Kirrxta CAtrrrr-TiMts. MM NEWS County Agent's Office Bills in Congress Would Cut Predatory Help IT N X. ANDERSON Bills now Introduced In con gress would reduce trie Federal Government participation In predatory animal control ana provide for training of r anchors and farmer or their agents to do their own regulation of pred atory animals. This would mean that federal coyote hunter would no longer exUt. In ad dition, there would be no pro vision for predatory animal con trol on federal land except through ranchers. Fifty-two percent of Oregon land U tinder federal owner hip, which would provide an excellent Incubator for preda tory animals to prey on adjacent livestock and poultry areas. The Federal government' par ticipation n ,h 0"KOi.1,'?; tor program this year is $154,0X1. Other participants are Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Came Commission, each $40,000. and the counties of the state. $176,303. Sonic Vibration Used la PoU Decoy Detected A method lor dctectine deoiy In wooden power poles, us'n sonic vibrations, has been de velopod by an OSU electrical engineer. As it becomes perfect ed, this method could mean big money in time saving fur util ity companies as well as belni COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding IXDUSTRIAL-COMEECIAl. FARM AND HOME S. V. 23rrt Pendleton for Weed Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding DRY OR LIQOTD FERTILIZER APPLICATION. STANDARD OR HIGH DENSITY SPRAT APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 lnJIIia WW Qean engines axe economical, smooth, lively and last longer. And fcrf. tte way L detergent-action in RPM Motor O Is keeps engines . . free of sludge and deposits. Regular 60 day oil changes with M ppm r vn,irW protection against engine wear. With that care, GbUUU i vw y your engine can outlast your car. we nave clete line ot the finest most economical cants and fuels. Uall HEPPNEB L E DISTRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS f6tH..- TasrsArt. juae la. .iii.i f.w uu In other lndos tries and. It seem, even on the rtneh. The engineer undertook the proJ.Tt at the request of thrc northwest utility companies ho have some four million dollars Invested In wooden transformer poles In Oregon alone. It was developed as a dependable vast, portable method for detecting Internal pole decay, a ma).r a(cty and service problem to the companies. The decay may go unnoticed until the pole breaks down at present. The de cayed area and Its extent can be determined by putting down vibration sources at different potations on the pole. Vaccination Urod Against Sleeping Sickness la Horses Dr. Jack Denton, supervisor of livestock disease control for the Oregon Dept of Agriculture, suggests that horse owners start a preventative program now in iiioir hnru vaccinated for equine encephalomyellti. (sleeping siCKncss.r mu each vear af ter mosquitos hatch In early spring. In recent ytars much of this disease has been found in coun ties along the Columbia River east of the Cascades. Symptoms of the disease are drowsiness and inability to eat. Often fat al, the disease lives over in wild birds and fouls and Is carried from them to horses by mosquit os. . One pair of house flies and their offspring. If all survived, could produce - 191 auintiMon , -in a tini! season. These would weigh nearly Id trillion tons ana mane a over 110 quadrillion cubic feet Good Forage Preservation Possible In Trench buos While it may be getting httle late for good silage mak ing, there no doubt are those Spraying CALL ON MEL BOYER Owner Gar Aviation - us tot prompt aeiiveiy. PH. 676-9633 OSU Issues Plans For Cattle Guards Building plans fur three cat- tie guard featuring different ,ir mmhlnatlons of material are now available from the Oregon State Univer sity Coi'ierUve Extension Serv ice. Cattlemen considering Instal ling i.lltj oliard k)lMjld 'ltr'k with local officials on width re quirement, for public roaa ami on public land, points out M. U. lluber. OSU extension agricultural engineer. Copies of all three plans are available from county extension offices or from the OSU Bulletin Cleik, Corvallls, who are giving this excellent method of preserving forage some thought. During the past several years we have had a number of ranch ers who have gone to grass or grass alfalfa silage, stored mainly in trench silo. If you are one that I considering this method of forage preservation be sure that you cut legumes when they are In the early bloom or 1 10 bloom. Cut cere. uh.n in th i-arlv milk ataces. Cut grass when head begin to! shew berorc oioasom. Set the chopper to cut In i Inch lengths. A U inch cut is recommended when ensiling mature grasses or legumes, when using a temporary sll or when not adding a preserv ative. Moisture must be Juat right. Here is a simple way to check; squeeze a handful of for ace as it falls in the silo. If it remains a ball and leaves soma moisture on your palm, it's about right. If it Huffs out araln. it's too dry- Add water to dry forage by spraying It Into the silo or Into the blower fan case If a stationary suage cut ter Is used. Most important In the silage making process Is how it is packed and how It Is sealed. Many who have done a good Job of harvesting silage have been disappointed because they have not packed and tramped the silc as It was filled. For trench silos a round wheel tractor is excellent. It has more pound i pressure per square inch than a track layer for packing. Of course many of us grew up packing silage by foot or horse back. This is excellent also. riastlc covers are successfully used now for sealing a silo. These should be weighted down so that the wind does not get i in Hof t hom nH tear thpm. Claude Graham, Willow Creex rancher, was quite sausnea with the use of old car tires for weighting down the plastic cov er he used on their trench silo last year. India Research Shows Plants Have Taste for Music Thfr l some evidence that cows will give more milk when exposed to sooming music, oui now we have a report based on research in India that says plants respond favorably to music, too! Botanist T. C. N. Singh, of India, who has been studying the effect or music on growing l-,.,to np oierht voar. TP DOTtS flatus v - o ' ' - J i that rice plants increased growth by DO per cent wnen sub jected to Indian classical mus ic. Violin music broadcast to tobacco plants also increased growth by fifty per cent, and when tapioca and sweet pota toes were constantly subjected to sound waves from recorded music, they yielded forty per cent more. We can find no USDA or ex periment station research io back this up, but maybe Dr. Singh's findings have sound possibilities! PM" A0 Ct0-4 Of HON" Vax . Chats With Your Home Four-H Delegates To Enter Session At OSU Monday It DONNA CCORCC The 4 II members selected lo represent Morrow county . ' summer school will leave Mon day morning. June 14. I; lnW event at Oregon State Univer sity In CorvallU. A full schedule of classes and activities will be held front the moment thev arrive until they start for home on Saturday morning. Thirteen and 14 year olds will each have four classes every morning such a swim ming, demonstration, rifle safe ty. dairy, other livestock horses. Know Your Sewing Machine, Color and You. You and our Future or Traffic Safety. Those who ant 15 and older have each selected two workshoj having such choices as leadership, camp counseling, monev matters, pat tern alteration, forest science, food engineering. animi w.n-m people-to people programs and In addition to classes the pro gram will inciude assemblies, games and races, county meet Ings, parties and a talent show. This Is the Golden Anniversary of 411 Summer xnooi. Bruce Jones of Irrlgon and Karen Nelson of Lexington will act as county representatives as aisting at assemblies, attending a special class In leadership and heading meetings of the Morrow county group. The Morrow county delegation will travel bv school bus driven by Leonard Munkcrs of Lexing ton, who will remain during the week to provide transportation for certain phases of the summer school program. The leader at tending as official chaperone for the county will be Mrs. Louis Shade of irrlgon. County Inten sion Agent Donna George will accompany the group and teach classes in demonstrations. The bus will load at 7:30 a.m. Monday at the extension office at Heppner: 7:45 at Deis Mar ket In Lexington, and 8:30 at Allen's Texaco In Boardman. Four-H Campers Enrolled We are happv to report that all youngsters who sent in their applications and money for 4 11 summer camp will be accepted for camp attendance. The camp I PUBLIC AUCTION OF USED COUNTY EQUIPMENT Friday, June 25 Morrow County Shops HEPPNER International Pickup. Green, 4-speed, License El 5-986, Motor No. SD220 106562, Series LI 10. Truck No. 16-R180. License E71-641 1955 Int. Dump Complete-308 Engine. Truck No. 12-R180. License E17-012 1954 Int. Dump Complete. 282 Engine. Truck No. 17-License E71-010. 1954 Int. Dump Complete-282 Engine. Truck No. 14-License E71-642. 1953 Int. Dump Complete-282 Engine. Truck No. 13-License E7 1-686. 1953 Int. Dump Complete-282 Engine. Truck No. 21-License E 17-011 Int. Truck-Chassis with Dump-No Bed ( Hoist). 1954. I Chev. Pickup-Red - Yr. 1950-3100 Series. 15" Wheels-7.50-1 5 Tires. 4 Speed Transmission. License-E7 1-863. EQUIPMENT MAY BE EXAMINED AT COUHTT SHOPS PRIOR TO SALE Agent Mill I operating at capacity but fortunately th number of applicants did not exceed the number which the camp facil ities will accommodate. ih rimn will btf ..... - - - - - - xi ta Julv 2. Counselors will be selected Thursday even- tng from older 4 11 mcmocrs ai a meeting of the 4 II Leader's Camp committee, Hew Dangerous Is Year Noma I Maybe you haven't thought of It that way but every home has . nnniiui nt iMttrniial hataros. especially for young children. lont keep pcsiiciuca ., 4 i,n.i..r ih kink or In the I . , . . ... . - m.tioln cabinet. lHn t leave mothballs where children can find them. , . Keep pesticides In their orig inal containers, closed and well . t ivm't vi or re use empty pesticide containers. And don I alscaru mem sunt ren can find them. Nutrition SpodaUat Gles-a n.. ivi nm TlDA Dark bread or wnue. " shall It be? Nutritionally, pound for pound, there's little difference If white flour Urn rtched. says Vclma Seat. OU consumer Information sieclallst. Choose the flavor, texture, and color that best meets your fam ily's Preference she KEf!1 There are so many from hlcn to choose, that toast for break- . i . -. LI .L last ana oii- need never be monotonous. When selecting bread, consider Its weight, nutrients, price, fla vor and the Intended use. Ch.wse by weight, not slie. and compare costs or you may spend your money for air. Ore eon law protects consumers ny stating that Balloon bread must be clearly labeled as such. Us uallv the standard white loaf Is the least expensive item on the bread counter. Standard whole wheat breads cost little. If any. more than the white. Prices on specialty breads begin to go up sharply. Rolls cost more than bread. For maximum nutritive value choose bread that is labeled enriched or whole grain bread. Choose the type of grain, and coarse or fine tex ture according to your faml preference. Some like the soft bland, almost crustless, pure white bread. Others prefer more texture and flavor. You may prefer a soft bread for sandwiches and a impact firm loaf for toast. Day-old bread U an economical choice for stuf fings. French toast, and for making bread crumbs. Public Nolicei CALL FOR BIDS FOB ITBCCT RtrAM Kivrii-i- i K.rrhv -lvi-n that n . ... - the City of Hci'r. thrKon, will mvlv bids at the louiuil Chambers fur th f.lluli street repairs, to-u; To rt-i'alr api'toxlmalrly 7.0 square yards. lth one lift, rolled and scab-d; To repair aprlmatcly lOttw aquate yar.U. with to lifts, rolled and scaled; and Appioxtmatily l.iaW square yard with Ihre llft T contractor to gtaile. lruh and prepare surface, haul and place rock, and furnish Rood grade of oil. using phalt. Ttie City to do all patching and furnish rock at slock pile. All bids mut be In the posses sion of the City .Recorder not iHirr than 8.00 o clock I' M., July r.v. tu: ukl,-K llm the bldt will be opened and considered by the Common Council of said ( ity. and said City reserves the rl:hi to rclt any and all bids. PATt'I) this 10th day of June. 13. Flair S. Oorg. City ltecorder. Heppner. Oregon. 15 16c nonce or F1MAL HEARINa Notice Is hereby given that th undersigned as Administra tor of the estate of Johan Troed son. deceased, hai filed his final account and report In said es tate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Tuesday, the day of July. 1903. at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M.. as the time. In th. County Courtroom In Hepp ner, Oregon as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. VFRNKR E. TROFPSON. AdmlnMrator of the Kstate of Troedson. Deceased Mahoney and Abrama Attorneys for Administrator Heppner, Oregon 13-lSc 6.0050-13 4 Ply 7.0013 4 Ply 8.00-14 4 Ply 8.50-14 4 Ply 6.70-15 4 Ply J CLOSEOUT SUMMIT I cSl NYLON 1 Factory-rresn No Seconds 7.10-15 4 Ply 16 95 7.60-15 4 Ply 17-95 8.0020-15 4 Ply 19-95 HIGHWAY TRUCK NYLON 6.70-15 6 Ply $18-9 6.50-16 6 Ply 20-95 8.25-20 10 Ply 49.95 MUD-SNOW TRUCK NYLON 7.0050-16 8 Ply 36.95 7.00-15 6 Ply $29-95 6.50-16 6 Ply 21 -9 7.50-20 10 Ply 54.95 8.25-20 10 Ply 59.95 Prices Include Tax TIRE 441 N. Main I IN THI COUHTT CODirj Of TMC STATS Or OREOOH rOl THE COUHTT Or MORROW In the Matter of the Fate of IUXSK IiOllMtY, Incased. H0T1CC TO CRtDfTORS MfflO! IS HKIllBY C.IVKN that Paiilik C. Ihdierty has Ih-i apjH.lnted by the above entitled Court as AdmlnUtiator lha F.sUte of Ro liberty. Itecras ed. and has duly qualified as auvh. ' All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present them with proper vouchers therefor and vertlled P' rll-'d by law to the said Ad mtnlstrator In rare of the Mor row CHinty Clerk. Morrow Coun ty Courthouse, llepimer. """"j within U months from the date hereof, to tt: On or before the 3rd day of wovemocr, -r- DATW) and first punusi. this 3rd day of June. 11MA PATRtCK C. DOIIintTY Administrator of th l-atate of ltie luhrrty, lH-craed MONAHAN A GROVE Attorneys fir Administrator Date 4 first publications June 3 Dateof Ust publication: July 1. HKkV U ,HC Yes. the Gazete-Ttmca can print the form you ne'd for bust, ness or ranch use. l"hon 678 IC2H. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR ItRVtCE WE REFAIRt Electric Motors Fowtr Tool Hyooulle Jacks AlemlU Equlpcnaat HI 8. E. 4th Fendlatoo rhone i7$-S861 TIRES HIGHWAY WHITE WALLS it.pu 14-95 16-95 18-95 ORD'S SERVICE Heppner Pa. 676-9481 I8