SQDOETY itfWti.'iWeLj Outdoor Party Honors Troy Snow's Birthday Several amaH filfiul f Try iMw vrr Invltrtl hy hl mother, Mr, t'wlli-rn Snow, lo llitf roudhoufttf park Tut'inlay af Irrmiuii, Jun i. ! tumor IHin Hlth a 'r'y on hi fourth lIMIi day. TIm litll folk rnjoyrd flaying Km. tolluvml by blrUxlay rakr. punch ami favori and th ixnln of birthday gifts. Cumii nvrra Ibbl and (tor othy Mt'Klnnon, Sandy and Han dy Tuwiwml. Krlly M"'lntmlt. K.ililn and Tummy CIhmnHI and Shr-lla Snow. AUo prfarnt , program wrr MIms iMiiu noymya ami Cathy Ayrr. Mr. John Krnnon, Mr. lm Townnrnd. Mr. Hay ltlry and Nellie Dunry. Rainbow Delegation Attends Annual Grand Assembly July Wedding Date Sft hv Ennaaed Pair Jrw. Mary inrr. Rrfi-n Ten rnrmhrri and lh mother advlnor of Ituth AwwmMy No. 50. returned hm laM Wrdnra 'lav after enjoying the annual Grand Awembly .f Internation. al Order of Italnoow for Ulrla on the Orriton Mala University ramiua In OrvallU the flrt part of I ha week. Kathv M.lbv aerveil aa erand choir member and Martha ixk urvpd ai irrand vtitv lor me KM-nillv meeting. A hlKhllKht of the autrmbly rorram was the lmirelve cruwnlni? ceremony by the Ore. iron State CVumil or ine i" Molav chapter for the new t;rand Worthy A1 visor fhrlatle ivterson of Wavrrly Assembly. ThoM attending were Debra Younu. Kathv and Suan Meiuy. Martha IX. Pamela llnchea, Mr. and Mm. Delbcrt Carpen ter of Ituardman, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kl berta Lhi. to Joseph lce Stone, turn of Mr. and Mr. One Stone, of llcppner. The weiMIng will take place Saturday. July 10. at H () p in at the Community church In Itoardman. Itrcrptlon follow Ink at the Grange hall In iloardmnn Friend and relative are cord tally Invited. Thuri. rrt- July 1-2 ISLAND Or THE BLUE DOLPHINS I girl' incredible adventure n a lewt Wand! riua BULLET FOR A BADMAN Starring Audle Murphy Sot. Sun- July 3-4 THE LIVELY SET riua GUNS AT BATASI Tuesday. July ft SUS A CAR I MAIL ORDER BRIDE Starring Buddy Kpavn I'lus HOOTENANNY HOOT Wed-. Tbisr Fit July 7-1 EAST Or SUDAN Plus PALEFACE GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON llagrr. Mrs. Tom Hughe, moth er advwr, and Mrs. Ken rrn. Mr. limine stayed over In Its-Hand to attend the Grand Chapter convention of the Order of the Kaatern Star. She and her daughter, Pamela, also called on Frank lllcby at the Masonic Hint Home near Forest Grove. Mr. Iliebv has liecn the adopted grandfather of the local Ituth Assembly and reside at the Masonic home. A special meeting of the Ruth Assembly has been annourx-ed for Wednesday evening. July 7, at 7 pm. at the Masonic hall. All memlier are urged to make Hclul plans to le Kfsent for the linM.rtant meeting. Members Attend Degree Inspection Night in Pendleton Ten memlwrs of Kate J. Young lMlge .No. W of the Pegree of Honor Prote1lve ANlatlon motored to IVtKlleiim June It to ineM with Magnolia Ulge No. 31 for Its annual lnHH-tlon night. Mrs. Clara B. Gertson. Mate director and national Inner vatch. was the Inspecting offi cer. Attending from here were Mrs. Mary Bryant, president of the lo cal aswutation, Mrs. Uneoln Nash. Mrs. Dean Conner. Mrs. Kd Gonty. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farra, Mrs. lUchael Harnett, Mrs. Lucille Parrhh. MUs Kaye MMrc, and Mrs. G'rton. Mr. and Mrs. Farra were sur prised when the Pendleton lodj'e honored them with on an niversary gift, a crystal cream and tU(.'ar set, and all members sang "The Anniversary Waltz" during the meeting. Member. of the Degree ol Honor recently presented Mrs. Farra with a money tree to be used for her trip to Miami IVach, Fla . where the will go the Inst of July as a delegate lo the National Convention. Now You Save Even Morel NO 0 FEDERAL TAX on Gorham Silver i total Mm For The Occasion So Well Remembered $11.95 Thli Gorham Bread Tray of finest-quality silver plate Is a gift of delicately ornate beauty... a memorable gift for any wedding, anniversary, birthday, or other festive occasion. Y THt WORLD'S UADINO UAKCH OF flNC SrERUNl "Something from the awlr'a. Is always something special." Garrisons Honored At Surprise Supper Mr. and Mrs. Harlan M'urdy, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. LaVrrn Van Marter ro hosted a surprise ptluk upM-r last Saturday evcitlntf. honoring Mr. and Mr Frnle (;arrlort at the Garrison home. tn hand to compliment the couple were Mr. and Mr, Sam Distil, Mr. and Mr, rwih Lv gren, Mr- and Mr. Jerry kugh erty, Mr. and Mr. Tom Mll'r. Mr. and Mia. Jim Farley. Mr. and Mr. Toussent Iuhuo,ue, Mr and Mrs. John Venard, Mr- and Mr. Jim Lovgren. Mr. and Mr. Ooige Snider, Mr. and Mr. Mill Mahoney, Mr. Maine George. Mr. arid Mr Clint Mc- guarrle and Harold Colin. Formol Installation Seats Ruth Chapter Officers for 1965-66 New officer for Ituth Chapter No. 32, Order of the Kastern Star, were seated at formal In stallation ceremonies Monday evening, June 2H. In the Ilepp ner Masonic Hall. Taking the oath of the office of worthy matron for the com ing year was Mr. Howard Brv ant. with Marlon Green Install ed as worthy patron. Other elected off leers are Mr. Tom Hughe, associate worthy matron; Tom Hughes, associate worthy patron; Mrs. Marjorle Wordcn, secretary; Mr. Nina Snyder, treasurer; Mr. Don Turner, conductress; Mr. BUI Cox, asm late conductress; Mrs. Mary Bryant, chaplain; Mrs. Jim Myera. nu.Jhal; Mr. C. C. Car mlchael. organist; Mrs. Larry Prsk. Adah; Mr. Len Kay Schwarx. Kuth; Mrs. Marion Green. Ksthiv; Mr. Jim I'rcjck, Martha; Mrs. Andy Van Schol ack. Flecta. and Don Turner, sentinel. j Presiding as Installing officer were Mrs. Paul Jones, Installing maton; Paul Jones, installing patron; Mrs. Inez Huffman, In stalling marshal; Mrs. Dick Wil kinson, installing chaplain, and Mrs. Carmlchacl. Installing organist. Durlnc Installation ceremo nies, Mrs. Fred Hosklns. Jr., dedicated two vocal numbers. "Prayer Perfect." and "My Task" to the Incoming officers, accompanied by Mrs. Carmlch acl. Several visiting dignitaries were present, which Included Paul W. Sorensen, Pendleton, worthy grand patron of the Grand Chapter of Oregon; Mrs. Florence Jaeger, Condon, past grand matron of the Grand chapter' Mrs. Helen Blcgci. Umatilla, grand warder of Giand Chapter; Mrs. Kathryn Llndstrom, lone, chairman of grand credentials committee; Carl Khea. Fxho. member of grand endowment committee, and Mr. and Mrs- Lewis Hal vcrson, lone, worthy patron and matron of Locust Chapter No. 119. lone. New officers were greeted at a reception in the social rooms following the public ceremony. Summer flowers in shades of pink and coral were used by the hostess committee In decor ating the refreshment tables. Mrs. Joe Wright served as chairman of the dining room committee, assisted by Mrs. Wil kinson, Mrs. Marcel Jones, Mrs. Herman Green, and Mrs. Frank Connor. Pouring coffee was Mrs. Cor nell Green, and Mrs. Gary Tul lis presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Lowell Grlbble was In charge of the guest book. Girls Share Honors At Birthday Party Birthdays of two cousins. Betty Anne Boyer and Susan O'Donnell, was the occasion for a birthday party Monday afternoon, June 28, arranged by Susan's mother, Mrs. John Keenan. Assisting was Betty Anne's mother, Mrs. J. Boyer of Prairie City. A pleasant afternoon of games was followed by the serving of birthday cake, tee cream and punch. Sharing the happy occasion with the honor Rucsts were Bonnie, Cindy and Danny Davis, Brent Buschke, Rota Flaiz, Sheila and Troy Snow, Wanda and Joe Boyer, Robin and Tommy O'Don neil, Colleen Snow, Mrs. Dewey Britt, Mrs. Dick Flaiz, Mrs. Archie Padberg and the hostesses. Store Hourst 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEB OREEN STAMPS Carnation to Picnic Carnation club will meet at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Soward in Lexington Tues day night, July 6. They will have a barbecue and potluck starting at 6:30- Families of the mem bers are invited. Yes, the Gazete-Tlmes can print the form you need for busi ness or ranch use. rhone 676-9228. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motors Power Tools Hydraulic Jacks Alemite Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendleton Phons 276-5862 Sans Soucl Rcbckahs Hold Last Business , Session Until Fall Sn Suc ftriM kah llg N 11 held It last meeting beforr recctslng for the aurnmor month on Friday. June 1m, with IH officer and member present and Lucille I'arrlsh. noble grand, presiding. The application of Mr. Iton llagurvnoxl was accepted and she will b received Into the lodge by Initiation In the near future. It wa announced that all idge member were to donate wiener for the Dippy Dog sale at the sidewalk bazaar. Mis F.sther Bergstrom. president ot the Triple Links committee, la In charge of arrangement. Kepresentlng the local lodge at the reception for K bekah As sembly President Hazel Wains cott. In Pendleton June 12. were Mr. snd Mr. It G. McMcrtry. Mis F-sther Bergstrom and Mrs. Merle Kirk. Copies of lodge rituals U-longing to the late Sadie Sigsbee, dating back to 19U2; were grate fully received by the lodge as a gift from her family. Announcement wa made of the death of VeEHa Dcvln Wal ton. a sister of three local mem ber. Mr. Kirk. Mrs. Let ha Archer and Mrs. Oral Scott 111- Mrs. Wright Hostess For June HEC Meet The Rhea Creek Grange Hm Kconomlcs club met at the home of Mr. Harold Wright 11 Thursday for a otluck lunch eon and business meeting In the afternoon- Mr. Ben Anderson Resided at the buslnes meeting vher it WB tiftidid h'-id it Jul' meeting In the afternoon at the home of Mr Kvelyn Farrens with Mr. Andervm co ho tins. Aftendine the June meeting were Mr. Ben Anderson, Mr. Doe Babb. Mr Adrian Bechdolt. Mr. Leonard Kill. Miss Marilyn Hirrntn CAirrrt-TiMEi. tw4t. Nir u i Bergstrom. Mr Elmer Palmer. Ot restaurant guest checks Mrs. Kvelyn Farrrns. Mrs Wal- anl sakbooks, t-.th carbonized ter Wright. Mr. Ray Drake and and non carbonized, at th Ga- the hotes, Mr. Harold Wright. wtte Tlme nesse of Mr. Martha Lane and Mr. Maud Koblson were report ed, as well a Joan Zimmerman. daughter of the secretary of the lodge. The noble crand. assisted by other chair officers, entertained thM" who have had birthdays during the last three months and presented eah of them witn a ribbon corsaire. Thos honored were Mr. Frank Ayers, Mr. Blanche Brown. Mr. Norah Ras mus and Mrs. Merle Kirk. Beaut iful birthday cake were made by Mr. John Bergstrom, Mr Lincoln Nash and Mr. Gerald Rood. For Weed Spraying CALL ON 1M BOYER Owner Gar Aviation Sproying-Dusting-Fcrtilixing-Sccding DRY OR LIQUID rERTXUZCl APPLICATION. STANDARD OR KICK DENSITY SPRAY APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 I" U C7 a A J k J FOB A 1 CA U II I II MJB COFFEE Lb. 75c 2 Lb. $1,49 3 u. $2.23 6 oz. Instant QQc Sunshine Krispy (jSl CRACKERS 2Lb.Box 530 If ALLEY'S MUSTARD 20 oz. 4 for $1 Von Camp's ZVx Tin MM and 1M feir $i DURKEE'S FRESH ECC MAYONNAISE U 49e SCOTT JUMBO TOWELS ASSORTED COLORS 3 ,or 89c SC0TTIES Facial A SM QOfi TieeiiM R al ar M V J J 1 mj.wjmT, jil-M1"- 11111 " " 111 1 "r WATERIViELOiM lb. 6 0) 0 m mm r U aW JOSTCATITDEAT aw Lynden Boneless Turkey Roasts WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING 2 heads" '2 C NO. 1 a m ROUND-UP BRAND ROUND-UP BRAND Wieners Bologna BY THE CHUNK ; 1 lb. Pkg. Qc Lb. gQc OREGON CHIEF. BAR-S. PEL MONTE I II I I I r-fef I BONELESS. Ml II S l r F0LLY COOKED FRESH LYNDEN FRYERS WHOLE OR CUT UP PRICES GOOD JULY 2 and 3 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET GREEN STAMPS