Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 12, 1965, Page 8, Image 8

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    KXrritCM CAXCTTE TIMC3. ThurdJT. Aagwtt It 11
Merchants and Board Buy
Fair, Rodeo Decorations
lleppner's downtown district U
king a gala atmoaphere
laktnif a eala
mult of the decorations coins
up for lair and roco season.
Merchants and the fair board
have Joined to purchase decor
attona that not only festoon the
streets hut adorn Individual
butlness house a welL
The fair board contributed
S.V10, the cot of 18 streamers for
the streets. Three of thou have
flag bearing the rodeo date,
and two of them are placed at
entrances to town.
The thirteen other have do
algns for either the fair or
Businesses have purchased
their own decorations, and vtr.
tuallv U business In town
responded when a Chamber of
Commerce committee called on
them, Randall Peterson, presi
dent. Mid.
Each store has the responsl
hility of putting up and caring
for Its own decorations, he said,
but a number of businesses have
aald that they would like to hire
the work done. This would aeem
Teams Practice
For East-West
Game August 21
The Pendleton Hound Vp sta
dium on the evening of Auut
21 will be the jK-rnt cf the llth
annual Shrine All Star lat
Vet football cl4le between
outstanding l lrcgon high
school team graduates from A-2
and B achouls located eat and
went of the Cascade.
The came 1 sponstred an
nually bv the Shrine cluba of
ti.,.A iht i uill nrmn la he Eastern Oreeon fur the benefit
. . ...... - - - ....H i
considerably lea expensive tnan 01 we svnrinrrs viui-i mm
like a good opportunity fur
youths or aome youth organlia
tlon. Anv Interested ar Invited
to contact merchants where dec
oratlona are not already on dis
play. The merchants' decorations
cost about another OH), mak
ing the total in decoration aome
SirnO. Sin these will le re-
lalned from year to year. It U
contractlns with a firm to In
Matt decorations each ear.
Work of hanging the decora
tions was done by Columbia
Bain Electric Co op. and ivter
son emphasized that this help
Is very much appreciated.
Decorations were abtalned
throuch the fair board and
Chamln-r of Commerce for the
merchants at cost. Peterson
Clair Cox. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Cox. Is visiting wt'h his
parents this week from torval
lis. He operates Clair Cox Realty
AUGUST 18-21
Umatilla County Fairgrounds
rena Hospital at ivruana, io
which cause the game Is dedi
cated. On August R. both team re
ported for training. The East
team I quartered at La Grande
and the West team conducted
its drill at Pendleton. Roth Kast
Team Head Coach Arnold lw.
is of Vale and hi aslsstant. Milt
IHirand of t'matllla. have coach,
ed In previous East West con
test but make no claim that
their eomhinel experience will
give the East any edge this year. J h
According to the record, the
West ha been the vMor In the
last two trie and West's head
coach. Jim l"orter of Hood River,
and hi assistant. Charles Hal
stead of Oakland, declare that
they are going to try their best
to make it three wins in a row.
Both coaching staffs are en
couraged fcy prospects of cooler
weather In Eastern Oregon, and
Intensive drill session should
get under wav without a httch
the dav following the reporting
Aug. 21. 10 AM.
4-H Exhibits
Cowboy Breakfast
Each Day
4-H Style Btnv
Umatilla Horse Games
Fair Follies
Flower and Crop Displays
Livestock Showmanship
Patient who were admitted to
Pioneer Memorial hospital dur
ing the past week, and are still
receiving care, are the follow
ing: Shirley Wagner. Heppner;
Lilly Ann Reeder. Pilot Rock,
and Patricia Mayall. Condon.
Those who had received care,
and have been dismissed, are
the following: Catherine Emcrt.
lone; Marion Templeton. Spray,
and William Mahon. Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burken
bine. Heppner are parents of a
third son. born Thursday. Aug
ust 5. His birth weight was 7
lbs.. 10 oz.. and ha been named
Arthur William. He loins two
brothers at home, Mike and
Larry. Maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Case,
Heppner; great grandparents are
Mrs. Mary Case, Independence,
and Partcg Parseglan, Salem;
paternal grandmother Is Mrs.
Herb Case, Poulsbo. Wn., and
great grand mot hers are Mrs. Jes
sie Griffith, and Mrs. Marlon
Hayden, both of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parton,
Kinzua. are welcoming their
first child, a son, born Saturday.
August 7. He has been named
James Edward, and at birth
weighed 7 lbs., Vt oz. Maternal
grandfather is Dosna Martin,
Kinzua, and paternal grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Part
on. Bryson City, N. D.
: ) (
f 1
9htr et Mrs. Dortha Vorus of
La Grand, will reian over
the Shrine Cast-West football
game at Pendleton on Satur
day night August 21.
Mothers of Two
Taken by Death
Mother of Mrs. Kenneth
(Ruby) Moser, owner of the
Wagon Wheel Cafe, and Mrs.
Lillian tTillie) Ellison, who
works at the Cafe, died within
a space of IS days and carh of
the women left to attend fun-
eral services.
Mrs. Vina Mattox. mother of
Mrs. Moser. died In Oklahoma
City. Okla.. on July 14 and fun-
eral sen ices for her were July
16. Mrs. Moser flew there from
Portland and Just recently re
turned to Heppner.
Mrs. Sophia Thleman, 75,
mother of Mrs, Ellison, died
Sunday. August 1, In a Pendle
ton hospital, and funeral serv
ices for her were In Hermlston
last Thursday at Burns mortu
ary. Mrs. Ellison returned here
Monday night
Each of the mothers had been
111 for about a year. This was
the second death In the family
for Mrs. Moser in two months.
Death of her brother occurred
In Oklahoma City in June, and
she also went back at that time
for his funeral.
worth your wait in
wMMSwr - -- - it I t .III 11
Chevrolet Imp
Sport Coup.
You couldn't pick a better time than now to buy a Chevrolet!
Plenty of beautiful driving weather ahead, and your Chevrolet
dealer is making allowances for your old car that are
even more beautiful. Come drive a great deal.
Corvak Mom
Sport Coup.
i the tl
Ho. 1 buy on the Mo. 1 ears,
rmxrv rcua
a,..-. - . v'v' 1 CHEVROLET
nun w .ffn v jt i prNirn
ii, zr'
Chevet Malibu
Sport Coup.
Fullefitii Chevrolet Company
Queen Judy's
Coronalion Due
tContinued from pae 11
Heppner rodeo when five )rat
l 1. winning many titiMn in
fair and h4e hv, Mte ha
leen antve In the lone 4 II
Saddle Horse rlub. aerMng a
president fr two )ears and a
lunior leader.
In 4 II fair competition. h
has wtn reserve champion
horsematuhlp and grand chant-
Ion howmanhlp rlbtMtns and
n I'.Hwl won grand champion
horsemanship, all at the county
fair, and received a second in
rsmietition at the State Fair
that ear.
Judy was an active and pop-
&t...l..M a Itl.,1. a.'!,. tail
Her favorite hobbles, benldes
riding, hae Included reading
and darning. She was Sweet
heart II lniw fur her imIkhiI In
liHU: was Homeswning rlnces
In liu'vl and was IToin yuen
In r.'l. Site held mveral high
Mh. ml idticca, Including class
lce president two years; class
secretary treasurer; class reHrt
er; annual editor two yrari; as
sistant paper editor; student
council three years; ! iwsl-
dent and prekident of Glts'
league; cheerleader and major
ette two years.
Ion Implement but none was
Sheriff flauman said that
there are few clues to go on In
attempting l lv ,h r
Ince no fingerprints were found
and no other evidence left.
Lexington Firms
Hit by Prowlers
Prowlers entered four Lexing
ton business establishments
Monday night and took money
totaling about $1), Sheriff
C. J. t. Bauman said Wednes
Biggest loser was Tadberg
Machinery Co, where about $115
was reported missing. Ixlng
ton Implement Company lost
some petty cash, believed to be
about $3. the sheriff said. Noth
ing was found missing at the
Lexington cale or at Lexington
Oil Co op.
Entrance at the oil coopera
tive was obtained by breaking
out a rear window, and glass
from a rear door was broken at
Padberg Machinery Co. At the
cafe a padlock and latch were
twisted off the north door. En
trance apparently was made
through a window at Lexlng-
Sea It Ik treltteaet Its-
etk," it kai koa 4l4. Aa4 tMi It rret.
"The Mventh day it the Sot-bath of th Lord thy Cod,"
the Blle toys. And thit H tfvrt
Wkat 4 Iktte t tfeUmtatt etef
For centult the Chriitton chuah hat nvukti the
firtt day of the wtvk ot a day of !. The churth doet
not profttt thut it it the Sotboth of the command ment.
Rather, the ! doy hat been obtervtd In memory of
the returmtion of Chnt, Ko wot cruol.td en FfiJoy,
the "day of pftporotion" occordmfl to oocinf Ji.h tutom,
rtvttd In the tomb on the teventh, or So! both day, ond
rove a v-ktodout cooojueror otr death on the fvtt day
of the ek, or Sunday.
And thit first day, thit new talbath named by man,
hat become the heart of the Chntttun religion. Yet it
hat no foundation In the Bible, without which there would
be no Chriitioo religion. Sunday cbtervance It boted en
tirely on tradition!
It tkere eeaier tket CkrUt'i werWt. feewd la Mark
7:9, mikt If e Ckriitieat t4yt "full wH fejert
Ike cemmeir ef 04, tket ye esey keee year ewe
tre.iti.a.- Or U Mark 7;7t "la vele do tkey wnklp me,
teeckiaa fer 4etrlaet tke tmmn4mlt ef men,"
for forth otcutfon of thit tub
cf orxf the origin of Sunday of
a day of reif, tend kt the coupon
beW. No obligation. No one will
toll on you.
P. O. Box 372
Pleave tend me your FREE booklet entitled "God't Holy Doy.
Name n
f&fffih 1
! I
x Swvik reduced!
'! r special group J
H J (Tli of Lady !
! f shirrs now J
fSf n 2 for $5 j
XyU r I REG 2,98 1
V I f V y iX J Always a great buy at regular '
I ' 'VirN prices . . . now REDUCED for a I
, rvS. limited time onlyl Long sleeve J
' , Xzl'ljl cotton oxfords I Roll sleeve
A JJ j styles In cottons, easy-care I
f ! ' Ts I cotton, "cotton rice clothe"!
k fw. , ' ' ' - Jt I Dacron polyster and '
' fJi V 1$ I 10 florals, bold paisleys I
I V 11 Provincial prints. 8 to 18. I
Heppner, Oregon