America's Future . . . f "" ,eS''WMir-Wft - it o ' 'j i l i mi 1.11 III . I K lJ '. J CHILDREN Or oga I months to IS year are Included In this aroup from the loo area lot th "America's Future" feature. At top Ult are Dealece Matthew and Bernlece Matthew, both IS. daughters el Mr. and Mr. WoUaet Matthew. At top right or Billy Jo Llndatrom. 5. Paula Joy Llndatrom, 2. and Troy Jam Llndatrom. 2 mot. childon ol Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lind atrom. At bottom Ult are CUn Kraba. 4. Sky Krb. 7. Clinton Krebe, 10. and Jano Kreb. 11, children ol Mr. and Mr. Hoary ft. Krebs. CeclL At bottom right are Joan Marl Dohorty. 5. Ricky Doborty. 4. and Maraaret Ana Dohorty. mo, children ol Mr. and Mr. Chariot J. Dohorty. v k' 1 T If i ... . .1 U w -r. 1 " jt i- U. ).i I. ''-' : I i i r- - i i - IIT fl t fcMirniOl'r . .unit .... rniii.iil r .Win ill PLENTY Or SMILES radlato on ehUdrtn'i laeo In thU week's picture In the "America Future" feature. At top left are Karen Winter. 7. Rosemary Winter, 4, and Herman Winter, 3. children of Mr. and Mr. Herman Winter. Keppner. At top right are Jimmy Richardson. 7. Mickey Rkbaidion. 6. Robert Richardson, 3. and Mrs. TamM Rich VSS MJVVU UiVe( MMWOWM w . , , " . axdson, Heppner. At bottom lelt axe Penry Ray Wilson. 4. and brunrier's father. Lee Reese, 76. Grange Obligates 4 New Members? Holds Memorial IllrlJ mrr fotn Ut rrli) ly MART LLC MA LOW BOAItHMAN Fiur nrw mrm- lirr of (iirrnfirl,! Clrani; wrre l.llK!rl In thi luuMh decree I ihi mating Ksturday nu'it t the Krsnce hall. ThV In i lulit Mr and Mr t'M iw-lang- r, and Mr. nl M irimrr Hug, lltt for the evening were Mr. and Mr. Arthur AHrn and Mr. Ituswlt Ml !l. Mr. !ther linmoiw wn voted In a new member. Th rliarter M draped for two d - a M"d mrrnber. rrana; Marlow and Mr. .a Brings. A thank you letter wa read from Anna Mae MVuw for a 4 II m ioUrfil) to summer school at C'orvailU. The AueuM meeting will be a picnic at lh home of Mr. and Mr. W. C. Srrhafrr. the exact date to be announced later. Rev. and Mr. Herman R, Berg took croup of children to Tine rroft Camp In northern Idaho lM week for Junior camp week. They Included Trlna Lowe. DrhMe Burg. Diane rian ana Cynthia Snoddrrly. Mr. Flenrr Root lia return imI home from a three week trip with her eon and daughter' In law. Mr. and Mr. Vernon Hoot of Waco. They went flrt to Yellowntone rrk. then to Salt Lake Cltv. I'ath. and from there to the Mefford family re union which wa held at the mountain home of Mr. Roof brother-ln lnw and Bister. Mr. and Mr. Ide Harvey, near line Crave. Calif. There were 42 eent. Mm. Root then went to vUlt her lster-ln law. Mr. K, E. lUxit. at Crldley. Calif., and re turned home with her brother-in-law and ltr. Mr. and Mr. Al Macomber of Arlington. Mr. and Mr. Ron Daniels and children Pam. Vlckl and Scott have returned home from a two weeks vl.nt with their parents. Mr. and Mr. W. L. Daniels at Caldwell. Idaho, and Mr. and Mr. Dale 1'etcrson at Parma, Idaho. Mr. and Mr. Ray Broten of Tacoma. Wah.. visited four day last week at the home of Mrs. Broten's brother and sis ter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert llarwood Oalen Jones, of Garden Grove, Calif., visited friend here one day last week. He Is a former rildint here and attended Boardman chool; 7, Mr. ana Airs, r-imt-r im-rwn I eer have returned home from i four dav trio to Kent, Wash- where they visited at the home of Mrs. Messenger's son and ; ( daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs riuiinuii 4 laiiu. 111.7 crr's recently attended a reun ion of the Me.wnger family In The Dalles at which there were 93 members of the family pres ent. p Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cross and children Jimmy and Barbara of Gresham were week-end visitors at the homes of Mrs. Cross par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Klng( and her brother and slstcr-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Dean King. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith were called to Bremerton. Wash., last week for the funeral of Mrs. Smith's mother. Ala Stlne, 76, who died of a heart attack July 12. Mr. and Mrs. John Hlrsbrun ner left Saturday for Soda Springs, Idaho to attend the funcra Sunday or Mrs. Htrs MCPPNCR GAZZTTZ TIMEt. TBaiday. J)y 12, IMS John Day Takes Wright Trophy in Golf Match iy VIRGINIA KtLfO KINZUA John Day OJfrr downed the Klnrua glf by a Me of 16 11 when the John Day Llayrn pet the ikliJ un- d-r the Klnrua twlngeri to re tain poelon of the coveted Wrivhi Menwirlal Tronhy on Sunday at the loeal goif course. It wa a hotly contested bat tle of Individual mati-hea, turn ed in by the best each club had to offer. In the quest of the tro- phy which I dedicated to the memory of the late Slip Wright and symbolic of ueriorlty be-tvkt-cn the two club. Aa the afternoon wore on It wa evident that the score would be a ( le as a band aid to a wee finger and true to rtpecta lion, the final Outoome a not dHided until the lat match wa ctimplrted. John Day also kept their hold on the Traveling Trophy for which the club have vied for the past five year. I The day was kicked off with a breakfaitt prepared and served by the "Fossil Fellows" and top ped with a buffet luncheon served by the Klnrua ladles. The clima of the affair was mixed two ball contest played In the early evening and was ! Mnria Wilton. A mm., children of Mr. and Mr. Tom WU- son. At bottom right are Mark Cutsforth. 8, and Jerry Cutsforth, 5. children of Mr. and Mrs. OrrlUe CutsSorth, JrM Rt 2, Hepp. ner. Busy Schedule On HEC Agenda LEXINGTON Home Econom iea Club met at the home of Mrs. Martha Van Scholack in Hepp ner last Thursday afternoon Plans were made for" Pomona Grange Vhlch la to be held July 31 at Lexington Grange Hall. ThU is 4 planned barbecue with the men doing tne cooning Plans were also made for a County Fair booth, with a com mittee innolntod to plan and build lt.T A committee was also ' cnosen to gei an nuiuwc folding tables and chairs for the dining Boom. The next meeting is planned for September 16 at the A. r. Maleske home with Mrs. McMil lan as co-hostess. Thla meeting will be In the Hawaiian theme and will feature a luncheon at 1:30 p.m. . Refreshments were served by Mrs. Van Scholack to the follow ing ladies: Mrs. Ola Ruggles, Mrs. Nora Turner, Mrs. Pearl Scott. Mrs. A. F. Majeske, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. Wilbur Stea gall, and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Mrs. Alonzo Henderson and daughter Betty are 'spending a few days In Hood River with their sop and brother, Larry. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Vanderwood of Libby, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snlvely of Hermiston and Mrs. Alice Luttrell of Heppner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon ,Munkers on Saturday. Mrs. Vanderwood, Mrs. Snlvely and Mrs. Munkers are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paplneau , are the proud parents of a baby son born at Pioneer Memorial hospital ' last Thursday, July 15. Carroll Messenger of Klamath Falls visited this week with his sisters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt and Bruce Marquardt who recently broke his foot while playing Little League ball and was a patient in the Community hos pital In Pendleton, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nichols of Portland was a week-end visitor In ' Lexington. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Tran nle Parker visited Mrs. Ina Nich ols, who is a patient in a nurs ing home In Pendleton. Dinner guests at the C. C. Jones homo Sunday were Mf. and Mrs. Vernon Chrlstopherson and daughter Debbie of Olex, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chrlstoph erson and children of lone, and Florence McMillan of Lexing ton. Mrs. Lou Broadlev. who has been vlsltinc for some time in Spokane, Wn and way points, returned Saturday to tne name of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner. Kinzua News Mrs. Rosie Graham was host ess Wednesday evening to the Friendship club at the grade school. High was won by VI Sllnkard. low by Doris Stubble- field, and the floating prizes Dy Barbara Mortlmore and LaVina Conner. Others playing were Rita Conlee, Pat McMlnn, Billie Jean Sitton. Molly Day, Carol Norris, Irene Samples, and Mar llyn Bailey. When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them who died Julv 14 Mr. and Mrs. Louis We nee and daughter Lorraine of North Plains, visited Friday at the home of Mrs. Claud Coats on their way to North Powder. Wence is postmaster at North Plains. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter of Gladstone visited friends here last Friday. Mrs. Ann Dunn of Modesto, Calif. Is visiting several weeks at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donovan. Mr. and Mrs. Dean King took a three day trip last week which took them to Banff, Calgary and Lake Louise In Canada, and to Glacier National Park in- Mon tana. On their return trip they visited at the home of Mrs. King's brother-in-law and sis; ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Boice, In Clarkston.' Wash . s . ' .j' Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatone were Mrs. Tatones niece, Geri Child ress. Bobbv Lowry'and Julie Alexanian, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith and children Kimberly, Linda and Julie of Seattle, Wash, were Sun day visitors at the home of Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith. Mrs. Smith and her granddaughter, Susan Moser, ac companied them to Salmon, Idaho this week where they will visit Glen Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, and Mrs. Smith's father, Roy Stine. Mr. and Mrs. Phil LaCombe have returned home from a three weeks trip to Oregon and California coastal points. They then went to Jerome, Idaho to visit Mrs. LaCombe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Edwards, and other relatives. Her sister, Marty Edwards, returned here with them to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Rash and daughters Valerie and Denise of Portland were week-end visitors at the home of Rash's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rash. Mrs. Glen Carpenter is In Kingston, Wash, for two weeks i visiting at the home of her and Mr. Clarence LaChance, and other relative. Dik and Bobble Skoubo went to Corvalit last week to visit M-veral day at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Ed Skoubo. Mrs. Bill Califf was an over night visitor last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Louise F.arwood. called here by the death of Mrs. Earwood't father, Herman Stelnke, at The Dalle. The funeral wa held Thursday in The Dalle. Claud Coat wa taken to the Umatilla Hospital last Friday. Mr. Guy Ferguson Is a pat lent In the Good Shepherd Hos pital in Hermiston. Visiting Charle Mckerson Sunday and Monday were his son. Charlie Nlckerson of Inde. pendence. Mo., and his daugh ter. Mr. Robert Hilder of San Ik-rnadlno. Calif., and Mr, l-s-ther Knight and daughter Edna of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carrick of Stanlield were Sunday visit or at the home of Mr. Car rick' uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr. Elvin Ely. won by LaVina Conner and Wayland Hyatt Honor for the day were rar rte.i off fur John I'ay by Joe Kuiuk, "'; Mrvin run ton. low net, Barbara Clbaon, ladw-a low grot, and Mary Red man, ladle luw net. For Kinzua: a tie between Dun Sllnkard and Milt Boring, low groa. Lee Bailey, low net; Ola Smith, la d'li- low net; Don Stinkard and Ardell Athlon, long drive, and Hollo Loomia, Alien NUtad, and Barbara Gib son, closest to the pin. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Splvey and eon Frank and Mr. Maggie Combe of Baker are on month trip to Tennesaee to visit friend and relative. Their first visit wa vtitn Mr. and Mrs. itoy Blevlns of Etowah, Tenn., who formerly lived at Camp 5. Mr. and Mr. FJdon Wahner of Manfield spent Sunday and Monday visiting with Mr. and Mr. Jtkg Bowman and family. Mr. ami Mr. Vincent Allen went to Arlington Sunday to meet their on Bob who came by bus from Halfway where he had spent the past week with Mr. and Mr. Harvey Blank. Mr. and Mr. Robert Rcavis went to Albany Saturday to spend the week-end with Mrs. Ed Bank and to attend the Sat urday evening wedding of Mr. Rcavis' nephew Edward El kin. Spending the week end with Mr. and Mr. J. E. Wall and John were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Seguln and family of Maple Val ley. Wash. Mrs. Seguln Is Mr. Walla' sister. The Kinzua Women club had its regular meeting Thursday with Virginia Kelso as he tests. During the business meeting it was decided to suspend meetings until September and to post pone the bazaar until further notice. After refreshments were served the ladies played games for traveling prizes. Mrs. Richard Mortlmore wa in Condon last Monday for med ical and dental care. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howell spent the vacation week In Kim berly and at Monument where thev visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller. Another new family has moved to Camp 5. They are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warner and they have a daughter Sherri aged two and a aon Larry who I three month. They came from a Angeles, Calif , to Monument be fore coming to tamp X Mr. Warner work on th M'l crew. The regular meeting of the Camp 5 Women club was Tues day with Carol Nrrl aa host r. Barbara Mortlmore, presi dent, wa In charge of the meet ing with seven old and four new member present. The raf fle of the cedar chest for the scholarship fund will be Sep tember Ht. The door prize wa won by Jean Med lock and game prize by Etta Ferrel. Joan nle Howell. Linda Warner, and Lola Ferrel. Mr. and Mr. Tom Schoolcraft and Mr. Lydia Wisely went to Pendleton on Saturday for bust- ne and shopping and then on to Hermiston to visit with Mr. and Mr. Charle Shannon. Spending the week-end with Mr. and Mr. Frank Ferrel were Mr. Anna Marlmer and Mr. and Mr. Floyd Stroup of Ontario Mrs. Marlmer Is a slater of Frank and Mrs. Stroup i his niece. Also visiting at tne rer- rela are Stephanie and Stacey Nelson of Portland. Kinzua won it fifth straight ball game and third league came, when they defeated Con don Sunday. 11 to 4. Bill Smith wa the winning pitcher. Mana gers for the Kinzua team are O. L. Adams and Clarence Woods. youth Spend Week at Camp Fourteen happy youngsters left Saturday for a week at Camp Morrow. Rev. Edwin Der rick took a load of luggage plus the two boy and the girls were taken by Mrs. Doyal Hubbell and Mr. Don Cory. Mr. Cory remained at the camp to help with the cooking. Those going to camp were Judy and Lorelei Hubbell, Darcl and Steve Asher, Connie Schroeder, Glen Mc Clain. Betty and Peggy Plank, Dawn and Pat Cory. Sharly Ma be. Diane and Donna Mead ow, and Carolin Keller. Vlsltlne Wedneaday and Thursday with Mrs. Lillian Sear cy were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Furlatte of LongBeacn, cam. and Mrs. Kathleen Norris of The Dalles. Mrs. Don McConnel and daugh ter Mary Anh returned last week from spending a week vis iting relatives in Detroit, Mich igan. , Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mctiain and family moved during the week end to Burbank. Wash. Mr. Mil 'lain will be employed at the hardboard plant at Walluta. Mr. and Mr. Howard Rice and children returned home Satur day night from Cherryvale, Kansas. Mr. and Mr. Don Sllnkard pent Saturday In Portland hav ing medical care for VI. Mr. and Mr. Ronald Muzzy and family visited this rast week wih Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muzzy. They brought Mrs. Paul ette Bailey home irom Vancouv. er, Wash, where ahe had sur gery done the week before. Kevin Davl nearly lost two finger In an accident recently with a lawn mower. He grabbed for the mower, which was being wished by another youngster catching hi finger In the reel. He wa taken to Condon and on to Heppner where they were ewed back on. Mr. and Mr. Bob Wood and family of Eugene spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods and Max. Paul Oyler went to Heppner Tuesday evening to get Mrs. Oy ler who had been an overnight patient In the hospital Mr. C L. Flack and Mrs. Rob- ert Kelso were business visitors to The Dalles last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jelllck went to Baker during the week end to get their children Den nis and Cathy who had been visiting there the past two weeks. MUs Sandl Emert of Wleser. Idaho, is .visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C J. Benson and family. Miss Emert Is a sister of Mrs. Benson. Charle Rlckert. Jr. left Fri day from Portland by plane for his base at San Diego. Chuck had been home on a 15-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. David Whltsett and daughter of Pendleton visit ed friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and dauehter Midge spent their vacation visiting various beach resorts and at Baker. Mrs. Jack Sitton and daugh ters Rita and Jackie and Mrs. Cora Burnside of Spray return ed home last week from a ten day trip to California where they visited relatives. They spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sears at Covlna. v";:. 100 I YEARS 1 OFSIBVICf I J N - ' ' ' Uk . l- k ki .sse-'-ri2 w n t " - . m . '4 i . n - a w ... a mty- ! - : r.-- m ' z. r r-. " 4 -j " '. -..if Yv ivs ;sV f it y?J .,,V-?r.j 1 1 - ". v . ,.'rV " " i '.FfV - - aJ.- Iim AJ:!... Uf&Ai.m im.Ul UX, a. t LJsa . . : : 1 GRANARY OF THE PACIFIC k . . " ....... .... j - - , A new and Increasingly popular variety of white wheat called Gaines grows well In Oregon' flva-county wheat belt This field will average, better than 60 bushels to the acre. Tha whit wheat Is excellent for pastry flour, and is popular In the Orient, where much of It Is shipped trough Oregon ports. Harvest usually begins In' July and Is completed near the end of August, The manager of First National's Tendleton branch Is as concerned with wheat averages and lyheat production a the growers. Much of the crop volume Is transmitted through First National's International Banking Department. Successful wheat ranchers In this important area rely on the financial support of First National Bank-which, they know, Is people servlaf other Oregon people with the best In banking service. John Locke, assistant manager of th Hepp ner First National Branch, Is part of a friendly staff whose years of banking expe rience total 100. Con sult these homttown Eeople for every bank ig need. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON Mtmbar F.d.rll D. po. 1 1 Inwrsnc CrprlA Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt you saw It In the Gazette-Times. brother and sister-in-law, Mr.1