Legion Sets Workday To Improve Hall; Installation Slated Family lluk dinner pre rrdrd the final meeting, until fall, of the AmerU-an legion and Auslllary. Monday evening at the Legion hall. lj-glon memoer are urged to turn (Hi I In full force on Sunday, June 13. fr a workday sched uled to Inalall new siding on thi hall, lit Auslllary la fanning tU MTV iHlllUlk dinner. Joint Innlallatlurt of newly elected officers la slated for Monday. June 21. beginning at Kpm. A aurlal evrnlnic of bridge and ilnochl will follow Ih In ttallation. Auslllary drlcgale rhoarn to attend the state Legion conven tion to be held at Albany in July art Mr. Dn Munkers and Mrs. Frank Hamlin. Mrs. Itliev Munkrra ami Mra. Amir Had man are alternate Invitation Extended To Davidson Wedding Mli Beverly Jran Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hob crt II. Davidson of l-exlngton, has announced her coming mar hage for Saturday. Junr 19. to Harlan A Hint, ton of Mr. anl Mra. Waldo U. Hint of Heaver ton. A nuptial masa will )oln the couple at 10.00 a in. at st. Futrli-k'a Catholic church In lhmrr. The couple takes thla means of extending a public Invitation to friend and relatives In the area to attend the ceremony and the reception which will follow in the partkh hall. Mis Davidson Is now com pleting her Junior year at I'ort Und .Slate College and her fian cee la employed In lieavciton. Couple to Observe 50th Anniversary Fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mra. Fred Kauch of Lexington will be olmcrved at a Mccptlon In the CIvlc-Kerreatin-i CVnter. HermWon. on Sunday. June 20. from 3 to 3 pm. The event is being arranged by their eight thildrcn and fam ilies. It la requeued that no fctlu te brought. Methodist Women Host Bridal Shower A fchutoer parly of niiwrllan eou bridal gifts honored Mra ltoincy Avert, the former Cheryl McGhce. In the solal rooina of the Find MeihodiM church Mn day evening. Memtera of the Womcn'e Society of t"hrUtln Service aerved aa hootenM-a for H e evening. Informal tinging of favorlt" songs and hymns, led by Mr Ixiug Itake and accompanied by Susan lrake, preceded the opening of many lovely and use ful glfla. The aelectlon. "O I'cr feet luve," aung by Mra. Wea Sherman and accompanied by Mra. Drake, waa dedicated to the new bride. I'ourlnir durlnff the refrean- ment hour were Mra Hay Ayera, mother-In law of the honoree, and Mra. Emma Ileger. A beau tiful arrangement f rows and mock orange blossoms, flanked by pink lanera. centered th nerving table. Other arrange mini, i.t fflaitlnll. iM-onlea and other aummer flowera were uwd about the rooma. The new Mra. Avert U the (Kiiohir nf the former Dastor and wife of the lleppner church. Kev- and Mrs. Austin McOheo, who now reside at Cave Junction. Reception to Honor Frank S. Parkers Tt ntih wi-il.llnir anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Frank S. I'arker. long-time lleppner resident, will be the m-caMon for a public reieptlon Sunday afternoon. June 13. In the aurlal rooina ol the First Christian church. Frlenda are asked to come an I ih.. i-nunle between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 pm. with Immediate lamiiy meinner in- In-; care or the arrangement. Flag Service Tonight The Elks' Temple will be the acene Thursday (tonight) of a Mcelal Flag Day service or Klks mrmlxri and their guesta . H i nm Stuffed Dork hop c..-i. iKib dinner will be aerved at 6:30 p.m. Lodge will I held at 9:00. 3 WORLD'S BEST GIFT mum BBS 839 kmoi nm tr tss ContlaM atloi el I lufliAf Iwk liMlt tltclionl cally. It otin I Ink, It hunt. Boat twii wild Iht htiiipO"! i4 kllHK WllMl, In pwtt whits limit h curK el til convtnlioiul tittktt. lull 12 pj.u. So ruriMl, to Itoubl l' ran on lorMt iboul Htutl niilcl) muni MiKt rtpur. Hntf, ton wlndin-vi"i oil youl wilt. tfsmt ctll Itttl nt lull (wMm la ittonltlilrlr ('! il l" puicMifil by Ih J. t. 'f fofc lor tnnr pilot m ti I 11 p'oitct. Nm In o-b't liminl dif m II S Spf t(tll't tni i i CCUT0M IMCtVirW "I" III bnutlful UK ol ,in rtf.nipnt m.i. wit.ipiooit. "; oral hand, illllitor UP- 0 ACCUTRON byBULOVA W0BL0 ONLY ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECI i . . w a til a - i ACCUTRON "JU" All stain less steel cat, wateipioolt. with luminous nanat ana lacettd maiksft, strap 129.00 Come In And Sea Our Section of Accutron Timepieces from $t 25.00 W. ad.l r.. A... Ellrl. Tl..l. I. ihe ,.t If I h.. caw. rut. a" ' "Something from the J we 1 era. la a 1 way a something special." JEWELERS Store uoursi jA..jr.B. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST, HEPPNEH GREEN STAMPS MISS JACQUIE IIINDLE Couple Sets August Date for Marriage The engagement and coming marriage of Mla Jacquelyn L-e Bilndle to Lynnle Marlon Myera. aon of Mr. and Mra, Orvalle Myera of La Grande, haa teen announced by Mra. pa'rlcia Brlndle, mother of the brld-eh--t. The date of Saturday. August 1 1, haa been choaen for the mar rl.igc ceremony, at St. Patrick's Catholic rhurch. lleppner. at 2:00 pm. A reception will fol low tne ceremony In the parioh hall. All frlendi are extended a cordial invitation to attend the wedding and reception. Mlu Brlndle was a graduate of lleppner High school In I'.Kvl, and has Just completed her sophomore year at KaMcrn Ore gon College of Education, La Grande, with elementary educa tion a a major field. Mr. Myera waa a memtn-r of tnn graduating claw from FXXE last Sunday, rtcelvlng a Bach lor of Science degree In Social Sclencva. with a major In Hii tory and a minor In English. He Is a member of Blue Key. na tional honorary organization, arid a member of Intercollegiate Knights, national service orga nisation. In October he will en ter oMlcer'e training school for Marines at Quantico, Va. Bride-elect Honored At Carl Rhea Home With Kitchen Shower Miss Phyllis Nelson was com plimented at a miscellaneous Kitchen shower last Wednesday nltcmoon at the home of Mrs. Cnrl Ilhea In the Sandhollow community. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Rhea were Mrs. Max Bar clay, Mrs, Kenneth Nelson and Mrs. WUllam J. Doherty. The coming marriage of Ml-s Nelson, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Delwin O. Nelson of Lex ington, to Robert P. Kroll of CorvaHis Is planned for late summer. Manv lovelv and Useful gifts were presented the future bride by the large numoor oi invm-a guests, some of whom could not be present. A fresh strawberry dessert was served by the host esses, with coffee and tea, at the close of the afternoon. Attending were Mrs. Phcbe Bartholemew. Mrs. Jasper My ers, Mrs. Leo Ashbeck, Mrs. George Lucianl, K a r 1 a and Sheila, Mrs. Burl Wattenburger, Mrs. Walt Wlglesworth. Mrs. Ferdle Hudemann, Mrs. Rosella Lindsay, Mrs. Larry Lindsay ana Anna Marie, Mrs. Glen Campbell, Mrs. George Camp bell, Mrs. Larry Campbell, Mrs. Tom Ashbeck, Mrs. Louis La Trace, Mrs. Tud Miller. Mrs. Er vin Rauch, Dclphia and Mary Ann, Mrs. J. L. Barak, Mrs. Jim Stoekard. Mrs. Wcldon Wither rite, Mrs. Stan Kemp. Mrs. D. O. Nelson, the honoree, Phyllis Nel son, the hostess and co-hostesses. t AJ "Stretch" goes west! And the brand is Lee You can't see the difference be tween good old western jeans and Lee's new Stretch Riders. Both have that tough, rangy look, the same authentic western tailoting. But in Lee Stretch Riders you're in for a new experience in com fort and' mobility! Look for Lee, with the KQft f m-t. f w authentic branded label. NEW YORK STORE S. W. Emigrant and Main PENDLETON PH. 276-4551 Adams Descendants Hold Family Reunion, First in 20 Years Memorial Iay waa chown a the ocraklon for a reunion of tne late Joeph B. Adam fam ily, meeting together at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cook. Sr., In lleppner. All remaining children, and their famllle. were preent. which Included lather Kirk. 1'ine; Mr. and Mrs. C'larrrxe Rogers and eon benril. llermU ton; Mr- and Mrs. Uuff Mt Kit rick and daughters, IVIllivu. Ida.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank L Adams and children, Pendleton, and Forest Adams, lleppner, Other members of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs Harlan Adams and daughter, Brookings; Perry A. Adams. On tario; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Nelson and family, Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Kb hard Van Rckei and family, Baker; Mr. and Mra. Norman Rogers and son, Tuala tin; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpiw.n Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sherman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rood. Mr. and Mrs Victor Lovgren and aon. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and Cindy, and Mrs. Carl McDanlel and Georglna. all of Hept.ner. Calling from out-of-town dur ing the afternoon were Mr. ane" Mrs. Neal Knlghten. Kcnnewlrk V.'n.; Lewis B4tiy. La Grande I0NE NEWS Mr mn.i Mn ftorl Abort, AnH daughter. Bonnie, and Mr. and tin I'ir.trlrV T Martin all of lone, were among thoe attend- IniT Oregon Mate University A..Mrtvj.u.m.r,l I n f-lt rnllirlilfl Corvalll. Sunday. Graduates In- cluiled Mflvin Mnln el iran Marie Bratrll. son and daughter 4 Mr. and Mrs. Martin, and ItotM-rt Karl Akers. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Akers. Mi-lvln Martin la now ernolov- ed by American Agricultural Management orancn on ice ei Milton Freewater, where he and Mrs. Martin now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Al Brarrll are employed by the Forest Service at Cub River Forest Camp. near Preston. Idaho, for the summer. Mr. and HtPPNCI CAZCTTC TIMCS. Tktirsdey. J.m IS. IMS Mrs. Robert Akers anlved In lone on Monday and will spend the summer here, where he will aaalat his father with the work on the ranch. Looking for mimeograph sten cils? The Carette-Tlmee has them for sale. Including special churcti bulletin st)le. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Myers, Pen dleton; Mr. Marie Johnson, Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Wh en Peterson and family of lone. Only two members of Ihe family were unable to attend. L o r 1 1 Simmons, Pend'eton. f nd Roger McKitrirk. Reno. Nrv A patio picnic was served tc 57 family members and friends The happy reunion brought together the family for the first time In 20 years. The death of "Grandma" Adams was In 1!MS. followed by the death of Grandad" Adams In VXA. m mww'M 3 tea HpTer Con hurt you buf o premium won't. Now U lh time to n obout your HAIL INSURANCE TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INSURANCE -I I I FOLGER'S nyirro ,D- II COFFEE LB. 73c 2 LB. ?145 3 LB. $ 2.15 10 OX. INSTANT 51.39 I n a i 1 !i N ALLEY'S 13 OZ. ish 29$ Sweet Banquet Sweet, Hamburger Hot Dog NATIONAL BISCUIT CO- 10 OZ. VERI-THIN PRETZELS AND PRETZEL STICKS 3 F0R 51.00 SILVXRB0W. 4 LB. IruW'll n Is li Li S4W 28 OZ. WALDORF 10 ROLL FAK ToileJ Tissue 7 rich natural flavor! mwm neiv cam 12 ox. S95 C WM 6 LETTUCE 2 HEADS FOR 39$ CAOTALOLIIPIS U for $0 LARGE PRICES GOOD JUNE 10 AND 11 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676 9288 USD A GOOD AflU t ROUND M95 T li? norm iion uioisft u m lb. 75 OREGON CHIEF BOLOGNA BY THE CHUNK LB. A tZc FRESH FILLET OF RED SNAPPER LB. A Cc -4A It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps RKET A t.li. .1.1 i GREEN