BCrfNCI GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday, Chott From Your Home Agent 4-H Workers, Give Camp Site Facelifting Y DCJfXA CECECE Picnicker who enjoyed tne facllltlc of Ilcrrln Oreck Tark Uit Sunday, found much actlv. ty In toe camp arra. Sunday wa work day, burins which several parent of ill ramper and wme 4 If leader wree busy doing a variety of Job In preparation for the ( II day camp session which began Tuesday for the youngster. Sweeping, scrubbing the kltch en. putting up tent. stringing a rope on the flagpole, setting up bale of hav for a backdrop U the archery range, assem bling table and bed and pet ting the refrigerator and stove In working order were Included. A treat deal of credit I due those who assisted at camp work day. which wu one good ex ample of cooperation and will ingness of local people to help make the 4 If program a success. I'm him all a. II ramners' par ents and camn staff wish to )oin in thanking them. In addition to the clean up and set up Jobs, some perma nent Improvements have been made at the campsite. A group of men from Gilliam county came over with Extension Agent Ernie Ktrsch and built a shower on the cement block behind the storeroom. Additional sinks have been Installed outside the kitch en for use by campers and new water heater Installed. Al though electricity has not been extended to the camp as antici pated this year, the Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Indicates this will be done soon. CIHLCSEN AND MONET Many parents are too willing to sacrifice need or wants of their own so their teenager can have cars or the latest fads in clothing, according to OSU money management specialist Alberta Johnston, The real re Donslbllltv of parents, she says, Is not In doling out large amounts of money to each child. Rather. It lies In helping their youngsters develop knowledge, attitudes and experience in spending and saving money they receive and earn. Miss Johnston suggests some guides for achieving this: 1. Set an example by making financial 4v-lxlnn In llcht Of the family' situation not on imnuise resulting irom adver tising or a neighbor's purchase 1 Inr lnHe the child In discus slorts of family finances lnclud ing taxes. Insurance and con sumer credit. 3. Make possible an allowance or opportunity o worn provides enough money to allow him to set up an all Inclusive budget Permit freedom to spend his money as he wishes as long as he acceDts the consequences of his decisions. . . Learning to use money wisely can be a satisfying experience if parents are willing to respect their child's Judgment However. If money Is allowed to become the tangible evidence of other misunderstandings between the teenager and parents, it may be a frustrating experience. If only a few dollars are In- MM Page The 10th of the Month is The Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Always pay your bills by th 10th of the month. Remember, the way you pen today. Is the way yoo are building your credit record for the next RED BOOK Credit Bureau of Umatilla County SLOW AND PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ABE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAT TOUB SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOR COLLECTION volvcd. the learning experience la much easier and the conse. quenoes affect only the decision maker. If thla experience Is Ig nored until the young adult finds himself In the role of a ........ Mxm rrwtr rurhana with re sponsibilities' to a marriage part ner, the learning nu w w mum more rapid and the consequen ces of a poor decision are much greater. m- rt ON MEATS rOR SUMMER COO UNO With the summer outdoor eat ing season coming on fast, many family food buyer may want to watch the specials" and stock some steaks In the freezer for summer eating. Mrs. Velma Seat. OSU extension foot! mar keting specialist, says that In view of the current uptrend In meat prices, buying steaks on sale early in the season may be a real economy for the family food budget. St-aks at least an Inch thick are most satisfying when char coal broiled. Thinner steaks probably will not be as Juicy or tender as the thicker ones. Favorite steaks for broiling come from the beef loin. Porter house is well liked because of the large amount of tenderloin, but Is more expensive than T . ...!,. hi lot tenderloin. tonc, ... Club steaks are smaller, with less fat and no lenaenoin. The sirloin section Is popular because a large thick sirloin can be broiled and then portioned easily. KID Steals arc r.-nncu-A than loin steaks, and can be delicious and tender. d n A cteak and Chuck steaks are not as tender as those that come from the loin and rib section. However, high grade v...b ctoair anH ton round may be gTilled satisfactorily. Be sure ine oc ...hita hnl itatTA a tOO hiffl a heat will toughen even a ten- J Awtrrtincr tfl Kir. 11 L I oitrait. - - Seat this summer's supply of steaks is not expected to be quite as large as was last sum mer's so buying early on spec ial sales will make outdoor eat ing more economical. Alfred Drake Joins Angus Association Alfred Drake, 15. Heppner, has been granted a Junior member ship in the American Angus As sociation at St. Joseph, Mo., Glen Bratcher, secretary, an nounces. This new Junior membership entitles the member to the priv ileges of the association until the age of 21. At that time Jun ior members are eligible to convert to lifetime memberships in the association. This youngster was one of 167 young people in the United States to receive Junior member ships last month. Ag Department Reviews New Laws Going in Effect The licensing and ln.-tUtj of fix! iroeeilng plant and of milk shake freecm, the set ting of egg grades and stand ard by regulation and the testing of milk for butterlat con tent on request from producer or handler these are some of the new duties given the Oregon IVpartment of Agriculture by the legislature. Conservation Man Stale Field Tour Has Big Turnout A record turnout of over one hun.tro.1 Kast.-rn (lrecon wheat producer gathered at the Willi K'srt mm'h near Ashwood on Thursday. June 10, for the Soil Conservation Man of the Year Field Day. The event is spon sored annually by the Oregon Wheat Growers League. The visitor, most of them frr.m Columbia Basin wheat areas, expressed amazement at the obstacles faced by Jefferson County wheat growers In wrest-lno- llvin from the rocky soil and precipitous slopes. -I never thought we flatland farmers had It easy until I see uhat theso folks have to con tend with." said one Morrow I County grower. "We consider 10 feet of topsoll a shallow field, but here they're lucky If they've got four feet." Rancher NartzC who won the state Wheat League competition In 1961 as the Soil Conservation Man of the Year, guided the growers and their wives on tour of his 7200-acre ranch and point ed out the conservation prac tices that won him the title. These Include stubble utiliza tion, rotation of grazing una, extensive Irrigation and clearing and seeding of raw rangeland. Naru pointed out that ex ceptional flooding and erosion during the past winter had com pelled him to replant much of hl arreaee with sorine wheat. He and County Agent Jim Burr described the special cultivation techniques mat are rcquin-u w produce wheat on the arid hill sides and rock-studded low- . lanus. I - - vv. ... -. -. . . - - "I guess you could say that their airport and own the plane - ha n kn n hnrn nntlmLst Irlolne the work. r vxjct.TS urctK i L-icrnm-s Metsker maps of Morrow, Gil liam, Umatilla. Wheeler counties on sale at the Gazette-Times. $1.25 each. Others available on order. BE SURE TO SEE The New I mm CDuDibnifDs A 45 NEW FEATURES GOOD USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 1--88, Used on less than 4,000 acres of cutting. Power steeringvariable drive ready to go for less than $4990.00 1952 HARRIS COMBINE $1600.00. Will make a good sprayer after another 5 years of combining. OilCQ Equipment Co. HEPPNEH PH. 676-9103 to tackle this kind of terrain." Nartz told the grower group. "My efforts have also been sup ported by the strong feeling that I'm merely the steward of this land for a few years, and that I owe It to future genera tions to conserve and Improve It" Of his total acreage, Nartz has 1200 acres under cultivation. 500 of which Is in wheat Most of the remaining 6000 acres is natural grazing land, with some areas reclaimed and irrigated. The latter Include 3300 feet of diversion ditching and 1700 feet of sod waterway. These systems are fed by four stock ponds, five spring developments, and two deep wells. Following a luncheon at the Ashwood Grange Hall, the as sembled producers heard from Don Vandervelden, Soil Conser vation Service work unit con servationist. "What Willis Nartz has ac complished here should be an inspiration to all of us," he said. "You're seeing the results of in genious conservation practices and an astounding amount of plain hard work." The Nartz ranch, originally sheepland, was homesteaaed by his father and uncles in 1912. The present owner now farms what were once four separate family ranches. He is the first Jefferson County grower to win the coveted Wheat League con servation award. About one dozen Oregon news media representatives attended the Field Day. Most of them spent the previous day on local ranches, where they obtained a first-hand look at modern farm operations and problems. The Editors Farm Tour was also sponsored by the Oregon Wheat Growers League, which has of fered the program for several years to generate interest in the wheat industry among the non farm public. When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw it in the Gazette-Times. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat jTlfcAH I Heppner. Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: HfT Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Folletr Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermlston, Oregon On Hermlston-McNarr Highway Nineteen of the lw mmh1 bv the r.fto leguutive aeaaion affect the turHtkuiia of the Ore gon IVpartment of Agriculture. Two of then new laws curry an emergency cUue, which made them effective Immediate ly after the governor' signa ture. Two go Into effect on July 1 of thin year, six are drlayed until January 1. I'Md, and the remainder teeome rlfectlve Aug ust 13, 11KA One of the flrt bill led hu ih 1,-L-utfttlve acta Ion that directly affected the department was Its budget of S7.7iUv' for the years ltHi.VC7. with IXlil. 8M. Of thl irom tne Kcnerai fund and !,NiUta from fee, license and service receipt. The two earning the emer gency clause were: 2.4 H rKKMtTS AND FKKS Extend until June . 1 ."!, the iMii'nHaee fee on 2.4 D and 2.4.5-T type herbicide and un til June 30. l :'.. me require ment of a iermlt for use of lo propyl enter of 2.4 D and enter of equal or higher volatility, ulth lu-rmtt uunl tointIV OV the director of agriculture, Mate forester and a designated re nearch specialist at Oregon State University. Also extend until June 30, 19f.i. the authority for OSU to conduct research pro cram to determine effect of herbicides and continues until the same date the rentrlcted cor rtdor around a protected district. COMMODITY COMMISSION OITIO.N AL ELECTION J Ives commodity commission the op tion of electing commissioners and directs the department to set up qualifications for com missioners and procedure for election. The department" budget goc Into effect July 1. llMi5. a alo doe one other new law affect Ing department functions. Thla Is: TLANT ACCOUNT CONSOLI DATION Permitting consolida tion nf all fiwi collected fur shipping point inspection serv ices xor accounting purposes. New laws with effective date August 13 are: AIRPORT WEATHER MODIFI CATION PXKMimON :iven free licenses and exempts from the bonding provision of the weather modification law public corporations or political subdiv isions nncratln? airnort. If thev are engaged In clearing for at j MimAToit iVNlw Tran fer certain accounting dure fr predator fund from the SevreUry f Stale t the Oregon ivpartmrnt of Agricul ture. UMNSIiXTin MEATS le f mil preaenc but not the aale of untiu-led mrat on the ltreinlMHi 4-f a l.-rt.. to n il meat but require that the unlnMix-ted meat W latwletl as "unlnMHH ter. Alo require mo bile laughter iietor to re rtird and deliver to department the breed and brand or matkt on all animal aUughtered. V O R K I (5 N M EAT Require retailer and wholesaler of for eign meat to label meat a for. cicn and Indicate the country of origin and to dUplay Impoit lgn or lgn on premiwe. Ilie 1 la n rtiwiive un til January I. l'.l. are: r-imiJ7.ER Amend ferti liser law to mjulre payment of fertilizer Inspect ton lee iy tne ftrt nurchaner In Oregon and clarifies definition and latxl Ing requirement for bulk fertl- lier sale, custom mixi oi lertillzers and Ktlclde fertilizer mixes. pj-sticidk FKI :rant Hmj department authority to lncreae certain registration fee paid by the Industry to support pesticide testlmr program, require regis tration of each formula under brand name and bring plant regulations under pesticide def- Inition. I1JVNT 0NTAINEIt TBAHK MARK Ttnfer reiilbil Ity of reglNteilng trade mark on c-ttln fruit and vegetable contained t the aevrviary 4 state from the trrgn Impart ment of AgtUultuie. HAIttY niNTAINElt TRADE MAItKH Repeal law rrlalliK t trade maiM on dairy contain er. which wa duplicate,! by the general trade mark law 4 Oregon. IICCS Substitute el I fur a cae la on eg. with the seal t rot lo excee,! oim and f.,urtha mill Her doen. provble for establishing grad and aire 'V reguiaium purr -bearlns? bv the department and prohibit Imttbated egg from going Into channel ntcnled lt human cviwumpilon. Exempt frm nal tax and lU-enslng are ....i. u-lllmr own ttuduc- lion dlretlly to Individual foe own use or consumption ann pnhuer of ceg of own pro duction who aell lo uh outlet ... i. . l ri-tall store, re- taurant and f'l plant but wbMw total yearly sale do not exceed U0 d.aen. FOOD 'ItOCt5iSINO I'LANTS L I C e n e lotnl priK-eaa n Plant. Including this dlng custom prtweaslng. niH now cov ere,! bv any slate law and glyea department right of inspection In these plant. Exempt are food processing plant coming under federal Inspection. milk shake freezers, provide for setting of standard of Iden tity of milk shake mixes and for sanitation Inspections of freezers. BREAD LABELS Removes re quirement of end labels on all loaves of bread, except on the balloon loaf. LIVESTOK DISEASE Amends animal disease control law and gives department disease con trol authority over all animals raised In captivity. REQUESTED MILK TESTING Gives department authority, unnn renuest from a nroducer or handler, to make official but terlat content tests with the per son requesting test paying the fee for the service. RAGWEED Adds Hood River County to the ragweed control area and appropriates S20.000 for the remainder of the 19G5 67 blennium to carry on the program. we re no. in sales in OREGON In fKt ippfoiimatilj- 50 ol th compact Pickup! told in Oregon art Datum. There'i nothinf IU Diliim for depend ibildy and tconomy. Sivm up to 50 n opr atinf cost. Cimes up to 2000 lb in its big 6 bed. Deliver! with 4 speed stick shift. WSW tins. Mater, A Ik. a .ssntiUt 1675 DATSUN TEST IT! THEN TOUlt KNOW WHY ITS 1 Charlie Kile Boat Company YOUR DATSUN DEALER HERMISTON-McNART HIGHWAY HEBMISTON. OREGON mm cci Mm o OES IT AG Al N! A New First For The Area 2 ton dry fertilizer to rent. Spreads a 50 ft. swath. 120 gallon sprayers for rent by the day for small jobs. Back pack sprayers for rent or for sale. Inland Chemica Service PH. 676-9103 HEPPNER