McrrriER cazittc timu. TUutArt, jm it ihs sod EflEW Couple to Exchange Vows In Hcrmlston u fUmate (if Umatilla and lvrrn llama of Umv hav an 4 their daughter, Linda 1 Vrrne Ham, id Idi-liard tlreen, Mm of Mr, .and Mra. Frank ;rrn of lliTinUiitn. Tha marriage ceremony will I ' i .. . - 4 MISS LINDA HAMS Ih aolemnled Saturday after iHMin, Juiik i, l 2 uiIihH a ttte Mill Mrthodlt thunh tit llermuton. All frlenJn ant relative In Ili9 arra ar Invited to attend A rrtri'lltui Mill follow lh ceremony- The bride rl.i I It a ril erad- uat of I'mniilU HlKh u She attended Lantern Out1") (llri;r, fwande, ami In ur rt-ntly employed at Slewart'a ,Huht Market n llermlMon. Mr. (.tern U alw a irrad uate of Umatilla lllli m IhkiI ami la a aenlor ntudent al Kat- rin Oregon lollej;e, majoring In elementary education. Wd.. Thurm rrt. Juna 23,' 24. 2J THE FALL Or THE ROMAN empire SCarrlntt Sophia Ioren Sol. Suiu, Juna 28 md 27 MclIALES NAVT Their fltt full length movie. Starring r.rnent liorgnln riu M. a Wall riRST MEN IN THE MOON F-dward Judd. Martha I Iyer and Lionel Jeffreya Tuaaday. Juna 2S IIJS A CAR 7 FACES Or DR. LAO Starring Tony Randall I'lua BOB HOPE IN A GLOBAL ArrAIR Wad-. Thurv, rrt. Juna 30 July 1-2 ISLAND Or THE BLUE DOLPHINS A Klrl'a Incredible adventure on a lost isiana: I'lua BULLET TOR A BADMAN Starring Audle Murphy . GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON Ruth Chapter, OES, To Install Officers Ojx-n Installation of officers fT Ituth (haoter No. 32. Order of the Kantern Star, has been announced for Monday evening. June H, In the Masonic Hall, lu latlves and friends of Masonic and Eastern Star memliera, as well as neighboring chapters, are invited to be reent at It m. to otiM-rve the Installation and Join In the sotlal rvenlng. Mrs. Howard Bryant and Mar lon Creen wl'l he Initialled worthy matron ami worthy pat tun, respectively, of Kutr t'hap ter for the coining year. Other 'elective officers tncludo Mrs. Tom lluphea, asKlate worthy matron; Tom Hughe, aovxiate worthy patron; Mr. MarJorK Worden, secretary; Mrs. Nina Snyder, treasurer; Mrs. !)n Turner, conductress; Mrs. Hill ("ok, associate eondurtn-M. Mrs diaries Stout Is part worthy matron and Oliver Creswlck. 1', Is past worthy patron. PRESIDENTS PIN of tha SoroptlmUt club ( Hrppnar was posaad from Mrs. Waa Shaman, rstlrla? prMldant. to Mrs. Chorlaa Btarka. lacomlofjpraaUUat at Installation csramoatoa Saturday tTQlog. installing anile? waa Mrs. Lata Thomas, right, and mlstiosa of coromoniaa for tha ataa'a pro gran waa Mrs. Cooiay Lonhom. left. (G-T Photo) Mrs. Thomas Installs Service Club Officers At Dinner Meeting Frank Turner Feted At Family Gatherinq Kather'a Day brought sixiial Joy to Frank W. Turner when he met with memlMTs of his fum II v for a MHt'lal dinner am party In his honor In the Crys tal Koom or me Mulinoman Ain letlc club In Portland on Sun day. rranircment were made by his daughter Ann be I T. Allison, Port l.i ml. with whom he visited until Wednesday. He received many lovely gilts In appreclat Ion of his years of being a won drrful father to his family. Attending were another daughter. Mrs. Raymond Huddle hUm of Vatdcz. Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. Ilalnh Ikn-chnm of Port land. grand-son ln-1 a w and granddaughter; Mr. and Mrs, iiiihard McKenzle of Il-averton and their son. David, grandson Inlaw, granddaughter and great grandson' Mrs. Virginia heecham of Portland, and .Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm McKenzle and son Kenneth, also of Portland. New Low Prices For Jewelry With The Tax Off Now that the federal tax on jewelry has been removed, we are extremely pleased to pass on the large savings directly to you. For the first time in a gen eration, you can select truly fine jewelry, diamonds, watches, and silverware for gifts or personal pleasure without having to pay that burdensome tax. Visit us soon and see how easy and economical it is to select exactly what you want at our new low prices. "Something from th ewler'a, la alwaya something special. JEWELERS . mm n w -r- ens """"l aiora nvum o n.m. PH. 676-9200 I 177 MAIN ST, HEPPNEB I Wf EN O I r"! a 0 rm hMMMK. New offici-rs for the Soroirtl- mist club of lleppner were In stalled at an Impressive can dlelight ntrmony Saturday evening, June 9, following a no host buffet dinner In the basement rooms of the Jim Hag er home. Oath of office was given the new officers by Mrs. Leta Thom as. Installing officer, who based her candle lighting rcremonv on the Soroptlmlst Pledge, chal lenging them to uphold the Ideals of the pledge, "sincerity of friendship, Joy of achieve ment, dignity of service, integ rity of profession and love of country." Installed mr the coming year were Mrs. Charles Stark, presl dent; Mra. Wavel Wilkinson, vice president; Mrs. Marjorie Worden, recirdlng secretary; Mrs. Carl MrDantel. treasurer; Mrs. Con ley Lanham, corres landing secretary: Mra. Em 11 (iroshens. regional representa tive. Mrs. Bill Collins. Mra. John Pfelffer and Mrs. Jim Hager, board members. Received Into membership was one new member, Mrs. Bill John son. ITcsiding ovec the Initia tory ceremony were Mrs. Bill Collins and Mrs. Wes Sherman Theme of the ceremony was based on the meaning of the Soroptlmlst insignia and of the club colors. A no host turkey dinner was served buffet style with hus bands of members and other In vited guests present Special guests were Mrs. Klaine George and Mrs. Olive Hughes, both charter members of the club; also Mrs. F. Mott and Mrs. Mabel Chaffee. Presiding as mistress of cere monies was Mrs. Lanham. As each member introduced herself and her guest, she reviewed her classification for membership and told the way she had earn ed her money, outside of her business classification, for the scholarship fund. Winner of the contest was Mrs. St arks. Attendance award for the one maintaining the best attendance record during the past year went to Mrs. Loyal Porker, life member. Tobies were decorated with arrangements of summer flow ers, carrying out the club col- ors of blue and gold, repeated again in floral floor baskets. Lighted tapers in the two colors were used on the tables and al so In the installation ceremony. Mrs. Sherman, past president, expressed appreciation for co operation of officers and mem bers during the year, and pre sented personalized ceramic gifts to her board members. Before closing the meeting, Mrs. Starks, Incoming president, urged continued support of the new Incoming officers, and pledged her own sincerity to the duties ahead. The club will be represented at the 25th anniversary meeting of the Soroptlmlst club of Baker on June 2'J, with members par ticipating in a necrology service for the club's deceased charter members. Do away with messy carbon paper on all your business forms. See the Gazette-Times about printing your forms on We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat Freo Of Chargo To Heppner. lone. Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep , Any Day Follcti- Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermlston. Oregon On Hermiston-McNary Highway Get restaurant guest checks When and sale books, both carbonized Times and non-carbonized, at the Ga- make a better paper Tell them zette Times you saw it in the Gazette-Time. you patronize Gazette, advertisers, you help DON'T LET GRAIN FIRES CATCH YOU WITH YOUR INSURANCE DOWN Come In And See Us Today About Your Grain Insurance Needs TURNER VAN MARTER and BRYANT INS. Heppner Oil 85C SM w z- 11 WJWa datenut mm 4fcir$1 COOKIES TNT 2 LB Bctfy Crocker Bag 390 Popcoirni PANCAKE na?k"nst 3 tor $1 .oo 3 for 8q0 mix 4 lb. 59 Frozen iioi)(pft mm fk$ e- 2 f$ 1 LB. BUNCHES CARROTS 2 for 25 Cantalloiape JUMBO 10$ Yellow Onions lb. ILGMinlS 6 for 29$ serve beffer mm) 'fjfS t-mm r... ana save PURE PORK OREGON CHIEF Sausage n ROUND-UP BRAND OLD-FASHIONED l1iiiiil!ll,ifi'.r,IB!l!"J.iiipiiiUM 1 lmMSmm 2 ib. t9 79$ ifflej Over lb. 29 0 SMOKED Ham Hocks lb. 29$ PRICES GOOD JUNE 25 and 26 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to saye twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET CREEN STAMPS i ...... ... r - r