ntrrxz tuinrt-TiMti thn&r. Atm t. " Choti From Your Homo Agent What-to-Wear Program Held for 4-H Club 6irls st cc.xka crcscs 'How can a Ctrl have rice clothe and Mill be poorly drews ,vlT Many answer to tnle no ills were stven bv 4 H RtrU at tending "What To Wear" lay at lone 4ulv 29 Kor example, she could have nice garments which are poorly matched, tic perhaps they are not flattering to her Individual aire and coloring or maybe the effect Is destroyed by her poor Rroomlng or posture or loo much make up!! Main topic for the promm waa clothing selection. Colored lldes were used to Illustrate "optical Illusion" created by line. coK. and design In drem and accessories Likewise tlpa for effective color combination were discussed. In addition to discussion of the above topic led by County Extension Agent Donna Oocpu, the Eirls practiced Rood posture, walking and modeling. Three older 4-H clothing members, Susan Drake. Joan Stockard. and Margaret Green ably Instructed the younger girls In this. Ask i I II clothing member and she can tell you I II cloth ing projects mean more than Just sewing. While it Includes sewing skills, members also study good grooming, careful selection of pattern and fabric and management of clothing money. The program was attended by 4-H members, mothers, leaders and visitors. Those present In cluded Mrs. Ewald Riteer. Mrs. Floyd Hobbs, Ricky and Tammy Snyder. Vicky Hobbs. Frances McDonald and Betty Rifter (all mm Trrlrrnn 1 find a CoODer. Janet Cento. Mona Marshall,; . . Dm. I Mrs. Kacnaei narneu. mra. ton Clark, Nonda Clark, Mrs. Paul Arbogast and Mrs. John Privctt (Heppner); Mrs. Roland Bergstrom, Carley and Shauma Bcrgstrom. Mrs. Louis Carlson and Cherri, Martha Peterson. Mrs. James Pettyjohn and Linda. Mrs. Bill Fawlins and Carol, (lone.) 4-H Dormitory Applications Open; Chape rones Sought The 4-H dormitory on the Mor row County Fairgrounds will again operate during the 1965 talr. August 23-26. Beds and mattresses are provided; young sters are to bring their own bed ding. There will be no charge for these facilities. The building, constructed last year. Is planned for convenience of 4-H members participating In more than one day of fair ac tivities. It is especially useful to livestock exhibitors who like to remain near their animals. Oth er 4 H members will find it handy if they participate In evening programs such as dress revues or morning avwvurw when transportation between home and fair might be diffi cult A letter describing dorm pol icies, hours, etc.. has been sent to 4-H members living outside of Heppner. Those who wish to stay at the dorm are asked to contact the county extension of fice before August 16. First pref erence will be given youngsters living the greatest distance from Heppner. Improvements in the dormi tory since last year Include towel racks, a new partition dividing the boys' and girls sides, and a clothes rack for the girls side. ; Adult chaperones will be in charge of the dormitory. One man and one woman chaperone will be needed each night the dorm is in operation. While per sons have volunteered to chap erone part of the time, others temptress that store new .ft... " , far, iDATSUfli , u'tl nredcMl lor the remain ing time, rarent. 4-H leaders or other who are willing to chaperone so the dorm can oper ate on remaining nights are akd to call the County Kxten Kttui Of (ice. IF STARCH STICKS TO VOIR IRON, rub the cooled sole Plate with a cloth sprinkled with bak ing soda. Spray starch may ball up or flake If you use too much. Spray lightly and hold the can 12 or more Inches from the fabric to get a fine mist. Sticking Is also a sign that the Iron was not at the right temp erature before you started Iron Ing. CARE Or RANGE FOOD FILTXR5 Recent discussion of Improve ments for the 4 II leaders Snack Shack at the Morrow County fairgrounds called mv attention to this Item about home kitchen range care: The filter In the hood should be washed once o month or more often If a lot of frying Is done. Remove the filter, douse It wp and down In hot suds. Then rinse under running hot water. When the filter mesh becomes clogged, greasy air is prevented from flowing outside. Instead It is dispersed in the air and set ties on kitchen walls and curt ains. Engineers Plan For Water Study; Hearing Slated (From Condon Globe-Times) Tk ?I Armv Cftrm of En- gineers Intends to make a three year study of a nlne-county area of Eastern Oregon, and four of ihA rnunties are Gilliam. Wheel- er. Morrow and Sherman. The study would Include the possibilities of damming certain mrtinni nf th Jnhn Dav River and its tributaries to benefit the area- Such proposed oenenis would include hydroelectric projects, irrigation and flood control as well as for only rec reational and fishing Denenis. The Corps of Engineers In the past has only been authorized to develop irrigation and hydro electric projects. Only recently have thev been authorized to develop flood control, fishing and recreational spots. According to the Corps this area is one of the most virgin areas in the United States for water control development. They claim that there are only 25 acres that are either in dam or lake area. The Corps intends to hold a public hearing in the Veteran's Memorial Hall In Condon at 2 p.m. October 22 to hear sugges tions from local citizens. A sim ilar hearing will be held In John Day on October 21. Judge James O. Burns of Gilliam county said that he intends to conduct a hearing of Interested citizens sometime in September after harvest so that they can meet with the Corps representatives with some sort of unified sug gestions. No firm plans have yet been made by tne ixrps on xne leg ibility of any dams for this area tn rrunt tn Conn-ess. However. on their tentative maps they have indicated mat mere are a number of dam possibilities, principally in Grant county. STUNNERS Co ahead. Stare awMa. Everybody does whenlheyfint feast their orbs on this hot new dual-carb tiger by Datsun. - ... ... t , . . ...Ml I k J M,alfr ll imtl LOOKS IllCe It S mOVing JUl lUaiUlU lUill nuu rran. vr sUdo Into the plush, fully Instrumented coclcpit, Ignite the C.I jAI.Iu rA mwn,illnnVlr makes even a simple trip to the adventure in fun! The Quality-Minded Line for Eeonomy IATSUN SPMTI C dtllvtrs fully aqulpped wlttu (SOWS, irip MIUTi LKMUif riwt wwwi, ' '-T; Towii Cow. EJlctrle Wlpwi. WlrxJthltld Wh.r, WSW Tire, D.lu Whetl OIKS, WMtksrlzM Top, Turn Signal, OuUISO Mirror ind Undr cottlnt. h; . ; LOOK IT OVER-YOU CANT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK ITI CHARLIE KIK BOAT COMPANY Tour Datsun Dealer HEBMXSTON-McNABY HIGHWAT ECEHISTON. OBEGON Morrew Ceatf ClOf WLATlttl SUMMAIY Foe Wee Sawiia jit w (CocnplUd by Owm Cw and Uvtor)i RpitiW vtc. V. S. DefKBtmwit 4 Af rtotltar. "Portland). Sptt rata barrest uswUt way m lisatet set! md tU ma. Toll ri tarrit U wU undsrwoY tram LM lBto north. Weather Jt tUltUO. wtU b t full swun comln week, TmI welflht high. Seat bar 6woiied trees rata and local nooaut. i MoadoT l4ht and P"?4"T grain barreat. ApproxUna'T iOO too hay M uttei Cwk In Morrow County oaxnaaea tT flash flooding. $ ball dam aw amount and esteot not known, Craia barest U about IS to tO perceat completed. Record 4-H Club Participation Slated at Fair Participation In 4 H events at the 15 Oregon Centennial State Fair will likely set new records, reports Burton S. Hut ton. Oregon State University state 4 H club leader. More 4-H members than ever are expected to take part In the state's tiggest show this year because earlier fair dates don't conflict with school Hutton ex plains. State Fair dates are Aug ust 29 through September 6. While 4 11 club members and leaders will be helping the State Fair observe it 10th birthday, they will also be marking the 60ih year of 4-H club work In Oregon. Hutton points out. State Fair, the climax of the 4-H club year, has long been an Important part of the 4-H club program. fact observed by Gov. Mark O. Hatfield when he noted that throughout the past 60 years "these youths have , helped maKe me wKun ran truly great educational experi ence for young ana oia ne. This year, the displays of 4-H i.inK u-nrk will tm even more at tractive to the fair-goer and eas ier for both young and old to see. thanks to new exhibit facil ities in the 4-H exhiDit duuo ing. Hutton notes. New display kiilno installed which u-ni nnaht an elub members to better tell the story of their 1 work in such projects an ento mology, geology, conservation, knitting and forestry. A new wool exhibit, an area which has been receiving a nrmi'inn numher nf entries each year, has been designed to bet- j tec reflect that phase of the. state's economy, Hutton adds. I This year. State Fair visitors will see the best work done by more than 35.000 Oregon young people between a ana is. m most young people ever to par ticlpate in the off-campus youth education program of Oregon State. Hutton emphasizes. In addition to exhibits, on view throughout the fair, the public can see 4-H'ers In action during such events as food prep aration contests, meal prepara tion contests, three style revues, livestock Judging, showmanship contests and demonstrations. Boys on All-Stars Two boys playing on the American Little League All Stars in The Dalles are children of former Heppner residents. Phil Bisset, pitcher, is son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bisset (Hazel Bymer), and Chris Rippee. Is son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rippee. The Americans defeated the Wil low Creek Little Leaguer's 6 to 4, In the tournament at The Dalles July 24. $2540 J3i. - Mlnded People Mdlo. HtiUr, Vrt Bureau to Talk Property Taxes Propty t ru'l O0" will be one of the msin tn diM-usMrtl at the Farm Pureau conference set for August and ft. at Pend. Oregon. aiTurdlnf to Harold Heactv, president of the ursanUatlun. . Mu thai a) county Farm Bureau ",preen latlve will be on hand fr tne two-day confereno dealgned to study resolutions on matter at- fecttng agriculture. Beach said the areas of study U.-....M h 4i. 1. let Into special committee alignments covering National Fann ITigram; lub lie Affair and Farm Labor; hd tea 1 ion; Natural iuurcr; Taxation State Farm ITograms; TranrtatUn: and State and Frnleral Affairs. Resolutions hae ben pro posed on subject covering the above areas, and the purpose of the session will be to arrange the wording of like resolutions and to clarify the meaning of ot her. Represent atlve t r 0 m each county will be on hand to explain the background of thevr Individual reoluttim and to aid in framing them for statewide consideration. Beach said no decision on adoption of the resolution would be made at thla meeting. The completed resolution will be sent back to the County Farm Bureau for member voting be fore being adopted or rejected at the convention In November. The Farm Bureau president said the major area of concern lies In the property tax field and that speakers and specialists will discuss possible ways of al leviating rural property taxes which have reached confiscatory levels In some areas. The meetings are open to the public and all Interested person are invited to attend. S perry Reunion Set Annual reunion of the Sperry family will be at Hat Rock State Park nit un1av. AuCUSt 22. There will be a notluck picnic at noon, ah irienos 01 me iam ily are also given a cordial In vltation to attend. FOR MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO Princess USANI McCOY Sponsored By ' if THE TILLICUM CLUB ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON Public Notice calls roil pids roi RIDGE IPA! NOTICE U hereby gen that the City tt Heppner. IHrgon. will receive bid at the Council Chambers for the repair of the i i ihe Intersection Vl Cannon and KUk SurcU. Specification mV t obtain ed at City 1111. Heppner. Ore eon All bids mut be In the pwi. Miller Receives Pomona Award BOAKDMAN-Jlm Miller, son of Mr. and Mr. Russell Miller. wa presented with P tu Hton scholarship at Pomona Grange Saturday night at the Lexington (.range halt. It U for any college of hi choice, and was presented bv Ola Ruggle of Heppner. Home Economics club chlrmn for the th dis trict. Mr. Miller was preent atso. a wa Mr. W. G. Sj-e- halcr from Boa rvl man. ana m. John I'hllllp. whose triplet daughter. Beta. Neta and Teen, presented three numbers In song and dance. Mr. Bob Slcard will be hos- ..... r.ir m mlieellaiieou BhoWCf at h home August 9 at 8 p m In honor of tnw wnu. bride-elect of Ronald Larvlk. Friends are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. IV I me r Holt and two children of Kalama. n. were week end visitors at the home of Mr. Holt's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr. W. G. See hafer. Mr. LaVern Tartlow and Mr. Zoe Billings went to La Grande Tuesday to visit overnight at the home of Mr. Partlow . son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kress. On two weak vocation from the First National Bank. Hepp ner Branch. Is Jack Locke. He and his family planned to spend the first part of the vacation at Pacific City with friends. V ! SATURDAY, Fair Pavilion Heppner MUSIC BY 'AVO PENDLETON later than fx) o'tlk TM. .... i.. a I'ifA ai which lime lb bids will ttttened and rvnaldered by the .i .j ..ii r-iiv. Said City leaerve tn tight to . j A .11 I.I U ttter any nu l)ATi thU Nh dy of Aug. Wt. ISHA . nam jv ,v City Kenedrr, llei.pner, tre6n none or hhal ittAimo NOTICE W IUUKBY (UVKN that the undersigned, as admin Utrator of the estate of Katie M Inert, decratrd. ha filed his final account and report In said etat with Cleik of the Court of Morrow County and that the Judge thereof ha fled Monday, the 2-kd of Augu.t. IIK at the hour of 10 o'clock a m a the time In the County Court Room In the County Court House at Heppner, Oregon, ai the place for hearing exception and ob jection to said final account and the settlement them. Ob jection to ld final account For Weed Spraying-Dusting-Fertilixing-Seeding drt or uooro rt-muxt. Af fucation. STANDARD Ol K1CH DENSITY MM APrUCATIOW. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phono 989-8422 . i ... m I I 'Aim f g. AUGUST should be filed on or MlJ dale- . n miuiis AdmlnUtratof WtNTW AND BALFE Atlotnev at Law Heppner, tfrcgon nonce or ritAL MtAimo u.vtf.f i iiinilBV GIVEN 1 V ' I t " that the undersigned, ns admin- UUU i4 th -" .... ., .a .. filed hi ram. m- --- , .i. final accent and report In i ( iM ratate with Cleik of the Court f Morrow County and that the Judk-e there n; V the h day ofAugust 1"5. at ht hour of 10 o clock am, as the time In the County uurt Boom In the Cunty ourt l ouse at Heppner. Oregon, a the place f,w hearing eption and oo jJcttoni t s.a final ind the settlement thereof. Ob )it,m to said final account ih.n.ld be filed on of bef"r said date, JIM BARNETT Admlnlitratwf WINTER AND BALFE Attornes at Law Heppner, Oregon W Spraying CALL OH HflEL DOVER Owner Gar Aviation 7 DANCING 10 To 2 SUPPER SERVED