Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1965, Page 8, Image 8

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    Monument School
To Observe 50th
Year at Reunion
MONUMENT The froth annl
vrrmiry of the Monument lUfih
Mhoul will be ohwrvfd SunJar,
July 1ft. with reunion potlurk
picnic In the park aquar at 12.00
noon. All graduate and former
ntutlrnta have been extended an
Invitation to be prt-iK-nl. A fe-
rial rrorram U Planned (of 2:00, jutlu aat.t.
i m Tfc Autilrv nf the Amcf. The Mmrow
Un' ijtnn la atkonanrtnf brought up the
Courts Support
John Day Study
County court of a number of
Ktern Orrtfun cxmnlU gather
isl In Condon Ian Kit it ay after
noon to eomtdtir h the U. 8.
Armv t'orp ot Ki'Blrwrra the
lJOfeUlhtv i-f un.it tmrr a
tudy ol the John lay lUver
Baain for flood control and wa
ter development. Judge I'aul
Jonea aald.
I'nantmoua autmort for the
tudy was Indloaird bv the coun
ty court, bringing the meeting
to a clone In hott time, the
of the
danre Saturday nlsht preceUlng.
making full weekend for
the rr turning for the reunion.
Working on the Invitation
committee are Mr. Lydla
iRrirhrnl Gertaen. Klmberly;
Mr. Lola (Justice) Kill. Klmber
ly; Mr. Darlene (Moore) Boy.
er. Monument; Mr. Kuth (Scrtt)
IVtenion. Monument and Mr.
Nona iBoyer) Copeland. Salem.
Official weather report for the
week ol July 815 l a loiow:
Balelqh Lightweight
No Brake Cable er Rod
Authorized Schwinn Dealer
Part For All Make
All Work Guaranteed
.First and Highland
I Pitch lYeek dtvemion o Willow j
Oeck a well a poaMbility for
development of rcM'rvulr for
recreation In mountain aoath
eaut of Heppner. and these re
ceived an interested hearing
from the Knglneer.
A hearing will he M-hsluld
In tVtotwr on the John lay Baa
in tfudy.
Ttiie interested are advised
to send letter to the hearing.
Further Information may be ob
tained from Judge J one.
LL Parents to Show
Playing Form Friday
Sttthall. in one of it more un
orthodox forms. U felieduletl for
Friday evening at 6tfl pm, at
the Little League field, when
tram comprised moMly if Ultli
League mom and dads will
hxkm ii up ome creaky olnt lor
a few inning of what will, in
all probability, be some very in
teresting competition.
Visit After 47 Years
Relatives whom she had not
M-en for 47 year visited Mrs.
Mabel Chaffee Tuesday. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ander
son of Apple Valley. C'aHf . w ho
Writ the day with Mrs. Chaffee
while on a vacation trip. Mr.
Vnderson U a niece of Mrs. Chaf
ce. Accompanying the visitors
vere F. A. Chaffee of Spokane
rother-inlaw. and Ellsworth
halfee of Seattle, a nephew of
.Irs. Chaffee.
4-H Girls Show
Dresses in Revue
At Chamber Meet
Skill and talent In aewing. de
velofed and encouraged by 4 II
club. ta demoiutrateil to
member of the lleppner
Mirow Count v iTiJmUr 4
Commerce Monday a member
of two tewing tUiO ptrenleil a
t le iev ue.
The 1 filrU modeled dree
they had made In their ilul.
the KuraU-tte," and the
'Wunlry letter," alumtng cot
Ion kklrt and hlouM-t. ivxt
outfit. hifu and better die.
Kaeh girl told nomething
about the Urea or outfit he had
matte and aomcthlng about the
M-wlng club and wk tney do.
MiHleiing w ere Cherl l'ailon.
ChrlMlne Mifabe. Shauna Berg
kttotn. Mr' MiFlligolt. Car ley
Rerytrtm. KriMmc IVtemott.
Molly Hrtket. Linda lvttyl..hn.
Mrv Kathrvn l HHN- and
Sandra Carlson.
Leader Here Introduced to the
Chamrcr by Ivr.na tU-orge.
home evtenslori aent. Tliey are
Mrv i;land Bergtwm and Mr.
L A. McCabe f.r the Kutalette
and Mr. Ixnti Carlxn and Mr
Laurence B ket Ut the Country
In their mmleling demonstra
tion the girls explaimil that the
4 II clubs teach them how to
read pattern and how to buy
material. They told how they
could make their own clothing
at a fraction of the cost f pur
chasing It.
Some of the garment were
entered In the county fair lat
year and Mme will Ih Included
In the fair for r3.
Parents Advised
To Watch Bikes
Chief of roSUe IVan t:i!mn
thta wek akel 4x -i a l ion d
parents to ee that their child
ien"a blcde ie put away at
nuht and dacel in ad or on
vivhe w lu-n not In ue,
II. kld that three blcv le
have hern reported nuking In a
il h.Hir perio.1 Sune hicle re
ptitte.1 .t iwvntly hae never
licen found, leading to evu-
tlon that aome outsider may
he Mcatin them and taking
them ttul of town
The chief Raid that II parent
wouM cool'-' oy insisung
that youngster lake care of
their bltcle, inosl ol the
IrtHible wtnild be elimlnatisl
Anyone who clunks around
town In an evening will n lice
lhat many blccle are left on
ldcaik and In other location
where they could he pl K.-.I up
without the owner noticing the
loss for some tnoe
In Appreciation . . .
We wish to thank all the fine friends
and customers who have given us their
support and patronage during the 6V2
years we had Srefani's Fine Foods in lone.
We have sold the business to Alton
and Mildred Yarnell and know they will
serve the area very well. We urge you to
continue the same good support to them.
Lcn Gilmans Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Lcn Gilman of
San Pedro. CaWf, visited in
Iteppner from July 4 to 13. Oil
man, who is associate deputy
regional commissioner of the
U. S. Immigration and Natural
Ization Service, is son of Mrs.
Viola Oilman, and Mr. Len (Ill
man Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harlan McCurdy. The visitors
enjoyed a trip to the mountains,
arranged by his brother. Chief
of Police Dean Oilman, and he
soent most of the rest of the
time working for his mother.
she said. Len had planned to
visit many old friends but be
cause of lack of time was un
able to see them all, his mother
Pomona To Meet
At Lexington Hall
TTia Tjlnfton Crance will be
host to the July meeting of Po
mona Grange on Saturday eve
ning. July 31. at the Lexington
Grange halL
A barbecue dinner will start
h mMtinr at R:.) D.m.. fol
lowed by discussion of business,
and report will be heard from
those who have attended the
State Grange meetings, with
Master Berl Akers presiding.
Carolyn Berastrom la out and
around again after returning
from St. Anthony hospital, Pen
dleton, where she had major
surgery on June 18. She was dis
missed on June zi Dut as yei is
unable to return to her work as
nurse's aide at Pioneer Memor
ial hospital She states that she
is feeling better with every pass
ing day.
Oregon Delegates
Total 17 on UN
Pilgrimage Tour
Oregon will lie represented bv
17 young people on the tMd Fel
low" I'nited Nations Pilgrimage
tour, who met for a getae.
nuainl.il banouet at the U)K
Home In Portland Tuesday
night. Four of the touring stu
dents will be from Eastern Ore
gon, one each from Burns, Con
don. Ileppner and Athena.
As the group heads east, two
more delegates will bo added
from Washington; 14 In Idaho
and two in Wntning. making
a total of 35 from the four
northwestern stat-.
Delegate Mark Brown was ac
companied by his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Brown and by Mr.
and Mrs. rete MCMiinry io ion
land Tuesday and all attended
the special banouet. One of the
former delegates who spoke on
the program was Kirk Mattn
ews. son of Bob Matthews, a
former resident here and teach
er In Lexington. Bob Matthews.
Jr.. brother to Kirk. Is making
the tour this year. Several of
the students were Interviewed
bv TV and radio nations, with
the TV tape to be shown next
Monday. Mark was one of those
Interviewed on radio.
The group enjoyed a send off
League All-stars
Prepare for Area
L-L Tournament
An all lar team, made up of
15 placer and two alternate
front the four team of the Wil
low Creek Uttle Lragurra, h-
len announced by lr. Bob
Todd, commissioner.
After ome tu actio m'noii
dutlng the coming week, the all
Mar should be well prepared to
enter the area tournament In
The Dalle. July 2A and 21,
and make a go.nl show ing.
At the tournament opening.
Thursday evening. July IIoh
Klvcr all star will (day the
Western team of The UaOe at
7:Ut pm. On Friday evening.
July 2X the Willow Creek club
will lake on lechutea all star
at 6 U p m . followed at tMU by
the American learn of Th lalle
against the winner of the Thurs
day evening game.
If the illw ('reck leaguers
oe. Ihey will day In a consol
ation game Saturday evening at
(i.ni pm. and If they win they
will be In the championship
bracket at 8:00 p m.
Hie games will he played at
the American Uttle la-ague field
on The PaUes Junior High
school grounds at K. K th and II
On the all star club, those
named from the Indians team
were Terry Cannon. Oene Crow
ell. Steve Kemp. Joseph Mchlli
gott and Bruce Marnuardt. Hep
'resenting the IVultfors are Kenny
Baker, Kobin lulfy, Dave Gun
derson and Tcrrv Hughes, al
ternate. Chosen from the Hravc
are John 1UU, Pallas Ilarsin,
Gary Huber, IJory Stillman and
Gary Wat kin, alternate. Those
i'laing for the Giants are Greg
Greenup, Tom Hughes and Keith
Accompanying the boy will
bo Lindsay Klncald. manager;
Wayne Ilarsin. coach, and lr.
Todd, commissioner.
The all-stars will have prac
tice sessions at Condon at o
p.m. Friday nlj.'ht; at Stanfleld
at 6 p m. Saturday night; .Stan
field here. Tuesday night, under
the lights if possible at 00.
otherwise at 6:W m.
Yarnells Purchase lone Restaurant
Mr, and Mr. Alton Yarnell.
who have ent most of their
live In th lone area, hav pur-
chased Stefanl's Fin Food at
Ion and ois-ned the restaurant
for bukinea Saturday after a
cloture of a few days for minor
repair work.
Variu-U ald Ihev have rm.
p)o)rd iharie (Chuckl (i Konak
a chef In Ih restaurant. He
formerly waa a chef at th Ben
ton hotel In Portland for two
year and citrate! and owned
a restaurant In Ohio at another
The YarnelU left lone In l!'sl
it eo lo 1-wlston. Idaho, where
they owned and operated a night
club. They found Ihey liked
Morrow county better and re
turned to purchase Ih restaur
Yarnell grew up In lone and
hi wife, the former Mildred Sib
ley. waa reared In th North
Ington area.
KreH I"' attendance, at
the University of Washington,
where h graduated In 1!M'.. and
Ih Urn al lawiton, Yarnell
has been In Morrow county vir
tually all of hi life.
Mr. and Mr. Floyd Stereaa.
Portland, slopped for a visit with
hi brother In law ami auier.
Mr. and Mr. We Sherman, and
famiiv. khll on a July 4th
week end trip to Faatern (Vegon
and to Buhl. Idaho, to viu omer
Tell the advertiser you aw
In the Gazette-Times.
breakfast Wednesday morning
before heading toward Pi-ndle-ton
and points east.
. . . that we have purchased Srcfoni's
Fine Foods in lone and aro now open
for business, ready to servo you.
We havo employed an experienced
and expert chef to provido the finest
foods at reasonable prices.
We will have luncheon specials
Mondays through Saturdays and
meals will be served until 1:00 a.m.
in the lounge.
Wc cordially invite everyono to
come in and enjoy the atmosphere
of our restaurant and lounge.
Alton and Mil Yarnell
S.a""-"""' wmmmmm-mmmm 1 ft n
IMI ln Tl 1 1 - ...,...WT-- ""-a" ' B
An electric freezer brings "super market"
conveniences and economy to yourjomo
Ah electric freezer Is another flood
way you Uvt better for let because
Of low-cost rural electric power!
Now you can buy seasonal spe
cials when prices are low; keep them
In your freezer to be served months
later when prices have climbed two
or more times what you paid I An
1 ..... -.5 try 1
flu. - ' 4
l 'JkyrV'' "V
- "IT ('"' j
tlECOnDl Ford-powered racer scores new speed record in '65 Indianapolis 500.
Ford-powered can win 1-2-3-4 ! GET A RECORD-BREAKING DEAL at your Ford Dealer's now I
Ford Dealers score greatest record ever with first-quarter sales up
51.7 over last yearl GET A RECORD-BREAKING DEAL at your Ford Dealer's now!
'65 Fords score with a new level of quietness! Come quiet-test on
Test.-and lnvest...in the best! See your
mwim AUTO SALES, Inc.
electric freezer saves shopping trips
so the busy homemaker can spend
more time with her family Instead of
making unnecessary trips back and
forth to the grocery.
Keep that garden-fresh goodness
In these modern days, every family
should have garden-fresh fruits and
vegetables all year. An electric
freezer makes it easy to preserve so
many different foods from your gar
den and orchard. It's much faster
and not nearly so messy as old
fashioned canning methods. And
frozen foods have a delightful way
of keeping all that "just picked" fresh
An electric freezer'can quickly pay
for itself. In addition to vegetables,
you'll save money on meats. Even
poultry and fish will keep safely for
months In an electric freezer.
. , tt -f-r,
' i
-" ' 1 I- I
- .' . v
Smile when guests stay for dinner
There's always extra food for unex
pected guests when you have an
t, . ,. .- '
1 " ".'''"
- A
iL. V" I : . j
I rf..J. .. .1 ... ...
electric freezer. No need to drive to
the grocery. You have your own con
venient "supermarket" right In your
own home. There's always extra
meal3 at your fingertips..
Most families find that an electric
freezer adds to the variety of foods.
1 It's so much easier to plan meals,
An electric freezer is another big
step toward modern living. Like so
many other electrical appliances, It
costs only pennies to operate, thanks
to low-cost rural electric power.
olumbia Basin Electric Co-op
Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties