are on th aeeond and fourth Friday of each school month. leaders worked under handl cap through lat year because of lack of adequate help to take care of the large group enroll ed, and the program cannot be procrlv continued without th needed leaders and assistants. Httrtitn CAZimX TlMCS. Thny. Aw?mt M. 1HS NOW SERVING THE HEPPNER, LEXINGTON AND I0NE AREAS, WITH ALL YOUR MEAT PR0CES SING NEEDS JIM'S MEAT COMPANY Stanfield, Ore. CUSTOM CUMING AMD CUINO CUSTOM SLAUCtrrrillNG. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND tfUOAY ntrc riacur and deuvesy at YOUH RANCH 08 FLACC OT SUSINCSS tK 449-742 J ttonfUld Doesn't make much sense to spend $3000 I r j rail w -v; Bit it ranches In the county. Tills was another blow to those who have not completed harvest. Bv now, some are beginning to believe they will never get their grain In. tone residents braced them selves for another flood In the city, but fortunately it tailed to come and no damage waa done In town there. In Heppner. which alao was spared, rainfall was consider ably lighter than that reported by ranchers In the surrounding country. Leonard Gilliam report ed .17 nch for Sunday His com plete report for the week is as follows: Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hi Low Prec. fM 4H .24 75 58 77 58 75 55 79 42 .17 77 53 76 55 .46 69 56 .04 W Will Ea Closed All Dor Saturday, August 23 To Enjoy With You Tho Fair and Rodeo PETTYJOHN'S Farm & Builders Supply Summer Clearance ON MATERNITY WEAR N ow 1 Vz Off REG. SIZES 8 to 20 HALF SIZES 1212 to UVi BLOUSES $3.00 MISSES' 30-40 'Mi Ladies I ALICE AND GRACE Ph. 678-5561 You really should dip behind the wheel of this magnificent new Mercury to appreciate tha features tliat won it the annual Car Life Award. Afler five miles in Ihe driver's aeat, youH alao discover what the Lincoln Contiwntal Tradition Y Ma3n has meant to this new generation of Mercury. Among other things, record breaking salt! Heppner Auto Sales, Inc. Heppner, Oregon UmiOEi Pacific . is mmafiiy tfaiimgis to many people To Shippers... UP. is synonymous with the finest freight service, modern specialized equipment, high-powered &n locomotives to assure on-time deliveries. To Consumers . . . Swift, dependable delivery of many products they buy both perishable and durable. To Travelers . . . Relaxing, comfortable, safe and eco- nomical travel on Union Pacific Domeliners. To Communities... In the western states it serves, Union Pacific's purchases made, wages to employees and taxes paid, all contribute toward the activities and economy of the community. For Plant Site Seekers . . . A wide selection of track-side tracts including fully developed industrial parks offer unusual opportunities for industries of all types throughout the Union Pacific West. eTIWw Governmenx union rdumoa oua6. wfirKS u tt,a roe anH Aii thp Pacific Coast is an essen ueiwccu uiclji miiv-v. w. tial link in the nation's transportation system, vital to its economy in times of peace and to its defense In emergencies. We would welcome the opportunity to serve you. J. M. LANDAU, GENERAL TRAFFIC AGENT- WALLA WALLA Union Pacific Railroad ajajajyaafsu .ya p m in 1 CttJfc