ItEFf Rtl CAltTTf TtMti. Tourodrr. faoo 11 IHI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING : . ik ton Iva beginning July I. x m detailed ani .?utnmflM In frWf I J. " r-r4 oVa-i "accounting basts cWutent tth that used! in prior f" wtVf n tltt & 6f I inl S t Wy Clerk's iu.cmi.M- A coo r of in. udgt fjf JV" AriTcwUttV A meeting erf the Morrow County on, pMi J li. m-y t obtained fur $1 l STjf h tot PuWlhrln on Infa buW Any person 13. it am. at Courthouse, County Judaos wlict lor tne purpo or nwa " 1 r it. u'nii o ' ' - . . . t cffict. Th budirt rtovument, Court will bo foU Juno 34 may appear w diu too budget, or any port fait, w. Chairman JONf of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY for m wsuxho nscAi Vtxi iowkiro jolt t. ii - - - - TO fcovy ais Totil Budk'fl Requirement t5tf$ UM Budget Resource Iter ft aM lo Uvled Taxes ffrcrwry to Balance Budget Add Taxea Estimate Ret To Be Received DttlliUl rnuln Yrar Tots! Tasea To Be Levied AaolrtU f foaea Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taaes Id Bo Levied All mtrm funds ana.tpccUl fevenua fundi, ltlTlO mono .WW Predatory Ceoerel CUootal Ceoeral Aalfflal rad Beads School Cootro! . UMd wtaao 200 lJ2.6fVl m.T0 1.M .35T t .tet rdr Cotrt4 rBd 4J30 I 43 $ 4tsS $ 4TS3 I 3d lido Koapltcd MtMk. Alcohol Eftlort rumd S 300 900 Ubrory I 400 Co tool I 1M0 10 If any, fo InclutWA rO TKl CVIXCKT ftSCAi. TtAl IKCWIIIIfO JUtT I. 1M Tux trry Compototlo Total All roods Total Budgfl RqulrcnU Ura Budget Rwourwi. - Excrpt Taxel to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxea Estimated Not to Be Received) DurlBf Ensuing Year Total Taxea lo Be Levied AnolTftla Toxoo To Bo Lood Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied $311,971 23523 16,161 J2U2.807 $177,807 115,000 $292,807 Coooral rood M.7G0 125.830 115M $13H,4JO J13S.120 $138,420 Coooral 112.G50 113.000 $115.0110 UJ.orto $115,000 Oooorol School $ 6jaoo 16.000 17tWO $ 17.600 $ 17,600 Pioeotorf Aoiaooi Coo trot $ 5.730 1J60 4.470 47 4J17 Wood rotr rood t 61.450 61.430 S 4.917 $ 1S17 rod . ro4 t COOO $ 1.000 U40 400 ttos 600 5.01 & $ 5.082 $ 660 - $ 5.08J S 660 Tot' Croslof lioo Boekl 'TlOOO Akohol K afore. rood $ 500 500 Low Library rood $ 600 600 Vortor Coatrol All resene fundi arid" apedal tewiae funds, if ny, rt Included. 0nQ 9.900 $ 9.900 $ 9.900 Aptroved by Budget Committee May 24. 19d3 PALL W. JONES Chairman of Budget Committee 28 1.117 111 L22H LZ MONUMENT y HAITHA MATT UO M MONUMKKT M K. Jonoa and Maynard liamlMon aro liuildinf a nw room on tha Hovef C1 ' . tmvt Matiewn and fnli 1.1 der left lurday mom In Id Mart bulldlnif fenco for rrrey Irril ff liaMiman l the ltl of WIII"W Ctet Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cer and dochtrf. Miaa Ruth Ann Clpon. left Sunday mornln for a trip to Wathlnifton, P. C. Rev. and Mrs. Richard Duncan tamo homo from tha aaf on Friday evenlnf whrra ha had been for medual trealifirnta. Mr- and Mrs. Tom Krhafdt and three rMMrrn of hrtlfid were her flvef tha weekend td at lend th omldinf of rf alster. Judith Pavls. .... M. louy lrea. of fr"' Lane. Ida. wit alw Rmo to at lend the iMifls liartts woddlnf, June lluhhlon hal been m Portland on btnlneaa trip. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferfel of Klnlua stayed osttMghl Txmj olth her aUtef and family, th L. J. Matteaons. The man drova to John Day Saturday on bul- nMra Ann Coodon ?f.r"f,lV came tat week and lkil franddaughters. Patsy -and I Neva noiand. on a camplnt? trip. Mrs. Francis Noiand and Iwd son are vUltlng with her brth er In law and sister. Mr. and Ms. Ansll Martin .and aona Irt rrinevilie. Donald Capon is home from roUeee to work on the farm f the summer. ..... Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mstteno.!, son Ralph. MM. tlmef Matte, son and eran.Uon. Robin hoott, drove td Heppner last Tuesday for business. ..,,, Miss Irothy Merrell of Boise, fdit.. artlved Sunday morning td Tlult her uncle, Maynard Ham ilton. When you aatWAt Times advertisers. make a better paper Tell thert you saw It in the (latatto Tlmea. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND FOB THE FISCAL TEAR 19651966. BECtKKnfO JTJLT 1. 196S Assessor's Department General Fund filSTOlTCAL DATA ACTUAL rrocodUlf Tsar i 5.700.00 2.400 00 853.00 i.eii.rt 753.06 79Z40 .00 .00 .00 First rrocoding Tsar i 5.700.00 s.eno.oo 3JT3 00 5-25 5ia72 . 36,20 4394.75 Bodat Cor root Toar $ 6.OO0.00 3,800.00 9.632.00 800.00 150000 1.200.00 ?oo.oo 500.00 310.00 3.000.00 600.00 AAwssofs Saliry Office Clerk's Salary Staid Appraiser Part Time Office Clerk Motoriala aod Sorrlcoat Qffloa Supplies A.wssor'3 field Work Mapa Budaot ror Eosoloa Toar Approvod $ 6.300 - 3,900 10,932 700 Fund" $ 1525J51 $ 26.181.65 $ 17.842.00 Qfji Ti Commission Mtse, Industrial Appraisal and auoii exina Farmland Reappraisal Convention and Association Dues Capital OuUsyi Filing Cabinet -----"---'- Sinking Fund for Posting Machine TOTAL uuu. 1.000 1.000 600 600 240 None 150 None 2.500 27,922 1.800 00 600.00 4M36 300 00 2.05aTO 934.70 2.10000 600.00 S2643 30000 1.155.04 7H9.14 2.100 00 600(1 2.7OOO0 300 00 3SO.OU 1JS00 00 750.00 630.00 t 16.096.96 $ 15.6575 A 20000 1955000 Offlco Cletlfi Salary (Part I Timal , - m Communication System Office Clerk . - " i,y Extra Deputy Sheriff (Boardman and Irrlgonl ... Fatra Deputies r - Materials and Sonrlcosi yyy Office Supplies ; 3) Stami and Envelopes 1 an) Sheriff Car Eaperwe - - 7y) Tax Collection Office Expense - CommunlcaUon System KIeno K Deputy Sheriffs Car Expense Capital Outlay! 1 New Car for Sheriff - 'jA Filing Cabinets ZZZZZZT.' 215) TOTAL " - General Fund Clerk's Department General Fund Second Preceding Toar $ 5.700.00 4,200.00 1.48497 rirst Preceding Toar $ 5.700.00 4.200.00 1.396.98 Budget Current Toar 6,000.00 4.300.00 1500.00 120.00 $ 11,384.97 $ 1129698 $ 11.92000 Clerk's Salary Deputy Clerk's Salary Matorlala and Soreleoai SuDDlles (Books and Office Supplies) .... Convention and Association Capital Outlay! TOTAL Dues Budget Fot Ensuing Tear Approtod . ! 6.300 4,300 1.400 120 Nona . ... S 12,120 PERSONAL SERVICES rOB THE FISCAL TEAR 1965-1966. BECIWlCINa JXTLT 1. 1S65 Supplemental Information Salaries Paid From More Than One Source DETAILED SALARY Office Secretary Ho. of Empo. Total tag 3 Lin i $4400 Fotr s Lino 3 $400 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND rOR THE FISCAL TEAR 196S 1966. BEGIrtHIlfG jULT 1. 1965 County Court, Circuit Court Department General Fund Socond Preceding Tear First Preceding Tear Budget Current Toar $ 0,700.00 S 3.700.00 $ 6,0OO.0O 2,70155 3.08552 2,800.00 300.00 300.00 t 400.00 456.96 470.00 500.00 91102 862.&T 800:00 S 10,071.53 $ I6.4i8.ld $ 10,600.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1200 J i.000- 2,451.97 336 4,000.00 159.35 200.60 $ 3.77L97 $ 5,069.61 $ 6,580.00 Budaot For Ensuing Tear Approved COUHTT COURTJ . fi100 1 County Judge'i Salary . . - 2 County Commissioner's (per diem) - - 1 Office Secretary - - "V Materials and Servtcos: Association of Oregon Counties XXX Supplies (Office) . County Judge's Travel Expense i. Capital Outlay .. -- - j TOTAL iA0W CIRCUIT COURT: 1 rrA Circuit Court Reporter's Salary ihu Jurors, Witnesses and Bailiff . - Special Attorney Fund - Materials and Services! onn -. t Ati, none . . uwuoj TOTAL - .....4 7,080 Courthouse Department General Fund Socond Preceding Year $ 4,800.00 546.11 1,691.32 593.65 36922 First Preceding $ "Saoo.oo 274.16 151141 631.03 415.84 Budget Current Tear $ 4,800.00 500.00 1,700.00 700.00 600.00 $ 8,000.30 $ 7,632.44 $ 8.300.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Janitor's Salary - Part-time Janitor's Helper Materials and Services: Fuel for Courthouse 1 Power and Lights for Courthouse Janitor's Supplies - - iJ5 Courthouse and Jail Maintenance and Repair Capital Outlay: , 9 Tables for Courthouse Park - TOTAL - - 14,050 Sheriff's Office Department General Fund Second Preceding Year $ &700.00 4.200.00 First Preceding Year $ f.7OO.O0 4200.00 Budget Current Year $ 6,000.00 4,400.00 Sheriff's Salary Office Deputy's Budget For Ensuing Year Approved ...$ 6,300 "s7iary"Trrr.7.zr. 4.400 Socond rrocoding Tear $ 1.3S0.00 231.00 erio.oo 467.42 $ 2.698.42 $ 1.90000 12653 rirst Procodlng Toar $ 1.3SO00 289.00 71500 28751 $ . 2,637.31 $ 900j) Budget Current Toar ATTORjtrr omcii lget : Ensatog Toaf Approved $ 155000 240.00 7H0.OO 400.00 $ 2,770.00 $ 4.030 OO 300.00 DISTRICT Materials and Services I 136 Fund for Clerical Help x1 Telephone - vhO Offlco Rent . "' 00 OTIlco supplies None Capital Outlay TOTAL TRCJ $ 2.880 21258 $ 4.0265i t 416258 S $ 480.00 L17924 $ 1.659.24 300 250 0O 4.770.0O 480.00 1200.00 1.680.00 :es tCASURERt OfflCEl Treaaureri Salary Emergency Offlcatltlp Motoriau ana oerwwi eii A.ioot I a . ......-' "" ConvrntloA and Aaaoclatlon du Capitol OaUOTfl Calculator . : - srLus"'r6OT'omcEi Office Clerk's Salary Materials ana services! Offlco .Supplies Capital Outlay TOTAL 4.120 150 250 80 260 4360 600 800 and Freight on Food 'Z' None ..$ 1.400 Socood Preeoding Toar $ 5,600.00 1.44000 300.00 565.24 566.03 Flrtt pro coding Tear I J.8OO 00 1.440.0O 300.00 271.54 727.M k 8,46dit t 5,538.8a Health Department General Fund Budget roc EMoingToar Approved Itoalth Kursa'f 9Iry ... ...... - JgJ Offlco Clerk Salary (Part Tlmt) - J-J" County phyalclanV Salary . Matoriola and SorvlcMl . hurao'a Car Expenst Rurse'a Supplies - urse'a Association Dues physician travel expense fxx Medical Examiner Expense none $ 7,440 lodge! Current Toot I f&RO C 15900 300.0 POO 00 75000 5000 500.00 225.00 9245.00 Duplicator TOTAL Second -Preceding Toar $ 3,000.00 S 657.02 first Procoding Toar Budget Current Toar $ 3,000.00 I 3,000.00 1 17L16 144.33 $ 3,657.02 $ 3,315.49 1,500.00 1200.00 688.71 300.00 Justice of Peace Department General Fund Budget For Ensuing Toar Approved JUSTICE Or PEACE, 6th Dlst Justice of Peace, Salary 3,iou Part time Clerical Help Motoriala and Services 1 Jurors and Witnesses Office Supplies - Travel and Conference Expense Capital Outlay! TOTAL JUSTICE OF PEACE. 5th DUt Justice of Peace Salary - Office Clerk's Salary Materials and Services: Jurors and Witnesses - $ Office Supplies Telephone Office Rent Travel and Conference Expense ... Capital Outlay 1 1,500.00 1200.00 64.32 40954 300.00 300.00 300.00 $ 3,600.00 1,700.00 1500.00 340.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 400 150 120 Mono 4,070 1,800 1,300 300 150 300 300 120 None $ 3,688.71 $ 3,473.86 $ 4,140.00 TOTAL - 4270 Juvenile Department General Fund Second Preceding Toar $ 1300.00 343.70 First Preceding Tear $ 1,800.00 315.12 Budget Current Year $ 1,800.00 2 465.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved $ 2,143.70 $ 2,115.12 $ 2,265.00 Juvenile Counselor's Salary $ Professional Service Materials and Services! Office Supplies, (Paper A Stamps) Juvenile Court expense (Travel, etc.) - 4 Capital Outlay! Filing Cabinet J TOTAL 1,800 600 500 100 3,000 (Continued on page 3)