Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 03, 1965, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hcrrnca cAimx-TiMtt. xhwday. ib a. ms
Riverside Commencement
Occasion for Gatherings
1RRIGO N Following com
mnmcM excrciws at Kiycr
. Ili.K u-hnnl I'MitaV evening
Mr. and Mr. Ilobba entertained
the following guests In honor
of their son. Lyle ilobba. w
, ihn pr(iiiimcr seniors: Mr.
iind Mrs. Taut Mce and Mar
lene. La Grande; Mr. and Mr.
Raymond Ilobba. Baker; Lldon
Hi4bt and dauchter Donna. Mr
Floyd Willis, Morth Powder: Mr.
and Mrt. Roscoe Cook. Mr. Dave
Koch. Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Halt. Mr. Sedalla Dexter.
Mr. and Mr. Don Lelphlon and
famllv. Irrleon. and Mr. U
Buntcn. Ilermlston. Mr. ma
Mr. Taul Nice and Marlene
pent the remainder of the
week end with the Hobba.
Mr. and Mr. Pavld Koch. De
nlso and Shawn. Port land, drove
to Irrljron Friday and attended
commencement exercises at Riv
erside Hlch school Friday nlcht.
Thev also attended commence
ment exercise at Ilermlston
High school, where Koch ister
was one of the craduatlng sen
lor, and commencement exer
cises of Blue Mountain collece.
where two more of Koch'a sis
ters Rraduated. During the week
thev spent here they visited
with her folk. Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Hill, Irrigon. and hi folk.
Mr. and Mr. Alvin Nocn. ncrm-
'""m". and Mrs. M. F. Hadwick
and their granddaughter. Mary
Gerberding. Salem, drove to Ir
ricon Friday and attended com
mencement exercises at River
side Hlch school that evening.
They spent the week-end with
Mr. Hadwieks brother-in-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
f i v, mnA aln visited Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Felton and Mr and.
iivmhort and ooys.
.1119. v, - " -
They drove to Pendleton Satur
day and visited Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin Murtlshaw and family.
Irwin Murtlshaw was recently
released from the Pendleton
Community Memorial hospital
where he was under treatment
f0M?n and Wilbur Gibbs.
Kahlotus. Wash., visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Partlow and Shcryl Monday al-
Darrel Pummel and Phillip
Proctor were released from the
Umatilla hospital after a 10
dav confinement.
The Irrigon city council met
cmrHiv and adooted a resolu
tion asking that Morrow county
aa 4..ricriir4irn nt streets lying
within the City of Irrigon to the
Mr. and Mr. Jamea Forney and
lamlllcs, uermision.
Mr. and Mr. Ben McCoy and
Ton-u im-o tii vale Memorial
Day and stayed overnight with
her folk. Mr. and mt. ihwk
F.ddy. Monday, they left fir a
vacation to be apent ' Denver.
Colorado. Salt Lake City. Utah
and other point of Interest.
Mr. and Mr. Bill Gray heal
held a potluck dinner at their
home Memorial Day with the
following guests attending; Mr.
and Mr. Avery Taylor and fam
ily. Heppner: Mr. and Mr.
Jamea Mill. Kicky. Randy.
Steve, Mis Snow McCoy, Ilerm
lston; Mr. and Mr. Jav Berry.
Portland; Mr. Dushla BrowneiL
Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Chapman.
Walla Walla: Mr. Fther Lock
hart Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Markham, Kennewlck; Mr.
and Mr. Karl lom and Donna.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave OravooaL
Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy.
Susan, Mike, Debbie; Mr. Myr
tle Markham. Mr. Ruth McCoy.
Mr. Albert Partlow and Sheryl.
Mr. and Mr. Avery Taylor
and family. Hoppner. spent
Memorial Dav with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave GraybeaL
Mr and Mr Chester Wilson
and Leon left Monday for Cali
fornia, where they plan to visit
her mother and brother; Texas,
where they will vis.lt their son
and daughter-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. John Wilson, and Spring
field. Missouri, where they will
visit their daughter. Miss Carm
ine Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart.
Sharon and Tom and Debbie
McCoy drove to La Grande Sun
day and visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart
and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reeder.
Sharon and Debbie remained in
Nv. z
Mr and Mrs. Max GraybeaL spent a week with his brother-
Jerry' and Gary of Walla Walla
wow Sfltiirnav evenuie umnti
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Barbara McCorkle was re
leased from the Umatilla hos
pital after a 24 week confine
ment. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graybeal
drove to Milton-Freewater and
visited Mrs. Daisy Brake and
Mrs. Gene Holady.
Jack Gayman was released
from the Good Shepherd hospital
Tuesday after a week confine
ment. . .
Roberta Acock was honored on
her 9th birthday with a party
at her home with the following
guests attending:-; Danette
Lelghton, Karen Richards, Mary
Ann Proctor, Debbie Keith, Shar
on Stewart and Sheryl Partlow.
After the games and opening ol
the gifts, cake, dixie cups and
punch were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry. Port
land, spent Saturday to Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Part
low and Sheryl and Mrs. Berry s
sister, Mrs. Myrtle Markham.
They were Joined by another
Bister. Miss Snow McCoy, Herm
iston. , . ;
Susan McCoy, freshman at
Oregon State University and a
college girl friend spent the
week-end in Irrigon with her
folks, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mc
Coy, Debbie and Mike.
Mr. and and Mrs. Warren
McCoy drove the girls as far as
Portland Monday, and they took
a bus on to Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bristow,
Oregon City, are visiting their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jarl Sonsteng . and
children. The Bristows will re
main in Irrigon while Sonstengs
vacation in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Leighton
and family entertained the fol
lowing guests with a buffet sup
per at their home Memorial Day:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiffer, Dav
id and DeAnn, Tacoma; Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Cruthers, Mr. and
Mrs. Roscoe Cook, Rhonda and
Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. David Koch,
Denise and Shawn, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill, Mrs.
Sedalia Dexter, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Hobbs and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Stewart and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stan
ley and boys. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis,
Wanda and Patsy, Mrs. Pearl
Force and Mr. and Mrs. David
Gallo and son drove to Hat
Rock Memorial Day, and met
Gallo's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Gallo, Walla Walla, for a pic
nic .
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook,
Rhonda and Allyn, Portland,
spent the week-end with her
folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill.
Danette Leighton, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Leighton, re
turned to Portland with Cooks
Monday, and will spend three
weeks there rotating her visit
with the Roscoe Cooks and the
David Kochs.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Sanders Memorial Day, were
their sons-in-law and daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell and
Snaron with Reeders and Debbi;
with Stewarts .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calkins.
Portland, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sanders Mon
day morning.
Pv and fr Finlrhlnjw mt.
sionaries to Korea, will present
a missionary service ai me irri
gon Assembly of God church
U'prfnKflav evenintr Jnna Q
7:30 p.m. The public is cordially
inviiea io inena.
The Irrigon Assembly of God
and Baotist rhurrhe and lh.
Boardman Community and Lu
theran churches presented Bibles
to the Riverside High school
graduating class during the
baccalaureate service.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Evans and
family, formerly of Pilot Rock
jumi-n k -i mn
I city tm If ram lattt !!
its ImWvni a karttrtl M
Hat ay tl ttri f rit Sm4
lllili fttCIM tl MupIlM
cafital tf tN will
TUt a Ktsilfy im watt
ta StittH. kMt tail r if tM
$50,150 CtM CP elawle. t larM
brtts 1 MraplaM rxlaf-
Tkt Ctltf C itafti
tt I M lakt WaaiftftM at tk
cttau ta tM cirr i aaaaal Stitair
ctWirtti! Jvty JO -astwt I.
Ti ami if to aril i W6itti
ta I'tDt if ittr m4 ti tatkiaf
tfttt if kaatt h at wtrl at ta
Ulan tl Nt Tark, tk rrtltyt
to In Anff Hi m4 tH T if ta
Mail ti im friachca.
Niairfll If tkMtiatt it
Utart kM tk ikani if lati Waik
lft(i ti t nUttl racM
trial aittalk)li vaataii aalatl
ilKf tkt tkara ui ttia tk varkt
faawat iitiaf arli.
Itacalaf itt it IM aJUl lf
IwMlk) itratiktmrt. ta klaf
itn ractrt nr Ml tl kxitf
tar aatltiia arNatf tM caratri if
tfci tkm atth) cmii.
m inn. ktMi tki mr. hh
W kifi tntky ttvttitf ky inry
in inr tit ti kttl
f im if tkiii attkaakal Mattin.
Ii atiitlia, i arifl ariraa if
iokiari mi aatkiarl ratii an
Itaptf atarkt Cmi lati. kkk
miatt m Mal tMrti mi tittiaf
far tki taullir kurt.
in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Acock and family. The
Evans have moved to Ilermls
ton and he is apprenticing as
a barber in Umatilla.
TB East Region
Elects Officers
At a recent meet in cr of the
eastern regional council of the
(Oregon Tuberculosis & Heaitn
association, officers were elected
for the coming year. Those elec
ted are: cnairman ior me region.
Dale Wyatt, La Grande; vice
chairman, Bill Patterson, Baker;
and secretary, EsteUe Puckett,
Thi pastern replon of OTHA
consists of the following coun
ties: umatiiia, Morrow, union,
Baker, Harney, Wallowa, and
Malheur, with the head office
in La Grande. Ray Buckwalter ot
La urande is the program airec
tor for the TB association's east
ern region.
President Wyatt stated that
last year the eastern region had
a good Christmas Seal campaign
and program of work. He said
that he hoped next year proved
as successful.
Vacation in
L. A.
Xfr and M Jnhn Venard
left from Portland Saturday by
jet airpiane on a vacation inu
to Los Angeles. They expected
tn. lrtcif- iVi&ir enn and dfluphter-
in-law and new grandson there
ana planned to stop on at mer
rilL Oregon, for a few days' visit
on thtir wav home. It is their
first trip to Los Angeles since
1942. Venard is on vacation
from, his position as manager ot
the Heppner branch, First Na
tional Bank.
Memorial Held
At Monument
For Mrs. Cork
MONUMENT Funeral ser
vices for Mabel Clair torn, age
So, were held at the Monument
(Yimmunltv church on Friday,
May 28. at 1:00 p.m. She died
Tuesday. May 25. at Bend.
Rev. Richard George officiat
ed, with Mr. Neva Jones as or
ganist. Hymns were sung by
Wayne Leathers, Kay Harris.
Darlene Boyer and Clyde Cav
ender. Pallbearers were Gene
Campbell. Mead Gilman. Clar
ence Holmes, Bub Boyer. George
Cpon. and Ben Spain. Interment
was in Monument cemetery.
Mabel Clair Flower, daughter
of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth
Flower, was born October 13,
1878, at Onawa. Iowa. She was
married to John Otis Corn on
Jamiarv 24. 1893. and with their
family moved to Monument in
She was preceaea in oenwi
hv nor hnehand. two daughters.
one son ana inree great Kranu-
Surviving children are Roy
Cork, Harold Cork, Mildred
Johnson and Marjorie Hunting
ton of Bend; Merrill Morris,
Brownsville; Bob Cork, Clats
kanie, and Alice Johnson of Cor
dova, Alaska. Also 23 grand
children and 56 great grandchildren.
fishing over the Memorial week
end. Mr. and Mr. Danny Glenger
moved to Pendleton over the
week-end where he will be em
ployed by Tom Ross.
Mr. and Mr. T. Round of Long
Creik visited Memorial Day
with Maynard Hamilton.
Mrs. Betty Harris of Arizona
is visiting her son. Aaron Harris,
and with the Kay Davis family
Guests of Mrs. Irene Forrvst
for the Memorial week-end were
her two daughters and families
frr.m tho tallov and on Jai'k
and family of Monument. They
celebrated Mrs. Forrest' birth-
Parents Urged
To Get Needed
Health Forms
Oregon school Uw require
all Incoming firt and ninth
cratW atudent to have a r
kho.d -i)hl'l ltd oVhlal
amlnatlon. and to Present the
completed form at the tietMn-
nlnn of the mikhii year, accord
ing to the Oregon State Board
of Health.
Parent are urged to have the
required examination done now,
thu allowing time to complete
needed ImmunUatlona or any
neHled corrective work which U
Indicated, and to avoid any lal
hv waitimr until
just before school start in Mor
row county on 'ptemoer i.
"Oregon Pupil Medical Rec
ord" or "Goldenrod" forma may
be obtained In the office of lo
cal physician. Morrow county
health department, or county
school office.
Completed form ahould be
brought to school at the time
of entrance, or may be mailed
to the health department office
In Heppner.
Birth certificates I required for
first grade nil application form
are available In the health de
partment or will be mailed up
on request.
Vlsitlag with Mrs. Latter Do
little on Memorial week-end
were her daughter and son In
law. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Perratt.
and two daughter. Susan and
Leslie, of Portland, and Mr.
Duol title's brother and lstcr
Inlaw, Mr. and Mr. Walter
Rood of Elgin. The Roods also
visited their son. Gerald, and
family here.
dav on Sunday.
Mrs. Duncan drove to Port
land Sunday where she took a
plane for the east where he
will meet her husband. Rev.
Duncan, and will return home
t get her.
A large gathering of around
4') rockhoundcrs from Portland
and Gresham gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Mor
gan Saturday noon.
Public Notices
In the Matter of the Folate of
MrTKr: H HthKHV tilVKN
that I'atilck C. Iiohetly ha been
appointed by the above entitled
Court a AdiiiltiUtrator of the
tate of Kone iXiherty, IH-cea
i- I. and hat duly qualified a
All perion having claim
alnl uld t-atal are hereby
n"llfletl and required lu ptewnl
them with proper vouchers
therefor ami verified at pre-
x-rllua.l hv law tit tht aald Ad-
mlnUtrator In cat of the Mor
row County Clerk. Morrow toun
ty Courthouse. Heppner. Oregon.
..in, in i .ii.nl ha fmm thu date
hereof, to wit: On or before the
3rd dav of November. r..V
DATED and first published
IhU 3rd day of June, l'Ml
AdmlnUlrator of the Khla(.
if Ho Doherty, Dtneaned,
Attorneyt for AdmlnUlrator
Date of first publication: June
Date of lt publUatlon! July
Justice Court
May 21 John Mathew While.
Condon. defe1lve equipment.
fined JI0
May 27 Uke Sidney Hut kner,
.ne, elrel vehicle llcena',
fined V
May 27 -eland Fred Maglll.
Cecil, failure to drive on right
klde of highway, ime.i ..
May 27 Bruce William
flth, dl"oleyed atop atgn.
Ye, tha Gaete-Tlmet can
print the form you need for bu.
ni--t or ranch use. Itione 670-
Inventory Clearance
From June 1 Through 5
8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Don's Auto Parts
The home of Mr. and Mrs
Marvin "Bill" Howell at Spray
burned to the ground late Fri
day night. They were awakened
by the dog and were able to
save very little clothing, bed
ding and the refrigerator. Their
two sons were visiting with
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Howell at the time.
Bill Schaffer and Bill Doolie
of Portland were visiting the
Howell families of Frank, Clif
ford and Everett over the Mem
orial week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howell
and son moved to their ranch on
Wall Creek for the summer.
Mrs. Marge Hughes of Pendle
ton visited Saturday and Sun
day with her brothers, Frank
and Joe Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrel,
Mrs. L. J. Matteson and Mrs.
Elmer Matteson drove to Pendle
ton Friday for medical checkups.
D. L. Matteson of Pendleton
spent Memorial week-end here
with his folks.
Mrs. Frances Noland took
Jessie Scott and son Robin to
John Day for medical aid Mon
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell
drove to Prineville Saturday
morning where they met his
folks from Kinzua, then con
tinued on to Madras to do some
I ---
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