i utttniu CAirrrx TiMEi Thursday- ft it m Rodeo Directors Make Final Plans For Show Hixlro illrrclors. armb1tne for their tinal wgular mwUn before tr.s 13GS ktow. W.sln day rtlfhl worked out detail that rMtl to b done tfor the riMleo Is ireented. Jo Daley. IVndleton. ho will b announwr ft the how. was present ta bevtime acquainted with the dim-tors and work out hi plana. He volunteered to help arrange radio Interview with some i4 those who will be competing In the rodeo in order to stimulate Interest In the event. . , , , Ulwtor Charley Daly said that two trophies have been add ed to the lit of those already announced. Including a breat collar bv Cray Saddlery for All-Around Cowboy, and a pair of chap for first place In sad die brone rtdinfi. also by Gray" Saddlery. t , Daly alo ald that Episcopal women will have charge of con cession at the main grandstand and are preparlne to do a Rood job on It. The American Lesion concession will be at another location. A new concession tand also has been built by the buck aroo stand, he said. E. H. (Tad) Miller said that Rose City sound ha been en Raced to handle sound equip ment again after fine service over the past several years. Eric Muehlelsen will be back as clown with ood reports on hi work also. Director Ray French outlined plan for help on the chutes and handling the stock, and other details were worked out on tlnv inc. cleaning the stands before and after the shows, working the field prior to the rodeo, and sim- liar matter Several of the director will U on hand nuklna Anal prep aration during fair week, lruil cation are that tht year r deo will have a bumper crop of entries, and one of the lartet crowd In year 1 expected to be In attendance. Howard Johnson of Condon 111 f urnih rleo Mock for thl year's show. Coach to Issue Football Gear Weather mav not cem like It. but football season Is Jut around the corner. Coach Jim Sutherland. Just back from summer school at the University of Oregon where he took work towards a masters degree. Wednesday announced that football equipment will be issued to Hcppner Men school football players on Friday and Saturday. August 20 and 21. All players. Including fresh men. are asked to pick up their equipment. It will be Issued on August 20 from 9 am. until noon and from 7 to 9 p.m. On August 21 It will be Issued from 1 to 5 P-m. First practice will be on Mon day. August 23. In general, the pre school practice schedule will be from 8 to 10 a.m. and from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The first high school football game will be against Pilot Rock here on Sep tember 10. three days after school's start. Check Our for Shoe S alle FOR Back to School SHOES WE HAVE ADDED MORE SHOES TO CHOSE FROM ONTY' Saddles Await Rodeo Winners v- i- f j - - "'P ''" -:jf ir P I f i: l ' I .......... 4 $J i . - . -Li i.! rnsTOM.MADE SADDLE, mounted on a bug mechanical bronco, a Lumber Jack. Is , lrKlJ bjr Li-1. f s n ' 1 .li-r- :: sv: - I 'P )'r j TvJ ' ... v - p WP-)k i - n " ,-; v i ' .' L A iff , r; Mi i', - i. a mm a i. l fCJ V;v c - w I y- - i I Rodeo Parade Offers Prizes Totaling $475 T..U1 pil t HT5 In f lt ate llrred f" the annual Mr low eouiity i1h parade, whUn Mill te at U am. on Saturday, Aupt-t ;H. Kamlsll IVtrrnon. choli man, announce. Fnttlf of all Vln.U are In Uih Mith a pe1al rmphaU on children enlile Anv ountf. ter mav take part. IVlcrwm iHitnt out. ant n 1 the time to get ready for the parade. le lit for children' entrle are a follow: Children float. hnt $7. second V third -t Hiding club. tlrt J7. second IVt entrle. trl $7 M. second t- third .Vt. Youngest cowboy, DM Youngest cowgirl. lllrvtle dlvllon. fut f7.V sec nil. t A Trlcvtle division. flrt i-Mimd .Vt. rU-si Juvenile eotthov coktuine. tint $A, sec ond It.Vl. IU luvenlle cowgirl costume. firt $. eond M. Float aln-adv confirmed for the parole Include the from the following: HermUton Cham her of Commerce. Navy rtTult Ing of IVndleton. Happy Can yon of IVndleton. Columbia It in Fleet rle Co-op. Union I'arlfle mlnlAture raliroaa irain. .-vhi-i- llmlst club ami unm iiaur Siuadnm. Condon. Other enlrle conurmeo u dale Include: Main Street low tH, IVndleton Hound t'p court. Umatilla Fair court, naicm o.iu tat .a a In I. limit I.ieiiallen and lleppner High rU hod band. ii....... .. llirt narailit Is "11)0 Go.! Old Iay" and I ho plan- rtr l enter are aneti m -sign their float around thl theme. . . , Anyone needing further Infor mation t Invited to call lVt- n tliTO ICUH. Mi advance ap plication U needed to enler. Contractor Works On City Streets IVrcv F- Jellum. Inc.. contract i. of IVndleton started work in "llenpner Wednesday on tho iir.ft M-imir firogram. Thev loft no time In getting In to the Job. and It appearru -nelav that they would have the hulk t.f the program completed bv Thursday night. City Super intendent Vic Oroshen said. ,Sime 16 street were luted for receiving from one to three lift of nsphalttc paving. Included on the Job were two big; dump truck, an oil truck and a power roller. . . Jellum won the contract on low bid at a total cost of approx imately $IK0. t pttncton FIRMS hove lolned to donate a beauUful handmade saddle as the first trophy tot SSSaffAllSSW ? cS,bor. new award to be mada at the Morrow counbj ; xa Aug SsHSSSSSSsstw: aaassv-f as HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU'VE HAD A SUIT THAT REALLY FITS? IT IS OUR PLEASURE to show without obligation 500 distinctive Imported and domestic fabrics FOR CUSTOM SUITS OUTERCOATS AND SPORTSWEAR Antl Western Suits WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18 You can select from 600 of tho world's finest wcavca . . . Year round Buitingn . . . Lighter weight tropical and blend containing sillc or dacron . . . Sportcoatings and many other will bo on display for you to choOBO from. If you are ono of those fellow who can't fit into a etock suit without major alteration a Custom Tailored Suit to your riwn measurement ia your an swer. Make a date today to get a perfect fit and t ready for any occasion. Gardner's Men's Wear Coihes Tailored by . V. Pflct S Co. mmous rot wa, n't ano vawi i We've got something to glow about. EVERYTHING IT TAKE5 IU iwnc A BEAUTIFUL FACE 2 it aevion & w ALL BY We couldn't be mora pleasedl Now we're got all the Be,. cosmetic. To-. beea asldng for. All th. tot lips and fingertips-AU the prettr-maldng Bevlon malceup. and .Wa treatments. Berlon car. lor your hair. Eevlon luxuries tot your bath. How pretty - i tAnt rm4 seel jftn you geir wbh We Give S&H Green Stamps Ph. 676-9610 MURRAY REXALL DRUGS (Formerly Humphrey's