Fourth Holiday Provides Time For Family Gatherings at lone f KATHERINC UNDSTBOM IONK Mr. and Mr. K. M llu W it minted aitndlnit the Fourth ut July with number il thrlr famllv at ihrir tralUr hum at Mt-Nary Yatht club. Curat were their mn In lw and daughter, Mr. ami Mr. In larvon, whit had Jul rrlurned from a vacation in California, whrr they hail Wiled Mm Larn'a brother. iHjane lUkrr ml family at .Sunnyvale, Calif Mrs. lukt-r. I Mann ami Tainmv return with thrni ami will vlult with th Baker ami with hf parent. Mr. anil Mm. V. V Min, at Milton-Freewalrr until hir huahand arrive nrnt week. Duane Baker ha jut corn plrted working at hU company on on stac of th Tlton 31, whleh recently wa sent Into or bit from Cap Kennedy. Other uet of th K. M Ink ers wrr Mr. ami Mr. Herb llahn, who were friend of the Lanxtn at th Unlveraity of Ma ho at Muneow, anil now ar mov ing In California to live. On Thursday th Larona will leave for Wenatchee, Vah., whcr he will b employed by th W'anh Ink'ton State lllk'hway Depart menl. Another n and family. Mr. and Mr. Kon IJaker and family of llermUton alv njw-nl pari of the holiday with the family. fiueU at the home of Mr. and Mr. Howard Crowd I and fam ily on the Fourth of July were her parent. Mr. and Mr. Wil bur SteagtH of Lexington her ltrr, Mr. Dranna Brandhauen and daughter of Pendleton; a brother ln law and lter, Mr. an, I Mm. Crrcr l-vva and fam ily of La Grande; Clifford Aid rich ami e,lrl, ami Al Winkle man. Mr. ami Mr Kay Turner and U of Kliuen were weekend trueat of her parent, Mr. ami Mr. let Irk, Mr Keith Ilea returne.l from Pioneer Memorial hospital In lleppm-r on Turday, Mi had major kurgery lat week, but I rreuverlnu aatUfartorlly. Mr. Florence Anderaon, Kathy ami Ina of 'roer. Wash- aix-nt a few (lay Oil week vUlllntf l,..r .Ll.-r. Itt.lnu Ml. t'.lvthe White, and with other relative. Mr. and Ju. icaipn Mnram. Kathy and Bud. Mr. and Mr. Wallace Oaraland and Mari anne, and Mr. and Mr. Jack llealy and family of lleppner pent th week end at Prlnevllle on a ramping trip. They aM met Mr. and Mr. I'ete Crawford ml family of Portland there. Mr. Crawford. Mr, llealy, and Mr. Oakland are alutera and brother. Mr and Mr. Charle OCon nor and daughter and Mr. and Mr. Alton Yarnell apent tna Fourth at the home 01 ineir roulna. Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Clark and family In BKkleton, VVah. Mr. and Mr. Verrlll Ruell ...t ih tw.lM.V vlkltlni' nil mother at Caacada Lake, Idaho. John Jarkaon, Jr.. 1 warning on a ilanlnjc Doai ai iwcicrmaii, A I.mL froudtoota Xnrlrd. . la AccMant . Mr. nd Mr. John rrouaiooi and family apent laat wrw-rna In l"nrtland. where they attended th 30th wedding; anniversary party of hl parenta, Mr. and Mr. Harry Proud'eot. Sr. at the iiou restaurant. Twenty one member of their PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN DUE and KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Pioneer Service Credit Information la moat valuable No commtwlona charged on eollectlona All money 1 paid Hrct to creditor Pioneer SERVICE CO., INC. SINCE 1926 The Merchant' and Professional Men Organization OREGON I DA HO UTA II N EV AD A DIVISION Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH TOR THE CREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE family were t.reaenl to ahare the pleakur A th fO'ftnt n. On th way horn on Tuea day th Proudfoota were In a fill un f aeveral ear near llood Klver. Mr. Proudfixit had toied In a line of traffic for contrurtlon and waa hit on the rear of th car by a driver, who failed to atop In time to avoid a rolllkion. Thla raud the Proud foot car to Jump forward, hliilnir th ear In front of them. lliey wer not aerlouily Injured, although Mr, proudfoot received kliii !- fur a had tut on her lee. The car waa badly damaged. Mr. and Mr. Alfred Nelaon, Jr. kpent 11 week In Fortland vlklilnir relative and attending to buklneM. They alo apent a lew aay at me oeacn ccom. anled by hi parenta, Mr. ana lr. A. II. Nelson, Sr. Jim Svi'aniuin la auendlnff about ten day In Moacow, Idaho, a a guet of hi friend. Chuck llerrtt k. Laat Thuraday Jim had l ho mlhfortune to rut a rah in hi head when diving Into a awimmlng pool. The laceration required ix aturnea to cioh. Mr. and Mr. Blaine Chapel and Caaaie and Carol Haualer apent the Fourth and Monday vlklilnir friend at John Day, Boy Flac la Ski T&uray Mr. and Mr. Kay Helmblgner, Tom. and Mark Halvorsen at tended th Water Ski Touroa. ment at Soap Lake, Wn., thla week end. Tom won flmt place In men' Jump with 115 ft and 118 ft. Jump. He abw competed In the barefoot alalom, trick, and alalom. Mark won aecond In boy'a Jump and aecond In boy'a trick. Thl waa the Waih tngton State Open Champion ahlp ahow. Accompanying the Helmblgner waa their house guet. Mia Suaan Bird, who is attending aummer school at the Unlveralty of Oregon. Mr. Blaine Chapel had a birthday party on Friday, July 2. honoring Caasle on her ninth birthday. Little friend, who came for the afternoon of game and refreshment were: Arlene and Cathy Cannon, Cher vie Ham. Brenda and Alvln niu, n.rKnn Palmer. David '.Tucker. Danny Akers. Klmmy Martin, Carol liausier, uiren Slvart. Frankle Engleman, and the honored guest Advanced swimming lessons and diving lessons will be off ered at the lone pool beginning July 19 at 10:00 a.m. and last ... taia nvnrrtlncr to an 1UI IUUI uwjw, - - announcement by Joe Hausler, life guard and Instructor at the tVfJ mm t , . . . i.h M. Mr. ana mi. iiiy turned on Thursday from v cation trip to Salinas, Kan., They saw much evidence of the flood damaite in various areas on the trip. Their daughter, Llla, Is em ployed at Canyon Village In Yellowstone Tark this summer. Merrlc Jo Morrison la spend ne the summer In San Francisco with her brother-in-law and sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick DeBlsa chop and son. Greg Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs, left for Camp Meadowood Springs near Weston on Sunday. Mrs. Milton Morgan honored Miss Shlrlee McGreer at a coffee party at her home on Thursday r' i l" ( ( V t i 1 J fOUR CHILDREN of Mr. and Mr. Oorq E. Tucker of looo com- pruo thl arotip ol Amtrtcer Future ptctur. At lop in u i ra Tucker. XL and at top right U Taaya Tucker. 12. At bottom Uft 1 Dartd Tucker. 7, and at bottom right Is Tcanmie Tucker. S. HCrPNCI CAXETTE -TIMES. Tbwradar. NT IHi Mrmorial hntital last Tuesday for a tonallectomy. Mr. and Mr. A. C tiwwcu moved Into their new homo on Ki,ni Kteet durlnff the week end. Their ton. Howard, ha lut flntkhed rrmotjeiing ana paini ing It Mr. and Mr. DonaM F.ubanka have purchased the Bob peSpaln horn on Second Street Just va cated by th Crowell and are moving In this week. Mr. and Mr. Jo Miller and Mike of Salem arrived on Sun day to pend hla vacation with hi brother-in-law and aUter, Mr. and Mr. Garland Swanaon and family. Other recent fucsta at the (twininn homo were college friends of John Swanson. lion Oliverto of Portland and Bill Sear, w ho U now em ploy ea ai Philadelphia, renn. and was on hla way eat after vacationing In Oregon. Rod ahow Glil oa Outlog The girl from Rainbow A sembly No. W left on Tueiy mornlnir on their annual outing. Thl vear thev aro fning to Ilia mountain home on Hvnd Bro. ranch near Granite. They were accompanied by Mother Advtor, Mr. Lewla lUlvomen and Mr. Halvoren and tord member, Mr. K R. Shaffer and Mr. Omar Rietmann. Girls making the trin were Connie Emcrt. Bon nl Morgan. Tra Stefanl, Cherllyn Smouse, Susan Llnd itrum. Bonnie Aker. Linda Row el 1. B'tty Greenup. Tanja Tuiker. Bonnl Hynd. Mary Beth Clerf. and Sharlene Ham lett. afternoon. MUs McGreer ha Just recently returned to the United State from Chatearoux. France, where ahe has been a counselor In the Junior high school main tained for U. S. Air Force de pendents. Fifteen ladles enjoyed visiting and the delicious frozen dessert served by Mrs. Morgan. Garden Club will meet at the home of Mr. Ernest Christopher son. Jr.. on Tuesday afternoon, July 13. Members are asked to bring their favorite flower con tainer. How to make corsages will be a part of the progTam for the afternoon. Citizens are asked by the Gar den Club to check the street trees and give them plenty of deep watering during this extremely dry weather and to mulch and tie the trees if necessary. Gary Morgan drove from Port land to spend the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mr. Milton Morgan, who Just recently re turned from a vacation spent at Depo Bay. He was accompanied by his cousins. Peggy Voorhee and Geradine Morgan. They all returned to Portland on Mon day. Mrs. Teresa Beauchamp left for her home In Portland on Tuesday after spending some time visiting here at the home of her daughter. Mrs. C R. Mc Ellicott, and family. With the family on Sunday she attended St. Patrick's Catholic church In Heppner. where she saw her granddaughter, Catherine, re ceive first communion. Cather ine was unable to attend with her class recently due to a bout with the measles. Arietta Aldrlch was In Pio- NOTICE OF CLOSED FIRE SEASON THIS NOTICE IS TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT, EFFECTIVE JULY 10 NO BURNING OF TRASH IS NOW PERMITTED AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE CITY OF HEPPNER. By Order Of Fire Chief C. A; RUGGLES t5 f&if Gfid ftodeo 0CKFFM IE m mm x:X"X"X"Xxx V T V t Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y WW Travel first class on your vacation-go in a big, new '65 Ford I Choice of models-sedans, hardtops, convertibles, wagons. At today's clearance prices, plus the excise tax cut, what you save can help pay for your trip. You couldn't pick a better time to buy ! Test...and invest....!) the bestl See your FORD DEALER f 1C5FCr.3 4 BARGAIN BUYS MOW AT YOUR FORD DEALER -CAUSED CAR CLEARANCE! HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. HEPPNER, OREGON y ( ;' 1.7 NO " " Q I ; ' ' !'.:; Lrf&Jtt.- aaaaiaiaiasaiaiaMaBwaLtilife--tf. fca H aiia fw fca , f - . SATURDAY NIGHT 10:00 P.M. UNTIL 2K)0 A.M. V A t Y Y Y MUSIC BY THE LA GRANDE BJ w.v ATA. X Meet Queen AND HER COURT t Y Y J Y Y Y Y FA fin liU nfo)rnrro) V 2 X$1.50 PER PERSON REFRESHMENTS SERVED XXXXXXXXX Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y r Y Y Y Y Y