(gpgoosagoasg ionc UNrrm eHuaat or CHRIST Rev, Walter fwill, pastor If i. 42J-TVW Invcr grades, rhurth achoul r I , io in m Morning Worship, 1000 a m CHURCH Of THE HAIAlttNE ltrv. kin Mrly Sunday S hool, 10 00 a m. Worship Service, 11 ) am. lYcnlng Service. 7 Oil p.m. Itaycc Meeting, Wed. 7:."W p rn. ASSEMBLY OT COD OtORCM Jt.v, III I In- AUtip. ph. i7GKM Sunday School. fM'V a m. Morning Worship II ( am. Kvrnttig S rl'-, 7 pm MM week Service, Tuca, 7.00 pm. HOPE AND VALRY LtmfERAlf Kev. Kenneth I Itotdnson Ph. f76 WM0 VAIJ1Y: Worship 9 00 am. .Sunday School, ID 3) a rn. IIOPK: Sun.Uy School, 9: am. Worship, 11:00 a m, MR ST METHODIST CHURCH ltrv. Melvln Dlson, Ph. K70 !C24 Monday School, 3 4 p.m., each Monday. Worship Service 9 00 am. M.Y.K.. Sunday. 7:() pm. Kprclal Youth Service on June 27. CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER-DAY SAINTS American Legion Hall Glen T. Mecham, Br. I'resldcnt It ttM t meeting. 9.0(1 am. Sunday School. 10 :to a m. Sacrament Krle, II ;n) am. MUST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Itev. Al lUwwhee Heppner Ph 7fi.2"H Mmlng worhlt. ( a m C.YT. Sunday, 7:30 pm. SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1ST Hdif FUimmI Iloyd. I'h. G7u W3 Srthhaih School. 9 am. Iiurcrt Worship. 11:00 am. uM Hour" radio broadcast, KGO, Sundays, 2 pm. riRJT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lsaioqtoa It.v. Al IWher. C70 9'.,a lutilc SihMi. 10:30 am. Worship Service. 1 1 :(Kl am. C.Y K., .Sunday, :.W pm. Christian Women Fellowship, ininj turiMiay. Madras, Pomeroy Added fo Heppner Athletic Slate ST. PATRICK'S end ST. WILLIAMS CATHOLIC Father Raymond If. Heard I'h 70 9162 ST. PATRICK'S t Heppner) Sun day Muvi, 7;3) and 11:00 sr'wiLLIAMS (lone); Sunday Miuu'i, 9:15 a m. Confessions, St. Patrick's Sat 78 pm. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL Sunday Services. 10 00 a.m.; Church School. 10:00 a m. am. Womcn'a Guild, 1st Wedne. day. COME AND GET IT! ilry! What'! evoking here? Where'd he get the money for that new out door grill? By a v I n k systematically with us! Open a saving account now! We are paying a new higher rate that lets your money make more for you In much less time. 1 taiiui a? OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FE0EK0L BOX 739 SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION PENDLETON Madras High school, baik In ih. Ai rank, and Pomeroy. Wnh, ate added to llrpprw-r High athictle schedule t n 1.- M Madras Mill compete In the Greater Oregon league, but pomeroy be a non confer erne opponent. Football and basketball schedule fur the Mustangs, already released, a how Madra competing on both, while Pomeroy la on the football nhcdule only. The series with Knterprlu, pUyi-d by the Mustang for lh tuht several year, la dfcpjx'J In in the football schedule. Heppner ha three non-league' game and live (.renter Oregon l' meti on lla football achedule. 'I he aeaMin iH-na on S'ptemter M again! Pilot It.x k. uhtch ha dropped bak to the (lata B rank, and will no longer corn In te In the Greater Oregon league. TliU opener will be at Heppner al 8 pm. Second game of the year will Ih agalnut the Blue Ifc-vll at ( trnloii at 2 p m. September 17. September 21 U open, after which the league whedule wlU tart at The Uallea against Wahtonka on Octolxr 1 at 2 p m. League game folhwlng In ruder are October H. 8 pm, Grant L'nlon at John Day; Oct oler 15. 8 pm. Madra at Hepp ner; October 22. 8 p.m. Burn at Burn: October 2.i, 8 p.m., Sher man at Id ppner. The non- co n f e r e n ce game with Pomeroy will bo played at the Wanhlnglon town as the last game of the eaon on Novem ber 5 at 7:30. Thu. the Mustang will have only three homo game thU year. Sixteen basketball game, plu the ("hrl.stmn tournament at Condon, are listed for the Muntang at thl time. Ten of the game are conference con test, while DcSales of Walla Walla. lone and Pilot Hh k will furnish non-league comjHtltion. First game will be LfcTemlx-r 10 against DeSale at Walla Walla. Remainder of the non league schedule Is as follows: Iecemter 11. Tllot Hock at Heppner; iH-cembcr IS, DeSales at Heppner; December 21. Ion" nt lone; December 2S and 29. Christ ma tournament at Con don; January 4. Pilot Bock at Pilot Bock and January 11, lone at Heppner. league season opens wlih a tough one on January 11, Mad ras at Madras. January 15 is oM-n. On January 21, the Mus tang travel to Burns to face the inlanders and follow wlih Grant Union at John Day on Jar.uary 22, meaning they will have three very difficult games on the road at the start of the se.'inon. On January 2S they wlU haw their opening league game at home against Sherman county of Moro. January 29 is open, and on February 4, Wahtonka comes to Heppner. February 5 Is open, after which Madras plays at Heppner on February 11. Remainder of the schedule Is as follows: February 12, Sher man at Moro, February 18, Wah- We'll Sec You With Tremendous Bargains At The e&?tf (7 IN HEPPNER, JULY 9 and 10 DRESSES VARIETY OF SIZES AND COLORS From $5.00 LINGERIE BABY DOLL SLEEFWEAR. SLIPS $2oo And u" LADIES' HOSE BERKSHIRE AND KAYSERS WHITES AND COLORS 50c Miscellaneous Many, Many Other Items At Ridiculous Prices HOSPITAL NEWS Patient adrniitel to pioneer Memorial hojita during the pant two week f medical rare, then dlnmUsed, Include ttte following: ( lulre Anderson, Heppner; lUjnald I urrln, llepp. ner: Delwln Nrln. l4-lnct(n: Hvrithla lliue, Condon; Kevin DavU. Condon: Terrv Clayton, Umatilla: Ulllan f.A.-k. Ji.o tut; IxuU lihixlf-, Klnua; llr. old Mlnchflcld, fondon; Karle IMiml. FcAkll; Kim Cutoforth, HrpprM'r, and Arietta Aldrkh, loni. T'lione admltte1 during the pat two we k. and at HI re. crlvlng mr-dieal care, are the following: Mabel Davidson, lone; Goldie Wtntr, Heppner; Kay Co, llet.jiner; Roy Wet fall. Unity; Michael (iarnhart. Condon; leta 1-dtM-tter. llepp. ner. and Judy Kea. lone. Mr. and Mr. Richard Vinson of Lexington welcomed their first child. son. on Tuesday. June 22 He ha been named Mark William and his birth weight wit 7 lh.. H Mater, nal grandparents are Mr. and great grandmother 1 Mrs. Kthel Lane. Heppner, and. paternal grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Vinson. Mxlngton. Mr. and Mr. Stact-y Lovgren, Heppner, are parent of a n-cond child, a daughter, born Tnur. day, June 24. weighing 8 lbs., 2 oz. She has been named Rita Kae, and Join a brother, I'at rick, at home. Maternal grand tiarents are Mr. and Mrs. liar old Johnston. Pendleton, and naternal crandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Al Lovgren. Heppner. A new baby boy. Robert Lee, was born Monday, June 28. to Mr. and Mr. Gerald Wagner of Heppner. He weighed 7 lbs.. 151 oz. at birth and Join a brother. Dale, at home. Mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Georce Sawyer of Umatil la, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr. Delbert Sand lln of Kimberly. Mr. and Mrs. Hill aid Brown spent the week-end In Seattle visiting with a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Melllns. and three children. tonka at The Dalles; February 19. open; February 23. Burns at Heppner; February 2C, Grant Union at Heppner. DlMrict playoffs are set for February 28 to March 3 district tournament w ill be March 4 and 5; and the state tournament is scheduled for March 14. 15 and 1G. Families Participate In Special Program For Willows Grange Willow Grange met for Its IaM regular m ion for the sum rn rr on Saturday evening, June 19. with plan to r until Saturday, September 1. With the rr.etlr.g Um.log I--tween Children's Day and Fath er's Day. children of lone Grange families participated as high HrM on the program, given by the Home F.crwmlc club. Donna and !-bra palmer, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer, passed out basket of rosebud boutennler to the fath er while Mr Palmer gave a greeting to the fathers. Others giving recitation were Harvey and Laurie ChlM.fi, L Roy and Craig Ilea. Mrs. James Lindsay rave a numerous reading. "Snoring liukbunds." dedicated to tho who never realize how sweet the sound of snoring can be un til It is allcneed forever. Wate Crawford was Presented with cake and homemade candy. In honor of hi being trie oldest lamer present. The youngest father. Keith Rea, and the father having the youngest child. Cleo Chllder. were presented with gift of candy. A song and tableau, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," conclud-1 ed the program. State Grange convention dele gates, Mr. and Mr. W. C. Craw, ford, made excellent report. Other attending the convention, held in Pendleton June H-18, were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Childcrs, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers. Mrs. Al MaricK and Mrs. Art DalzelL Granger and their families were invited to the Home Ec onomics club annual picnic at the mountain cabin of Mr. . C. Hellker on Sunday, June 27. The annual Willows Granee picnic Is slated for August 22 in the Woolery Memorial Park In lone, with Ice cream, punch and coffee furnished by the grange. It is hoped that the drinking fountain will be Installed before that time. HEPPNEK GAZETTE -TIMES. Taufsdoy. J.ly 1. IMS Mr. aukd Mrs. W4 Ibermaa, publisher of the Gairtte Times, returned home Sunday after at tending the 7mh annual con vention of the Oregon New- Pter PublUhers auMMiation at Ladies Attend Baker Club's Anniversary j Mrs. Let a Trwmas, Mr, rd Gorily and Mr. Maine Oortfe traveled to Bakrr Tue.day, June jGearhart. One of the highlight W. to attend the 2h annlvrr- of the convention was a field sarv oUrrvaru- of hvpti- trip to t.t Jot Ccrpa tralr.:r.g mlt club of Bker. j center at Tongue IVjinf. Astoria. Include.1 In the evenings pro- n Friday. Sherman, an OM'A pram, following dinner at the director, attended the dlrectora shangrll In Maker, were tnitla- dinner meeting lat Thursday tlon and Installation eeremonle. nitht. Sm Jim went a far a and a special necrology service p,tland with them and took In memory of deceased charter th ho n Salem lo vl.ll with memers. put on by ladles of the Heprter club. A (eial guest of honor was Mr. Mta Cunning, charter pres ident of the linker club, a well as Its other charier member. Mr. aod Mrs. Ed Goaty and son Doug were In I"ortlnd Sun day to attend the summer show Ing of the new Motorola TV models at Lou Johnson Co. They returned to Heppner on Monday. The Gazette-Times appreciates getting new copy early. i. I Um mm4 .i.t.f.ln.l.iii Til. wic. m.. a , - m w . Mr. and Mr. Dick Sherman. ani continued on to Eugene to visit friends, returning with hi par. ent Sunday. Cathy Jo spent the time with her grandmother. Mrs. Harry Sherman. Sr.. In Forest Grove. Son BUI working at the paper this summer, remained home to "keep store." GIVK A GIFT certificate Lb acrlptlon to Gazette-Time for birthdays, anniversaries or any occasion; 1150 anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox and family came from Portland Sat urday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Cox. Charles Is administrator In the regional Portland office of the Veterans' Administration. Tell the advertiser you saw it in the Gazette-Times. LEGAL ON SALE at lone and Heppner July 2 and 3 SPARKLERS, CAPS, MANY ITEMS ALL LEGAL Also on Sale At lone Fireworks Display Saturday Night By lone Lions Club PROCEEDS TO CIVIC PROJECTS fir Marj and LeRoy h ave With The Values They're Offering For The 10 In The Score SHOES -- $850 10 ?1500 SLACKS ?200 t0 ?5 KNIT SHIRTS $1 JACKETS 5500 to $1000 On The Sidewalk SWEATSHIRTS 95C ASSORTED SHIRTS $1 UNDERWEAR All Sis . ... 5Qc MEN'S JEWELRY 50c OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Gardner's Men's Wear Miladies Apparel PH. 678-5561 ALICE AND GRACE HEPPNER MARJ AND LtROY GARDNER PH. 678-9218