" wmii 1 tra'rn ' i mi September Date Set For Tibbies Wedding Mr. ami Mrs. Mrlvln Mre head of l.'ugrne announ the rngagi-rnriil ami airoa htng marriage of thrlr daughter, Judy Mardi'll. lo larrjr 11bi.lt, hi of Ir. a rot Mrs. U 1). Tibbies of llrrinr-r- Ilia hrttti rlri attended the L'nlverlty of Oregon the iiaul two ycara and will enroll al Portland State thli (all. Ilr flantve graduated from I hi Uni versity In June with a tlei-ree In crnml aclrn- and will rnroll al tho University of Oregon Medical fUhm. In Portland. Hit rouble haa art Sunday, K-1rmber 5, at thrlr wedding date The tfrrmony will be hrld a I hp ilellght Wedding Chap t In Eugrne. Brosnan Families Gather for Reunion Four generations gathered at I he Dirk Knhlfcort home Sunday lo rn)y memorable day to gether. The orranlon thought together for the tul lima In 15 years I hp family of Mrs. Zetta tlroanan, her daughter and two Mina and thrlr families. Prenrnt were Mrs. Brmnan, her son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mr. Don William at Hot Coring. Arkansas. Joe ilronan of I'orlland and Mr. ami Mm. Jerry Brownan of llepp nrr. Jrrry'a fmur children were also rrftrnt. John and hu wife, Charlotte, of llubbnrd; Kddla and hit wife, Ivcralne, and Dan and Juann Hoblson. all of llepp nrr. Oalg and 5uan Itobison, children of Mr. and Mrs. Dick KobiMin made the fourth gen ration Wd, Thiu. TrU Aug. JJ 28 27 A BOT TEN FEET TALL Starring Edward t;. Robinson IMua CRACK IN THE WORLD Starring Dana Andrews, Jan file Scott. Kleron Moore, and Alexander Knox. Sat. Sua. Aug. 28-23 John Draw Barrymore In "WAR Or THE ZOMBIES" IMus -HUSH . . . HUSH. SWEET CHARLOTTE" With Bette Davl. Olivia de llavllland and Joseph Cottrn Tue. Aug. 11 tlS A CAR MOVE OVER DARLING . Starring Dorla Day. Plus RAJDERS FROM BENEATH THE SEA . Starring Ken Scott Wad.. Thuu FrU Sept 1-2-3 BEACH BLANKET BINGO Starring Frankle Avalon and Annette Funlrrllo. Plus DIARY Or A BACHELOR Starring Joe Stiver and Dom LUI.H4 GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER KERMIS TON Paul Winters, Former Lexington Resident, Weds Oakland Girl MrXINUTON Tlie first McthodlM church In l'ac, Wii, was the Mine Saturday, Aug um II, of the wedding of Elt Van lM-r ll.yd.n anil I'aul J. Wlnt.-rs. both of Oakland, Cal if The groom la former Mor row county rtnldcrit, having M-nt hi a hoo years In Lrs Ini'ton. A native of Holland, the Lride attended schools In Cuy kaan IV Maa and the I'nlvrr- ally of California. The bride was lovely In an empire style floor length white uown tvllh Kliialh tklrl ll-f i-l was attached to a crown I and her jewelry was a pearl hrari-!ct belonging to her moth er. She carried white rosebuds and carnation. Mai, I of honor was Mr Eddie (Helen! Olscn of lleppner, sister of the groom, and flower girl was Laurie Ulcn of lleppner, nlere of the groom. Out of town guets were the brlde'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward A. Van Der lleyden, her sinter. Iotlne, and brothers, liro, Fred ar.d Han. Alo pn-a- ent were Mr. and Mra. Robert Kiddle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kddle Olscn and daughter, all of lleppner, and Mrs. Anna Marie buc k of llcrmlston- After the ceremony a lunch- eon reception was neii in wie Black Angus room In I'aw-o. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs I'aul Winters of Bur bank. Calif., and l employed n the automobile Industry In Oakland. IttGOJI STATE BOARn nr wraif! O r I CP A - I ... OnVh'-. :! V1'' V 0 Birthdavs Honored At Rhea Grange Picnic Some 50 persons turned out for the annual Rhea Creek Grange picnic, held last Sunday it the Annon Wright Memorial Park on Rock Creek. Grangers celebrating birth lays during the months of July, August and September were honored durinir the afternoon. Mrs. Adrian Bechdolt prepared large layer cake, decorated in Ink and green for the birth ay honoreea. ladles Home Kco- nomlcs club will serve cold plate dinners at the fair on Thursday, (today), between the hours of 4 and 7 p.m. Alaskan Residents Visit Folks Hero ' Mrs. Charles Stout and dau nhli.n trrtntln and Betsv. left Saturday by plane to return to their home in KetcniKan. Alas ka. While here for a two week's visit thev wwe guest of Mrs. Stout's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Irbv. and of her husband's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stout, all of lleppner. They have made their home In Alaska for the patit nine years and enjoy residing there. The Stouts traveled south by car over the Alcan highway, ac companylng Mrs. Gay Harsh- man and baby, who visnea ai the Everett Harshman home be fore continuing on by train to visit relatives In Missouri. MRS. BETTY HAUSLER (toft) end Mrs. June Unditrom. tnambais ( tha commlttM arranging far the vtalt of th asobUa cbast X-ray unit t low Thursday, war appropriately drosaod lot Lb occasion. Tboy mad their dxossos out of abaota and heart, lungs and booo ttrurtuxvs woro drawn In tha design on too outside. The unit took about 160 X-rays at lone making It a very uccoeeful vlalt I Need extra cash? Sell unused Items around your place wltn Caret te-Tlmes cla&alfied ad. nSBSBBBBSBSBBSnSSSSSSSBBB Ceremony in Arizona Unites P. Wilkinson To Michael Dostwick Mr. and Mrt. Iik T. Wilkin Km, lleppner. announce tha re cent marriage of their daughter. Pamela Lynne, in Michael It Bottwlik. aon of Mr. and Mr. Kit-hard ft Bostwtrk of Casper, Wyo. The double ring ceremony waa performed In the rrt Metho i!Ut church at Tempe. Alr . with the Itev. Dr. Maurka Phillip officiating, on Tuesday, August 3. For her weddln the bride wia-e a atreel length sheath of Ivory lace over satin, with mmrhlne arrrvrl. She car ried bouquet of red rosea and white carnations. Attending a maids of honor were Mls KUie Klucsar. l"ho niK Am. and Mm Carolyn Stout of Scottdale. Arli, both college friend of the bride. Serving as bet man was son ny Gurley of Caper, Wyo. After a wedding trip to Cas per. Wyo., and to lleppner to visit relatives, the couple will be at home at 1000 K. Orange St.. Tempe, Ariz, where both art attending Arizona State Univer sity. The bride waa a graduate of lleppner High school in 1VA. See us for envelopes of all kinds. The Gaietta-Tlmea. Somebody, somewhere would !ovo to answer tho phono right now and have it bo you. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL Mattel RODEO VISITORS Visit our store while you're here for the Rodeo events. Everybody's Welcome "Something from tha Jewelar'a. Is always something special." MISS XITTT OUARRA O'Harras Announce Daughter's Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Willard I. O' Harra are announcing the en gagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Kathleen Ann, to Donald Earl Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Llwyn Hughes, all of lleppner. An early September wedding Is planned. Misa OHarra was a graduate of lleppner High school with the class of VMS, where she was active In many of the school's organizations, in the Painbow Girls and other community ac tivities. Hughes, a graduate of llepp ner High school In 19C2, attend ed one year of college at Mult nomah college. In Portland, and served several months In the nw Thev will make their home In lleppner, where he Is now employed. JEWELERS Store Hours t 8 A. M. To 8 P. M. PH. 678-9200 177 MAIN ST- KEPPNER CK5BN STAMPS Franklin-Jepsen Vows Exchanged in Church Ceremony August 7 TrtMC Wnrtrtincr VOWS WCfe exchanged Saturday. August 7 bv Linda Lee Franklin and Frank Jepsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepsen of lone. The double ring ceremony was per formed at the nrsi mnsuan church In Milton-Freewater by the Rev. George Knox before members of the immediate iam- Hies. xt, .ni fr John Jensen of lone were the couples' only at tendants. Mrs. Walter Jepsen of lone also attended the wedding. Th hrlde. who Is the aaugn- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Franklin of Umapine. is a rraduate of Umapine High school. Mr Jonwn is a craduate of r.xnA lllnrh cphnnl nnd a 1961 ivnr K " . . . graduate of Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls. He u amntnvori t the Farmer's Co op, in Walla Walla, whore the couple will make tneir nome. On Sunday afternoon, August it iho newlvweds were honored with a reception at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Smith Orogan In Milton-Free-water. Attending from lone were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen, Mrs. Mary Holtz and Katny ana Carol, and Mr. and Mrs. John Jepsen. Carol assisted with the gifts and Mrs. John Jepsen served cake, from a tea table centered with a pink arrange ment. Mrs. Charles Barlow moved from her home in Heppner on Monday to her new permanent home at 4290 High Street In Eugene. She had been a resi dent of Heppner all her life, as were her parents and grand parents. During recent years she had spent the winters in Eugene to be near her daughters. Mrs. Cecil Warner and Mrs. Robert Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Pet Glennie and family were overnight vis itors Monday at the David Eck man home, while en route to their new home at Monmouth, where Glennie will start his reaming gnu ivotwuK i . Central Union High school. The Glennies had been visiting men parents at Harlowton, Montana, during their summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roblson and children, Craig and Susan, spent a week's vacation at Portland and the Oregon coast. Ambrose Chapin was In charge of oper ating the barber shop while they were away. IT'S TIME FOR ROUND UP THESE GROCERIES, PODNER, FOR RODEO WEEKEND toddy TOMATO JUKE 46 0Z. ."IFOR BETTY CROCKER ALL EXCEPT ANGEL FOOD 3 FOR $ Peered Ml ll! 6 "-8ft 3S) m mm MM M KOSHER DILL HALETS 300 SIZE CA Vegetables with Beet 2 5V 113 -T-Y-l BANQUET lJlil TURKET CHICKEN BEEF TV DINNERS 2 - 89$ WELCOME ITOKS POTATOES , lb. 4S0 Heads 2 SEEDLESS I yyvA(rdU Lad u I PRICES GOOD AUG. 27 and 28 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meot) 676-9288 1 " "- low prices and S&H J -MARKET USDA GOOD AND CHOICE BLADE CUT LB. ARM CUT LB- (0 i 1 1 j i r OREGON CHIEF WIENERS lb. 49C 5 lb. boK $2A9