Parish Hall Sccno Of Party Honoring Miss L Deardorff Ml trrna tvardorff. lirlde. In I f Jhn Cleveland, was jtr1il warmly ly friends here I pre nuirflal fty Katurriay afternoon. July 17. at the rjla ropal parish hall. Aorwrijwiny In- her wm hrt rrwthrr, fttra. Ilrurw Dranlorff of Mulalla. Atut S ixraona were present lit etrnd thrlr compliments to the honor ituof ami shower her with many lovely hrl-tal elfts, Marriage lana for the couple have ten announted (or taiur day. Aupust 21. at the 1rst McthodlM church In Oregon Utv. Two trio numbers, "I-ove la A Many .".plrndrred Thing." and My Rest to You, were present ed lv a ladles' trio. Mr. Dick I'atne, Mrs. Jay Wheelhouse and MUa Tarn Wilkinson, arcompan led by Ma. ttmll Cmahen liMktrMMa fur the afternoon were Mrs. Jamra llcaly. Mm, l-rltoy Cardner and Mra. Dirk Wilkinson. Their floral decor atlona on the servln table and about i ha rooms carried out the rhcmrn wedding color, blue and while. Attrartlvt Ice cream molds Ifi keeping with a wed ding thrme were served with dainty rok lea. coffee, tra and punrh. ITrllln at the punrh bowl was Mra. Dcardorff. mothrr of the honor ir unit. Mra. Howard Cleveland. mothc of the groom to be. unnl coffee and tra. Miss Nancy Cleveland asaUt ed Miss Deardorff In the open Inn of hrr Rlfta. with Mlwa Pam Wilkinson and Leora Van Winkle helping about the ruomi. Coming from out of town were Mra. Paul Webb. Sr.. mother of Mra. Cleveland; Mrs. Taul Webb. Jr. Mra, Harry Mora and Mary. Mra. Cordon MrWough and Julie all of Walla Walla Wn. and Mra Tom Vaughn and Julie of I mil lot on ntrrnt gazcttc-timm. Tbuiad. August . ms MOIETY Wad. Tbur. TiL. Aug. 4S- GIRL HA FfY f.lvla brines his beat to the bearh! I'lua WORLD WITHOUT SUM Underwater plrture. Sot. and Sun.. Aug. 7-1 MAJOR DUNDEE A story of the Great South west, Marring Charlton Ilea ton. riua APACHE RlttXS Starring Audle Murphy. Tues Aug. 10 fUS A Car THE 8 WINCIM' MAIDEN riua 1) FRIGHTENED GIRLS Wtd, ThurM Trt Aug. ll-ll-lJ GET TOURSELT A COLLEGE GIRL Watusl, Swim. Dog. The Monkey, the Frog. riua THE PLEASURE SEEKERS Where do good little girls go when they want to be bad? GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON hi Hi. J T i 1 i I I I , J I ; k -i I 4 r ' r r ' A 'x V 1 T K MRS. FRANK HAMLIN Mrs. Homlin Named District President At Auxiliary Meet Mra. Frank Hamlin and Mra. IHlov Mnnkera returned laat week from Albany, where they attended the American Legion and Auaillary State Convention aa delegatea of the lleppner Auxiliary I "oat o. H7. Mra Hamlin, who aerved on the reolutton and memN-rahlp rommliteea, waa In-rtalled as Ulatrlrt No. 6 president In a Saturday aftcrnmin ceremony. The Ittrlrt ireented her with a white orchid corsage. Mra M linker. department secretary for the Child Welfare Commlmtlon. attended, anang with Mra. Hamlin, all four days of the 47th annual conclave. It was highlighted by surh events as the Joint Legion and Auxiliary banquet, held inurs Hv eveninc. honoring iM-nt. Commander Ray Wilton and tk-ni iTrnl.leni Mrs. Pi-arl unK of Athena with Gov. Mark Hat- field as the main speaker. The lleppner delegates were i..rv imnrc.ud with the Drum and Bugle Corps contest Friday evening at the Albany Mem orial Stadium, which was pre ceded by a chicken bartx-cue. Newly elected department auxiliary officers Include Mrs. Colleen Grocer of The Dalles, president; Miss Nancy Ktrpat rick. Lebanon, first vice presl dent, and Mrs. Klma Gower. Cannon Bench. scond vice president. Annual Grange Picnic Planned for Sunday At a meeting of the Rhea Creek Grange Home Economic club, held recently at the home of Mra. Evelyn Farrena with Mrs. Hannah Anderson as co hosievs. plans were made to hold the annual Grange picnic on Sunday. August H, at the Anson Wright Memorial rark. The potluck picnic for members and friends will begin at 1:30 P Ail Grangers celebrating birth days during the months of July, August and September will be honored that afternoon. KSa" pa6t Buttercup , $jj75 Place Setting "Something from the Jeweler's. Is always something special." ... , JEWELERS Store Hours 9 JL M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER 5 OR6BN Kinzua Girl is Drido Of Lcc Bogle Sunday At Church Ceremony KINZUA Wedding vows were e hanged Sunday afternoon at the Fotial! Baptlat church when Mlaa Charmlan L. Adama of Kin-ri-a tiecame the bride of Lee Alan lkgle of Milton rreewater. lion Davis of IPmmI River offlcl. aled at the double ring service. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. W. C. Freeman and O. L. Adams of Klniua and the groom la the aon of Mr. and Mra. Orval Bgl of MUton Freewatee. Given In marriage by her step, father. W. C Freeman, the bride wore a street length gown of Iieau de-aole. fashioned with eweld neckline and long point ed aleevea. A lined laco panel extended from neck to hem. Her houlder length veil was held In place by a pearl crown. She tarried a shower arrangement at white daisies. Her gown waa made by Mrs. bogle. The maid of honor was Mlsa Pamela J. Russell of Bend who wore a street length dress of yellow dotted awlss over satin. She wore a yellow bow head, piece and yellow accessories and carried an arrangement of paint ed daisies. Dennis Carter of Beaverton served as best man and Fred Lang ley of Mllton Freewater and Konald Brlsbols of Spray were the vshera. The vows were exchanged be fore an altar decorated with tall baskets of painted daisies. Mrs. Robert Kelso played the wedding marches ana a special numbe -All The Way" for the bride and groom. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Freeman chose a beige metallic Jersey sheath with white accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Bogle, mother of the groom, appeared In a two piece green print silk dress with beige accessories and a white carna tion cirsage. The young couple greeted their many friends and relatives at a reception Immediately fol lowing In the basement social rooms of the church. A large five-tiered cake topped with wedding bells centered the serv ing table. After, the traditional first slice was cut by the newly weds. Miss Sharon Glascock of Vale and Miss Candy Adams of Spray cut and served the cake. Pouring punch was Mrs. Koocn Stott of Walla Walla. Wash., grandmother of the groom, while coffee was served by Mrs. George Whyte of Pendleton. Mrs. David Sltton was In charge of the gift table while Mrs. Sid Brltt of Spray, cousin of the bride, had the guest book. Silver wrapped packages of erooms cake were passed by Marsha Freeman, the bride's sister. For her wedding trip, the new Mrs.. Bogle chose a two-piece plnlc and white striped dress with white accessories and a corsage of daisies. The young couple will be at home in La Grande where Mr. Bogle plans to continue his studies at East ern Oregon College. He Is a graduate of McLaughlin High school In MUton-Freewater. Mrs. Bogle is a graduate of Wheeler Hlsrh school in Fossil and has also attended Eastern Oregon College. Out of town guests were Mrs. Robert Stott and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hillard and Janlne of Wal la Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Bogle of Mllton Freewater, Gary Bogle of Burlcy, Idaho, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Bllycu and Mr. and Mrs. BUI Busey and Tori of The Dalles. Fred Langley of Mllton Freewater. Joyce Conforth of McNary, Yvonne Holman of Bak er, Sandy Shields of Seneca. Mr. and Mrs. George Whvte of Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Samp les of Heppner, Kevin Glascock of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Bob My ers of La Grande and Don Ca pon of Monument. Attending trom Spray were Mrs. Mary Wil liams. , the bride's maternal grandmother. Mrs. Ralph Reade, Mrs. Clarence Warren, Mrs. BUI Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Adams. Mrt nil Reoers and two child ren of Minot, N. D., arrived this week for A visit wun Mr. ana Mrs. Eugene Winters and fanv Uy. The Winters family moved here just recently from Medford and purchased the home of Dr. and Mrs Jim Norene. Mrs. Rog ers, sister of Mrs. Winters, is on a vacation trip with ner cnur ren - and will continue, after about a week's stay here, to Lake Chelan, Wash., to visit another sister. Mr. Rogers will come later from Mlnot to meet his family there. Dinner at Luciani Home Is Pleasant Occasion for Court After resting and being re freshed from the beat of Uavel after attending the Chief Juaeph Days celebration "n Friday and .Saturday, the Morrow County Kixleo court, the parents and fa ml lira, were dinner gueta of Mr. and Mrs. George Luciani at their country home In the Pine City area. Forty two persons were pres ent to enjoy the buffet dinner, prior W attending the Saturday night dance honoring Princess Karla. Several frlenda of the family trom fkho and pendle ton were among thoae ireent. Unable to attend were lYincesa Suaan McCoy and her parents. Mr. and Mra. Warren McCoy of Irrlgon. Guests Included Queen Jdy and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer. lone; Prince Krna and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Winchester, Heppner; Princess Virginia, and her par ent. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Majes ke. Lexington. Coming from Pendleton were Mr. and Mrs. Don Groaamlller and Kelly, and Georglana lllb bard. Those coming from Echo were Mr. and Mr. Eddie Uesegang. Rhea and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Correa. Diane and Rito Jo; Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Cop- Dicks Travel East For Family Gathering Mr. and Mrs. L. K. DUk will leave this week -end) for va cation trip which will take them to 8y. Wyo. where they will attend the Vnh wedding anniversary of Mrs. Dick's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. C For yhe The rrlrhrstlon Is plan ned for Augut 2i. with several family members planning to at tend. Th Dicks plan to Uavel lels urely through Canada, enjoy ing the Glacier and Yellow stone parks en route They will return Immediately after the anniversary observance In time for Mra. Dick to be present for v h'J workshops. Also attending from Oregon are Mrs Dtck'a brother and sister in law. IX. Col. and Mrs. J. A Forsylhe of Portland. Plnger, Connie and Jaequle; Tony FurnUh; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ashbcck. Mitchell. Calvin. Al vln and Mrlvtn. Amlel VanBuren was a guest from Walla Walla. Attendance at the dance was excellent, equalling the good crowd of the week before hon oring princess Erna. The music of the popular band. The Genu of Pasco, was well received. Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Caiette Tlmes. Club is Entertained At Summer Luncheon; To Host Royal Court A i.Uiunl anrlal meeting WS enjoyed by IT memhera and guests of the SocoptlmUt Club last Thursday noon wnen ir Let a Thoma entertalne4 with a luncheon at trt torn. A sum mer buffet course of aalada and hot bread waa folluwed by birth day cake and l cream, honor ing member h had observed birthdays dulng the past month. AsaUtlng the hostess waa Mr. Fred Parrish. Special guest Included Mrs. Elaine George. Mr. Hole. Ful leton and Mr. Arolene Laird. Queen Judy Sherer an4 her princeMra of the Morrow Coun ty Rodeo court, their mothers and chaperone. will be guests at the regular luncheon meet Ing Thursday August 12. In the lleppner Grill dining room. At a recent business meeting, members volunteered to help as clerks at the coming Mobile Chest X Ray. scheduled by the county health department to be In Heppner Friday and Satur day. August 20 and 21. Ail or ganizations In the area are ask ed to assist In furnishing help ers for the mobile visit When you ptrontz Gazette Times advertisers, you h tip make better paper ieu inera you saw It in the Gazette-Times. Birthday is Occasion For Surprise Party The birthday of Mr. Nina Snyder was made a more pleas ant occasion last Thursday hen a group of her personal friend dropped In la extend thetr greet Inga and beat wthe. Mrs. Sny der h been confined for em hroe n hrr chair, recover inrf from a leg fracture The vtsitora reaented her with gifta anI enjoyed vUitlng and sharing with he the birth day refreshment. ..... Tito calling included Mrs. Howard Bryant. Mr Tom Hughes. Mrs. Charle Stout. Mr. Ines Huffman. Mr MarJorte W or Jen and Mrs. Clarence Bau man. Need acratch pads? Get them at the Gazette Time. COME IN AND ICS THX HCW Ralelqh Lijhtw49M He Brake Cable Rod HERMISTON CYCLE SHOP Aat&orls4 Scbsrtaa Dnl Part fit AH Make All Week Guaranteed WATHZ LONCJ rroprietor SCAN LONG First and Highland fiermlston POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motors Power Tool Hydraulic Jacks Alemite Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendleton Phone 276-5862 Occident PANCAKE IFB.01UIK 99G 3 lb. m Standby SUP Imm Size CAT for W$ i FROZEN ORANGE DRINK AWAKE 0RANG 3 hv $1 Standby CEaoGits Turn IJn,$I00 PILLSBURY mm All But Angel Food 3 FOR Nabisco 1 Lb. RIT CRACKERS ea. 39c mm WATEMEL ON ORANGES' 5 590 .5..U') .' Oi iUv; i CORN - - 6 290 LARGE GREEN PEPPERS - - 3 190 PRICES GOOD AUG. 6 and 7 USDA GOOD AND CHOICE POT ROAST Blade Cut Arm Cut lb. 59 lb. 69 BAR-S 6 OZ. PEGS. LUNCH MEAT 3 for 79c Bologna. All-Beef Bologna. Pickle and , Pimento, OliTtv Headcheese. Spiced, Barbecue OREGON CHIEF WIENERS I ib. Pk3. is-9c Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 sXET It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps STAMPS