s Boys Place HighatSeafair Water Ski Meet, Seattle T XATStSKE UKDSTROM lONrl-Tnm HrlmMcnrr anl Xtsrk lUlvorsrrt wrrm umfut contestant In tho Greater frat IU Mrafalr ( hinloiu.hl hrld at (krn L In Sea III the iat Mirk rml. Torn wu moiii1 i-lace winner In Iho men's water ski lump, comiwllritf In a eruun of 21. Ilia lontr.t lump was 119 ft. Mark waa third lare trotiy winner In the Ixiy'a Jump In l?nuii of 12 mntrstant. Frank llalviraen ram In fifth In this aame irnnjp Another winner from th Mc Nsrv Mil Club waa Jerri Jew if llermliton. whti placed first In lump. M-on1 In slalom, and ttitoif In trti-ka In tlte women'! dlvUion. thert Rulnir to lh Reafalr event a were Mr. and Mm. Kay HelmblKner. Mrs Lewis llalvor en and Jerry and Stephen Crip en. Linda llclmhlgnrr of Ku f en met her parent a In l"rt. and and made lhr trip to Seat tle with them. The llalvornena were wei-k end Rumts if Mr mn Mrs. Krank. Ileltna. trytrmt Mold Itauaioa Th annual ret together of th BerKktrom famll Sunday at The down from Ion wer Mr Mra. Car I Bercntmrn. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stefanl and family, and Mr. and Mra. Roland Berk' trom and family. Attending from the Portland area were Mr. and Mra. C). G. BergMrom, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Bittrtim and fam ily. Mr. and Mra. Wayna Beret trom and family. Mr. and Mra. Don IWgatmrn and family, Mr. and Mra. Bill IWtfutrom and Mra. Pearl IHanry. Mr. and Mr. Itooert Corhran and family and Mr. Opal lloldman of Yakima were alio there. Mm. lloldman came horn with the Carl Berga- mily waa neic Dal If Going and Ik.ih and la a gue( at lh home of Mra. Ida ;ratill. Mi. Dal lUv waa gueitt of hon at a tvtlt- hour at the home of Mr. Marlon palmer on Kriday afternMn. tueta, whu ram to llt Mra flay, w-er Mra. ()M'r l.uriil.ll. Mr. K. C Hell ker. Mra. W. V. Crawford. Mr. Mary Hwanaon. Mr Milton Mor gan. Mr K. M llaker. Mr. Ie Palmer, Mra. r imer I'almer, Mr. V, T. Martin. Mr. Harold Slier- rv, Mr Kll Kurguyne, Mr. Ken neth S mouse. Mi. John Arming ton. Mil Diana ltownlng of Walla Walla, anil Mr, (cell Thorn of HermUtnn. Cell Thome. Marion I'almer, and Hill Hraher of Lle, Wash., via lied with Mr. Kay. while the ladle were at the afternoon party. Mr. and Mr. Nell Khulrman of Santa Clara. Calif., wer Wednesday and Thursday guetU of Mr. and Mra, Lewis llalvor aen. while attending to business mattera In the county. They planned to go hom via (taker, ! ":ry wer to vlalt Mr. and Mr John Turner. Mr. Shulrman I th former Kathryn f'rldman and lived her several year ago. Mr. and Mr. Mik Cunning ham and family of South Ta coma are visiting at th home of hl Mcr. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Jacob and family. Kathy Shockley of Vancouver, With., ha been Wiling her friend. Tereaa Stefanl. On Mon day th gtrU left for hom with Mr. Dalla Shock ley and child ren, who hav leen visiting frlenda In lleppner and Ion. Huston Bryaon lt th end of th find finger on hi right hand. when h caught It In a V-belt on th combine at the George Griffith ranch last Tuesday af ternoon. He was taken to llepp- THE rtXW HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 12, 1965 Sec. 2-4 pegtt E For Fast And Dependable Freight Service SHIP astern Oregon Freight Served By Ffatt's Truck Service CALL GENE ORWICK 989-8420 ANYTIME ner to a physician. Mr. and Mra. Wallace Matth ewa. Iienelc and Itcrniicr, ra turned last Tuesdsy from an en joyable trip to th beach. They wtiit down to lloneyman I'ark on the southern coast and air. Matthews and fternrlee went deep sea fUhlng and caught their limit Also camping at tho park were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tkdmaland and liobbi of Koe. burg, who brought Berneke there to meet hor parent and return hom. Mr and Mr. David McBath and lilllle left on Saturday for nM Angel. Wash., wher they will make their hom. David 1 employed In a mill there. Mra. Kverrtt llolsteln and Brenda, Wes. Akin, and Rhon da hav returned from a vaca tion trip to Kirk", Colo., wher they vMted relatlvea and friend. Stan and Sandra re mained In Colorado. Kd Haseloff departed on Fri day for New Mexico on busi ness and to Texas to visit hi parent. H has been working at Ditch Creek Fire Station this aummer. Attend family Calibration Mrs. Iro Crantre spent Satur day and Sunday at Vancouver. Cnllnfim B. C. attending th Wrth annl- v0,,c9. verary celebration of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr. P. F. Scheelar. Sh made th trip with her brother and slster ln law, Mr. and Mr. Don Scheel ar and Cynthia, and her mother, Mr. Blanche Scheelar of Salem. They spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scheelar at tk-llcvue. Wash., and then went on to Vancouver. An open house was held for the honored coup le on Saturday afternoon and that evening a banquet and dance for about 100 guests was held at the Capillana Inn. Mrs. Blanche Scheelar had been a bridesmaid at the wedding 50 years ago. Terrle Dunbar of Aberdeen. Wash., who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra. Wal ter Jacobs, kit for her home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer and their daughter. Queen Judy of the 15 lleppner Fair and Rodeo, spent the week-end In lU-dmond with another daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piifce. They attended the rodeo there. Tommy Goodrich of Husum, Wash., spent the week-end vis iting hi grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray. Diana Downing, of Walla Walla, who nas oeen visiting here went home with him. Mr. and Mr. Harry Ash are moving this week to the O Meara apartments. They have rented the one recently vacated by Mrs. Diantha Akers. Mrs. Ak ers is making her home with her daughter. Mrs. James Lindsay. Ll 'V' 1 -.1 Need extra cash? Sell unused item around your plaoa with Gazette-Times classified ad. State Fair Tickets Placed on Sale Stat Fair tickets went on sal at th Stat Fair office P. O. Box TOs.V Salem, on Monday. August 9, Howard Maple, fair manager, said today. Tickets rviud admission and season ticket to th f-ir- grounda, as well as reserved and box seats to the hors snow. rodeo. th Stat Fair Revue, and to th hors race. General admlMion to th Statt Fair revue Is free this year. ROUND UP QUEEN AND COU1T The fir member of th Fo- dtotoa Jlound-Up Court or front MIL rrucsa Bnanaon Ma honor. Hpporr Maurooa MoComunach, Pndltoa; Quooa Judy Curdo, Walla Walla; Prlncoss Jan McCurdy, Pondiotoa; and Kristin Wbr. Atbana. Daloa of tho S4th annual show In tho Round-Up Capital of tho World, Pondioton. or Soptembor IS through llth. (Official Round-Up Photo by RowdTshaU) Schedules Football Clinic A free football clinic for coaches and other Interested will be held at Vert auditorium. Pendleton. Saturday. August 21. under sponsorship of Blue Moun tain college, it Is announced. Jim Knecht of Oregon State University will be In charge of a firesentatlon on offense from 9 until 12. and John Robinson of the University of Oregon will be In charge of discussing and demonstrating defensive line play from 1 to 4 p.m. Anyone Interested may attend without charge. Pcnlands Visit Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penland, former publishers of the Hepp. ner Gazette-Times, visited here over the week-end. They have sold their Interest In the Liver more. Calif., Herald and News and plan to re-enter the newspa per business at another loca tion. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neai Pen land, are living In Portland where he U working and plan to enter Portland State College in the fall. Mrs. Bob Penlanda father Is In failing health In Portland, and they planned to go to be near him af-er leaving here. WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE . . . . . . that wo have purchased Stefani's Fine Foods in lone and are now open for business, ready to serve you. Wo have employed an experienced and expert chef to provide the finest foods at reasonable prices. We will have luncheon specials Mondays through Saturdays and meals will be served until 1:00 a.m. in the lounge. We cordially invite everyone to come in and enjoy the atmosphere of our restaurant and lounge. YARNEIL'S (FORMERLY STEFANI'S) I0NE. OREGON Alton and Mil Yarned I BAM (? Ibegotjs here! AIL THE m Diniiv ItlUIII ! ilfJIK Lj nf school Skirts and Sweaters By Tami and Graff . ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS $995 to $1495 Stretch Capris By Tami and Graff - SIZES 6 TO 20 IN ASSORTED COLORS $95 Nyion Quiited Corduroy Coats VJAVVINC I J IM K LENGTHS REVERSABLE SIZES TO 20 SIZES 8 TO 20 W5 10 1795 1795 t02195 Bachelor Girl WE OFFER HOSE Free Alterations 2 Pr' '1.25 To All Our Fine Customers FOR MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO QUEEN JUDY SHERER Sponsored By MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO ASSOCIATION 1 4 Lv SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 WE GIVE S4H GREEN STAMPS Mi Ladies Apparel PS. 678-5561 AUCE AND GRACE HEPPNER ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON MI Pavilion Heppner MUSIC BY DANCING 10 To 2 ' SUPPER SERVED The Road Kuinritrs I La Grande