f..t ims u.Li. m niMn Areal HCrfNER GAXrTTI-TiMi-a. iuuiiw vuiiifH Viiitcd by Roveicn Hoy Truck Hit By Fire, Men Volunteer Help tj MART IZZ MARLOW BOARDMAN Ft re of un known origin destroyed appro! mutely u ton of hay on truck four mile wcl of Boardman Sunday afternoon. The volunteer fir truck an swered the alarm about 2:30 nd firemen fought the blare tor nearly three hour. A trailer loaded with about th Mm amount of hay was unhooked from the truck and aved. The truck belonged to Mead owland Dairy at Portland, and was driven by a Mr. Schllpp. first name unknown. The Navy fire truck from the Boardman Bombing Range helped fight the fire. The ftre had started at the bottom of the hay on the truck Mr. and Mr. Earl McQuaw of Boardman announce the en gagement of their daughter. Chloe Kay. to Ronald Larvlk. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lar vlk of Cornelius. Miss McQuaw U a 1962 grad uate of Riverside High school, and Is now a senior at Pacific University at Forest Grove. Larvlk was graduated from the Cornelius High school and attended Portland State Univer sity and Northwestern School of Commerce. He Is presently rm ployed at Georgia-Pacific In Portland. . . , The wedding will be an event of August 14 in Hillsboro. son and son Jshn r.4 PaJ, IVwrll Butte were wrtjw Uitors at the home of hobln son's parents. Mr. nd Mrs Clyde Robinson. Sunday visitor wrre Gilmer B'lon. former res ident here, and his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Tatwulnka of Richland. Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Munger of The Dalles visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pel met Hug. The Hug took them home Saturday, and .Mrs. Hug nephews, Ricky and Mike Por trr returned with them to visit this week. Mrs. Russell Miller and dau ghter Tat left for Payette. Idaho. Thursdsy to pend the week, end at the home of her son-ln Uw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carpenter. Mrs. Blanche Barlow of Hepp ner visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gil lespie. The Clllcsple's took her home Saturday. Mr nd Mrs. Truman Messen- ..r nf Mitchell visited from Thursday until Saturday of last u-M-k at the home of Messen ger's father and stepmother. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Messenger. They also visited at the homes of Mrs. Messengers brothers-in-law and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Claud riat. and Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie. Sunday visitors at the Messenger home were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes and sons Mark. Robert and Kanay. ana Mrs. U E. Conty accompanied Mrs. Avery Tslor and het on on a trip Into Idaho, taking five Kirls, I'hrUtv and IVRKV Taylor l am Huston. Karen I ok ana Lucy He bet to a Seventh Day Adventut camp at llayden Lm near Cocur d' Alene. The gliu stayed for a uwk at carnp. lUtare returning July JO. the ladies and Avery, Jr. UHed Mrs. TaU brother and stjjer. In-law. Mr. and Mr. Tom Wil son, former lleppner residents, who are employed In Soil Const-nation work In Idaho. Mr. Wilson took the visitors to the newly opened Schmttaer ski area, where they enjoyed a ride on the ski lift and a tour of the lodge. On the way home detour was taken to Karragut where the National Girl Scout Jam boree was In session, viewing display of the Soil Conserva tlon and Forestry Department, along with many other. A crouo of slides and movies. "What Idaho Has to Offer." Is expected to be released soon, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson tak. ins part In the making of them. Mr. Charle Marquardt of Lex inctnn. Claud Coats Is critically 111 at the Umatilla hospital. The temperature reached 107 In front of Hicks Market Sun day, but was 97 out on the project- Morrow County Annual Report SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1964 TO JUNE 30, 1965 To: Mr. Sadie TanUh COUNTY CLERK OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON. In accordance with Section 291 230 O R. I hereby submit this, my annl rtp.t of receipt and dubursementa from July 1 ,1I to June 311, lika. both date Inclusive. TAX COLLECTIONS DISBURSEMENTS Oncral fund - Koad fund " ' County School ... . Fair Fund ,., - OlU-s . -- County HoittaI ""v School Bond m interest uru.-vu. - Irrigation Warrant paia Law l.lery Warrant pam .. ISrt 'f Morrow ... Forest Fire Patrol ta turned to the Mai ... -- Irrlgon Rural Fire Patrol Ta turneu Cash on hand and deposit July 1. 1964" tkVl 65 Taxe ... - - la 64 Taxes 1962-63 Taxe Wl-62 Taxe 1W0-61 Taxe 1959-60 Taxe ... IW8-59 Taxe --... 1953 54 Taxe - Land Sale - Over collection t Assessor error! Cancelled checks 2 penalty on foreclosures 47430 .ti.ifcVRwm 7.016 09 7.019 1U 2.7 40.90 100 31 263 24 1 KJ Total on hand and received DISBURSEMENTS S1.235.W2.M S3R County Court Proceedings Petition: for vacation of all county roads In the City of Ini- Lease: Farm land at Lexing ton Airport to Alvln Wagen- blpSmlt: Pacific N. W . Bell to install cable, granted 6:2365. Order: Transfer of various ap propriations in the Gen. Roads Fund, signed 6'30,65. Order: Transfer of the Gen eral Contingency Fund to the various appropriations In the General Fund, signed 63065. The following warrants wet issued on th General Fund: E. O. Ferguson, Comm. Mileage M Walter H. Hayes do 24.48 Herman W. Winter, ujv. 41.06 rt Uoln 1 1 2 V) Rent fiSDO. Tel. 14-23 19L73 Paul W. Jones. Co. Ct. Exp. 33.70. Juv. 7.36 CJ D. Bauman, Sher. Sup. 11.00, Jail Exp. 3 85 . Pub. EriTp. Eet Bd., Sal. 2040. Soc. Sec 204.80 -" St Tax Comm., Sal. St. Ind. Accid. Comm., do -. Assess. Sup. 34 JO, Roderick Thomson. Assess , Fia. vk Umatilla Co, Jail Exp. 147J Margaret Akers, et al, Clr. Ct. Jurors 1002.18 Billle Alsup. Jr, Bailiff .. 34.70 Darold LaChance. Wltnps iz.u Morrie Thompson, do Wagon Wheel Cafe. Jurors James Walton. Spec. Atty Blllie Alsup. Jr, Juv. G. E. Nikander, Surp. Fds. 12J20 17J20 129.20 39.74 13.00 Wagon Wheel Cafe. Co. Ct. Exp. 40.00 Safeco Life Ins. Co. SaL 20.70. Ins. 6.98 27.68 Blue Cross. SaL 87.95, n t nfic. 11 ar ln 4400 143.40 Sadie Parrlsh. Co. Clk. ClVs Inc. 10-00 14.85 Dunham Print Co.. Clk's 102.0O' ' no 00 409.60 Standard Off. Equip.. Sher. 169.40 ru. ao- NPUV IM1U1D. f.JU. XT. Brt. Nurse sup. iuj . - -- I rvi iiacln Floo ShAr. First Mafl Bank, ao - mnt Fund IZ.Z1.. B,He. "S Phillip A. GoodalL Sher. " ' 143.40 Car Exp, Safeco Life Ins. Co., SaL 15.23 188.32 20.70. Ins. 6.98 .... Shell Oil Co.. Sher. Car Exp. Tcxaeo. Inc.. do Heppner Gazette-Times. Sher. Sup. 44.60. Tax ColL Exp. 265.74. Off. Pub. 34.35. Co. Ct. Sup. 19m Juv. 22.95. Just r fith Rud. 2.05 Flnzer Bus. Mach, Co. Ct. Exp. 22.17. Clk's inc. ;r"'A' I Car Clk's inc. Xerox Corp., Clk's, Inc. James Driscoll. P. M., 27.68 Sher. stamps & Env xw.w 530 Simmons Carbon Co.. 1329 Assess, bup. Kurrougns corp.. uu Pioneer Mem. Hosp., Med. Inv. Exp. 30 .00, Jau Exd. 44.00 74.00 Edna Chally R.N., (Petty Cash) Nurse Sup. i-o Edna Chally R.N., H. Nurse Sup 65.21 Union Oil Co., Nurse tar 1. 231 Standard Oil Co. do 757 9.43 317.10 Ernest Jorgensen, Just ex., Din, item "-"u AcvvA r . AdKMOff nSSF- 3.08 Edward Munger et al, Just vwi t" - st. Tax Comm., . Assess. Maint. Fund Standard Off- Equip., H. Nurse Sup. ... Ford's Tire Serv., do J. K. Gill Co., do . . Edna Chally, R.N., do Union Oil Co.. Nurse Car . Finzer Bus. Macn., Nurse Sup. 38.20 Ct 5th. Jurors 85.31 Pac N. W. Bell, Cur. EXD - 3 40 N. W. Ind. Laundry, 250 Cthse 4.40 9.61 Donald E. Clark, brier. 24.25 Jail JP- r- - ' Vw r n wfi vriiiiii.. ' w-1 AA liq I Wellare wj..w 1 th SDec. Atty 6150 Lloyd Stafford, Assess.. 830 umauua va.. ujuu. rSO - Harry O'Donnell, do .. 11552 62.00 73.00 Doctor's Sup. Co., do -Phil's Pharmacy, do Ernest Jorgensen, Just IX 5th, Rent .uu, im. , - M do 70.oo n'nn Paul Jnnps. do 6.15 75.40 70.00 21.95, sup. o.w Paul Jones, do Herman ureen, v.in inland Chem. Serv.. Cornett Green Feed, do Packer-Scott, do City Water Dept., do John A. Pfeiffer, do Col Bas. Elec. Coop., ..1 moo Qnrn Vds. 3.12 - 100- Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Cthse Rep. 58.41 150.00 100.00 48.00 Heppner Cleaners, Jail exp. 5.501 112 Stevens-Ness Law Pub, Co.. Just Ct 6th Cm Turner, Van Marter Bryant Bonds - Lexington oil Co-op., Rural Fire ... Turner. Van Marter & Bryant ins, Lloyd Berger, Co. Ct r Sylvia McDaniel, Treas. sup, Humphreys Drug Co. Assess. Sup. 4.06, Co. Ct. Sup. 6.00 . -- Standard Off. Equip Co. a. 11.35. Tax ColL 8.00 Clk'a Inc. 3.65, Assess. Suo. 52.02, Treas. Sup. 4.00 V;--i-r James DriscolL P. M- Clk's inc, T62 Kural ire o2-2l :i a XI r1,ihe tMna Athletic Ticket Office, Co. Ct iTi nana Hiarnhpr of Co mm Conv. Bur., do 50.00 Mary E. Bryant tP- nniao 276.54, CO. Ct. ow-oo Elvira Irby, Dep - Tl ba Ullian Sweek, Oir. . Clk -r-v fnuiip a. uoouan, 501 Spec. Dep .. I Lorraine dhu, Clk .- Jovce Hollomon. do 5092.05 Edna Chally. H. Nurse ------ -JOOQft Iuan nuason, j an, -Margaret Jorgensen, UII. C1K L. D. Tibbies, do, 10.08 Physician Kannnth Knmnson. JUV. BilUe Alsup. Jr., do u,b w r nrismll. Sher. Comm. Fund .4T-?? to no I Mniirir Bvrd. Ct Rep. 11053 I N-iFimr R DIxOM. SUID. 11?Wl PH9 OlO 214 40, Soc. Sec. 214.40 428.80 Paul W. Jones. Co. Ct Exp. 5250 Heppner Gazette-Times, Co. Ct. Exp. 890. Off. Pub. 813.37. H. Nurse 750 829.77 Flnzer Bus. Mach. Clk's Inc. 3.W Richfield Oil Corp. Sher. Car Exp. 13J Standard Oil Co.. do 1958 Texaco. Inc. do 1051 Big West Oil Co.. do 5.14 Humphreys Drug Co., Assess. Sup. 129.06 Roderick Thomson, Assess Fid Wk 56.08 Wagon Wheel Cafe, Jail Exp. 16.70 Turner. Van Marter & Bryant Ins. 294.00 Ct St. Mkt, Ind. Fund 15.47 St. Tax Comm., Co. Park Fd 180 First Nat l Bank, do 820 Pub. Em p. Ret Fd, Sal. 4.08. Soc. Sec. 4.08 8.16 Pettyjohn's Farm Sup., Park Fd. 1166 Clyde Cox. do 3750 Clyde Cox. do 98.42 Th following warrants wer issued on the Gen. Roads Fundi First Nafl Bank , 583.30 St. Tax Comm 163.30 St. Ind. Accid Comm 389.71 Pub. Emp. Ret Bd. 475.00 Blue Cross 149.05 Safeco Life Ins. 46.71 Ford's Tire Serv. 49.50 Gilliam & Blsbee Hdwe .... 24.24 Mike's McCulloch Saw Shop 1538 Stone Mach. Co 252.63 Becket Equip. Co 15.00 HeDDner Auto Sales 124.20 Heppner Auto Parts 90.20 Cornett Green Feed 10.64 HeDDner Autn Sales 9232.88 Craig Office Sup 30.88 C. J. D. Bauman, sner. Tr 9.W Heppner Nor-Gas Co 21.06 Sauter Truck Serv 13000 John A. Pfeiffer 1454 Col. Basin Elec 14.M City Water Dept 5.40 Pettyjonn's r arm & uiars Sup los.zy Padberg Mach. Co 180.83 R. E. Moore 15.60 Lexington Imp. Co 38.11 Standard Oil Co -1115.15 Standard Off. Equip 14.55 James Driscoll. P. M 115.20 Labor 5196.13 Set Sal 1250.22 Roadmaster - 427.13 Safeco Life Ins 46.71 Blue Cross 149.05 Sadie Parrish. Co, Clk ..... - 1237 Pacific N. W. Bell .... 12.60 N. W. Ind. Ldry 730 Lowers & Contract Mach. ti 407.01 Turned to County Treasurer "' ' sii54 772 01 Tax turnovers -- 633 00 Land ale r.7J:Z Cost of publications 2 penalty fund tt75 Cash on hand - " " 249.93 On deposit - Total disbursement and balance on hand 11555.90253 June 30. isoo TRUSTEE ACCOUKT TEMFORABT AUTO f EBMITS .... $ 362.50 Disbursed ..- CIVIL rXES AND MILEAGE 1 92989 Disbursed 928- "' - On hand K4U73.KT yrv.xurJ 7rtJ.44fl.25 .YK! 4ll 3.VP91.44 .7KJ K.I 45,0(10 IX) 3H.1 00 29.H4750 1 1,0X2.40 4,19.150 lleppner Rural Fl Patrol 5,7X3 07 ..... n.M.M....., 4-,!21 3.7.KM) 717JU lax urneu .' i i Alcohol Fnfrcement warranU paid - K.Mlent fund warrani piu X fund warrant paid Roardman Cemetery fund uarranl lald .............. Heppner Cemetery fund 11 93 31 wsrrant paid - - i.'"f-J lone-Lenlngton Cemetery fund 14T90 83 warrants Ild - I lrtlgon Cemetery fund warrant paid - Boardman Vector Control fund warrant paid Weed Control fund warrant paid ... Blue Mountain College tax turned School DUtrtct R I Building fund warrant 4.406.89 0,556.71 1.2150 3,4X3 64 56.64113 1H.173M Receipt Receipt Receipt Total Receipt S1330-39 929.89 flSTOL ERMIT$ $ 38.00 Disbursed 3800 dl.hblnrse5nd M Respectfully ubmltted. C J. D. Bauman Sheriff and Tax Collector By: Elvira Irby Deputy TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1964 TO JUNE 30, 1965 Mrs. Sadie Parrlsh t..ii iM.bursement - Balance on hand June 30. 1963 321.797.70 Respectfully ubmttted, Sylvia K. McDaniel County Treaaurer CLERK'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1964 TO JUNE 30, 1965 Chapter 153 of the 1957 session law. CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN FROM JULT I. 1H4 TO JUNE 30. IMS ..$ 11.R72 23 County Court 19.470.09 Co. Sheriff office - - 11.970 Vi Co. Clerk' office 4.519 (A Co. Treasurer' office - - 2356633 Co. Assrs.W office ; - "" 7.1214-1 nhouse tinclude. Janitor'. Salary! N-JJMj Circuit Court expense .----; " 3,72374 t.,.ti. r,f rvace Office. 6th dlst - r75,? Justice of Peace Office 5th dlst ,!,- Atlnrnrv's Office - - " 'w,ww Juvenile Court expense (Include Counselor salary i Welfare expense ;;;"- Surplus food expense unciuucs um Clerk's salary) - Audit Expense -- - lQJJ Co. and ' liome Demonstration Agent Civil Defense Current expense 2.62963 9,069.00 Clerk of Morrow vou, mv Co Planning Committee - ,B .oonrdance with O ILS. 294530. I nere.m -u oee Operating Contingency . . ji.k.i,umint irom JUiy . c-n,..llYatlnn Hnnrrt H DC nse annual report of rece P " June 30, 1965. botn aaie .nu. Rurai nre expense .. h.nd June 30. 1964 392,811X1 4 aub contribution - - naianLc Received from: Sherif r Office Taxes) Sheriff's Office (Eastern Ore. Teie. Sheriff! oafflce'"(Tem'p"Auto permits) ..S1.255.40T.01 ' 2.195.63 36250 "' 585.16 343.43 5150 38.00 Z 21.00 1,479.25 4,89733 469J I.'. 298.00 995.25 ... . 3.056.00 1,169.00 51-00 8530.85 .... 601.18 ... 212.50 ... 758.30 504.16 163.95 200.01 71.68 23236 63.70 , 231.14 92.25 Pub. Emp. Ret Bd, St. Tax Comm First Nat'l Bank ... St. Ind. Accid. Comm - Ford's Tire Serv Schetky Equip. Corp .7500.00 Lewis McDonald 150.00 Hpnnner Auto Sales. Inc 5851 The following warrant wer issued on the Misc. Funds: James W. Norene, Dog Fund - Hermiston Med. Center, Ale. Enf. Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd, Weed Cont. First Nat'l Bank, do SL Tax Comm, do St. Ind. Accid. Comm., do Standard Oil Co., Sher. Car Exp. .- Kichfleld Oil Corp., St. Ind. Accid. 6L57 Comm.. bal First nan cans, uu 10.73 St. Tax Comm., do 60.46 657.00 179.40 38.75 25.00 30.02 49.60 16.00 ... 51.60 Sheriff Office (Mileage) Sheriffs Office (Slot machine) ou. ii.- of fir (Pistol permits) rierk' Office (Restitution) - CleS's Office (Sale ?f equipment) Clerk' Office (Clerk fees) . Clerk's Office (Law Library fees) Clerk's Office (Dog License) J. P.'s Office. Heppner: Judge Soward, ' Judce Cook, .. Judge Creswlck Refunds from St Treas. for Refunds from St. Treas. for above Judge, Assessor's Office. (Photo copies Sc maps) .. - Pioneer Memorial Hospital Lenna Smith. Fair fund receipts . Elaine George, iiepyiwi Cemetery receipts Florence Root, Boardman Cemetery receipts Violet Hill. IrriKon Mable Boylen, Umatilla Co. Treas. 7,000.1 1 Commodity Credit Corp. (Wheat grown at Airport) B. ..,.! Dont nn Alroort) uar Avian, , . ;.,.,. The First National Bank, (Interest 6619.25 on T.D.O.AI) -""rr""7f "wa"r The Bank of Eastern ureK" on T.D.O.As) Dividends On Insurance Refunds (over payment for Jury duty) v"-y";n7in'd) ZZ 1527.46 Sale of Materia, (Road .fund) '-; 2i553.52 Patrol reniai ir Dividends (Road fund) Refunds, misc. ..-- " "' State Board oi neaii", Reimbursemeni ";"',"" State Public Welfare Commission, c,i.nlti Vnnd) Oregon Tax Commission, (Car OregonVax Colmn7umatilla & . Columma uaam 4,799.07 Oregon Tax Commission. (Timber H.693.21 Oregon Liquor Commission (License fees exc.i 'xfaMno Commission TrVna Roard (Boat State Dept. Motor Vehicles, 47,324.01 (Reg. fees, license,) . .. State Dept. Motor Vehicles, 950404 (Trafler, License etc.) State Land Board. (Common 2,466.01 'W-TPtarv oi oiaie ij" -- . USStary of State (Amusement roui rax i Secretary of State (Hood 12,555.72 9 T r o OilO I ...... . . conirui . r.. 29.454.34 Secretary of State iroreauiy 75 Insurance Jail expense Museum fund ...i..- VIpntallv 111 - Official Publication Registrar Social Security itram Catling fund ..... , Soldier' Indigent iuna Relief to the Indigent Water Master expense C.arbace Land fill expense .... Co. Park fund Kpoo Oregon creen Co. Ambulance fund Wind Erosion fund Mld-Columbla Planning .......... Morrow Co. Fair Biag iunu . U4701 1.700.00 565.09 11330.00 16 ( 1 36 57 l.ttW.OO 2.50249 24633 I. 718.94 26132 150 00 3.78958 2,938 99 71.25 1.434.50 4850 259854 530.00 6.00 91.77 226.90 3O0.00 939.89 50.00 192.86 4.96 1500.00 II. (X)0.00 TOTAL $161,596.73 u.nniuir narptte-Tlmes. 6o Z..ZZZZZ 125 James Cason, do , 319.95 DanHnr. Mnci Cn Law T.ih 6150 First Nat'l Bank, Weed Cont St. Ind. Accid. Comm., do 58.00 6052 2950 60.00 93.55 330.00 1330991 5,431.88 190.00 310.00 148.02 1,026.00 6,016.28 121.85 10.16 91.04 13.03 1,073.91 893.20 251.25 23,193.30 405.33 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR THE GENERAL FUND 1 r0! 11 SS 5ld July V iW4 to Jun. 3fJ. 1965 IMJg Warrants outstanding June 30. 19o5 ii.t.io OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR THE GENERAL BOAD FUND A T AAA lt Warrants outstanding June 30, 1961 2265k6 Warrants issued July 1. 1964 to June 30. 1965 wroaa Warrant paid July 1. 1964 to June 30, 1965 eS'S Warrant outstanding June 30. 1905 16.824.33 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND Warrants Issued July 1, 1964 to Junei. iw Warrant pad July 1. 1964 to, June 30. i5 3,782.83 Warrant outstanding June 30, 1965 - o,"7af OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR WEED CONTROL FUND Warrants outstanding June 30, 1965 - kwki Warrants Issued July 1. 1964 to June 30, 1965 5.990.83 Warrants paid July 1, to June 30, 1965 5,48J6 ... ...I.l.n, .Titnn -Tfl. lino VVlHll wurrams iuwioiii"h -" OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOB THE LAW LIBBABT FUND Warrant Issued July 1. 1964 to June 30. 1965 444.50 Warrant paid July 1, 1964 to June . 30, 15 383.00 Warrants outstanding Juno 30, 1905 OA-" SUMMABT OF PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1964. ORS 294-235 County TreasurerCash on hand July 1, 1963 .... ....--, 'S? Countv Treasurer-Receipts July 1. 1963 to June 30. 1964 1,494,779.61 UTuVT30 8Uir9e64 t'. 1.531,245.57 County Treasurer-Baiance on hand, July 1, 1964 ........ 392,811.12 l t0 CUnty .i:.VA88MB WarraTs ard,ng Ge - 12.08633 Warrants outstanaing uenerai iwu w ' Warrants outstanding Weed Control fund, June 30, 1964 - qw ys Claim allowed and warrant . drawn July 1, IU00 10 June om, j-jvi ....................... Dated this 19th day of July, 1& parrlsh( County Clerk 191.97 llcirtary of State (mineral leases) Secretary 01 tiaie is of Public lands) Secretary of State (Gasoline tax refund) -""'r' Secretary of State (Transporting Prisoners) - Total for year .75 1,097.71 2,065.56 :il,477,696.48 $1,477,696.48 . . ononis. l.i.. . hani vrdr - Piih Emo. riel ua, ao rius paianwc w - - St. Tax Comm. do JSfS,.. PoIrrfa niUs balance June 30. 1964 $1,870,507.60 Paul Pettyjohn, ao w.wv -- Thermo-Fax Sales, Inc. !Pub. Emp. Ket. ecu, oai. do ......