itrrrHti cAimx Tixts. ThanKkry. im it. ihs NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING "" "" i .... j..u. - - .Mmmirirl in lha accompanying ai'hettulf. wa W- ......-. uivmu, rVuntv foe the ftwal year tM beginning Jury i. hrsx ""JJIL" " ,k.. are M( forth In an accompanying vuu . . - .- ... . uikir rninm. 11 inj. inn mrn - - , , -. .. pared on an accounting bi conustrni wun mai , ' I ,Vrmi between trie hmirs of ; and 3 00 at County ifc-m a nice. n """fxi r, J 4 statement A cory of the budget document mav be rPt fcv nPJgJaSI Tclrra 5n A meeting of the Morrow County Court will be held or any portion U iu maybe -obtained ' "ffiTlS ? ptt S W 5:u toutn on U.L budget. Any may .m.r to di-ru- the at 10:00 a.m. at Courthouse, County Jusos onice lor wt purpo v - r budget, or any part of It. PAUL w, JONES , Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY " Z fOm TBI ENSUINQ FISCAL TEAR ltCWNWO JULY 1. lM Tax Utt Computation Total an ruwii' Total Budget Requirements $533,585 Lrs Budget Resource. Except Taxe to Be Levied Te Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not To Be Revived Durtnjr Ensuing Year Total Taxes To Be Levied Analyst f Tax T Be Levied uitkin ci limitation Kot Subject to 6 Limitation 2C8.780 270.803 27305 $298,710 173,710 125,000 General fund $LH.528 61360 122.668 12.600 $135368 $135363 $135363 General Rood $37,200 144300 115.000 IZOOO $125,000 CeMral School $21350 6,650 14.600 1.400 $ 16.000 Total Taxes to Be Levied $238,710 All reserve funds and apeclal revenue funds. U any. rOI THE CURRENT fOCAL TEAR lECUfKDtG JULT 1. 1964 125.000 $125,000 are Included. $ 16,000 $ 16,000 Tax Lery Computation Total nil Funds Total Budget Requirement $511,971 Lew Budget Resource!. -- Except Taxea to Be Levied 235323 Taxea Necessary to ..,, Balance Budget 276.643 Add Taxea Estimated Not to Be Received Durinx ..... Ensuing Year 18.164 Total Taxea to Be Levied $29207 Analysis of Taxea To Bo Levied Within 6 limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied General rund $180506 54.T60 125336 12J4 $138,420 General Boada $227,650 11X650 115.000 $115,000 $177307 115,000 $232307 $138,420 $138,420 All reserve funds sad special revenue funds, If any, are Included. 115.000 $115,000 General School $ 14000 16.000 1.600 $ 17,600 $ 17300 $ 17300 Predatory Animal Control $ 6.557 200 6357 630 S 8.W7 $ 6.967 $ 6.987 Predatory Animal Control S 5.730 1560 4,470 Tair rvnd $ 49.550 49.550 Weed Control fund S 3500 1.150 4.350 4 $ 4.785 $ 4,785 S 4.785 fund $ 500 500 Tarloe Crating rund $ 3,100 3,100 Hospital Mte. rund $ 9,000 (KM 8.340 IO0 .170 Alcohol Cnforce. fund $ 500 500 Law Library rund S 400 4T 9.170 9.170 Vector Control und $ 1.500 10 1.400 10 15rt lJSno 1500 rear rund $61,450 61.450 Weed Control Doa 447 4317 4.917 4.917 $ 6.000 S 1.000 1380 400 4.620 600 462 60 $ 5.082 $ 660 $ 5362 $ 660 $ 5382 $ 6G0 Taylor Grazing rund S 2300 3300 Hoepttal Mtoo. rund S 9.000 9.000 900 S 9300 $ 9.900 $ 9.900 Alcohol Enforce, rund $ 500 300 Law Library rund $ GOO 600 Vector Control rund f 1.143 28 1.117 111 $ U2H $ L228 $ LZ Approved by Budget Committee May 24. 19G5 PAUL W. JONES Chairman of Budget Committee Cliff Green Gets Degree from OSU Cliff Green. en of Mr. and Mr. Ilrtmen lireer. rrcrlved hU bfhelr degree from Of gm Stale University in ebu-nlla Ukl urk. He has Ur dm. i-Utlnu hu oillcge aa In irrn tearr at Itowburg lUtri ik-bool and hea eigned a con ri t tcarh arftcuHure at Athi-na rw vear Ilia degree U In erlculiurl eiurtlon. Green will attend s ruhire rrnrr of America ireellng at Clackamas this werh before cwmlnit home to Hnncr. Gets Recognition p..n Craber f ltpner w among student court memliera at Southern lregon CVillege, Ahland. to r-celve recognltloij at the annual honor ana award program at the Brltt aHidi-nt center ballrtm on May 2. sixrdlng to the St)C new bureau. Boardman News nielii over from laat week! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rath and dauiihter Diane went to The Dalle Sunday to vUlt at the home of their son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mra. Bill K. B. Randa uaa taken by am bulanre to the Veterans boa pltal In Portland .Hurt Friday from the Umatilla hospital, where he had been a patient Mr. and Mr. 7arl Gllleepte and Mrs. Clsud CToats went to Lexington Sunday to vUlt ulfh their brother-in-law and alater, Mr. and Mr. Truman Mefmen. grr. uho were there from Mit chell. Russell and Tommy Carpenter of Payette. Idaho, are pending two weeks with their grand mother. Mr. Ruiwell Miller, and are attending Vacation Bible School at the Community Cnurcn. Mr. Florence Root vlalted two day-s Utt week In Arlington at the home erf her brother-In law and alater, Mr. and Mr. Al Ma-comber. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND roa THE FISCAL TEA 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT L 196S Assessor's Department General Fund HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear $ 5,700.00 2,400.00 8,553.00 1,627.05 753.06 792.40 .00 .00 .00 FUft Preceding Tear $ 5,700.00 3.600.00 9.272.00 5.25 133934 753,76 261.63 518.72 36.20 4.394.75 $ 19,82351 $ 26.181.65 Bodget Current Tear $ 6.000.00 3,800.00 9.632.00 800.00 130000 1300.00 500.00 500.00 310.00 3.000.00 600.00 $ 27.84230 1 1 1 1 Assessor's Salary .. Office Clerk's Salary State AppraLser Part Time Office Clerk. Materials and Semcest . Office Supplies Assessor's Field Work Maps - State Tax Commission Mtse. Fund Industrial Appraisal and Audit Fund Farmland Keappraisai Convention and Association Dues Canital Outtari Filing Cabinets Bod get roc Ensuing Tear Approved $ 6.300 3.900 10,932 700 1.000 1.000 600 600 240 None 150 Sinking Fund for Posting; Machine TOTAL . None Z500 ..$ 27322 1.80000 60000 49356 300 00 2,068.70 934.70 2.100.00 600.00 526.42 300 00 1.155,04 7J0.14 28735 $ 16.096.96 S 15.65735 2.100.00 600 00 2.70000 300.00 3fiO(X) 13X).0O 750.00 650.00 200.00 $ 19350.00 1 1 1 Office Clerk's Salary (Part Time) Communication Sytem Office Clerk Extra Deputy Sheriff (Boardman and Irrigon) Extra Deputies Material and &ervici Office Supplies Stamps and Envelopes . .. Sheriffs Car Expense - Tax Collection Office Expense Communication System Expense - Deputy Sheriffs Car Expense Capital Outlayt New Car for Sheriff .. - Filing Cabinets TUTAL. 2.10O 1.5(X3 300 500 XA 1311 750 100 1300 1.400 5O0 21.200 Clerk's Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear $ 5,700.00 4300.00 1,484.97 First Preceding Tear $ 5,700.00 4300.00 1396.98 $ 11384.97 $ 11396.98 Budget Current Tear $ 6.000.00 4300.00 1300.00 120.00 $ 11,920.00 1 Clerk's Salary 1 Deputy Clerk's Salary Materials and Services: Supplies (Books and Office Supplies) Convention and Association Dues Capital Outlay: TOTAL Budget For Ensuing Tear Appro red 3 6.300 4.300 L40Q 120 None 3 12,120 PERSONAL SERVICES rOH THE FISCAL TEAR 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1965 Supplemental Information Salaries Paid From More Than One Source DETAILED SALART Office Secretary No. of Emps. 1 Total Salary $ 4.700 Page 3 Line 2 $4300 Page 5 Line 3 $400 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1965 County Court, Circuit Court Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear First Preceding Tear Budget Current Tear $ 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 6,000.00 2.701.55 3,08552 2,800.00 300.00 300.00 400.00 456.96 470.00 500.00 100.00 913.02 862.67 800.00 $ 10,071.53 $ 10.418.19 $ 10,600.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,680.00 2,451.97 3,036.74 4,000.00 553.52 700.00 15935 200.00 $ 3.77L97 $ 5,069.61 $ 6,580.00 1 2 1 Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved COUNTT COUBT: County Judge's Salary - - e County Commissioner's (per diem) Office Secretary 400 Materials and Services: Association of Oregon Counties 600 Supplies (Office) . , 30 County Judge's Travel Expense 1,400 Capital Outlay None TOTAL $ i2'500 CIRCUIT COURT: . Circuit Court Reporter's Salary 3 1.680 Jurors, Witnesses and Bailiff J,000 Special Attorney Fund 1300 Materials and Service: Supplies (Paper, etc.) 200 Capital Outlay . NP5JL TOTAL 3 7,080 Courthouse Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear $ 4,800.00 546.11 1,691.32 593.65 36932 First Preceding Tear ' $ 4300.00 274.16 1311.41 63L03 41534 Budget Current Tear $ 4300.00 500.00 1,700.00 700.00 600.00 $ 8.000.30 $ 7,632.44 $ 8,300.00 Janitor's Salary Part-time Janitor's Helper - . Materials and Services: Fuel for Courthouse . ...... Power and Lights for Courthouse Janitor's Supplies Courthouse and Jail Maintenance and Repair Capital Outlay: Tables for Courthouse Park TOTAL Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved 3 5,100 500 500 1,700 700 5300, 250 ..$ 14,050 Sheriff's Office Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear $ 5.700.00 4300.00 First Preceding Tear $ 5.700.00 4300.00 Budget Current Tear $ 6,000.00 4,400.00 Sheriffs Salary Office Deputy's Salary Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved 3 6300 4,400 Second Tint Budget Preceding Preceding Current Tear Tear Tear $ 13W00 S 1350.00 $ 1350.00 231.00 285.00 240.00 650.00 71500 780.00 467.42 28731 400.00 $ 2.698.42 $ 2.63731 S 2.770.00 $ 3,90000 S 3,900.00 $ 4.020.00 50.00 300.00 12633 21238 200 250.00 $ 432633 $ 4,16238 $ 4.770.00 $ 480.00 480.00 1.179.24 1300.00 $ 1.65934 $ 1.680.00 General Fund Budget re Ensuing Tear Approved DISTRICT ATTORN T OFTICEl Material and Servlcesi Fund for Clerical Help Telephone .. - Office Rent Office Supplies - - Capital Outlay . "Sn TOTAL - TREASURER'S OFFICE: . . Treasurer's Salary - - Emergency Office Help Materials and Service! Office Supplies Convention and Association dues Capital OuUayj Calculator - - TOTAL SURPLUS FOOD OFFICE! Office Clerk's Salary Materials and Service! Office Supplies and Freight on Food Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 3 150 250 80 260 4300 600 800 ,. None ,$ 1,400 Health Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear S 5,600.00 L440.00 300.00 56334" 566.03 $ 8.46937 First Preceding Tear $ 2300.00 1,440.00 300.00 271.54 72734 $ 5,538.88 Budget Current Tear $ 4.980.00 1.590.00 300.00 800.00 750.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 225.00 $ 9.245.00 Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved Health Nurse's Salary $ 3,600 Office Clerk Salary (Part Time) 1.6W0 County Physician's Salary 30U Materials and Services: Nurse's Car Expense - - Nurse's Supplies 'j Nurse's Association Dues 50 Physician travel expense , 50 Medical Examiner Expense G00 Capital Outlay l Duplicator ino".A TOTAL - $ W40 Justice of Peace Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear $ 3,000.00 $ 657.02 First Preceding Tear Budget Current Tear $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 171.16 14433 300.00 300.00 $ 3.657.02 $ 3315.49 $ 3,600.00 1,500.00 1300.00 688.71 300.00 $ 3,688.71 1.500.00 1300.00 64.32 409.54 300.00 3.47336 1.700.00 1300.00 340.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 $ 4,140.00 1 1 Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved JUSTICE OF PEACE. 6th D1L Justice of Peace, Salary $ 3,100 Part time Clerical Help 300 Materials and Servlcesi Jurors and Witnesses - 400 Office Supplies 150 Travel and Conference Expense 120 Capital Outlay! None TOTAL $ 4,070 JUSTICE OF PEACE. 5th Dist Justice of Peace Salary $ 1,800 Office Clerk's Salary 1,300 Materials and Services! Jurors and Witnesses $ 300 Office Supplies 150 Telephone 300 Office Rent 300 Travel and Conference Expense 120 Capital Outlay! None TOTAL $ 4370 Juvenile Department General Fund Second Preceding Tear $ 1300.00 343.70 $ 2,143-70 First Preceding Tear f 130030 315.12 $ 2,115.12 Budget Current Tear $ 1,800.00 465.00 $ 2365.00 Juvenile Counselor's Salary Professional Service ............. Materials and Services: Office Supplies, (Paper A Stamps) Juvenile Court expense (Travel, etc.) .. Capital Outlay! Filing Cabinet - TOTAL Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved .3 1,800 600 500 ..$ 100 $ 3.000 (Continued on page 3)