lone Randies Hurt In South Area by Storms r KATHEMNC UNDSTROM iltti nf estrrrtirlv hut wralher aturm, causing inuh lightning ml thunder, strut early Mon day evening. Heavy lain anil hail occurred In some arras south of Inn, while the north Me seemed to receive JuM light raine, nil1 Don Peterson, Hubert Jrp u-n Alvln ItailuW. He-nrV IVIiT t-.n. Van llubbani. Ml Zlnler and nrlfc-hborlntf ranches were hit with various amounts of hall and rain. Kaln measured from a half Inrh at aoin Iilarra la an Inch In others and crop damage was sustained. Private Ralph Martin of Fort Od. Calif., arrived home on furlough Mitfiday to visit hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Martin. II has Just completed hla bout training. Mr. and Mrs. Pels Cannon and Mr. and Mra. Lindsay Klncald drove to The Dalles Friday and spent Friday night and Saturday there attending the Uttle La-ague tournament. Three boys from lne, Terry Cannon. One Crowrll. and Joe M Klllgott were members of the All Star team going from Morrow county. They lt to Deschutes Friday even ing and to one of The Dalle team, who won the tourna. mrnt, on Saturday. Several boys, who were member of the Ind ian team, and their parents, at tended the game on Friday night. Mm. E- C, llellker and Jdrs. Ovtr Lundell spent Tuesday and Wednesday nlghU at the llellkf cabin In the mountain. On Wednesday a group of ladlea from lone Joined them for a pot luck dinner and afternoon of vuitlng and playing game. Making the trip were Mra. Omar Kietmann. Mr. Kdythe White, Mra. Stella OMcara, Mr. A. II. Marlck, and Laura. Mm. Anna ball, Mlsa lmoene Mooney, and Mr. Harvey King. Akers la Marine Training Hill Aker. on of Mr. and Mr. Berl Aker. returned home on Sunday after "pending six week at Marine Corp school at Ouanttro. Va., a a candidate In officer' training. He plana to spend alx wceka next aumnu-r In the same program and upon hi. graduation from college will Ik? In the Marine. While In Vir ginia he spent a three-day July Fourth holiday with hla uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mm. Robert I lea Id, and they took him. on a tour of Washington. D. C. where he vUlted the White House and the capital and many other tourist sight. Mr. and Mr. W. C. Crawford and Rollo drove to La Grande on Sunday to visit another aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Harlan Crawford, and fam ily. Crawford llOiue Catered Mr. and Mr. Irte Crawford ami family. Mho are siH-riduig their vacation In lone, had the misfortune to have their home in IHwtland thoroughly ransack ed, while they Were away. Mr. Crawford'a father. Rodney Craw ford, discovered entry had been made through the pallo and wa thought to have been done by juvenile. 1)1 1 lie Jo Llndstrom returned on Friday from a two week vuit In Portland with relative. He wa brought home by hi i-inilt)rriil. Mr. and Mra- H. L Strange. Ik.. Mil Palmer and MartV Armlni-tim nf lit AniH-lt-a. had the misfortune to fall (mm their htu- at the Lee I'almer ranch ii Wednesday. Moth sustained dern rut Oil their Ices, which rnjuirrd stitches by a physiclsn III lieppner. iwunir iwih ais lor. fkuina. who recrntlv had rv aiiri'irv wa taken to I'lwu on Friday, where the patch wa n moved irom ner eye. Mr. Roy W. Llndstrom. Christ- Ina and Susan, and Mr. F.lrmr irlfflth spent Sunday oil Ml HhmI with Mr. and Mr. I K. Hauiccn and family at their cabin. Mr. Lindst rum's cousin. Hubert (luodall, of New York Hy wa also preent for a visit uiih the relative he had not n-n tor many year. Mr Grif fith and Christina remainea ror Inntrer visit with the llaittfrna at their home In Lake 0wego. There will be no church achool classes held at the lone United Church of Christ until Scptcm Iht 12. Church services will con tinue to be at 10 a m. each Sun day morning. IU-v. and Mr. Walter B. t'rowell will take their vacation from August 8 through 21. Rev. Karl Soward of Heppner will fill the pulpit during their abitence. Mr. and Mr. Tom Davidson left on Monday to continue a vacation, which wa to take them to Canada before return ing to their home In Lo An gele. While here they were guests of her brother-In-law and HMer, Mr. and Mm. John Eub ank. Other guests at the Kub nnkf home were another ulster, Mr. John Sander and family of Portland and the mother of the three women, Mr. Mattle Morgan of Ashland. Lelle Maddon of Portland spent the week-end visiting his mother, Mr. E. J. Akem. He waa accompanied by Mr. and Mra. George Purtsehy and aon and Sue Towruend who wtre curst at the home of Mr. and Mr, liershal Townacnd. t ' : T Mr. and Mrs. Tom Illatt and two children of La Grande were guests or Gordon White over tne week-end. Morgana Hold Family Reunion Members of the Morgan fam- xsj HEPPNER H fJ I m " w GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, July 29, 15 Sec. 2 - 4 pages 1 1 .. i.i.-rtt.. al WiKilerv IT Hi-'.' J'.- - - t Mxiruoial I'ark un Sunday af- tf-rriMn lre-nt were Mr. and Mra I h.iril Morgan and family Mr arwt Mra. John l.'uhanks and family, Mr. and Mr. 1'rte tan mm ami famiiv Mr and Mrs Ted I'alrnatcer and family, Farl M'irgaii. Mr. and ir. erry v iii-iinner. Mr. and Mrs Tom Davidson of Loa An?ele. Kandera and children of Portland, Mr. Mattle Morgan of Ahland. Stopping ny 10 vii later In the nay were Mr. inu Mr. Franklin Fly and Mr. and Mr. Berl Aker. Mr and Mr. Clvde CraMlord and family of Albany left on Tiii-sridv afler six-nulnir the week end here vlsltlnif her par ol. Mr. and Mr. Arthur uai- lell and other relative. Guests of Mr- and Mrs. Wal lace Matthew and family were hi niece and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert TJomsland and aon of Roseburg. They left for home on Tuesday and Bernlece Mat thew went home with them for a vlit. Mr. and Mr. Joe Dixon of The Dalle were guest t4 Mr. Oscar Lundell on F.unday. Mr. Ida Grablll is visiung ner daughter. Mr. Karl Wright In Baker She made the trip with a aon In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Klmer EM, by train from Hermiston. Mr. Dick Sherer wa hoste for a party honoring her son. Scott. 5. and Todd, 4 on Monday afternoon. Guest, who came to celebrate with the boys, were Mr. Harold Sherer and Judy. Mrs. Marlon Palmer, Mrs. Lee Palmer and girl. Mrs. Cleo Chllder and children. Mrs. Wavne llama and Jeff. Mrs. Rob ert Rletmann and Jerry. Kimber and Kelly Pettyjonn. cooy ana Clav Goodrow. Leland wnite, and the boy' aunt. Hctn Banai amay of Odessa. Wn., who hM tioen visiting here for a week. Another birthday party of In terest this week was that of Paula Undstrom, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. Roy A. Undstrom on Tuesday after noon. Little ones, who came with their mothers, were Todd. Treve, and Jan Peterson, Craig Rea. Jerry Rletmann. Margaret! Klncald. Janice Sherman of Heppner. cousins Donna and Darcle Rea and their mother, Mr. Richard Rea of Portland, and John and Teena Llndstrom, lone. Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Rowell, who were married recently In Pasco, Wn., wore visitors at the home ot his shstcr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring, and with his daughter, Linda, from their home In Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tucker took their daughter, Tanya, to Camp Adams, near Mollala, on How far will $3000 go at a S-jnday. She will be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs. Iferbrwt Hynd left Monday on their vacation i, in u.i-h will tie aurnl fikhins In iwjme of the lakes of Oregon and expected to end at in leacri doing some deep sea fish Ing. Mrs. Walter Jacobs, Merrllee and Greir. arrived home on Monday from a vUlt with her narenta. Mr. and Mrs. ito'M-rt Cunningham at Port AngeU-s, Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr, are having a visit from their three granddaughters. Klmrx-r. Kelly, and Kristine Pettyjohn of Pendleton. Mrs. Mav Buroker and her daughter. Mrs. Glada Hurgoyne oT I'urtland were Sunday and Monday guest of Mr. Burokrr's sister, Mrs. Kdythe White. Mrs. Dale Rea anl Mr. Adon llnmloll mtm both 111 al their homes In lone this week. Attending the Rleakman fam ily reunion In the Hermiston ark on Sunday, were .Mr. ana 1m. Blaine Chapel and Cassie. Mrs. Joe Engleman, Frankle and Cathy Cannon. Mrs. Duane Baker, Tammy and Dianne. were cu-st of honor at an afternoon party given by Mrs. K. M. Baker at her home In the country on Tuesday afternoon. Guest were pleased to see some ballet and tap dances done by the little Baker girls. Trie occasion was also the fourth birthday fur Tammy. The attending wer Mrs. Lee Palmer and plru, M rs Keith Rea and Craig. Mrs. Her bert Peterson and Jan, Mrs. Marion Palmer. Mrs. Gar Swan son, Mrs. Roy W. Llndstrom. Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mrs. Mil ton Morgan, Mrs. Keith Peck and Natalie, Mrs- Harold Sherer. and Mrs. F. T. Martin. Stephen Llndstrom flew home from Ancnoraze. Aiasita. ia-M Thursday, where he had spent Die last month. He had been em loved on a fktatlnff fish can aery near Makm-k on Bristol Bay. The flh run this year tremendous and the cannery comnietelv filled their cans with over a million fish In quite a short tun this vear. Over two million fish went In the mouth of the river In one 3 hour check. Stephen visited at the home of hi uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr. Qulller Bums at Kagle River, and with a ruuoln. Mrs. Marlorle Comb at Anchorage, before re turning to lone. Pacific Gas Co. Hearing Set; lone Plant Included n FmWal Power Commis sion has u-t for September 15 in Washington. D. C. a hearing on raciric was iranmiion com pany's proposal to step up dellv- ria Ihrni-eh the Alberta-Call- fornia natural gas pipeline. PGT plans to spend iij.tuf,uJ on the expansion. The pipeline company asked the FPC to certify construction of new compressor stations in innkinr enuntv. Wash., and In Morrow, Jefferson and Klamath counties In Oregon. PuTi exist- Inc compressor station near Sandoolnt. Idaho, will be en larged. No new pipe will be in stalled. Flans Indade a Compressor , Station ot lose The FPC also will hear rvri request for a license to Import an additional 200 million cubic feet a dav from caj fields In Alberta. Canada. The gas Is for delivery to ra mie lias and wecrnc company, 4 ( 4 s .X1 N TEN KOBE ln children era In this weak's Installment of the "Aaujrtari rntare pictures. At top tmi aim jgau uauauww H., ana Taena Llndstrom. lVs chlMren of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Undstrom, At top right ore Teena Lea Stefant. S. and Dennis Dean Stefanl. 2. children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. StasfanL At lower left are D-Ann BarnetL . and Rick Barnett. 11. children f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnett. At lower right are Ralph Earl Un cold. Jr. 4. Katharine Ana Klncald. S. James Lewis Klncald. 2. and John Llndaar Klncald. 3. children of Mr. and Mrs. Balph Klncald. the distributor serving northern California. Half of the addition al volume will begin late In 19G6. the remainder one year later. Addition of 52.000 horsepower in compressor (booster) units will raise PGTs deliveries through the 36-inch-dlameter pipeline to about 600 million cubic feet a day at the Oregon California border. PGT also transports up to 150 million cubic feet a day for El Paso Natural Gas Company to iNorinwesx cutes ana lawns. COME Df AND SEE THE HEW Baleiah Ughrwsight Ho Brake Cables or Beds HERMISTON CYCLE SHOP Authorised Schwlnn Dealer Farts ror All Makes All Work Guaranteed WATHE LONG Proprietor DEAJC LOHO First and Highland Hermiston Why b satisfied with a dolled-up vomion of wrna low-priced car? The tanw kind of money will buy you a real luxury automobile. A magnificent Mercury? It's no wrmed-ovw small car. Thii ia 4000 pound of sward-winning automobile ...in tlia Lincoln Continental Tradition. So go all tha way. Go Mercury. For $3000 you cant hardly go wrong. Hcppncr Auto Soles, Inc. Mar and Main St Heppner X t y f y y x y y y y y y y y y y y x y y r f y x r y y x y T V y I i X FOR ' MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO PRINCESS KARLA LUCIANI Sponsored By LENA ' COMMUNITY SATURDAY, JULY 31 ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON Fair Pavilion Heppner MUSIC BY DANCING 1 10 To 2 I SUPPER SERVED y t X y y TH y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T I I y y T y y y y x y y y y y X y y y y y x x y y x y x y y y Y Y y y y y y y y y